1,203 research outputs found

    Eucalyptus Oils

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    The mention of Eucalyptus oil recalls immediately its use for a cough or cold by placing three drops of the oil on a piece of sugar and the swallowing of the confection. A better method of treatment is by inhaling the oil from the surface of water which has been heated to boiling point. The efficacy of the oil, especially for the treatment of influenza and severe cold in the head is considerably enhanced by the addition of a few crystals of menthol to the oil. These particular uses are very well-known, but many other and, in my opinion, more important uses are not so well-known. There is no better substance for the removal of grease stains and tar from clothes, even the most delicately coloured fabrics, than certain grades of Eucalyptus Oil which will be described later. Apart from their use as clothes cleaners, Eucalyptus Oils are very useful for the renovation of tapestry, car and furniture upholstery

    The Chemistry of Eucalyptus Oils

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    In the last issue of Environment I gave a brief popular description of the commercially valuable Eucalypts and the important essential oils obtained from their leaves and terminal branchlets. I also discussed how these oils could he obtained and the many and varied uses to which they conld be applied. The valuable uses and properties of Eucalyptus Oils-a typically Australian product have not been appreciated to the extent they merit, probably due to lack of publicity. It is confidently anticipated that considerable interest will have been aroused by the information made available in the June issue of Environment. The Editor suggested the possibility of some interested readers developing a desire for additional information about the chemistry of Eucalyptus Oils. The purpose of this article, therefore, is to give those readers thirsty for increased knowledge some data about some of the many interesting substances which have been isolated from Eucalyptus Oils. The information will be of a more advanced nature, but I shall endeavour to describe the chemistry of these interesting substances in a simple and popular manner. The following table describes the species which yield the present day Eucalyptus Oils of commerce and the districts in which they occur in abundance. In the first article, I selected a range of these species and briefly described their habitat and the nature of the essential oils obtained from them. The list now furnished, however, is a complete one

    Does low-energy sweetener consumption affect energy intake and body weight? A systematic review, including meta-analyses, of the evidence from human and animal studies

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    By reducing energy density, low-energy sweeteners (LES) might be expected to reduce energy intake (EI) and body weight (BW). To assess the totality of the evidence testing the null hypothesis that LES exposure (versus sugars or unsweetened alternatives) has no effect on EI or BW, we conducted a systematic review of relevant studies in animals and humans consuming LES with ad libitum access to food energy. In 62 of 90 animal studies exposure to LES did not affect or decreased BW. Of 28 reporting increased BW, 19 compared LES with glucose exposure using a specific ‘learning’ paradigm. Twelve prospective cohort studies in humans reported inconsistent associations between LES use and Body Mass Index (-0.002 kg/m2/year, 95%CI -0.009 to 0.005). Meta-analysis of short- term randomized controlled trials (RCTs, 129 comparisons) showed reduced total EI for LES- versus sugar-sweetened food or beverage consumption before an ad libitum meal (-94 kcal, 95%CI -122 to -66), with no difference versus water (-2 kcal, 95%CI -30 to 26). This was consistent with EI results from sustained intervention RCTs (10 comparisons). Meta-analysis of sustained intervention RCTs (4 weeks to 40 months) showed that consumption of LES versus sugar led to relatively reduced BW (nine comparisons; -1.35 kg, 95%CI –2.28 to - 0.42), and a similar relative reduction in BW versus water (three comparisons; -1.24 kg, 95%CI –2.22 to -0.26). Most animal studies did not mimic LES consumption by humans, and reverse causation may influence the results of prospective cohort studies. The preponderance of evidence from all human RCTs indicates that LES do not increase EI or BW, whether compared with caloric or non-caloric (e.g., water) control conditions. Overall, the balance of evidence indicates that use of LES in place of sugar, in children and adults, leads to reduced EI and BW, and possibly also when compared with water

    Inferring the perturbation time from biological time course data.

