254 research outputs found

    Credit Cards: Weapons for Domestic Violence

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    The objectives of this study were to describe the intra-specific variation in herbicide response of weed populations when subjected to new vs. well-established herbicides, and to assess distributions of logLD(50)- and logGR(50)-estimates as a potential indicator for early resistance detection. Seeds of two grass weeds (Alopecurus myosuroides, Apera spica-venti) were collected in southern Sweden, mainly in 2002. In line with the objectives of the study, the collections sites were not chosen for noted herbicide failures nor for detected herbicide resistance, but solely for the presence of the target species. For each species, seedlings were subjected to two herbicides in dose-response experiments in a greenhouse. One herbicide per species was recently introduced and the other had been on the market for control of the species for a decade, with several reports of resistance in the literature. Fresh weight of plants and a visual vigour score were used to estimate GR(50) and LD50, respectively. Resistance to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl in A. myosuroides was indicated by the LD50-estimates to be present in frequencies sufficient to affect the population-level response in 9 of 29 samples, and was correlated to response to flupyrsulfuron, while low susceptibility to isoproturon in A. spica-venti populations was not linked to the response to sulfosulfuron. In the study as a whole, the magnitude of the estimated herbicide susceptibility ranges differed irrespective of previous exposure. No consistent differences were found in the distribution of LD50-estimates for new and "old" herbicides, and normality in the distribution of estimates could not be assumed for a non-exposed sample, even in the absence of an indication of cross-resistance.Original Publication:Liv A Espeby, Hakan Fogelfors and Per Milberg, Susceptibility variation to new and established herbicides: Examples of inter-population sensitivity of grass weeds, 2011, CROP PROTECTION, (30), 4, 429-435.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2010.12.022Copyright: Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.http://www.elsevier.com

    CO2 Capture in the Cement Industry, Norcem CO2 Capture Project (Norway)

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    AbstractThe cement industry is a major emitter of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to around 5% of the global CO2 emissions. In Norway, Norcem is the only cement manufacturer and account for 2.5% of the national emissions, due to different industrial structure compared to other countries. Until recently, CO2 capture in Norway has focused primarily on emissions from offshore installations and gas power plants. There has been little focus on CCS in connections with land-based industrial emissions, although the number of sources is relatively large, with annual CO2 emission totalling approximately 6 million tonnes. The demand for cement and concrete is expected to increase in the coming years. Therefore, the cement industry needs to be proactive in finding solutions which reduce its climate impact.Norcem AS (Norcem) and its parent company HeidelbergCement Group (HeidelbergCement) have joint forces with the European Cement Research Academy (ECRA) to establish a small-scale test centre for studying and comparing various post-combustion CO2 capture technologies, and determining their suitability for implementation in modern cement kiln systems. The small-scale test centre has been established at Norcem's cement plant in Brevik (Norway).The project has received funding from Gassnova through the CLIMIT program. The project was launched in May 2013 and is scheduled to conclude in spring 2017 (Test Step 1). The project is being carried out on behalf of the European cement industry and managed by Norcem.The project mandate involves testing of more mature post-combustion capture technologies initially developed for power generation applications, as well as small scale technologies at an early stage of development. The project does not encompass CO2 transport and storage

    Kartlegging av viktige naturtyper pü Sør-GjÌslingan. Vikna kommune, Nord-Trøndelag fylke.

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    Denne rapporten presenterer kartlegging av viktige naturtyper etter DN-hündbok 13, med tilhørende skjøtselsrüd for gammel kulturmark pü utvalgte øyer innen øygruppen Sør-GjÌslingan i Vikna kommune, pü oppdrag fra Vikna kommune i Nord-Trøndelag. Følgende ütte øyer ble kartlagt; Geitkyrøya, Storkyrøya, Harranakkan, Kjerkøya, Svinstiøya, HeimvÌret, Karlholmen og Flatholmen. Kystlynghei verdi A ble registrert pü Harranakkan, mens verdi B ble registrert pü Geitkyrøya, Storkyrøya, Kjerkøya og Svinstiøya. Strandeng verdi B ble registrert pü Storkyrøya og Kjerkøya. Slüttemark verdi C og boreal hei ble registrert pü HeimvÌret. I tillegg ble det utarbeidet skjøtselsrüd for restaurering av gammel kulturmark pü fellesarealer pü Karlholmen, HeimvÌret og Flatholmen. Det er ogsü foretatt registrering av Sør-GjÌslingan som verdifullt kulturlandskap, med verdi klasse 1: spesielt verdifullt omrüde. Fra tidligere (Vesterbukt 2014) finnes to registrerte slüttemarker pü HeimvÌret med verdi B. Sør-GjÌslingan er et fiskevÌr som har nasjonal verdi. Det fredete omrüdet bestür av mer enn 80 smü øyer og holmer. Sør-GjÌslingan er et eksempel pü mange hundre ürs fiskevÌrhistorie langs kysten, og har vÌrt ett av de største og viktigste fiskevÌrene sør for Lofoten. Arbeidet med denne rapporten er utført i forbindelse med forvaltnings- og skjøtselsplan for kulturlandskapet pü Sør-GjÌslingan

    Sykepleieres IT-kunnskap: en intervjuundersøkelse av sykepleiere i hjemmesykepleien

