28 research outputs found

    “Uma revolução democrática é sempre uma revolução inacabada” - or – “A democratic revolution must always remain unfinished” Commemorating the Portuguese 1974 revolution in newspaper opinion texts

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    This article analyses the discursive construction of collective memories and the function of commemorative events for national identity. It focuses on how the 30th anniversary of the Portuguese 1974 revolution was portrayed in the government’s Programme of Action issued for the 2004 commemorations and in forty-three newspaper opinion articles also published in 2004. The 1974 revolution ended a 48-year right-wing dictatorship and has shaped subsequent historical events since the 1970s. When the Programme of Action changed the 1974 slogan ‘April is revolution’ into ‘April is evolution’, the written press responded by conducting a debate on this reframing. Using the Discourse-Historical Approach in CDA as the analytical framework, this paper highlights the discursive strategies on which the government’s manifesto was built and explores the opinion articles’ ongoing political and ideological tensions over the revolution, its commemorations, and how it paved the way into Europe, by describing the main macro-discursive strategies and raising issues regarding the (mis)representation of social actors and social action

    The discursive construction of collective narratives on Portuguese national identity: homogeneity or diversity?

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    Mainstream conceptions of the “authentic” or “real” Portugal are now so naturalized in national discourse that many of the socio-historical contexts of their discursive construction have been erased from people’s collective memory (-ies). This paper presents an overview of the prominent collective narratives and memories in the Portuguese context, highlighting salient historical events that shaped them, such as the 1974 revolution which was a watershed moment from which all current narratives on national identity construct their major reference. It briefly covers 19th century historiography, the Estado Novo’s concept of Portugal’s “mission in the colonies”, the revolution’s ideological break with the old regime, and the major myths of homogeneity and self-stereotyping. Thus, contemporary discourses on Portuguese national identity are considered in the light of social memory and diachronic change

    A place in the sun? Discursive constructions of positive outcomes in post-migration stories in the Algarve

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    This study argues for more comparative research between seemingly different migrant groups, bringing a new focus on intra-European migration in Portugal by examining and comparing the reasons why migrants from different geographical origins choose to settle in the tourism-based Algarve region. Drawing on data collected from a questionnaire survey and interviews, the study first compares the profiles of two apparently distinct migrant groups - Northern and Eastern Europeans - and goes on to explore their discursive representations of migration experiences. Findings reveal that despite differences in initial motivations for moving to the Algarve, there are similarities between the two groups in terms of what leads them to settle in the region. Among both groups there is a high level of positive place-identity, suggesting that the specific context of the destination place plays a significant role in positive post-migration outcomes, something which is often overlooked in migration studies. Furthermore, the lived and perceived lifestyle affordances of the destination place, especially when discursively compared with the place and lifestyle left behind, are flagged by both groups and lend support to the idea that the role of lifestyle in migration has a wider significance than is usually credited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A construção discursiva de narrativas coletivas da identidade nacional portuguesa: homogeneidade ou diversidade?

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    As conceções dominantes do Portugal “autêntico” ou “real” estão agora tão naturalizadas no discurso nacional que muitos dos contextos socio-históricos da sua construção discursiva foram apagados da memória coletiva das pessoas. Este artigo apresenta uma visão geral das narrativas e memórias coletivas mais proeminentes no contexto português, destacando os eventos históricos que as moldaram, como por exemplo a Revolução de 1974, a partir da qual todas as narrativas atuais sobre identidade nacional construíram as suas principais referências. Este texto refere brevemente a historiografia do século XIX, a conceptualização do Estado Novo sobre a “missão nas colónias” de Portugal, a rutura ideológica da Revolução com o antigo regime e os principais mitos de homogeneidade e estereótipos. Deste modo, os discursos contemporâneos sobre a identidade nacional portuguesa são considerados à luz da memória social e da mudança diacrónica

    The discursive construction of Portuguese national identity in the media thirty years after the 1974 revolution

