460 research outputs found

    Communicating risk from the frontline: projecting community voices into disaster risk management policies across scales, in: Urban Ark Briefing No 19. October 2018

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    Research carried out in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on cross-scalar risk communication and disaster risk governance reveals that, while there is considerable potential for communities to measure and communicate risk and to prioritise actions, there is little scope for them to influence disaster risk governance at this point in time. This is partly because, although disaster risk management (DRM) is devolved in Tanzania, it has not gone far enough to give adequate powers and financing to the lowest level of government at the sub-wards, which are at the frontline of managing the biggest everyday risks that people face. The effective communication of risks upwards from communities to governments, and of DRM policies and opportunities downwards to communities and across sectors is crucial to overcome these gaps. When communication is participatory and collaborative, there is scope for local city actors to reflect on the need for action to be joined across governance scales, and to ensure communication plays a key role at and between all levels

    Global tidal impacts of large-scale ice-sheet collapses

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    Tide model output for "Wilmes et al., (2017), Global tidal impacts of large-scale ice-sheet collapses, JGR Oceans" together with the Matlab files needed to read the model binary files Please refer to the publications for details on the run setup. h0.* contains elevation output; M2 elevations can be read in Matlab using [h,th_lim,ph_lim] = h_in(filename,1); where h is tidal elevation (abs(h) gives amplitudes and angle(h) gives phase), th_lim gives latitude limits in degs N and ph_lim longitude limits in degs E u0.* contains tidal transport output; M2 transports can be read in Matlab using [u,v,th_lim,ph_lim] = u_in(filename,1); where u and v are transports in x and y direction (real(u)/hz gives tidal current strength) grid* contains the bathymetry; can be read in Matlab using [ll_lims,hz,mz,iob] = grd_in(filename); where ll_lims gives lon and lat limits, hz is water depth, mz is the land-sea mask (0 is land, 1 is water), and iob are open boundary nodes *.it_m2_k1_00.0kyrBP_ish_no0.1sal_191322_sal4 - CTRL; bathymetry: grid_etssib_1_8_paleo_glob_ice_shelves *.it_m2_k1_00.0kyrBP_ish_5mSLR_vw_no0.1sal_191333_sal4 - 5m SLR; bathymetry: grid_etssib_1_8_paleo_glob_ice_shelves_5mSLR_vw *.it_m2_k1_00.0kyrBP_ish_7mSLR_vw_no0.1sal_191336_sal4 - 7m SLR; bathymetry: grid_etssib_1_8_paleo_glob_ice_shelves_7mSLR_vw *.it_m2_k1_1_8th_00.0kyrBP_12mSLR_vw_7048752_sal4 - 12m SLR; bathymetry: grid_etssib_1_8_paleo_glob_ice_shelves_12mSLR_vw *.it_m2_k1_00.0kyrBP_no_wais_fp_5mSLR_vw_no0.1sal_191326_sal4 - No WAIS; bathymetry: grid_etssib_1_8_glob_no_wais_SLR_fingerprint_5m_EEV_vw *.it_m2_k1_00.0kyrBP_no_gris_fp_7mSLR_vw_no0.1sal_191331_sal4 - No GIS; bathymetry: grid_etssib_1_8_glob_no_gris_SLR_fingerprint_7m_EEV_vw *.it_m2_00.0kyrBP_no_wais_gis_fp_vw_375526_sal4 - No WAIS & No GIS; bathymetry: grid_etssib_1_8_glob_no_wais_gris_SLR_fingerprint_12m_EEV_v

    Advanced techniques for high resolution spectroscopic observations of cosmic gamma-ray sources

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    An advanced gamma-ray spectrometer that is currently in development is described. It will obtain a sensitivity of 0.0001 ph/sq cm./sec in a 6 hour balloon observation and uses innovative techniques for background reduction and source imaging

