621 research outputs found

    Stochastic dominance equilibria in two-person noncooperative games

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    Two-person noncooperative games with finitely many pure strategies and ordinal preferences over pure outcomes are considered, in which probability distributions resulting from mixed strategies are evaluated according to t-degree stochastic dominance. A t-best reply is a strategy that induces a t-degree stochastically undominated distribution, and a t-equilibrium is a pair of t-best replies. The paper provides a characterization and existence proofs of t-equilibria in terms of representing utility functions, and shows that for t becoming large-which can be interpreted as the players becoming more risk averse-behavior converges to a specific form of max-min play. More precisely, this means that in the limit each player puts all weight on a strategy that maximizes the worst outcome for the opponent, within the supports of the strategies in the limiting sequenceof t-equilibria.microeconomics ;

    Revision of conjectures about the opponent's utilities in signaling games.

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    In this paper we apply the concept of preference conjecture equilibrium introduced in Perea (2003) to signaling games and show its relation to sequential equilibrium. Furthermore, we introduce the concept of minimum revision equilibrium and show how this can be interpreted as a refinement of sequential equilibrium. We also present a method to compute preference conjecture equilibria.econometrics;

    Forward Induction in a Backward Inductive Manner

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    We propose a new rationalizability concept for dynamic games with imperfect information, forward and backward rationalizability, that combines elements from forward and backward induction reasoning. It proceeds by applying the forward induction concept of strong rationalizability (also known as extensive-form rationalizability) in a backward inductive fashion: It first applies strong rationalizability from the last period onwards, subsequently from the penultimate period onwards, keeping the restrictions from the last period, and so on, until we reach the beginning of the game. We argue that, compared to strong rationalizability, the new concept provides a more compelling theory for how players react to surprises. We show that the new concept always exists, and is characterized epistemically by (a) first imposing common strong belief in rationality from the last period onwards, then (b) imposing common strong belief in rationality from the penultimate period onwards, keeping the restrictions imposed by (a), and so on. It turns out that in terms of outcomes, the concept is equivalent to the pure forward induction concept of strong rationalizability, but both concepts may differ in terms of strategies. In terms of strategies, the new concept provides a refinement of the pure backward induction reasoning as embodied by backward dominance and backwards rationalizability. In fact, the new concept can be viewed as a backward looking strengthening of the forward looking concept ofbackwards rationalizability. Combining our results yields that every strongly rationalizable outcome is also backwards rationalizable. Finally, it is shown that the concept of forward and backward rationalizability satisfies the principle of supergame monotonicity: If a player learns that the game was actually preceded by some moves he was initially unaware of, then this new information will only refine, but never completely overthrow, his reasoning. Strong rationalizability violates this principle

    Prueba de habilidades practicas CCNP

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    La cuarta revolución industrial requiere de grandes manejos de información, las nuevas tecnologías de información cada vez aumentan la infraestructura de comunicaciones y redes de transmisión de datos, con diferentes tipologías y tipos de conexión o cableado. Es por este motivo la necesidad de profundizar mediante la plataforma Cisco, permite realizar comprensión de material teórico y práctico en la construcción, programación, conexión de redes LAN/WAN por medio de diferentes laboratorios remotos como Packet Tracer, GNS3, Smart LAB.The fourth industrial revolution requires great information management, new information technologies increasingly increase the communications infrastructure and data transmission networks, with different typologies and types of connection or wiring. It is for this reason the need to deepen through the Cisco platform, allows understanding of theoretical and practical material in the construction, programming, connection of LAN / WAN networks through different remote laboratories such as Packet Tracer, GNS3, Smart LAB

    The improvement of pronunciation through reading aloud

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    El presente proyecto de clase busca dar cuenta de que tan efectivo puede ser la implementación de la estrategia de la lectura en voz alta a la hora de mejorar la pronunciación de los estudiantes. Este proyecto se llevó a cabo en una institución de carácter público arrojando un sin número de resultados en su mayoría positivos a través de las distintas actividades realizadas durante tres semestres consecutivos. Nuestra metodología consistió en la lectura de textos seleccionados en voz alta con el fin de modelar la relación del texto Inglés con la pronunciación. Posteriormente, se monitoreó a los estudiantes mientras leía en voz alta dichos textos proveyéndoles retroalimentación correctiva de estos, dicha retroalimentación fue complementada con instrucción general enfocada en fonética inglesa y su pronunciación. Los resultados arrojados dejaron ver que, sin importar todos los esfuerzos que se hicieron, la pronunciación de los estudiantes no mejoro, lo cual infiere que cuando se trata de mejorar la pronunciación, la lectura en voz alta carece de eficacia

    The Copper-microRNA Pathway Is Integrated with Developmental and Environmental Stress Responses in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    As an essential nutrient, copper (Cu) scarcity causes a decrease in agricultural production. Cu deficiency responses include the induction of several microRNAs, known as Cu-miRNAs, which are responsible for degrading mRNAs from abundant and dispensable cuproproteins to economize copper when scarce. Cu-miRNAs, such as miR398 and miR408 are conserved, as well as the signal transduction pathway to induce them under Cu deficiency. The Arabidopsis thaliana SQUAMOSA-PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE (SPL) family member SPL7 binds to the cis-regulatory motifs present in the promoter regions of genes expressed under Cu deficiency, including Cu-miRNAs. The expression of several other SPL transcription factor family members is regulated by miR156. This regulatory miR156-SPL module plays a crucial role in developmental phase transitions while integrating internal and external cues. Here, we show that Cu deficiency also affects miR156 expression and that SPL3 overexpressing plants, resistant to miR156 regulation, show a severe decrease in SPL7-mediated Cu deficiency responses. These include the expression of Cu-miRNAs and their targets and is probably due to competition between SPL7 and miR156-regulated SPL3 in binding to cis-regulatory elements in Cu-miRNA promoters. Thus, the conserved SPL7-mediated Cu-miRNA pathway could generally be affected by the miR156-SPL module, thereby underscoring the integration of the Cu-miRNA pathway with developmental and environmental stress responses in Arabidopsis thaliana.</i