1,693 research outputs found

    On the origin of the North Pacific arcs

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    We present a new hypothesis that relates global plate tectonics to the formation of marginal basins, island arcs, spreading ridges and arc-shaped mountain belts around the North Pacific Ocean. According to our model, the ellipsoidal-shaped Paleogene basins of the South China Sea, Parece-Vela Basin, Shikoku Basin, Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk in addition to those of the North American Cordillera can be attributed to the change in plate convergence direction at 42 Ma between the Indoaustralian and Eurasian plates. The new direction of convergence was parallel to the eastern continental margin of Asia and resulted in widespread extension perpendicular to this margin and to the western margin of North America. Both margins form part of a circle parallel to the Indoaustralian-Eurasian direction of convergence

    Optimizing photon indistinguishability in the emission from incoherently-excited semiconductor quantum dots

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    Most optical quantum devices require deterministic single-photon emitters. Schemes so far demonstrated in the solid state imply an energy relaxation which tends to spoil the coherent nature of the time evolution, and with it the photon indistinguishability. We focus our theoretical investigation on semiconductor quantum dots embedded in microcavities. Simple and general relations are identified between the photon indistinguishability and the collection efficiency. The identification of the key parameters and of their interplay provides clear indications for the device optimization

    Single and two photon emission from a semiconductor quantum dot in an optical microcavity

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    We calculate the single and two photon emission from a cavity containing quantum dot incoherently pumped. Results for correlation functions and the entanglement visibility of linearly polarized photons are presented

    Polarization entanglement visibility of photon pairs emitted by a quantum dot embedded in a microcavity

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    We study the photon emission from a quantum dot embedded in a microcavity. Incoherent pumping of its excitons and biexciton provokes the emission of leaky and cavity modes. By solving a master equation we obtain the correlation functions required to compute the spectrum and the relative efficiency among the emission of pairs and single photons. A quantum regime appears for low pumping and large rate of emission. By means of a post-selection process, a two beams experiment with different linear polarizations could be performed producing a large polarization entanglement visibility precisely in the quantum regime.Comment: 13 pages and 6 figure

    Seyfert's Sextet: A Slowly Dissolving Stephan's Quintet?

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    We present a multiwavelength study of the highly evolved compact galaxy group known as Seyfert's Sextet (HCG79: SS). We interpret SS as a 2-3 Gyr more evolved analog of Stephan's Quintet (HCG92: SQ). We postulate that SS formed by sequential acquisition of 4-5 primarily late-type field galaxies. Four of the five galaxies show an early-type morphology which is likely the result of secular evolution driven by gas stripping. Stellar stripping has produced a massive/luminous halo and embedded galaxies that are overluminous for their size. These are interpreted as remnant bulges of the accreted spirals. H79d could be interpreted as the most recent intruder being the only galaxy with an intact ISM and uncertain evidence for tidal perturbation. In addition to stripping activity we find evidence for past accretion events. H79b (NGC6027) shows a strong counter-rotating emission line component interpreted as an accreted dwarf spiral. H79a shows evidence for an infalling component of gas representing feedback or possible cross fueling by H79d. The biggest challenge to this scenario involves the low gas fraction in the group. If SS formed from normal field spirals then much of the gas is missing. Finally, despite its advanced stage of evolution, we find no evidence for major mergers and infer that SS (and SQ) are telling us that such groups coalesce via slow dissolution.Comment: 70 pages, 19 figures, 15 tables - accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Dynamics of the excitations of a quantum dot in a microcavity

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    We study the dynamics of a quantum dot embedded in a three-dimensional microcavity in the strong coupling regime in which the quantum dot exciton has an energy close to the frequency of a confined cavity mode. Under the continuous pumping of the system, confined electron and hole can recombine either by spontaneous emission through a leaky mode or by stimulated emission of a cavity mode that can escape from the cavity. The numerical integration of a master equation including all these effects gives the dynamics of the density matrix. By using the quantum regression theorem, we compute the first and second order coherence functions required to calculate the photon statistics and the spectrum of the emitted light. Our main result is the determination of a range of parameters in which a state of cavity modes with poissonian or sub-poissonian (non-classical) statistics can be built up within the microcavity. Depending on the relative values of pumping and rate of stimulated emission, either one or two peaks close to the excitation energy of the dot and/or to the natural frequency of the cavity are observed in the emission spectrum. The physics behind these results is discussed