40 research outputs found

    Production of Spineless Cactus in Brazilian Semiarid

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    The term “spineless cactus” is used in Brazil to designate cultivars of Opuntia ficus indica Mill and Nopalea cochenillifera Salm Dyck. The spineless cactus was consolidated in Brazilian semiarid as a strategic fundamental food resource in several production livestock systems, constituting a plant with enormous productive potential. Thus, the spineless cactus has been widely cultivated and used for several decades, by enabling the animal feeding in critical periods of year because of its characteristics, morpho‐anatomical and physiological (CAM), which makes it tolerant to long droughts, being a crop that presents high productivity in droughts conditions, when compared to other forages. Nevertheless, the spineless cactus is a crop relatively picky about soil and climate characteristics of region, presenting greater growth in fertile soils, as well as in regions where nighttime temperatures are cool and the air humidity is relatively high. Although the crop be adapted to long droughts periods, many times it’s necessary to perform irrigation in its production system, mainly in regions of low rainfall, for to supply its water needs, thus ensuring productivity and survival of crop. Therefore, the knowledge of characteristics of plant, as well as of appropriate management techniques to crop, is essential for the good performance of spineless cactus

    Importance of the Fermentation to Produce High-Quality Silage

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    The objective of this chapter was to discuss the importance of the fermentation processes for silage making and how it affects the final quality of the silage. The preservation of the forage crops as silage is based on a fermentation process that lows the pH and preserves the nutritive value of the fresh crop. The main principle is the production of lactic acid by the lactic acid bacteria from the metabolism of the water-soluble carbohydrates in the fresh crop. However, different fermentations may occur into the silo environment and it depends on the availability of substrate, the microbial populations, the moisture content, and the buffering capacity of the crop at the ensiling. The fermentation is quite important in the ensiling process because it affects the nutritional quality of the silage and the animal performance. If the fermentation does not occur as recommended and the undesirable fermentations will take place, which will result in a total spoiled feed that is potentially risky for animals and human’s health. Well-fermented silage can be used in diets for ruminant animals without any risk for their health and without compromise the productive performance


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    The objective was to cover and discuss the characteristics of haylage that makes it an alternative of forage conservation. The haylage is based on the dry matter content after a wilt process, then baled similar to hay and wrapped with plastic films in order to be conserved under anaerobic fermentation. The dry matter content after wilt exceeds 500 g kg-1. Conserved forages with high content of dry matter present stabilization at high pH, which favors bacteria of the genus Clostridium. The pH of the haylage, because it has a high content of dry matter in its confection, limits the capacity of bacterial fermentation, it does not produce sufficient acid and becomes resistant to pH drops, this characteristic must be considered along with other factors. The preservation quality of haylage cut under the same conditions of the hay presents similar chemical composition, therefore, when the haylage is preserved under ideal conditions, it is an alternative to replace the hay. The definition and characteristics of haylage clearly expresses that it is an alternative conservation to hay and silage

    Análise de variáveis inerentes à dinâmica da prática da vaquejada para determinação de sua influência sobre o resultado obtido na competição

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar por meio de análise de vídeos de domínio público de competições de vaquejadas, diversas tentativas de derrubada de rezes e correlacionar o êxito obtido com ações desempenhadas pelos conjuntos cavalo/cavaleiro. Foram considerados aproximadamente 300 vídeos, sendo os grupos avaliados quanto à categoria de competição, Amador/Aspirante e Profissional, e aos animais utilizados na prova, Puxar ou Esteirar a rês. Verificou-se que para o conjunto de puxar, da categoria profissional de competição, apenas as características de direcionamento da rês na pista, comportamento na condução e posicionamento na puxada foram significativos (p<0,01), enquanto para a categoria amador/aspirante houve efeito (p<0,01) para a característica de permanecer ou não na puxada após queda da rês e para o comportamento na porteira. A característica, permanecer na puxada após a queda da rês, na categoria de atletas puxadores profissionais, existe em maior prevalência em ações durante a prova com 85,3% dos casos, enquanto a característica de direcionar a rês para a lateral da pista é realizada por 87,6% dos competidores. Para o conjunto utilizado para esteirar a rês, os valores das dimensões 1 e 2 foram de 96,56% e 3,43%, respectivamente, totalizando 99,9% da variância total dos dados com base nos critérios selecionados para o resultado final de “Valeu o boi”. O uso da análise de correspondência múltipla no estudo de variáveis associadas ao sucesso em competições de vaquejada mostrou-se bastante eficaz, no que tange a diminuição do universo de elementos com maior peso de determinação no resultado final obtido. Palavras-chave: Equideocultura; esforço; cavalo de puxar; cavalo de esteira