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    MOTIVATION: Time course data are often used to study the changes to a biological process after perturbation. Statistical methods have been developed to determine whether such a perturbation induces changes over time, e.g. comparing a perturbed and unperturbed time course dataset to uncover differences. However, existing methods do not provide a principled statistical approach to identify the specific time when the two time course datasets first begin to diverge after a perturbation; we call this the perturbation time. Estimation of the perturbation time for different variables in a biological process allows us to identify the sequence of events following a perturbation and therefore provides valuable insights into likely causal relationships. RESULTS: We propose a Bayesian method to infer the perturbation time given time course data from a wild-type and perturbed system. We use a non-parametric approach based on Gaussian Process regression. We derive a probabilistic model of noise-corrupted and replicated time course data coming from the same profile before the perturbation time and diverging after the perturbation time. The likelihood function can be worked out exactly for this model and the posterior distribution of the perturbation time is obtained by a simple histogram approach, without recourse to complex approximate inference algorithms. We validate the method on simulated data and apply it to study the transcriptional change occurring in Arabidopsis following inoculation with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 versus the disarmed strain DC3000hrpA AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: : An R package, DEtime, implementing the method is available at https://github.com/ManchesterBioinference/DEtime along with the data and code required to reproduce all the results. CONTACT: [email protected] or [email protected] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Convergence and Perturbation Resilience of Dynamic String-Averaging Projection Methods

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    We consider the convex feasibility problem (CFP) in Hilbert space and concentrate on the study of string-averaging projection (SAP) methods for the CFP, analyzing their convergence and their perturbation resilience. In the past, SAP methods were formulated with a single predetermined set of strings and a single predetermined set of weights. Here we extend the scope of the family of SAP methods to allow iteration-index-dependent variable strings and weights and term such methods dynamic string-averaging projection (DSAP) methods. The bounded perturbation resilience of DSAP methods is relevant and important for their possible use in the framework of the recently developed superiorization heuristic methodology for constrained minimization problems.Comment: Computational Optimization and Applications, accepted for publicatio

    Using digital and hand printing techniques to compensate for loss: re-establishing colour and texture in historic textiles

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    Conservators use a range of 'gap filling' techniques to improve the structural stability and presentation of objects. Textile conservators often use fabric supports to provide reinforcement for weak areas of a textile and to provide a visual infill in missing areas. The most common technique is to use dyed fabrics of a single colour but while a plain dyed support provides good reinforcement, it can be visually obtrusive when used with patterned or textured textiles. Two recent postgraduate dissertation projects at the Textile Conservation Centre (TCC) have experimented with hand printing and digital imaging techniques to alter the appearance of support fabrics so that they are less visually obtrusive and blend well with the colour and texture of the textile being supported. Case studies demonstrate the successful use of these techniques on a painted hessian rocking horse and a knitted glove from an archaeological context

    Working practices and incomes of health workers : evidence from an evaluation of a delivery fee exemption scheme in Ghana

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    Background: This article describes a survey of health workers and traditional birth attendants (TBAs) which was carried out in 2005 in two regions of Ghana. The objective of the survey was to ascertain the impact of the introduction of a delivery fee exemption scheme on both health workers and those providers who were excluded from the scheme (TBAs). This formed part of an overall evaluation of the delivery fee exemption scheme. The results shed light not only on the scheme itself but also on the general productivity of a range of health workers in Ghana. Methods: A structured questionnaire was developed, covering individual and household characteristics, working hours and practices, sources of income, and views of the exemptions scheme and general motivation. After field testing, this was administered to 374 respondents in 12 districts of Central and Volta regions. The respondents included doctors, medical assistants (MAs), public and private midwives, nurses, community health nurses (CHNs), and traditional birth attendants, both trained and untrained. Results: Health workers were well informed about the delivery fee exemptions scheme and their responses on its impact suggest a realistic view that it was a good scheme, but one that faces serious challenges regarding financial sustainability. Concerning its impact on their morale and working conditions, the responses were broadly neutral. Most public sector workers have seen an increased workload, but counterbalanced by increased pay. TBAs have suffered, in terms of client numbers and income, while the picture for private midwives is mixed. The survey also sheds light on pay and productivity. The respondents report long working hours, with a mean of 54 hours per week for community nurses and up to 129 hours per week for MAs. Weekly reported client loads in the public sector range from a mean of 86 for nurses to 269 for doctors. Over the past two years, reported working hours have been increasing, but so have pay and allowances (for doctors, allowances now make up 66% of their total pay). The lowest paid public health worker now earns almost ten times the average gross national income (GNI) per capita, while the doctors earn 38.5 times GNI per capita. This compares well with average government pay of four times GNI per capita. Comparing pay with outputs, the relatively high number of clients reported by doctors reduces their pay differential, so that the cost per client – $1.09 – is similar to a nurse's (and lower than a private midwife's). Conclusion: These findings show that a scheme which increases demand for public health services while also sustaining health worker income and morale, is workable, if well managed, even within the relatively constrained human resources environment of countries like Ghana. This may be linked to the fact that internal comparisons reveal Ghana's health workers to be well paid from public sector sources.This work was undertaken as part of an international research programme – IMMPACT (Initiative for Maternal Mortality Programme Assessment) – funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Department for International Development, the European Commission and USAID

