1,636 research outputs found

    Mapeamento de fluxo de valor apoiado por sistemas de rastreio

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de ProduçãoA Manufatura Enxuta (ME), também conhecida como Sistema Toyota de Produção (STP), vem sendo utilizada por empresas do mundo inteiro, interessadas em buscar excelência em flexibilidade, qualidade, custos e desempenho na entrega. A ME apoia-se na utilização de um conjunto de práticas que visam alcançar estes objetivos, e o Mapa de Fluxo de Valor (MFV) tem-se mostrado como uma das suas práticas mais importantes. O MFV tem o objetivo de auxiliar as empresas no reconhecimento dos seus desperdícios, auxiliando na redução de custos e no aumento da produtividade e qualidade. Em estudos realizados sobre aplicações de MFV, identificaram-se alguns problemas que dificultam sua execução. Sua principal causa é a dificuldade na coleta de dados do processo produtivo, utilizados para construção de MFVs. De outra forma, a aplicação de tecnologias para rastreio vem crescendo de maneira expressiva, com a adoção de normas e padrões para o setor. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de desenvolver um método alternativo para coleta de dados utilizando equipamentos para georreferenciamento (GNSS), testá-lo na prática, e verificar se realmente pode servir como alternativa à coleta de dados para construção de MFVs. Este novo método, que pretende utilizar tecnologias de rastreio para construir MFVs, tem o objetivo de facilitar a coleta de dados em processos produtivos e tornar a execução dos mapas uma prática constante nas empresas.Lean Manufacturing (LM), also known as Toyota Production System (TPS) has been used by companies around the world, interested in pursuing excellence in flexibility, quality, cost and delivery performance. LM relies on the use of a set of practices aimed at achieving these goals, and Value Stream Map (VSM) has been shown as one of its most important practices. The VSM help companies in recognition of their waste, helping to reduce costs and increase productivity and quality. In studies about VSM applications, we identified some problems that hinder its implementation. Its main cause is the difficulty in collecting data from the production process, used for construction of FSMs. Otherwise, the application of technologies for screening is clearly growing, with the adoption of standards and industry standards. This work aims to develop an alternative method for data collection using equipment for georeferencing (GNSS), test it in practice, and make sure that it can serve as an alternative to data collection for construction of VSMs. This new method, you want to use tracking technologies to build VSMs, aims to facilitate the data collection processes and the implementation of the maps become a constant practice in companies

    Desenvolvimento de um método para suporte ao planejamento do processo de fabricação e garantia da qualidade de empresas do ramo metal-mecânico

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Metrologia Científica e Industrial.É cada vez mais comum que as empresas tenham que diversificar seus produtos e aumentarem seu portfólio. Essa prática vem sendo aplicada não só nas grandes empresas, mas também nas médias e pequenas. O mercado está ampliando suas exigências e fazendo com que as margens de lucros sejam diminuídas. Somente as empresas que têm domínio sobre seus processos estão sobrevivendo neste ambiente. Os custos das operações de retrabalho e as altas taxas refugo inviabilizam a produção e não são mais tolerados

    Escavações das mamoas 7 e 8 da Urreira, Escariz, Arouca, 1987.

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    99 Jan.-Dez. 1989, p. 290-318

    Avaliação da ferramenta de tecnologia da informação e comunicação (TIC) utilizada no processo de compras em uma IFES: propostas de melhorias

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    The purchasing area is one of the main activities of any public institution. However, if these activities are not carried out in an integrated way, the process will become inefficient. In this way, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) emerge as a means to rationalize and integrate the process. This work aims to identify the requirements of an ICT based tool that assists in the purchasing process in an Federal Institution of Higher Education. The research had a predominantly quantitative approach, of a described character, of the case study type, and was developed at the Federal University of Santa Maria. The analysis of the results made it possible to map the purchasing processes, identify the degree of satisfaction and degree of difficulty of users in the use of existing ICT tools, and identify suggestions for improvement in ICT tools. This is expected to improve the process, contributing to a more efficient public management.A área de compras se constitui em uma das principais atividades de qualquer instituição pública. Porém, se essas atividades não forem realizadas de forma integrada, o processo se tornará ineficiente. Dessa forma, as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC's) surgem como um meio para racionalizar e integrar o processo. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de identificar os requisitos de uma ferramenta baseada em TIC que auxilie no processo de compras em uma IFES. A pesquisa teve enfoque predominantemente quantitativo, de caráter descrito, do tipo estudo de caso, e foi desenvolvida na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. A análise dos resultados possibilitou realizar o mapeamento dos processos de compras, identificar o grau de satisfação e grau de dificuldade dos usuários na utilização das ferramentas de TIC existentes, além de identificar sugestões de melhoria nas ferramentas de TIC. Com isso se espera melhorar o processo, contribuindo para uma gestão pública mais eficiente

    Selective transfer in the acquisition of english double object constrctions by brazilian learners

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    The present study investigates the acquisition of the English double object constructions (GOLDBERG, 1995) by Brazilian learners. We hypothesize that, due to first language (L1) influences, the prepositional ditransitive construction (John gave a book to Mary) will be acquired earlier, while the ditransitive construction (John gave Mary a book) will be part of the learner’s interlanguages (SELINKER, 1972) only at the advanced level of proficiency. We also hypothesize that learners may transfer (ODLIN, 1989) the placement of the object pronoun in pre-verbal position from their L1 to their interlanguage in early stages of acquisition (João me deu um livro / *John me gave a book). We test our hypotheses by comparing the performance of three groups of learners (beginning, intermediate, and advanced) and native speakers of English on an acceptability judgment task used as a measure of learnability and generalization. Results confirm the order of acquisition of the English double object constructions predicted for native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. Moreover, results suggest that, although mother tongue influences may have taken place, they do not do so pervasively, but rather selectively, corroborating the proposal by Kellerman (1983)

