5 research outputs found

    Naseljavanje mlađi školjkaša sa posebnim osvrtom na vrstu Jakobska kapica (Pecten jacobaeus, Linnaeus), i obraštajnih organizama na tri vrste eksperimentalnih kolektora u Bokokotorskom zaljevu

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    The settlement of molluscs’ larvae of and other biofouling organisms on experimental collectors was studied, with particular reference Great Mediterranean scallop, Pecten jacobaeus. Three types of experimental collector made from vegetable sacks, modelled based on the collectors used in Japan, were placed in four existing fish and shellfish farms located in the Boka Kotorska Bay. The experimental collectors were placed in the periods June–October and June–December 2017 and the period August 2017–February 2018 and monitored after immersion of four to six months, respectively. In total, 18 species of molluscs and also 28 species of biofouling organisms were determined. The most abundant ones found on the collectors were the following shellfish species (68 %) Talohlamys multistriata, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Modiolarca sp., Anomia ephippium and Limaria hians. The most abundant group of biofouling organisms were crustaceans (18 percent) with a species of porcelain crab, Pisidia longicornis, and tunicates (5 percent) with the species Phallusia mammillata and Ascidia mentula. The main target species, Great Mediterranean scallop, was most abundant on collector Type II, with 28 individuals. From three types of experimental collectors used in the process of collecting larvae of shellfish and biofouling species, collector type-I and type-II proved to be a more suitable basis for receiving larvae of shellfish due to the unimpeded flow of sea water that allows their successful growth and development. Species Talochlamys multistriata, were found in great abundance and it could be good candidate to diversify the aquaculture production, thus potentially offering farmers an additional source of income.U radu je prikazana analiza naseljavanja mlađi školjkaša i obraštajnih vrsta na eksperimentalnim kolektorima, sa posebnim osvrtom na vrstu jakobova kapica, Pecten jacobaeus, L. Tri tipa eksperi- mentalnih kolektora napravljenih od vreća za povrće po uzoru na kolektore korištene u Japanu bili su postavljeni na četiri postojeća uzgajališta ribe i školjaka na području Bokokotorskog zaljeva. Eksperimentalni kolektori su postavljeni u periodu od lipnja do listopada i lipnja-prosinca 2017. i u periodu od kolovoza 2017. do veljače 2018. godine, i obrađeni nakon 4 odnosno 6 mjeseci. Na ukupnom broju postavljenih eksperimentalnih kolektora sakupljeno je 18 vrsta školjki i 28 vrsta obraštajnih organizama. Na kolektorima su najzastupljenije bile školjke (68%) sa vrstama: Talohlamys multistriata, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Modiolarca sp., Anomia ephippium i Limaria hians. Od obraštaja najzastupljenija grupa organizama su bili rakovi (18%) sa vrstom račića, Pisidia longicornis i plaštenjaci (5%) sa vrstama Phallusia mammilata i Ascidia mentula. Ciljana vrsta, jakobska kapica, bila je najzastupljenija na kolektoru Tip II, s 28 jedinki. Od tri vrste eksperimentalnoh kolektora korištenih u procesu prikupljanja ličinki školjkaša i obraštajućih vrsta, kolektor tip-I i tip-II pokazao se prikladnijom osnovom za prihvat ličinki školjaka zbog nesmetanog protoka morske vode koji omogućuje njihov uspješan rast i razvoj. Vrste Talochla- mys multistriata, pronađena su u velikom obilju i mogla bi biti dobar kandidat za diverzifikaciju proizvodnje akvakulture, čime bi uzgajivačima potencijalno ponudili dodatni izvor prihoda

    Setting thresholds is not enough: Beach litter as indicator of poor environmental status in the southern Adriatic Sea

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    This study deals with the issue of beach litter pollution in the context of the Descriptor 10 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Good Environmental Status of EU waters and Ecological objective 10, Common indicator 22 of IMAP. Analyses of the amount, distribution and categorization of beach litter were conducted on nine beaches during 108 surveys covering the area of 206.620 m2 in Albania, Italy and Montenegro. Our findings showed that the level of beach litter pollution on south Adriatic beaches is significantly above the adopted threshold values, with a median item numbers of 327, 258 and 234 per 100 m of beach stretch for Albania, Italy and Montenegro, respectively. It can be concluded that, when it comes to beach litter pollution, GES has not been achieved. Given the defined baseline and threshold values at the EU level, the process of reducing the total amount of marine litter in southern Adriatic Sea will be very challenging and needs urgent and specific actions

    Sustainable large‐scale production of European flat oyster ( Ostrea edulis ) seed for ecological restoration and aquaculture: a review

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    The conservation and active restoration of European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) populations are a major focus of ecological restoration efforts to take advantage of the wide‐ranging ecosystem functions and services this species provides. Accordingly, additional and new demands for seed oysters have arisen. In commercial aquaculture (mariculture), the production of O. edulis is still largely based on natural seed collection. Considering the specific requirements, related to ecological restoration, such as the absence of pathogens and the preservation of high genetic diversity, the current supply is insufficient. Despite the development of breeding and controlled reproduction techniques for this species since the late 1930s, seed production today is mainly based on empirical concepts. Several of the issues that producers still face are already subjects of research; many others are still unanswered or even unaddressed. This review provides a summary of all available knowledge and technologies of O. edulis seed production. Furthermore, it provides a detailed reflection on implications for restoration, future challenges, open questions and it identifies relevant research topics for sustainable seed supply. The study covers the following aspects on (i) biology of the species, (ii) stressors – including pathogens and pollutants, (iii) genetics, (iv) history of production technologies, (v) seed production in polls, (vi) seed production in ponds and (vii) seed production in hatcheries. Future research needs on sex determinism, gametogenesis, cryopreservation, nutrition, selective breeding, pathogens and disease, and the development of reliable protocols for production are highlighted