83 research outputs found

    Teoria de redes, Educação e Difusão do conhecimento

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    Nuestra idea es presentar este número especialsobre teoría de redes, educación y difusióndel conocimiento a partir de una síntesis de losartículos que lo componen. Considerando queel interés de la revista Obra digital consiste eninvestigaciones en el ámbito de la comunicacióny áreas afines, nuestra respuesta ha sidoreunir diversos trabajos. Los lectores de estenúmero encontrarán modelos teóricos que,basándose en simulaciones, auxilian en la explicacióny predicción de procesos como la difusiónde conocimiento en redes sociales, enlas que la colaboración y la cooperación entreindividuos toman lugar; también encontraránmodelos de redes relacionados con el entendimientode discursos, ya sean como herramientasde apoyo o como método y técnica deanálisis. Incluso, un trabajo que trata del mapeode las redes de interacción entre los diversosactores que componen comunidades depráctica. Finalmente, un artículo que presentaun protocolo estándar para la descripción dejuegos digitales

    Study on behavioral impedance for route planning techniques from the pedestrian's perspective: some findings and considerations

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    The multi-disciplinary characteristics of transportation force a new design of geographic information systems, within which these characteristics are considered. In this context, geographic information systems for transportation are the result of the integration of transportation information systems and conventional geographic information systems. An interesting research area in geographic information systems for transportation is constraint management in route planning algorithms from the pedestrian s perspective. Constraint management becomes more complex when route planning takes into account an integrated public transportation network (i.e. a multimodal network). A study on the theoretical contextualization and taxonomy of a pedestrian s behavioral impedance has been developed in order to improve the constraint management from the pedestrian s perspective. This study entails strategies of travel reduction by private transport (e.g. travel by car) through switching to or substitution by alternative public transport (e.g. travel by walk, bus or rail). The grounded theory method has been used to develop the proposed taxonomy. Using the partial results of a questionnaire applied to a reduced group of people from Barcelona as a starting point, important data are being collected to define the mathematical model of the behavioral impedance domain. The goal of this paper is to provide some considerations about theoretical contextualization on identification and management of constraints regarding the behavioral impedance domain from the pedestrian s perspective within the urban public transportation context. The research project where this work is included is composed of six major phases. The first phase represents a continuous bibliographic review. The second phase was a study on sidewalks in the university zone of Barcelona. In this phase, an experimental application has been proposed and the management, map and route modules have been implemented on the ArcInfo GIS package and C++. This paper reports the partial work of the third phase, which is composed of two parts. The first part was a theoretical study on behavioral impedance for route planning techniques, in which taxonomy was proposed. The results of the second part are partially presented in this paper. The fourth (i.e. design and implementation), fifth (i.e. calibration and validation) and sixth (i.e. generalization of the results) phases are characterized by the application of the prototype regarding the multimodal network model for urban public transportation from the pedestrian s perspective. The main contribution of this article is the behavioral impedance taxonomy review from the pedestrian s perspective, which will allow designing a mathematical model and be used to implement a constraint management algorithm. Within this context, the proposed taxonomy could be used to model cost functions more precisely.Postprint (published version

    Study on behavioral impedance for route planning techniques from the pedestrian's perspective: Part I - Theoretical contextualization and taxonomy

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    The interest of researchers for analyzing of best routes and shortest paths allows a continuous technological advance in topological analysis techniques used in the geographic information systems for transportation. One of the topological analysis techniques is the route planning, in which the constraint management must be considered. There have been few studies where the constraint domain for pedestrian in an urban transportation system was clearly stated. Consequently, more studies need to be carried out. The aim of this paper is to provide a theoretical contextualization on identification and management of constraints to ascertain the behavioral impedance domain from the pedestrian perspective. In this part of the research the grounded theory was the research method used to develop the proposed theory. A meta-model was used to (1) define the behavioral domain structure, (2) hold the behavioral data collection and (3) verify the design of the proposed taxonomic tree. The main contribution of this article is the behavioral domain taxonomy from the pedestrian perspective, which will be used to implement a module responsible for the constraint management of an experimental application, named Router. Within this context, the proposed taxonomy could be used to model cost functions more precisely.Postprint (published version

    Study on k-shortest paths with behavioral impedance domain from the intermodal public transportation system perspective

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    Behavioral impedance domain consists of a theory on route planning for pedestrians, within which constraint management is considered. The goal of this paper is to present the k-shortest path model using the behavioral impedance approach. After the mathematical model building, optimization problem and resolution problem by a behavioral impedance algorithm, it is discussed how behavioral impedance cost function is embedded in the k-shortest path model. From the pedestrian's route planning perspective, the behavioral impedance cost function could be used to calculate best subjective paths in the objective way.Postprint (published version

    Utilizando a Teoria de Redes Complexas para Soluções Logísticas Aplicadas no Modal Aquaviário

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    Teoria de redes e sa´úde

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    Revista Saúde.co

    Study on behavioral impedance for route planning techniques from the pedestrian s perspective: Part II - Mathematical approach

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    The theoretical foundations of the behavioral impedance domain are based on (1) a meta-model composed of analytical and mathematical approaches and (2) a taxonomy on the constraints involved in the decision-making process of a pedestrian during the route selection. The goal of this technical report is to present the mathematical model of the behavioral impedance domain. The partial least squares approach has been used to validate the meta-model analytical approach and develop the proposed mathematical model. This study contributes a mathematical model towards the implementation of behavioral impedance domain in geographic information systems for transportation through a constraint management module.Postprint (published version

    A rede social de ajuda-mútua de Narcóticos Anônimos : a relevância do prestígio, da centralidade de intermediação entre os membros

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    O presente trabalho teve como foco a recuperação de usuários de drogas decorrentes de suas inserções em grupos de ajuda-mútua de Narcóticos Anônimos. Descrito o método da construção e análise de uma rede social formada pelos membros de uma associação baseada nos princípios terapêuticos dos doze-passos. Foram avaliadas as dimensões proximidade, afastamento, padrinho e confiança na rede. Uma das análises relaciona os atores quanto ao prestígio e a rejeição, e outra sobre o controle do fluxo de informações entre eles. A topologia é de uma rede Livre de escala. Os resultados mostraram que o uso da teoria de redes permite entender o papel de cada membro do grupo. O efeito da dinâmica de grupo identifica lideres que influenciam as pessoas da rede. O compartilhamento de valores na re-educação tem permitido que a abstinência seja um valor crucial.This work was focused on drug user's recovery arising from its inserts in self-help groups of Narcotics Anonymous. Described the method of construction and analysis of a social network formed by members of an association based on therapeutic principles of the 12 steps. Proximity dimensions were evaluated, clearance, godfather and trust in the network. One of analysis lists the actors as the prestige and the rejection, and other on controlling the flow of information between them. The topology is a scale free network. The results showed that the use of the network theory allows us to understand the role of each member of the group. The effect of group dynamics identifies leaders influencing people network. Sharing values in re-education has allowed abstinence to be a crucial value in the recovery of drug us
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