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    Tese dout., Philosophy, Lancaster University, 2010This study examines the discursive construction of Portuguese national identity, focusing on the many attempts to imagine and construct a national identity within the discourses produced for, on and from two events in the media: the anniversary of the 25th of April revolution in 2004 and the European Football Championships 2004 (held in Portugal). These national public events triggered similar discursive topics about the country’s recent history, collective memories and Portugal’s relationship to other nations. This investigation applies interdisciplinary critical discourse analysis, namely the discourse-historical approach, and a triangulation of methods to examine written and spoken discourse in detail and also to investigate salient features of context whilst analysing three distinct datasets: 141 newspaper editorials and opinion articles on Euro 2004, 40 newspaper editorials and opinion articles on the thirtieth anniversary of the 1974 ‘Carnation Revolution’, and a one-hour radio phone-in programme on the topic “Is (Portuguese) national identity in crisis?”. The prime objective is to conceptualise and identify the various macro-strategies which stem from the macro-, meso- and micro-dimensions of an imagined identity employed in the discursive construction of Portuguese national identity, and to describe them. A key point is who, as a group, attains the political, social or symbolic power to shape, within the public sphere, what should be remembered and what should be forgotten, and whether these collective memories, which build in-group(s) of social shared narratives, compete or even collide with other narratives. The ultimate aim of this research project is to contribute to the body of knowledge about the contemporary Portuguese national identity discourses produced by the (political and cultural) elites who have privileged access to the media. At the same time, it introduces ways of questioning the homogeneity of national identity and expands the possible applications of critical discourse analysis approaches to the investigation of the hegemonic construction of (public) national identity discourses. Finally, the analytical chapters highlight how asymmetric access to the public sphere is reinforced by the discursive strategies that are present in the data

    Development of Conductive Electrospun Fabric Systems for Smart Textiles

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    Electrospinning (ES) is a simple, cost-effective and versatile method for the production of nanofibrous materials. However, the production of intrinsically conductive polymers (ICPs) nan-ofibres by electrospinning still represents an important challenge – often due to poor solubility and high crystallinity of the rigid backbone. This dissertation reports the development of conductive fibres produced by electrospinning of two ICPs: polyaniline (PANI) and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS). These were electrospun and studied in terms of their electrical conductivity. In both cases, polyvynilpyrrolidone (PVP) was used as a carrier polymer in the ES process. PANI was synthesised from the aniline monomer and the influence of the oxidant-to-mon-omer ratio on its conductivity was studied. Pellets of pressed PANI powders resulted in an average conductivity of 20.64 S.cm-1. The chemical addition of a tert-butyloxycarbonyl (t-Boc) group to the structure of PANI allowed the dissolution in dimethylformamide (DMF). The soluble PVP/t-Boc-PANI was electrospun into fibres with an average fibre diameter of 180 nm with a maximum conductivity of 5.1810-3 S.cm-1. Electrospinning of PVP/PEDOT:PSS allowed the production of non-woven mats with an average fibre diameter of 1.5 μm with a conductivity of 4.010-8 S.cm-1. A thorough study of the UV crosslinking of PVP is enclosed

    A identidade afro-americana e a conquista da visibilidade

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    Dissertação mest., Cultura Norte-Americana, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2010Esta dissertação analisa as estratégias desenvolvidas pelos líderes da comunidade afro-americana entre 1865 e 1970. O seu objectivo, durante mais de 100 anos, tem sido o de alterar os estereótipos sobre a raça negra presentes no espírito da sociedade americana maioritária. Estudam-se diferentes tipos de liderança e diferentes leituras sobre os conceitos de raça e de responsabilidade social. Estes conceitos vão variando de acordo com os contextos sociais e históricos, indo desde integração e assimilação até estratégias nacionalistas e até mesmo a aceitação de segregação de jure. O capítulo I descreve os primeiros passos dos ex-escravos para a construção de uma identidade de grupo. O capítulo II discute o movimento cultural da Harlem Renaissance e a sua manipulação política por parte de W.E.B. Du Bois. O Capítulo III começa com a decisão histórica do Supremo Tribunal americano - Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) e foca a estratégia Afro-Americana para construir uma auto-imagem positiva, que nas décadas de 40 e 50 se deveria pautar pelos padrões de comportamentos da sociedade branca. O capítulo IV estuda os processos politicos, ideológicos e sociais que levaram ao fim do consenso integracionaista no seio do movimento de direitos cívicos. A conclusão examina o debate actual sobre o papel da minoria negra na sociedade americana – alguns acreditam que a sobrevivência da comunidade depende da opção de construir «a nation within a nation», enquanto outros apenas aceitam a solução de integração total