    Perfil fermentativo, estabilidade aeróbia, composição química e mineral de silagens de manga combinados com farelo de casca de cacau

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    Foi avaliado o perfil fermentativo, estabilidade aeróbia, composição química e conteúdo mineral de silagens de manga combinadas com farelo de casca de cacau. O delineamento adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, incluindo quatro níveis (65, 70, 75 e 80%) e cinco repetições, totalizando 20 silos experimentais abertos aos 90 dias da vedação. O incremento dos níveis de manga nas silagens aumentou a recuperação de matéria seca, carboidratos totais e fração B2 de carboidratos, e reduziu as perdas de gases, matéria seca e matéria mineral. Foi encontrado um efeito quadrático para pH, capacidade tampão, potássio, boro, ferro e para as frações de nitrogênio A e B1 + B2. A utilização de produtos não convencionais como a manga combinada com a farinha da casca da vagem de cacau para a produção de silagem pode reduzir o custo da suplementação alimentar para ruminantes e a contaminação ambiental.The objective was to evaluate the fermentation profile, aerobic stability, chemical composition, and mineral content of silages of mango combined with cocoa pod husk meal. A completely randomized design was adopted, including four levels (65, 70, 75, and 80%) and five repetitions, totaling 20 experimental silos that were opened after 90 days of sealing. Increasing mango levels in the silages increased the dry matter recovery, total carbohydrates, and fraction B2 of carbohydrates, and reduced gas losses, dry matter, and mineral matter. The quadratic effect was found for pH, buffering capacity, potassium, boron, iron, and nitrogen fractions A and B1 + B2. Using unconventional products such as mango combined with cocoa pod husk meal for silage making can reduce the cost of food supplementation for ruminants, and the environmental contamination.

    PCR identification of lactic acid bacteria populations in corn silage inoculated with lyophilised or activated Lactobacillus buchneri

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of inoculation with lyophilised and/or activated Lactobacillus buchneri on lactic acid bacteria populations in corn silage. Experimental treatments consisted of corn silage without additives or silage with the inoculants of L. buchneri (1 x 105 cfu/g) applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendations (1 g/tonne fodder) in the forms of the lyophilised inoculant and pre-activated inoculant. Purified isolates from corn silage with and without the inoculant were identified, and 93% of the isolates corresponded to the lactic acid bacteria of the species Lactobacillus plantarum. Among the isolates, no bacteria of the species L. buchneri were detected. The application of lyophilised or activated L. buchneri improved the microbiological profile and reduced ethanol production in corn silage, even without being identified among the isolates captured 70 days after ensilage. Highlights: Lactic acid bacteria showed greater development at 7 days of fermentation. Lactobacillus plantarum predominated at 70 days, representing 93% of the total LAB population. Lactobacillus buchneri improved its microbiological profile with decreased ethanol production.This study aimed to evaluate the effect of inoculation with lyophilised and/or activated Lactobacillus buchneri on lactic acid bacteria populations in corn silage. Experimental treatments consisted of corn silage without additives or silage with the inoculants of L. buchneri (1 x 105 cfu/g) applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendations (1 g/tonne fodder) in the forms of the lyophilised inoculant and pre-activated inoculant. Purified isolates from corn silage with and without the inoculant were identified, and 93% of the isolates corresponded to the lactic acid bacteria of the species Lactobacillus plantarum. Among the isolates, no bacteria of the species L. buchneri were detected. The application of lyophilised or activated L. buchneri improved the microbiological profile and reduced ethanol production in corn silage, even without being identified among the isolates captured 70 days after ensilage. Highlights: Lactic acid bacteria showed greater development at 7 days of fermentation. Lactobacillus plantarum predominated at 70 days, representing 93% of the total LAB population. Lactobacillus buchneri improved its microbiological profile with decreased ethanol production


