222 research outputs found

    Brigadas Rojas: oportunidad, estructura organizativa y evolución violenta

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    [ES] En el presente trabajo, se estudia el caso de las Brigadas Rojas desde una perspectiva estructural y agencial. La perspectiva estrucutral (correspondiente a el tránsito del fordismo al posfordismo y de la modernidad a la posmodernidad; así como el estudio de la capacidad del Estado italiano) permite comprender aquellos factores que sirvieron de oportunidad para el grupo armado italiano y la perspectiva agencial (correspondiente a la estructura organizativa y la evolución violenta) permite analizar el cambio acontecido en el movimiento

    Investigación de los asfaltos modificados con el uso de caucho reciclado de llantas y su comparación técnico-económico con los asfaltos convencionales

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    Las necesidades y exigencias de las ciudades, han permitido que las técnicas actuales en en el campo de la construcción de caminos cumplan con las exigencias de los usuarios y clientes, hoy en día los productos asfálticos han tenido un gran desarrollo y se cuenta con nuevas productos para modificarlas, obtenidos de la realización de pruebas en los diferentes materiales que conforman un asfalto. Las características de estosmodificadores permiten el empleo de casi todos los tipos. El motivo del presente trabajo, fue realizado con el fin de investigar los Asfaltos Modificados con el uso de Caucho Reciclado de Llantas y su comparación Técnico-Económico con los Asfaltos Convecionales,evaluandolos con ensayos de laboratorio, para detreminar su utilización en lapavimentación de carreteras. Se evalúan las ventajas y desventajas, costo/beneficio, que representa el uso de esta mezcla; las propiedades físico-mecánicas de éste y cómo contribuyen a la reducción de la deformación porfatiga del asfalto. En diferentes paises vecinos estatécnica se está usando desde años atraz, con resusltados exitosos que benefician a los usuarios y ayudan a la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente por usar llantas en desuso que son tiradas a los botaderos.The needs and demands of cities, have allowed the current techniques in the field of road construction meet the requirements of users and customers, today's asphalt products have had great development and has new products to modify them, obtained from the testing of the different materials that make up an asphalt. The characteristics of these switches allow the use of almost all types. The subject of this work was performed in order to investigate the modified asphalt using recycled rubber from tires and camparison technical and economic with convecionales Asfaltos, evaluating them with laboratory tests for detreminar use in supavimentación road . The advantages and disadvantages, cost / benefit, which represents the use of this mixture are evaluated; the physical-mechanical thereof and how they contribute to reducing fatigue deformation of asphalt. properties In various neighboring countries this technique is being used from atraz years, with successful resusltados that benefit users and contribute to sustainability of the environment by using waste tires are thrown at the dumps. In our country due to lack of information is not this kind of modified asphalt is used, that is why this project will help the spread of this issue.Tesi

    Book review: Ralph R. Frerichs: Deadly river - Cholera and cover-up in post-earthquake

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    As most of PV systems, CPV systems are also affected by mismatching losses, particularly due to misalignment of optics and receivers. As a result, module level power electronics can help to increase their energy yield by making every CPV module deliver it maximum power at the output. Among the different alternatives, solutions based on DC power optimizers exhibit higher conversion efficiencies and lower costs than microinverters. However, while microinverters ensure optimal operation independently from the operating conditions, system design with DC power optimizers must be carefully examined to avoid potential underperformance. This paper describes not only the customized design and validation of a high-efficiency and economical DC power optimizer for HCPV systems, but also a comprehensive analysis of the whole system design to optimize its production under expected working conditions.Main design specifications (electrical parameters of module and number of modules per tracker), as well as supporting information for mismatching losses estimation, have been provided by ASSE within CPVMatch project. This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme within the project CPVMatch under grant agreement No 640873

    Diffusional Behavior of New Insulating Gas Mixtures as Alternatives to the SF6-Use in Medium Voltage Switchgear

