13 research outputs found

    Corticostriatal Plastic Changes in Experimental L-DOPA-Induced Dyskinesia

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    In Parkinson's disease (PD), alteration of dopamine- (DA-) dependent striatal functions and pulsatile stimulation of DA receptors caused by the discontinuous administration of levodopa (L-DOPA) lead to a complex cascade of events affecting the postsynaptic striatal neurons that might account for the appearance of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID). Experimental models of LID have been widely used and extensively characterized in rodents and electrophysiological studies provided remarkable insights into the inner mechanisms underlying L-DOPA-induced corticostriatal plastic changes. Here we provide an overview of recent findings that represent a further step into the comprehension of mechanisms underlying maladaptive changes of basal ganglia functions in response to L-DOPA and associated to development of LID

    Intermittent theta-burst stimulation rescues dopamine-dependent corticostriatal synaptic plasticity and motor behavior in experimental parkinsonism. Possible role of glial activity.

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    Background: Recent studies support the therapeutic utility of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in Parkinson's disease (PD), whose progression is correlated with loss of corticostriatal long-term potentiation and long-term depression. Glial cell activation is also a feature of PD that is gaining increasing attention in the field because astrocytes play a role in chronic neuroinflammatory responses but are also able to manage dopamine (DA) levels. Methods: Intermittent theta-burst stimulation protocol was applied to study the effect of therapeutic neuromodulation on striatal DA levels measured by means of in vivo microdialysis in 6-hydroxydopamine-hemilesioned rats. Effects on corticostriatal synaptic plasticity were studied through in vitro intracellular and whole-cell patch clamp recordings while stepping test and CatWalk were used to test motor behavior. Immunohistochemical analyses were performed to analyze morphological changes in neurons and glial cells. Results: Acute theta-burst stimulation induced an increase in striatal DA levels in hemiparkinsonian rats, 80 minutes post-treatment, correlated with full recovery of plasticity and amelioration of motor performances. With the same timing, immediate early gene activation was restricted to striatal spiny neurons. Intense astrocytic and microglial responses were also significantly reduced 80 minutes following theta-burst stimulation. Conclusion: Taken together, these results provide a first glimpse on physiological adaptations that occur in the parkinsonian striatum following intermittent theta-burst stimulation and may help to disclose the real potential of this technique in treating PD and preventing DA replacement therapy-associated disturbances

    Correlation between olfactory function, age, sex, and cognitive reserve index in the Italian population

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    Purpose: Loss of smell decreases the quality of life and contributes to the failure in recognizing hazardous substances. Given the relevance of olfaction in daily life, it is important to recognize an undiagnosed olfactory dysfunction to prevent these possible complications. Up to now, the prevalence of smell disorders in Italy is unknown due to a lack of epidemiological studies. Hence, the primary aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of olfactory dysfunction in a sample of Italian adults. Methods: Six hundred and thirty-three participants (347 woman and 286 men; mean age 44.9 years, SD 17.3, age range 18-86) were recruited from 10 distinct Italian regions. Participants were recruited using a convenience sapling and were divided into six different age groups: 18-29 years (N = 157), 30-39 years (N = 129), 40-49 years (N = 99), 50-59 years (N = 106), > 60 years (N = 142). Olfactory function, cognitive abilities, cognitive reserve, and depression were assessed, respectively, with: Sniffin' Sticks 16-item Odor Identification Test, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Cognitive Reserve Index, and the Beck Depression Inventory. Additionally, socio-demographic data, medical history, and health-related lifestyle information were collected. Results: About 27% of participants showed an odor identification score < 12 indicating hyposmia. Multiple regression analysis revealed that OI was significantly correlated with age, sex, and cognitive reserve index, and young women with high cognitive reserve index showing the highest olfactory scores. Conclusion: This study provides data on the prevalence of olfactory dysfunction in different Italian regions

    Cross-sectional analysis of emergency hypoglycaemia and outcome predictors among people with diabetes in an urban population