    Exploring user-generated content for improving destination knowledge: the case of two world heritage cities

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    This study explores twoWorld Heritage Sites (WHS) as tourism destinations by applying several uncommon techniques in these settings: Smart Tourism Analytics, namely Text mining, Sentiment Analysis, and Market Basket Analysis, to highlight patterns according to attraction, nationality, and repeated visits. Salamanca (Spain) and Coimbra (Portugal) are analyzed and compared based on 8,638 online travel reviews (OTR), from TripAdvisor (2017–2018). Findings show that WHS reputation does not seem to be relevant to visitors-reviewers. Additionally, keyword extraction reveals that the reviews do not di er from language to language or from city to city, and it was also possible to identify several keywords related to history and heritage; in particular, architectural styles, names of kings, and places. The study identifies topics that could be used by destination management organizations to promote these cities, highlights the advantages of applying a data science approach, and confirms the rich information value of OTRs as a tool to (re)position the destination according to smart tourism design tenets.FCT: UIDB/04470/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ‘A true feeling of authentic portuguese golf'? The discursive construction of the Algarve region in portuguese golf websites

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    In an increasingly competitive global marketplace, the need for golf destinations to differentiate themselves from competitors has become more critical than ever. This paper raises questions about the promotional strategies employed by the golf sector in the Algarve, focusing on internet communication strategies, since this medium has become the biggest driving force towards the commoditisation of all aspects of the tourism experience. By offering a complementary perspective to the field of (critical) tourism studies, and drawing on a qualitative, multi-modal discourse analysis, this work-in-progress looks at the particular ways that representations and images presented on the Algarve golf websites constitute and frame identities (of people and places) and socio-spatial relationships. This paper analyses a corpus of 45 texts collected from official websites of the 40 Algarve golf courses and from five entities which promote the Algarve as a golf destination, along with the golf images that are displayed alongside them. Findings point to salient discursive and visual representations of a global setting enjoyed by the global elite. Whereas the courses‟ positioning in relation to their regional competitors draws on similar discursive strategies which reflect those used in tourism advertising discourses in general – e.g. reiteration of explicit comparisons, superlatives and hyperbolic statements -, representations of local emplacedness are not salient; in some cases local place seems to have been almost intentionally suppressed

    Comparing the performance of the EQ-5D-3L and the EQ-5D-5L in young Portuguese adults

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    Background Some studies have reported a ceiling effect in EQ-5D-3L, especially in healthy and/or young individuals. Recently, two further levels have been included in its measurement model (EQ-5D-5L). The purposes of this study were (1) to assess the properties of the EQ-5D-5L in comparison with the standard EQ-5D-3L in a sample of young adults, (2) to foreground the importance of collecting qualitative data to confirm, validate or refine the EQ-5D questionnaire items and (3) to raise questions pertaining to the wording in these questionnaire items. Methods The data used came from a sample of respondents aged 30 or under (n = 624). They completed both versions of the EQ-5D, which were compared in terms of feasibility, level of inconsistency and ceiling effect. Agreement between the instruments was assessed using correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman plots. Known-groups validity of the EQ-5D-5L was also assessed using non-parametric tests. The discriminative properties were compared using receiver operating characteristic curves. Finally, four interviews were conducted for retrospective reports to elicit respondents’ understanding and perceptions of the format, instructions, items, and responses. Results Quantitative results show a ceiling effect reduction of 25.3 % and a high level agreement between both indices. Known-groups validity was confirmed for the EQ-5D-5L. Explorative interviews indicated ambiguity and low degree of certainty in regards to conceptualizing differences between levels moderate-slight across three dimensions. Conclusions The EQ-5D-5L performed better than the EQ-5D-3L. However, the explorative interviews demonstrated several limitations in the EQ-5D questionnaire wording and high context-dependent answers point to lack of illnesses’ experience amongst young adults