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    Regarding the use of SF6 in medium voltage switchgear (MVS), a review of alternatives was encouraged by the European Parliament in Regulation No 517/2014. This is aimed at a new regulatory change, that is expected soon, which will include its prohibition, similar to what has happened with other fluorinated greenhouse gases in other fields, like refrigeration. Therefore, there is an urgent need to study the physical and chemical properties of alternative gas mixtures to determine if they are suitable to replace SF6. In this context, this work addresses the difusional analysis of new gases. Binary and ternary mixtures made of 1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene (C3F4H2) and heptafluoroisopropyl trifluoromethyl ketone (C5F10O), using dry air as a carrier gas, were studied. The mixtures were analyzed using original equipment, composed of UV-Vis spectroscopy technology in a sealed gas chamber, which is similar to MVS. Consequently, an experimental equipment that monitors the concentration of a gas mixture online and a model that predicts the mixing process were designed and tested. The concentration profiles were obtained concerning both the time and position in the gas chamber, and the diffusional and convectional parameters were numerically calculated and optimized in an algorithm created in Scilab.This research was funded by the Basque Government, grant numbers KK-2017/00090 and KK-2019/00017

    Gestión logística y rentabilidad de inventarios en una empresa Retail de Nuevo Chimbote, 2022

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    Actualmente se vive un proceso de readaptación de los sistemas logísticos debido a los periodos de inactividad operativa presentes en los últimos años, los cuales han acrecentado la incertidumbre sobre cuánto es lo óptimo para satisfacer las necesidades del mercado, abriendo el umbral a problemáticas de sobre stock y quiebre dentro de las empresas. La presente tesis tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis de la gestión logística enfocada en el control de inventarios para establecer su relación con la rentabilidad de inventarios en una empresa del sector retail en Nuevo Chimbote. La investigación fue aplicada y mantuvo un diseño no experimental descriptivo, desarrollada con el propósito de determinar los efectos de la gestión logística en la rentabilidad de los inventarios, implementando un instrumento de recolección de datos, el método probabilístico Montecarlo y el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. En conclusión, no existe una relación entre los incidentes en la operación de sistemas logísticos y la rentabilidad de inventarios puestos que p-valor>0,00

    Producción de leche en vaquería «Jibara» y su relación con indicadores reproductivos y no reproductivos

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    To evaluate existent relationship among production of adjusted milk to 244 and 305 days of nursing in cows Siboney de Cuba and some reproductive and notreproductive factors during 5 serial years, information related with nursing's was compiled finished in period 2010-2015, of 214 cows of the unit «LaJíbara».Conformed to database that facilitated to analyze production of milk in both nursing's according to: I weigh incorporation to reproduction, age to thefirst childbirth, interval childbirthchildbirth, time of the year to the childbirth, as well as incidence of the empty days on production of milk. To the no reproductive factors in study was carried out variance analysis according to model of simple classification, by means of docima of comparison of stockings LSDFisher, while to the reproductive ones, was carried out non parametric variance analysis of simple classification Kruskal Wallis, by means of docima ofConover. You concludes when evaluating the effect of factors associated to the production of milk that the incorporate females to the reproduction should count approximately of 300 Kg of weight I live and appropriate age, aspect that demands to work more with the substitution from early ages, to reach a first childbirth around 32 months of age, what is reached when combining existent alimentary technologies appropriately in the tropic, with correct handling of the same ones,  should also improve it disciplines technological of the reproductive handling of the flock that allows to serve and to gestate the biggest quantity in cows in the period postchildbirth, that which improves the production of milk and the general economy of the exploitation substantially.Para evaluar relación existente entre producción de leche ajustada a 244 y 305 días de lactancia en vacas Siboney de Cuba y algunos indicadores reproductivosy no reproductivos durante 5 años consecutivos, se compiló información relacionada con lactancias terminadas en período 2010-2015, de 214 vacas de launidad «La Jíbara». Se conformó base de datos, que posibilitó analizar producción de leche en ambas lactancias según: peso incorporación a reproducción, edad al primer parto, intervalo parto-parto, época del año al parto, así como incidencia de los días vacíos sobre producción de leche. A los indicadores no reproductivos en estudio se le realizó análisis de varianza según modelo de clasificación simple, mediante dócima de comparación de medias LSD Fisher, mientras a los reproductivos, se realizó análisis de varianza no paramétrico de clasificación simple Kruskal Wallis, mediante dócima de Conover. Se concluye al evaluar el efecto de indicadores coligados a la producción de leche, que las hembras incorporadas a la reproducción deben contar aproximadamente de 300 Kg de peso vivo y edad adecuada, aspecto que exige trabajar más con el reemplazo desde edades tempranas, para alcanzar un primer parto alrededor de 32 meses de edad, lo que se alcanza al combinar adecuadamente tecnologías alimentarias existentes en el trópico, con correcto manejo de las mismas, además debe mejorarse disciplina tecnológica del manejo reproductivo del rebaño que permita servir y gestar la mayor cantidad de vacas en el período postparto, lo cual mejora sustancialmente la producción de leche y la economía general de la explotación

