21 research outputs found

    Интеллект-карта как средство оценивания качества знаний обучающихся: возможности и ограничения структурно-информационного подхода

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    Обсуждаются возможности и ограничения использования интеллект-карт как средства оценивания качества знаний обучающихся в рамках структурно-информационного подхода. Интеллект-карта рассматривается, с одной стороны, как логико-смысловая вербально-образная модель учебного материала, отображающая его содержание и структуру, с другой стороны – как модель индивидуальных знаний обучающихся. Для расчета структурных и информационных характеристик интеллект-карты предлагается использовать структурные формулы древовидных графов. Приведен алгоритм расчета структурных и информационных характеристик эталонной интеллект-карты и индивидуальных интеллект-карт, относительного показателя упорядоченности знаний обучающегося

    Teknologi til fallforbygging – prosjektrapport Falltek.

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    Fallforebygging er høyt prioritert i kommunene og Falltek (www.falltek.no) hadde som mål å utvikle og bruke motiverende teknologi til fallforebyggende trening. Gjennom å kombinere følgeforskning og utvikling av teknologi kan vi • Bedre fange opp brukerbehov • Støtte innovative prosesser i kommunene og • Tilpasse teknologiutviklingen til brukerbehov og kommunens organiserin

    Internet-based patient communication

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    Objective To investigate some of the consequences that electronic health communication has for patients, health professionals and society at large. The underlying studies investigate reasons patients provide for using online communication solutions, the current propagation and pace of Internet health communication, and whether such services would replace conventional health communication channels. Methods These objectives were addressed in three separate studies, all using different methodological approaches. The exploratory study used online questionnaires, receiving 492 responses. The population study used telephone interviews with 14,956 respondents from seven different European countries, while the intervention study was designed as a randomised controlled trial with a total of 200 patients. Results The results showed that patients found advantages in online communication, and some reported that it was easier to talk about sensitive subjects online. For all the seven studied European countries, there was significant growth in the proportion of the population using Internet for health purposes in the period 2005-2007. More patients are using the Internet as an active communication channel, both for reaching health professionals and for reaching peers. Direct electronic communication was shown to replace other communication channels, especially face-to-face consultations in family doctor settings. Conclusions Internet-based patient communication is starting to become an important part of today’s health care systems. To some degree, conventional communication channels are being replaced by online alternatives. However, there still appears to be potential for further growth. It is clear that in addition to the practical advantages of asynchronous communication in flexibility and saved travelling time, such communication also gives patients the time they need to formulate their questions

    Health information accessed on the Internet: the development in 5 European countries

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    The aim of this study was to summarize and analyse findings from four prior studies on the use of the Internet as a source of health information in five European countries (Norway, Denmark, Germany, Greece, and Portugal). A cross-study comparison of data was performed. All the studies included fit with a trend of a sharp and continuous growth in the use of the Internet for health information access in the major part of the last decade. Importantly, the Internet has become an important mass media source of health information in northern Europe. While the use of the Internet for health information is somewhat less common in the south European countries, its use is also clearly increasing there. We discuss the advantages of cross-study comparisons of data and methodological challenges. As the use of the Internet for health information is likely to peak in some countries in the near future, new population surveys on health information access should focus more on the details of information that is accessed and which sites that are most used and trusted

    Health Professionals' Experience with Patients Accessing Their Electronic Health Records: Results from an Online Survey

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    The aim of this study was to investigate hospital professionals’ experience and attitude with patients accessing their own electronic health records. The study was conducted one year after service establishment. Data was collected through an online survey. In total, 457 replies were received. The results revealed a quarter of the administrative staff received feedback from patients or relatives regarding mistakes or missing information in their EHR. In addition, 67.5% of health professionals expected more patients to have basic knowledge of their health status in the future, and 21.4% found patients already gained better knowledge about diagnosis, treatment, or follow-up. The results also revealed some challenges with the service, especially for health professionals working in psychiatry, with some scepticism on whether the service is suitable for the sickest and most vulnerable patients.acceptedVersio

    Physician Response Time When Communicating With Patients Over the Internet

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    Patients want to use electronic communication to access health services more easily. Health authorities in several countries see this as a way to improve health care. Physicians appear to have conflicting opinions regarding the suitability of electronic communication in clinical settings. The aim of our study was to measure how long it actually takes physicians to answer questions from patients through an electronic communication channel, and whether some of the questions are especially time consuming. We monitored electronic patient–physician communication. A total of 1113 messages from 14 participating physicians from 7 medical offices were analyzed. The length of questions and answers, and the time physicians spent answering the questions were recorded and analyzed. Results: Physicians spent an average of 2.3 minutes (median 2 minutes) answering questions from patients. The patients’ questions had an average length of 507.1 characters (95% CI 487.4–526.9, SD 336.2), while physicians’ answers averaged 119.9 characters (95% CI 189.8–210.0, SD 172.6). The results show that the influence of patient question length on time spent responding was negligible. For the shortest 25% of the questions the answer time was 2.1 minutes (95% CI 1.9–2.3), while it was 2.4 minutes (95% CI 2.2–2.7) for the longest 25%. Even extremely long questions had a minimal impact on the time spent answering them. A threefold increase in question length from patients resulted in only an 18% increase in physician response time. The study shows the potential clinical usefulness of electronic communication between patients and health care services by demonstrating the potential for saving time