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    Hvilken kunnskap om - og erfaring med IT har sykepleiere? Hva tenker sykepleiere om hva IT kan vÌre en hjelp til i deres arbeidshverdag? Rapporten tar utgangspunkt i hva 25 sykepleiere i hjemmesykepleien svarer pü disse spørsmülene. Behovet for integrering av IT-kunnskap i utdanningen Bachelor i sykepleie belyses. Relatert til dette gis det i rapporten anbefalninger til høgskolene. Rapporten vil vÌre av interesse for utdanningsinstitusjoner, helseadministrasjoner, helsepersonell og IT-leverandører. Forfatterne arbeider ved Høgskolen i Østfold; Liv Berit Fagerli, høgskolelektor ved Avdeling for Helse- og sosialfag. Per-Gunnar Fyhn, 1. lektor ved Avdeling for Informasjonsteknologi. Rapporten er et eksempel pü et avdelingsoverskridende forskningssamarbeid

    Changing smoking habits and the occurrence of lung cancer in Sweden—a population analysis

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    Background: The objective is to estimate the importance of the decrease of smoking habits in Sweden for the occurrence of lung cancer. Methods: The change in smoking habits in the general population was retrieved from surveys and on taxation of sale of cigarettes. We used data from the Swedish Cancer Register on incidence of lung cancer between 1970 and 2021, stratified for sex, age and cell type, and compared the occurrence overtime in ages between 40 and 84 years. Results: The sale of cigarettes peaked in 1980 to 1800 cigarettes per person and decreased to 600 per person in 2021. The change in incidence rates of squamous cell cancer and other cell types varied over time, sex, and age in a pattern that partly seems to be explained by change in the prevalence of daily smokers. The incidence of adenocarcinoma was similar in men and women 1970–2021 and increased, e.g. for women and men 75–79 years of age from around 20 cases in early 1970s to around 120 cases per 100 000 person-years in the 2020s. Conclusions: Our data indicate that the risk of lung cancer several years after smoking cessation is less favourable than previously studies have indicated. There is a similar increase in the incidence of adenocarcinoma in men and women which is hard to explain only with changing smoking habits. The change from non-filter to filter cigarettes in the 1960s–1970s may be a contributing factor.</p

    Use of KIDSCREEN health-related quality of life instruments in the general population of children and adolescents - A scoping review

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    Purpose Subjectively assessing health related quality of life (HRQoL) in children and adolescents is increasingly important in the public health field. One valid and widely used generic HRQoL instrument is the KIDSCREEN questionnaire. The aim of this study was to map all studies using KIDSCREEN instruments in the general population of children and adolescents aged 6–18 years. Methods A scoping review was conducted. The search strategy was formulated according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Scoping Reviews guidelines. The databases Cinahl, socINDEX, Medline, Embase, APA Psychinfo, Scopus, and Eric were searched in October 2021. Results In total, 1365 papers were eligible for screening, 1031 were excluded and 334 reports were read in full. 252 reports were included. KIDSCREEN studies in the general population was predominantly conducted in Europe (n = 211). Most studies (n = 179) had a cross sectional design, while few experimental studies (n = 24) were found. The three KIDSCREEN versions comprising of 10, 27 and 52 items, were equally distributed between studies. The self-reported version (n = 225) of the KIDSCREEN instrument was more prevalent than the proxy version, while few studies discussed a cut point. Study contexts reflected international trends of public health challenges, commonly including mental- and psychosocial health, physical activity, socioeconomic status, and obesity. Conclusion KIDSCREEN is widely used in cross sectional studies assessing common public health challenges. Experimental and longitudinal assessments, possibly including relevant cut offs remain mainly unexplored and are recommended for future research.publishedVersio

    Nurses’ and Doctors’ Experiences of Transferring Adolescents or Young Adults With Long-Term Health Conditions From Pediatric to Adult Care: A Metasynthesis

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    The transfer of adolescents and young adults (AYA) with long-term health conditions from pediatric to adult care is a multidisciplinary enterprise where nurses and doctors play an important role. This review aimed to identify and synthesize evidence from qualitative primary reports on how nurses and doctors experience the transfer of AYA aged 13 to 24 years with long-term health conditions to an adult hospital setting. We systematically searched seven electronic databases for reports published between January 2005 and November 2021 and reporting nurses’ and doctors’ experiences. We meta-summarized data from 13 reports derived from 11 studies published worldwide. Using qualitative content analysis, we metasynthesized nurses’ and doctors’ experiences into the theme “being boosters.” Boosting AYA’s transfer was characterized by supporting AYA’s and their parents’ changing roles, smoothening AYA’s transition from pediatric to adult care, and handling AYA’s encounters with a different care culture.publishedVersio

    Parents’ experiences of transitioning to home with a very-low-birthweight infant: A meta-ethnography

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    Medical-technological advances and neurodevelopmental care have improved the survival of extremely- and very-low-birthweight infants born before 32 weeks’ gestation. After months in neonatal care, the infants are discharged, and parents exited but full of anxiety. This review is designed as a meta-ethnography, addressing parents’ discharge experiences to comprehend the synthesised research, which includes 12 eligible studies. From the analysis, we constructed three themes: ‘approaching discharge with both uncertainty and confidence’; ‘discharge as a longed-for though disordering turning point’; and ‘facing joys, worries and multiple challenges when at home’. The overarching interpretation was ‘discharge as double-edged sword’. We conclude that bringing home very-low-birthweight infants is a joyful event, yet parents also experience discharge as never- endingly worrying, as a time filled with challenges to which parents must adapt and as necessitating contin- uous support from knowledgeable providers.publishedVersio
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