    Combination of X-ray crystallography, SAXS and DEER to obtain the structure of the FnIII-3,4 domains of integrin a6b4

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    Integrin alpha6beta4 is a major component of hemidesmosomes that mediate the stable anchorage of epithelial cells to the underlying basement membrane. Integrin alpha6beta4 has also been implicated in cell proliferation and migration and in carcinoma progression. The third and fourth fibronectin type III domains (FnIII-3,4) of integrin beta4 mediate binding to the hemidesmosomal proteins BPAG1e and BPAG2, and participate in signalling. Here, it is demonstrated that X-ray crystallography, small-angle X-ray scattering and double electron– electron resonance (DEER) complement each other to solve the structure of the FnIII-3,4 region. The crystal structures of the individual FnIII-3 and FnIII-4 domains were solved and the relative arrangement of the FnIII domains was elucidated by combining DEER with site-directed spin labelling. Multiple structures of the interdomain linker were modelled by Monte Carlo methods complying with DEER constraints, and the final structures were selected against experimental scattering data. FnIII-3,4 has a compact and cambered flat structure with an evolutionary conserved surface that is likely to correspond to a protein-interaction site. Finally, this hybrid method is of general application for the study of other macromolecules and complexes

    Institutional adoption and implementation of b-learning and its relationship with the self-perceived individual work performance of UPC faculty, in 2022

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar si existe relación entre la adopción e implementación institucional de la modalidad b-learning en la UPC con el desempeño laboral individual autopercibido del personal que es parte de su plana docente. El diseño empleado para esta investigación es de base no experimental, de tipo transeccional y de alcance correlacional. La metodología utilizada para la recolección de información fue de enfoque cuantitativo. Para medir la percepción de los docentes de la UPC respecto de las dos variables materia de estudio, se elaboró y aplicó un cuestionario tipo Likert. La confiabilidad del referido instrumento fue definida mediante el Coeficiente de Alfa de Cronbach (0.905) y su validación fue concedida mediante el juicio de expertos en investigación. Se empleó la técnica de muestreo aleatorio simple para identificar una muestra de 174 docentes, de una población comprendida por 202 profesores a tiempo completo con experiencia en el dictado de cursos a distancia y blended, en los niveles de enseñanza de Pregrado y EPE. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación del Coeficiente de Correlación de Spearman (ρ = 0.668) y el Coeficiente de determinación (R2 = 0.512), se infiere la existencia de una relación directa y de intensidad fuerte entre la adopción e implementación institucional de la modalidad b-learning en la UPC y el desempeño laboral individual autopercibido de su plana docente, durante el 2022.The objective of this research is to determine if there is a relationship between institutional adoption and implementation of b-learning modality at the UPC with the self-perceived individual work performance of the faculty. The research design is non-experimental, transactional type and correlational scope. Likewise, quantitative approach methodology was used for data collection, therefore, regarding the two variables under study, a Likert-type survey was developed to measure the perception of UPC faculty. The reliability of the aforementioned instrument was defined by Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient (0.905) and its validation was granted through the judgment of research experts. A simple random sampling technique was used to recognize 174 teachers from a population comprised of 202 full-time teachers with experience on distance and blended courses, at the Undergraduate and EPE levels. According to Spearman's Correlation Coefficient (ρ = 0.668) and Determination Coefficient (R2 = 0.512), the existence of a direct and strong intensity relationship is inferred between the institutional adoption and implementation of b-learning modality in the UPC and the self-perceived individual work performance of the faculty, during 2022.Trabajo de investigació