    Uncertain pasts and risk-sensitive futures in sub-Saharan urban transformation

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    This chapter explores the status and the scope for transition of risk- sensitive and transformative urban development in diverse cities of sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa is important because of its large proportions of urban populations with high vulnerability and growing exposure to risks. High rates of urban growth pose increasing risks as we go into the future, yet there is also opportunity to reduce risk through integrating risk management into development. However, this opportunity space is often constrained by limited capacities to plan and manage the rapid urbanisation process, particularly in informal settlements. Limited capacities to prevent processes of risk accumulation pose threats to poverty reduction and sustainable development. In this context, there is an increasingly urgent need for squarely recognising and addressing the underlying vulnerabilities of urban populations and their root causes. Transitioning towards such sustainable urban pathways will require the strengthening of capacities and accountability of city authorities and broader governance systems, both formal and informal

    Bacterial biofilm formation on indwelling urethral catheters

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    Urethral catheters are the most commonly deployed medical devices and used to manage a wide range of conditions in both hospital and community care settings. The use of long-term catheterization, where the catheter remains in place for a period &gt;28 days remains common, and the care of these patients is often undermined by the acquisition of infections and formation of biofilms on catheter surfaces. Particular problems arise from colonization with urease-producing species such as Proteus mirabilis, which form unusual crystalline biofilms that encrust catheter surfaces and block urine flow. Encrustation and blockage often lead to a range of serious clinical complications and emergency hospital referrals in long-term catheterized patients. Here we review current understanding of bacterial biofilm formation on urethral catheters, with a focus on crystalline biofilm formation by P. mirabilis, as well as approaches that may be used to control biofilm formation on these devices. Significance and Impact of the Study: Urinary catheters are the most commonly used medical devices in many healthcare systems, but their use predisposes to infection and provide ideal conditions for bacterial biofilm formation. Patients managed by long-term urethral catheterization are particularly vulnerable to biofilm-related infections, with crystalline biofilm formation by urease producing species frequently leading to catheter blockage and other serious clinical complications. This review considers current knowledge regarding biofilm formation on urethral catheters, and possible strategies for their control.</p

    Towards risk-sensitive and transformative urban development in sub Saharan Africa

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    Risk-sensitive urban development is required to reduce accumulated risk and to better consider risk when planning new developments. To deliver a sustainable city for all requires a more frank and comprehensive focus on procedure: On who makes decisions, under which frameworks, based upon what kind of data or knowledge, and with what degree and direction of accountability? Acting on these procedural questions is the promise of transformative urban development. This paper explores the status of risk sensitive and transformative urban development and the scope for transition towards these components of sustainability in urban sub-Saharan Africa through the lens of diverse city cases: Karonga (Malawi), Ibadan (Nigeria), Niamey (Niger) and Nairobi (Kenya). The paper draws from a 3-year research and capacity building programme called Urban Africa: Risk Knowledge that aims to address gaps in data, understandings and capacity to break cycles of risk accumulation. A common analytical framework is presented to help identify blockages and opportunities for transition towards a risk-sensitive and transformative urban development. This framework is then illustrated through each city in turn and a concluding discussion reflects on city observations to draw out recommendations for city level and wider action and research partnerships

    Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Guest Investigator Program

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    Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) observations of the bright supernova remnant Cas A have revealed a hard power law component above 10 keV in addition to two thermal components inferred from ASCA measurements of the many line centroids from low-Z elements. The power law can be shown to be consistent with synchrotron emission from radio to hard x-rays by electrons of up to 4 x 10(exp 13) eV. Measurement of the 1157 keV line by CGRO (Compton Gamma Ray Observatory) from SC-44 in the chain of decay of Ti-44 predicts that the two Ti-44 lines at 68 and 78 keV should appear at the CGRO intensity. RXTE has placed upper limits on such lines that are marginally consistent with the CGRO measurement. Implications of these results on sites for cosmic ray acceleration and nucleosynthesis are discussed

    Land–ocean interactions in the coastal zone: past, present & future

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    The Land–ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) project was established in 1993 as a core project of the International Geosphere–Biosphere Programme (IGBP) to provide the science knowledge to answer "How will changes in land use, sea level and climate alter coastal systems, and what are the wider consequences?" In its first phase of operation (1993–2003) LOICZ began a fundamental investigation focused on biophysical dimensions, including seminal assessments of coastal seas as net sources or sinks of atmospheric CO2, river discharge to the oceans, and biogeochemical modelling. In the second generation of LOICZ (2004–2014), increased attention was paid to the human dimensions of the coast, involving the inclusion of cross-cutting themes such as coastal governance, social-ecological systems, ecological economics and activities around capacity building and the promotion of early career scientists. This paper provides a synthesis of this work and looks forward to the future challenges for the project. With the transition to Future Earth, there is a paradigm shift emerging. The new vision is to support transformation to a sustainable and resilient future for society and nature on the coast, by facilitating innovative, integrated and solutions-oriented science. Realising this vision takes LOICZ into a third generation: to be at the forefront of co-designing, co-producing and co-implementing knowledge for coastal resilience and sustainability. LOICZ as Future Earth Coasts will continue to address 'hotspots' of coastal vulnerability, focusing on themes of dynamic coasts, human development and the coast, and pathways to global coastal sustainability and constraints thereof

    An agenda for ethics and justice in adaptation to climate change

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    As experts predict that at least some irreversible climate change will occur with potentially disastrous effects on the lives and well-being of vulnerable communities around the world, it is paramount to ensure that these communities are resilient and have adaptive capacity to withstand the consequences. Adaptation and resilience planning present several ethical issues that need to be resolved if we are to achieve successful adaptation and resilience to climate change, taking into consideration vulnerabilities and inequalities in terms of power, income, gender, age, sexuality, race, culture, religion, and spatiality. Sustainable adaptation and resilience planning that addresses these ethical issues requires interdisciplinary dialogues between the natural sciences, social sciences, and philosophy, in order to integrate empirical insights on socioeconomic inequality and climate vulnerability with ethical analysis of the underlying causes and consequences of injustice in adaptation and resilience. In this paper, we set out an interdisciplinary research agenda for the inclusion of ethics and justice theories in adaptation and resilience planning, particularly into the Sixth Assessment Report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR6). We present six core discussions that we believe should be an integral part of these interdisciplinary dialogues on adaptation and resilience as part of IPCC AR6, especially Chapters 2 (“Terrestial and freshwater ecosystems and their services”), 6 (“Cities, settlements and key infrastructure”), 7 (“Health, wellbeing and the changing structure of communities”), 8 (“Poverty, livelihoods and sustainable development”), 16 “Key risks across sectors and regions”), 17 (“Decision-making options for managing risk”), and 18 (“Climate resilient development pathways”).: (i) Where does ‘justice’ feature in resilience and adaptation planning and what does it require in that regard?; (ii) How can it be ensured that adaptation and resilience strategies protect and take into consideration and represent the interest of the most vulnerable women and men, and communities?; (iii) How can different forms of knowledge be integrated within adaptation and resilience planning?; (iv) What trade-offs need to be made when focusing on resilience and adaptation and how can they be resolved?; (v) What roles and responsibilities do different actors have to build resilience and achieve adaptation?; (vi) Finally, what does the focus on ethics imply for the practice of adaptation and resilience planning

    A new framework to enable equitable outcomes: resilience and nexus approaches combined

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    Managing integrated social-ecological systems to reduce risks to human and environmental well-being remains challenging in light of the rate and extent of undesirable changes that are occurring. Developing frameworks that are sufficiently integrative to guide research to deliver the necessary insights into all key system aspects is an important outstanding task. Among existing approaches, resilience and nexus framings both allow focus on unpacking relationships across scales and levels in a system and emphasize the involvement of different groups in decision making to different extents. They also suffer weaknesses and neither approach puts social justice considerations explicitly at its core. This has important implications for understanding who wins and loses out from different decisions and how social and ecological risks and trade-offs are shared and distributed, temporally and spatially. This paper conceptually integrates resilience and nexus approaches, developing a combined framework and indicating how it could effectively be operationalized in cases from mountain and mangrove social-ecological systems. In doing so, it advances understanding of complex social-ecological systems framings for risk-based decision making beyond that which could be achieved through use of either resilience or nexus approaches alone. Important next steps in testing the framework involve empirical and field operationalization, requiring interdisciplinary, mixed method approache