    Patient use and experience with online access to electronic health records in Norway: Results from an online survey

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    Background: The electronic health record (EHR) has been fully established in all Norwegian hospitals. Patient-accessible electronic health records (PAEHRs) are available to citizens aged 16 years and older through the national health portal Helsenorge. Objective: This study aimed at understanding how patients use PAEHRs. Three research questions were addressed in order to explore (1) characteristics of users, (2) patients’ use of the service, and (3) patient experience with the service. Methods: We conducted an online survey of users who had accessed their EHR online at least once through the national health portal. Patients from two of the four health regions in Norway were invited to participate. Quantitative data were supplemented by qualitative information. Results: A total of 1037 respondents participated in the survey, most of whom used the PAEHR regularly (305/1037, 29.4%) or when necessary (303/1037, 29.2%). Service utilization was associated with self-reported health, age, gender, education, and health care professional background. Patients found the service useful to look up health information (687/778, 88.3%), keep track of their treatment (684/778, 87.9%), prepare for a hospital appointment (498/778, 64.0%), and share documents with their general practitioner (292/778, 37.5%) or family (194/778, 24.9%). Most users found it easy to access their EHR online (965/1037, 93.1%) and did not encounter technical challenges. The vast majority of respondents (643/755, 85.2%) understood the content, despite over half of them acknowledging some difficulties with medical terms or phrases. The overall satisfaction with the service was very high (700/755, 92.7%). Clinical advantages to the patients included enhanced knowledge of their health condition (565/691, 81.8%), easier control over their health status (685/740, 92.6%), better self-care (571/653, 87.4%), greater empowerment (493/674, 73.1%), easier communication with health care providers (493/618, 79.8%), and increased security (655/730, 89.7%). Patients with complex, long-term or chronic conditions seemed to benefit the most. PAEHRs were described as useful, informative, effective, helpful, easy, practical, and safe. Conclusions: PAEHRs in Norway are becoming a mature service and are perceived as useful by patients. Future studies should include experimental designs focused on specific populations or chronic conditions that are more likely to achieve clinically meaningful benefits. Continuous evaluation programs should be conducted to assess implementation and changes of wide-scale routine services over time

    Exercise technology - part of future fall prevention?

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    Bakgrunn: Kan treningsteknologi være en del av et fremtidig fallforebyggende tilbud? To teknologier for fallforebygging ble testet på eldre personer med fallrisiko. En webapp for trening ble testet på et fallforebyggende treningsprogram i Tromsø, og et Kinect treningsspill ble testet på dagsenter i Alta. Metode: I Tromsø ble det brukt spørreskjema, observasjoner samt telefonintervjuer med eldre som prøvde teknologien hjemme. I Alta ble det brukt observasjoner. Teknologien ble utviklet med brukersentrert design og utvikling med fysioterapeuter,eldre og IKT-forskere. Funn: Webappen fikk gode tilbakemeldinger fra profesjonelle og eldre brukere, men observasjoner viste at eldre bør få individuell veiledning av fysioterapeut, spesielt hvis den skal brukes hjemme. En slik app bør også ha muligheter for individuell tilpasning. Eldre som testet webappen hjemme brukte den fortsatt etter tre måneder. Treningsspillet som ble testet var for krevende både for fysioterapeutene og for de eldre brukerne. Det er også plasskrevende. Konklusjon: En enkel webapp kan fungere som et alternativ for et vanlig treningsprogram med øvelser for hjemmetrening mens et Kinect trtreningspill blir for krevende.Exercise technology - part of future fall prevention?publishedVersio

    Treningsteknologi – en del av et fremtidig fallforebyggende tilbud?

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    Bakgrunn: Kan treningsteknologi være en del av et fremtidig fallforebyggende tilbud? To teknologier for fallforebygging ble testet på eldre personer med fallrisiko. En webapp for trening ble testet på et fallforebyggende treningsprogram i Tromsø, og et Kinect treningsspill ble testet på dagsenter i Alta. Metode: I Tromsø ble det brukt spørreskjema, observasjoner samt telefonintervjuer med eldre som prøvde teknologien hjemme. I Alta ble det brukt observasjoner. Teknologien ble utviklet med brukersentrert design og utvikling med fysioterapeuter,eldre og IKT-forskere. Funn: Webappen fikk gode tilbakemeldinger fra profesjonelle og eldre brukere, men observasjoner viste at eldre bør få individuell veiledning av fysioterapeut, spesielt hvis den skal brukes hjemme. En slik app bør også ha muligheter for individuell tilpasning. Eldre som testet webappen hjemme brukte den fortsatt etter tre måneder. Treningsspillet som ble testet var for krevende både for fysioterapeutene og for de eldre brukerne. Det er også plasskrevende. Konklusjon: En enkel webapp kan fungere som et alternativ for et vanlig treningsprogram med øvelser for hjemmetrening mens et Kinect trtreningspill blir for krevende