    Randomized clinical trial of postoperative chewing gum versus standard care after colorectal resection

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    Background Chewing gum may stimulate gastrointestinal motility, with beneficial effects on postoperative ileus suggested in small studies. The primary aim of this trial was to determine whether chewing gum reduces length of hospital stay (LOS) after colorectal resection. Secondary aims included examining bowel habit symptoms, complications and healthcare costs. Methods This clinical trial allocated patients randomly to standard postoperative care with or without chewing gum (sugar-free gum for at least 10 min, four times per day on days 1–5) in five UK hospitals. The primary outcome was LOS. Cox regression was used to calculate hazard ratios for LOS. Results Data from 402 of 412 patients, of whom 199 (49·5 per cent) were allocated to chewing gum, were available for analysis. Some 40 per cent of patients in both groups had laparoscopic surgery, and all study sites used enhanced recovery programmes. Median (i.q.r.) LOS was 7 (5–11) days in both groups (P = 0·962); the hazard ratio for use of gum was 0·94 (95 per cent c.i. 0·77 to 1·15; P = 0·557). Participants allocated to gum had worse quality of life, measured using the EuroQoL 5D-3L, than controls at 6 and 12 weeks after operation (but not on day 4). They also had more complications graded III or above according to the Dindo–Demartines–Clavien classification (16 versus 6 in the group that received standard care) and deaths (11 versus 0), but none was classed as related to gum. No other differences were observed. Conclusion Chewing gum did not alter the return of bowel function or LOS after colorectal resection

    Self-assembly in dilute mixtures of non-ionic and anionic surfactants and rhamnolipid biosurfactant

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    The self-assembly of dilute aqueous solutions of a ternary surfactant mixture and rhamnolipid biosurfactant/surfactant mixtures has been studied by small angle neutron scattering. In the ternary surfactant mixture of octaethylene glycol monododecyl ether, C12E8, sodium dodecyl 6-benzene sulfonate, LAS, and sodium dioxyethylene monododecyl sulfate, SLES, small globular interacting micelles are observed over the entire composition and concentration range studied. The modelling of the scattering data strongly supports the assumption that the micelle compositions are close to the solution compositions. In the 5-component rhamnolipid/surfactant mixture of the mono-rhamnose, R1, di-rhamnose, R2, rhamnolipids with C12E8/LAS/SLES, globular micelles are observed over much of the concentration and composition range studied. However, for solutions relatively rich in rhamnolipid and LAS, lamellar/micellar coexistence is observed. The transition from globular to more planar structures arises from a synergistic packing in the 5 component mixture. It is not observed in the individual components nor in the ternary C12E8/LAS/SLES mixture at these relatively low concentrations. The results provide an insight into how synergistic packing effects can occur in the solution self-assembly of complex multi-component surfactant mixtures, and give rise to an unexpected evolution in the phase behaviour