    Um breve panorama abordando aspectos positivos e negativos da maricultura

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    A maricultura é o cultivo de organismos em meio marinho e estuarino. Atividade responsável pela produção de alimentos, agregar renda e diminuir a pressão sobre organismos explorados pela pesca, sendo importante ressaltar os pontos negativos da atividade.Este trabalho objetiva revisar as principais modalidades dentro da atividade, seus impactos positivos e negativos e discutir as propostas de mitigação da atividade. Foi realizada o levantamento de bibliografia de trabalhos científicos referentes a área. Dentre os pontos de vista abordados, é possível que a atividade seja benéfica e utilizada como um meio de geração de alimentos e renda, desde que sejam respeitadas as questões ambientai

    Ki-67 labeling in canine perianal glands neoplasms: a novel approach for immunohistological diagnostic and prognostic

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    Background: The antibody Ki-67 is a reliable and easy tool to accurately assess the growth fraction of neoplasms in humans and animals, and it has been used to predict the clinical outcome. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the immunohistochemical expression pattern of Ki-67 in normal and neoplastic perianal glands of dogs to evaluate the possible use of this proliferation marker as an ancillary method of perianal tumor diagnosis. We studied 42 cases of perianal gland neoplasms including adenomas (n = 15), epitheliomas (n = 15), and carcinomas (n = 12). As controls, 13 tissue samples from normal perianal glands were used. A Ki-67 index was established by a computer-assisted image analysis and compared with manual counting. Results: Out of the 42 cases of perianal gland neoplasms, 34 were from males and eight from females. Recurrence was reported in 14 cases, being higher (8/12) in carcinomas. Immunostaining for Ki-67 revealed that the carcinomas showed a higher proliferation rate (9.87%) compared to groups of epitheliomas (2.66%) and adenomas (0.36%). For adenomas and epitheliomas of the perianal glands the computer-assisted counting and the manual counting gave similar results; however, only the computer-assisted image analysis was efficient to predict the perianal gland carcinoma recurrence.Conclusion: Since there were significant differences in the number of Ki-67-positive nuclei, this marker proved to be effective in helping the classification of perianal gland neoplasms and to refine the diagnosis criteria, especially in those samples with high variation in morphology/area. Also, higher Ki-67 index is related to recurrence in cases of perianal gland carcinomas. Further, the computer-assisted image analysis proved to be a fast and reliable method to assess the Ki-67 index in perianal gland neoplasms. © 2013 Pereira et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Spatial distribution of the most abundant sea urchin populations on the southeast coast of São Paulo (Brazil)

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    Se investigó la variación espacial en la abundancia de Echinometra lucunter, Lytechinus variegatus y Arbacia lixula con respecto a cuatro escalas espaciales (105, 104, 103 y 102 m) y dos profundidades (0–3 y 3–8 m), a lo largo de 100 km del litoral de São Paulo (agosto a octubre de 1996). Echinometra lucunter fue la especie más abundante, prefiriendo los fondos más someros bajo el efecto del oleaje. Se identificó un gradiente en su abundancia, aumentando en dirección del suroeste al noreste. Arbacia lixula mostró el mismo gradiente, pero con una mayor abundancia en el sector más profundo. Ambas especies mostraron diferencias significativas a una escala espacial de centenares de metros y E. lucunter también a una escala de kilómetros. Lytechinus variegatus mostró un patrón en mosaico, siendo abundante en ciertos sitios. Las variaciones en la calidad del agua y en la heterogeneidad natural del hábitat podrían explicar de forma conjunta la distribución espacial de estas poblaciones.The spatial variability of Echinometra lucunter, Lytechinus variegatus and Arbacia lixula was studied in relation to four spatial scales (105, 104, 103 and 102 m) and two depths (0–3 and 3–8 m), along 100 km of the São Paulo coastline (August to October 1996). Echinometra lucunter was the most abundant species, with preference for shallow substrates subject to wave action. An abundance gradient was identified, increasing from southwest to northeast. Arbacia lixula showed the same pattern of spatial variation, but was more abundant in the deeper areas. Both species showed significant differences on a spatial scale of hundreds of meters, and E. lucunter also on a scale of kilometers. Lytechinus variegates presented a patchy distribution, being more abundant at certain sites. Variations in the water quality and natural heterogeneity of the habitat may explain the spatial distribution of these populations.El presente trabajo ha sido realizado gracias a dos becas INTERCAMPUS (1996–1997) concedidas por el Gobierno Español (Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores) a PSJ para su estancia en el Laboratorio de Ecotoxicología (Brasil)


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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of the industrial preservative treatment with Chromated Copper Borate (CCB) in different concentrations and pressure time in the autoclave through retention and penetration in Eucalyptus wood. Nine Eucalyptus trees were felled, debarking and cut into fence posts with a length of 2.20 meters and diameters ranging from 9.2 to 15.4 cm. The Eucalyptus fence posts were submitted to the industrial autoclave (Bethel method) in nine conditions, according to the CCB concentration and the pressure times: 1.5%, 2.0%, and 2.5% and 30, 60 and 90 minutes. The retention and penetration tests were performed. The application of 1.5% CCB concentration and 30 minutes of pressure in the autoclave provided penetration and retention according to the levels required for the application of the wood as fence posts in contact with the soil, and is the conditions indicated for the treatment E. urograndis wood preservative with CCB