    NWCSAF High Resolution Winds (NWC/GEO-HRW) Stand-Alone Software for Calculation of Atmospheric Motion Vectors and Trajectories

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    The High Resolution Winds (NWC/GEO-HRW) software is developed by the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Support to Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting (NWCSAF). It is part of a stand-alone software package for the calculation of meteorological products with geostationary satellite data (NWC/GEO). NWCSAF High Resolution Winds provides a detailed calculation of Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) and Trajectories, locally and in near real time, using as input geostationary satellite image data, NWP model data, and OSTIA sea surface temperature data. The whole NWC/GEO software package can be obtained after registration at the NWCSAF Helpdesk, www.nwcsaf.org, where users also find support and help for its use. NWC/GEO v2018.1 software version, available since autumn 2019, is able to process MSG, Himawari-8/9, GOES-N, and GOES-R satellite series images, so that AMVs and trajectories can be calculated all throughout the planet Earth with the same algorithm and quality. Considering other equivalent meteorological products, in the ‘2014 and 2018 AMV Intercomparison Studies’ NWCSAF High Resolution Winds compared very positively with six other AMV algorithms for both MSG and Himawari-8/9 satellites. Finally, the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) recognized in its ‘2012 Meeting Report’: (1) NWCSAF High Resolution Winds fulfills the requirements to be a portable stand-alone AMV calculation software due to its easy installation and usability. (2) It has been successfully adopted by some CGMS members and serves as an important tool for development. It is modular, well documented, and well suited as stand-alone AMV software. (3) Although alternatives exist as portable stand-alone AMV calculation software, they are not as advanced in terms of documentation and do not have an existing Helpdesk

    Doble presencia y Teletrabajo de las mujeres en tiempos de COVID-19

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal analizar el impacto psicosocial, de la doble presencia y la distribución familiar del trabajo doméstico, entre las mujeres que teletrabajan durante la etapa de confinamiento total, medida tomada por el gobierno con tal de gestionar la crisis del COVID-19, además de ver como este confinamiento impacto en sus vidas. A partir de la realización de una encuesta a 200 mujeres obtuvimos datos cuantitativos, esta muestra fue clasificada en tres grupos a partir de un análisis de cluster, las características definitorias de estos clusters son: la convivencia con la pareja y con los hijos, es decir, como se conformaba su hogar, obteniendo así el grupo de Jóvenes en parejas, Casadas con hijos y Solteras. Con estos tres perfiles definidos pasamos a la búsqueda de las diferencias significativas en los ítems y dimensiones de la encuesta, obteniendo que el trabajo doméstico es el más afectado.This study aims to analyse the psychosocial impact of the double burden and family distribution of domestic work among women who telework during the stage of total lockdown, a measure taken by the government in order to manage the COVID-19 crisis, as well as to see how this confinement impacts on their lives. From a survey of 200 women, we obtained quantitative data, this sample was classified into three groups based on a cluster analysis, the defining characteristics of these clusters are: cohabitation with a partner and children, that is, how their household was formed, thus obtaining the group of Young people in couples, Married with children and Single. With these three profiles defined, we went on to search for significant differences in the items and dimensions of the survey, obtaining that domestic work is the most affected