1,255 research outputs found

    Peanut Shell for Energy: Properties and Its Potential to Respect the Environment

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    The peanut (Arachys hypogaea) is a plant of the Fabaceae family (legumes), as are chickpeas, lentils, beans, and peas. It is originally from South America and is used mainly for culinary purposes, in confectionery products, or as a nut as well as for the production of biscuits, breads, sweets, cereals, and salads. Also, due to its high percentage of fat, peanuts are used for industrialized products such as oils, flours, inks, creams, lipsticks, etc. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) statistical yearbook in 2016, the production of peanuts was 43,982,066 t, produced in 27,660,802 hectares. Peanuts are grown mainly in Asia, with a global production rate of 65.3%, followed by Africa with 26.2%, the Americas with 8.4%, and Oceania with 0.1%. The peanut industry is one of the main generators of agroindustrial waste (shells). This residual biomass (25–30% of the total weight) has a high energy content that is worth exploring. The main objectives of this study are, firstly, to evaluate the energy parameters of peanut shells as a possible solid biofuel applied as an energy source in residential and industrial heating installations. Secondly, different models are analysed to estimate the higher heating value (HHV) for biomass proposed by different scientists and to determine which most accurately fits the determination of this value for peanut shells. Thirdly, we evaluate the reduction in global CO2 emissions that would result from the use of peanut shells as biofuel. The obtained HHV of peanut shells (18.547 MJ/kg) is higher than other biomass sources evaluated, such as olive stones (17.884 MJ/kg) or almond shells (18.200 MJ/kg), and similar to other sources of biomass used at present for home and industrial heating applications. Different prediction models of the HHV value proposed by scientists for different types of biomass have been analysed and the one that best fits the calculation for the peanut shell has been determined. The CO2 reduction that would result from the use of peanut shells as an energy source has been evaluated in all production countries, obtaining values above 0.5 ‰ of their total emissions

    Gramátcia y producción textual: bases lingüístícas para la intervención didáctica

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    El aprendizaje de la gramática en la enseñanza secundaria continúa utilizando una metodología deductiva, a la vez que se presenta desconectada de los otros componentes de la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura Lengua castellana y literatura. Para escapar de los planteamientos deductivos, en primer lugar adoptamos un punto de vista discursivo; en segundo lugar, proponemos partir del conocimiento de la producción escrita de los estudiantes, caracterizada por la pobreza de recursos y la presencia de errores. La Lingüística de Corpus permite conocer el primer aspecto, por ejemplo, nexos para conectar partes del texto. Por su parte, el Análisis de Errores revela las incorrecciones que en mayor medida cometen los estudiantes, tales como problemas de correferencia en textos narrativos o solecismos y errores pragmáticos en textos argumentativos. Estas dificultades, situadas en contextos textuales concretos, deben proponerse como los principales objetos de aprendizaje de la gramática a la vez que deben incidir en la forma en la que el profesor afronta la gramática.Secondary schools still use a deductive approach in learning grammar. Besides, grammar learning continues to be disconnected from the other components of the teaching and learning of the subject Lengua Castellana y Literatura. To avoid the deductive approach, firstly we adopt a discursive point of view; secondly, we propose to start with the knowledge of our students’ written productions, which are characterized mainly by poverty of resources and the presence of errors. Corpus Linguistics allows us to know the first aspect, for example, links to connect parts of the text. Meanwhile, Error Analysis reveals the inaccuracies that the students produce, such as coreference problems in narrative texts or solecisms and pragmatic errors in argumentative texts. Such difficulties, situated in specific textual contexts, should be proposed as the main objects of grammar learning. At the same time, they must affect the way in which teachers deal with grammar.peerReviewe

    Esteban de Garibay y la hipótesis hebraico-nabucodonosoriana

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    The chronicler Esteban de Garibay (1533-1599) is known in Historiography of Linguistics because of his contribution to the development of the apologist Basque tradition (Zubiaur 1989; Anchustegui 2011). However his book Los quarenta libros del Compendio Historial de las Chronicas y universal Historia de todos los Reynos de España, published in 1571, also involves the strengthening of a hypothesis about the primitive language of Spain which is relatively unknown, i.e. the theory of Hebrew. Together with his defense of Basque as first language of the Iberian Peninsula, we find a broad argumentation that intends to show a view of the ancient Spain where the Semitic element, Hebrew or Chaldean, had an important role. In this sense, we have to remember Garibay’s relationship with Toledan converso population and also his work as genealogist and his manuscript entitled Nobleza y estado de las Grandezas de España. In this paper I study the way in which Garibay’s work brings together Basque hypothesis with Hebrew and Chaldean theories, as well as the treatment of the possible sources.El cronista Esteban de Garibay (1533-1599) se conoce en la historiografía lingüística por la contribución de sus ideas al desarrollo de la tradición apologista vasca (Zubiaur 1989; Anchustegui 2011). Sin embargo, su obra Los quarenta libros del Compendio Historial de las Chronicas y universal Historia de todos los Reynos de España, publicada en 1571, también supone el reforzamiento de una hipótesis de lengua primitiva en España poco conocida, como es la hebrea. Junto a la defensa del euskera como primera lengua de la Península Ibérica, descubrimos en Garibay una amplia argumentación que pretende ofrecer una visión de la España primitiva donde lo semítico hebreo y caldeo tuvo una enorme relevancia. En este sentido, hay que hacer mención de sus relaciones con la sociedad conversa toledana, de su importante labor como genealogista y de su manuscrito titulado Nobleza y estado de las Grandezas de España. En este artículo, estudiamos en la obra de Garibay su forma de conjugar la hipótesis vasca y la hebrea o caldea y el tratamiento de las fuentes posibles que utiliza