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of planting density of two varieties of forage palm of the genus Nopalea and Opuntia on the morphological and productive characteristics. The experiment was established in a randomized block design with three replications in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. composed of two planting densities: 40.000 and 20.000 ha-1 plants and two forage cactu varieties: Palmepa-PB01 and Palmepa-PB04 (Nopalea cochinilifera and Opuntia ficus indica, respectively), the Palmepa-PB01 variety presented mean values ​​of 62.33 and 71.33 cm for height and plant width, respectively, presenting values ​​33 and 32% higher than the Palmepa-PB04, The area index of the cladodes was higher for the density of 40.000 ha-1 plants, with 2.01 m² m-², presenting a value of 54.22% in relation to the density of 20,000 ha-1 plants, which presented 0.92 m² m -², The planting density of 20.000 ha-1 plants was 19% higher relative to the density of 40.000 ha-1 plants, The Palmepa-PB01 variety was 18.18% higher than the Palmepa-PB04 variety with a yield of 40.70 tons ha-1, The Palmepa-PB01 variety is more productive than Palmepa-PB04 recommending its planting at the lowest planting density.Um bom manejo da palma forrageira é de suma importância para o desenvolvimento satisfatório e obter altas produções da palma forrageira. Vale ressaltar que práticas ideais de manejo possibilitam a planta expressar seu melhor potencial produtivo, principalmente em regiões com elevada sazonalidade de produção e irregularidade de chuvas como o semiárido brasileiro. Objetivou-se nesse estudo avaliar a influência da densidade de plantio de duas variedades de palma forrageira dos gêneros Nopalea e Opuntia sobre as características morfológicas e produtivas. O experimento foi estabelecido em um delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, em um arranjo fatorial 2 x 2, compostos por duas densidades de plantio: 40.000 e 20.000 plantas ha-¹ e duas variedades de palma forrageira: Palmepa-PB01 e Palmepa-PB04 (Nopalea cochinilifera e opuntia ficus indica, respectivamente), a variedade Palmepa-PB01 apresentou médias de 62.33 e 71.33 cm para altura e largura de planta, respectivamente, apresentando valores 33 e 32% superiores em relação a Palmepa-PB04. O índice de área dos cladódios foi maior para a densidade de 40.000 plantas ha-¹, com 2.01 m² m-², apresentando valor 54.22% em relação a densidade de 20.000 plantas ha-¹ que apresentou 0.92 m² m-². A densidade de plantio de 20.000 plantas ha-¹ foi 19 % superior em relação a densidade de 40,000 plantas ha-¹. A variedade Palmepa-PB01 foi 18.18 % superior em relação a variedade Palmepa-PB04 com um rendimento de 40.70 toneladas ha-¹. A variedade Palmepa-PB01 é mais produtiva que a Palmepa-PB04 recomendando seu plantio na menor densidade de plantio nas condições edafoclimáticas encontradas nesse estudo

    Database Survey of Anti-Inflammatory Plants in South America: A Review

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    Inflammation is a complex event linked to tissue damage whether by bacteria, physical trauma, chemical, heat or any other phenomenon. This physiological response is coordinated largely by a variety of chemical mediators that are released from the epithelium, the immunocytes and nerves of the lamina propria. However, if the factor that triggers the inflammation persists, the inflammation can become relentless, leading to an intensification of the lesion. The present work is a literature survey of plant extracts from the South American continent that have been reported to show anti-inflammatory activity. This review refers to 63 bacterial families of which the following stood out: Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Apocynaceae and Celastraceae, with their countries, parts used, types of extract used, model bioassays, organisms tested and their activity