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    Out-of-hospital hypoglycaemia is a common complication for individuals with diabetes mellitus and represents a significant burden to emergency medical services (EMS). We aim to identify the factors associated with receiving parenteral treatment and hospital conveyance. We retrospectively analysed a 6-month data set of all London EMS hypoglycaemia. Individuals with a known diabetes diagnosis were included in our analysis and stratified as either having type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes. A total of 2862 incidents occurred within the area served by London Ambulance Service between January and June 2018. Fifty percent of incidents required parenteral treatment (intravenous glucose or intramuscular glucagon) and were conveyed to hospital. A higher arrival of blood glucose, intact consciousness and receiving oral glucose treatment were all negative predictors for requiring parenteral therapy. Forty-three percent of incidents were labelled as 'hypoglycaemia' by the EMS call handler, and greater odds of hospitalisation were observed among incidents that received parenteral treatment (OR 2.52 [95% CI 1.46, 4.33] p < 0.01) and individuals with type 2 diabetes (OR 2.67 [95% CI 1.52, 4.71] p < 0.01). Repeated callouts from 2% (n = 50) of individuals accounted for 10% (286) of all incidents attended, and 56.4% of individuals attended by EMS on more than one occasion had type 1 diabetes. Severe hypoglycaemia requiring emergency service attendance remains common, as does the requirement for parenteral therapy and conveyance to hospital. Early intervention, education and improved accessibility to risk prevention strategies may reduce the necessity for emergency parenteral treatment and hospitalisation, especially among individuals suffering from recurrent hypoglycaemia and high-risk individuals with type 2 diabetes. [Abstract copyright: © 2021 Diabetes UK.

    Region-specific restoration of striatal synaptic plasticity by dopamine grafts in experimental parkinsonism.

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    Intrastriatal transplantation of dopaminergic neurons can restore striatal dopamine levels and improve parkinsonian deficits, but the mechanisms underlying these effects are poorly understood. Here, we show that transplants of dopamine neurons partially restore activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in the host striatal neurons. We evaluated synaptic plasticity in regions distal or proximal to the transplant (i.e., dorsolateral and ventrolateral striatum) and compared the effects of dopamine- and serotonin-enriched grafts using a rat model of Parkinson disease. Naïve rats showed comparable intrinsic membrane properties in the two subregions but distinct patterns of long-term synaptic plasticity. The ventrolateral striatum showed long-term potentiation using the same protocol that elicited long-term depression in the dorsolateral striatum. The long-term potentiation was linked to higher expression of postsynaptic AMPA and N2B NMDA subunits (GluN2B) and was dependent on the activation of GluN2A and GluN2B subunits and the D1 dopamine receptor. In both regions, the synaptic plasticity was abolished after a severe dopamine depletion and could not be restored by grafted serotonergic neurons. Solely, dopamine-enriched grafts could restore the long-term potentiation and partially restore motor deficits in the rats. The restoration could only be seen close to the graft, in the ventrolateral striatum where the graft-derived reinnervation was denser, compared with the distal dorsolateral region. These data provide proof of concept that dopamine-enriched transplants are able to functionally integrate into the host brain and restore deficits in striatal synaptic plasticity after experimental parkinsonism. The region-specific restoration might impose limitations in symptomatic improvement following neural transplantation

    p600 regulates spindle orientation in apical neural progenitors and contributes to neurogenesis in the developing neocortex

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    Apical neural progenitors (aNPs) drive neurogenesis by means of a program consisting of self-proliferative and neurogenic divisions. The balance between these two manners of division sustains the pool of apical progenitors into late neurogenesis, thereby ensuring their availability to populate the brain with terminal cell types. Using knockout and in utero electroporation mouse models, we report a key role for the microtubule-associated protein 600 (p600) in the regulation of spindle orientation in aNPs, a cellular event that has been associated with cell fate and neurogenesis. We find that p600 interacts directly with the neurogenic protein Ndel1 and that aNPs knockout for p600, depleted of p600 by shRNA or expressing a Ndel1-binding p600 fragment all display randomized spindle orientation. Depletion of p600 by shRNA or expression of the Ndel1-binding p600 fragment also results in a decreased number of Pax6-positive aNPs and an increased number of Tbr2-positive basal progenitors destined to become neurons. These Pax6-positive aNPs display a tilted mitotic spindle. In mice wherein p600 is ablated in progenitors, the production of neurons is significantly impaired and this defect is associated with microcephaly. We propose a working model in which p600 controls spindle orientation in aNPs and discuss its implication for neurogenesis

    p600 regulates spindle orientation in apical neural progenitors and contributes to neurogenesis in the developing neocortex

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    Apical neural progenitors (aNPs) drive neurogenesis by means of a program consisting of self-proliferative and neurogenic divisions. The balance between these two manners of division sustains the pool of apical progenitors into late neurogenesis, thereby ensuring their availability to populate the brain with terminal cell types. Using knockout and in utero electroporation mouse models, we report a key role for the microtubule-associated protein 600 (p600) in the regulation of spindle orientation in aNPs, a cellular event that has been associated with cell fate and neurogenesis. We find that p600 interacts directly with the neurogenic protein Ndel1 and that aNPs knockout for p600, depleted of p600 by shRNA or expressing a Ndel1-binding p600 fragment all display randomized spindle orientation. Depletion of p600 by shRNA or expression of the Ndel1-binding p600 fragment also results in a decreased number of Pax6-positive aNPs and an increased number of Tbr2-positive basal progenitors destined to become neurons. These Pax6-positive aNPs display a tilted mitotic spindle. In mice wherein p600 is ablated in progenitors, the production of neurons is significantly impaired and this defect is associated with microcephaly. We propose a working model in which p600 controls spindle orientation in aNPs and discuss its implication for neurogenesis

    L-DOPA reverses the impairment of Dentate Gyrus LTD in experimental parkinsonism via β-adrenergic receptors

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) patients exhibit motor and non-motor symptoms that severely affect quality of life. Cognitive alterations in PD subjects have been related to both structural and functional hippocampal changes. Here we investigated the effects of the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesion in the Medial Forebrain Bundle (MFB) on the hippocampus focusing on the Dentate Gyrus (DG). In vivo microdialysis measurements revealed that the 6-OHDA injection disrupts both dopaminergic and noradrenergic transmission in rat DG. In vitro electrophysiological recordings showed that these neurochemical alterations were accompanied by impairment of long-term depression (LTD) at medial perforant path/DG synapses. Furthermore, this alteration was reversed by l-DOPA treatment. Notably, the therapeutic effect of l-DOPA on LTD was blocked by the antagonism of β-noradrenergic receptors, but not by dopamine D1 or D2 receptor antagonists. Thus, while the dopaminergic transmission does not seem to be implicated in this therapeutic effect of l-DOPA, the noradrenergic system plays a central role in the synaptic dysfunction of the DG in experimental PD. Our work provides new evidence on the role of catecholamines in DG synaptic plasticity and sheds light on the possible synaptic mechanisms underlying cognitive deficits in PD. Furthermore, our results indicate that l-DOPA exerts a therapeutic effect on the parkinsonian brain through different, coexistent, mechanisms. © 2014 Elsevier Inc

    Rhes influences striatal cAMP/PKA-dependent signaling and synaptic plasticity in a gender-sensitive fashion

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    Mechanisms of gender-specific synaptic plasticity in the striatum, a brain region that controls motor, cognitive and psychiatric functions, remain unclear. Here we report that Rhes, a GTPase enriched in medium spiny neurons (MSNs) of striatum, alters the striatal cAMP/PKA signaling cascade in a gender-specific manner. While Rhes knockout (KO) male mice, compared to wild-type (WT) mice, had a significant basal increase of cAMP/PKA signaling pathway, the Rhes KO females exhibited a much stronger response of this pathway, selectively under the conditions of dopamine/adenosine-related drug challenge. Corticostriatal LTP defects are exclusively found in A2AR/D2R-expressing MSNs of KO females, compared to KO males, an effect that is abolished by PKA inhibitors but not by the removal of circulating estrogens. This suggests that the synaptic alterations found in KO females could be triggered by an aberrant A2AR/cAMP/PKA activity, but not due to estrogen-mediated effect. Consistent with increased cAMP signaling, D1R-mediated motor stimulation, haloperidol-induced catalepsy and caffeine-evoked hyper-activity are robustly enhanced in Rhes KO females compared to mutant males. Thus Rhes, a thyroid hormone-target gene, plays a relevant role in gender-specific synaptic and behavioral responsesMechanisms of gender-specific synaptic plasticity in the striatum, a brain region that controls motor, cognitive and psychiatric functions, remain unclear. Here we report that Rhes, a GTPase enriched in medium spiny neurons (MSNs) of striatum, alters the striatal cAMP/PKA signaling cascade in a gender-specific manner. While Rhes knockout (KO) male mice, compared to wild-type (WT) mice, had a significant basal increase of cAMP/PKA signaling pathway, the Rhes KO females exhibited a much stronger response of this pathway, selectively under the conditions of dopamine/adenosine-related drug challenge. Corticostriatal LTP defects are exclusively found in A2AR/D2R-expressing MSNs of KO females, compared to KO males, an effect that is abolished by PKA inhibitors but not by the removal of circulating estrogens. This suggests that the synaptic alterations found in KO females could be triggered by an aberrant A2AR/cAMP/PKA activity, but not due to estrogen-mediated effect. Consistent with increased cAMP signaling, D1R-mediated motor stimulation, haloperidol-induced catalepsy and caffeine-evoked hyper-activity are robustly enhanced in Rhes KO females compared to mutant males. Thus Rhes, a thyroid hormone-target gene, plays a relevant role in gender-specific synaptic and behavioral responses