    Hipotiroidismo congénito: Evaluación del programa de screening neonatal

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    En los últimos 25 años del siglo XX, los avances tecnológicos permitieron cambiar de forma drástica -en los países industrializados-, el momento diagnóstico, el comienzo del tratamiento substitutivo y el pronóstico intelectual de los hipotiroideos congénitos. En el momento presente, en España, se ha conseguido generalizar y optimizar el programa de screening neonatal, consiguiendo una cobertura prácticamente del 100%. Por otra parte, los posteriores controles que requieren estos pacientes deben ser mantenidos durante la infancia y la adolescencia, en unidades de Endocrinología Pediátrica. Se recogen el presente estudio, una serie de casos controlados en el Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid entre 1990-2016.Grado en Medicin

    La historia de la lengua española en la reflexión renacentista

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    El conocimiento de la historia de la lengua española se desarrolla entre mitos desde los albores del Renacimiento. En este trabajo tratamos las diferentes perspectivas desde las que se discutió esta historia entre Nebrija y Covarrubias: a) el origen latino del castellano; b) el mito de Túbal como primer poblador de la Península Ibérica, que fundamenta las hipótesis antagónicas del euskera, del caldeo y del castellano como lenguas primigenias de la Península; c) el episodio de Babel como explicación del origen de la diversidad lingüística; d) la lengua hebrea como lengua primitiva de la humanidad; e) el relato de la deportación de los hebreos a España, en tiempos de Nabucodonosor, como fundamentación de la teoría del hebreo como lengua principal en el periodo primitivo; y, finalmente, f) la defensa de la pluralidad lingüística de la España primitiva

    Sustainable Energy Based on Sunflower Seed Husk Boiler for Residential Buildings

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    Buildings account for one third of the world’s energy consumption, 70% of which is devoted to heating and cooling. To increase the share of renewables in the energy consumption of buildings, it is necessary to research and promote new sources of green energy. World production of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) was 47.34 million tons in 2016, with a harvested area of 26.20 million hectares, and the main producing countries being Ukraine, the Russian Federation, and Argentina, which produce about half of world production of sunflower seed. The sunflower husk, which represents a percentage by weight of 45%–60% of the seed depending on the sunflower variety, is widely used for the production of feed; however, its energy use is very scarce. The objectives of this study were to analyse the energy properties of sunflower husk as a solid biofuel and to carry out an energy, environmental, economic and operational analysis of a thermal installation fed with this by-product of the sunflower oil industry. The results show that this agro-industrial waste has a Higher Heating Value (HHV) of 17.844 MJ/kg, similar to that of other solid biofuels currently used. In addition, replacing a 430 kW fuel oil boiler with a biomass boiler of the same capacity fed by this biofuel can avoid the emission of 254.09 tons of CO2 per year, as well as obtain an annual energy saving of 75.47%. If we consider the production of sunflower seeds in each country and the sunflower husk were used as biofuel, this would result in a CO2 saving of more than 10 per thousand of the total emissions emitted. The results of this work contribute to the standardization of this by-product as a solid biofuel for thermal energy generation due to its potential to reduce CO2 emissions and increase energy efficiency

    Sagrada citara de la cruz, en que la muy noble y fidelissima ciudad de Salamanca cantó a Día tres de Mayo de este presente año se 1707, las mas rendidas gracias al Sanctisimo Christo de las Batallas ... Felipe Quinto de Borbon y Castilla el belicoso

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Sign.: []1, [calderón]4, A4-D4Texto a dos cols. con apostillas marginalesPort. orlada tip

    Las previsiones de demanda y costes en los proyectos de infraestructuras de transporte en España y otros países de la Unión Europea

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    En este artículo se analizan las desviaciones entre el coste previsto de construcción de grandes infraestructuras de transportes construidas y el coste finalmente acaecido, así como un análisis ex-post relativo a la demanda de viajeros, tanto en España como en diferentes países de la UE. Se analizan las causas de las desviaciones detectadas, y las consecuencias que de ello se han derivado. Se proponen medidas para mejorar la calidad de las previsiones de coste de construcción y demanda de viajeros en futuras infraestructuras de transporte, y se plantea un método simplificado de evaluación expost a partir de la calidad de las previsiones de costes de construcción y demanda de viajero

    Complex refraction metasurfaces for locally enhanced propagation through opaque media

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    Metasurfaces with linear phase gradients can redirect light beams. We propose controlling both phase and amplitude of a metasurface to extend Snell's law to the realm of complex angles, enabling a non-decaying transmission through opaque media with complex refractive indices. This leads to the discovery of non-diffracting and non-decaying solutions to the wave equation in opaque media, in the form of generalised cosine and Bessel-beams with a complex argument. While these solutions present nonphysical exponentially growing side tails, we address this via a windowing process, removing the side tails of the field profile while preserving significant transmission enhancement through an opaque slab on a small localized region. Such refined beam profiles may be synthesized by passive metasurfaces with phase and amplitude control at the opaque material's interface. Our findings, derived from rigorous solutions of the wave equation, promise new insights and enhanced control of light propagation in opaque media.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure