20 research outputs found

    Le frontiere di Claudio Magris

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    Questo saggio, che ha la forma eccentrica di appunti, presenta alcune riflessioni in margine al tema della frontiera nell'opera narrativa e saggistica di Claudio Magris. È strutturato in due parti: la prima consiste in un esame ravvicinato dell'ultima sua opera, La mostra, ritratto del pittore triestino Vito Timmel, la seconda, riunisce invece un elenco di citazioni sul motivo del confine estrapolate qua e là dalle opere dello scrittore.This article, which is written eccentrically in note form, sets out a number of reflections on the theme of the frontier in the narratives and essays of Claudio Magris. The article is in two parts. The first of these is a close assessment of his latest work, La Mostra, a portrait of the Triestine painter Vito Timmel; the second, on the other hand, draws together a catalogue of quotations concerning the border motif, drawn here and there from the writer's work

    «Io senza garanzie». Donne e autobiografia. Dialogo ai confini fra storia e letteratura

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    Io senza garanzie è un dialogo sulla scrittura autobiografica delle donne dall'età moderna alla contemporaneità. Nato dall'intreccio e dal cortocircuito di due voci diverse che si misurano in un territorio franco, fra storia e letteratura, alla ricerca delle tappe della riflessione sul sé autoriale, questo saggio riflette sulla scrittura autobiografica come punta emergente di un lungo percorso di affioramenti dell'io. Le fonti storiche che testimoniano un scrittura indiretta, quasi di «transito» della soggettività delle donne, si aprono poco alla volta ad un uso sempre più forte e consapevole della scrittura, fino alle ora dolorose, ora euforiche, ora ideologicamente compiaciute autobiografie della contemporaneità. Dalla scrittura delle mistiche, non delle donne ma attraverso le donne, alla metautobiografia. Dalla inconsapevolezza del valore della propria memoria\scrittura alla piena coscienza del valore fondativo di essa per la scoperta e reivenzione di un sé di genere. Dai recinti e perimetri stretti del passato ai fertili sconfinamenti e spaesamenti dell'io contemporaneo, in una utopia di trasformazione che sovverte gerarchie e parodizza logiche di potere. Come nell'elogio del margine della scrittrice afroamericana bell hooks, il cui nome tutto in caratteri minuscoli esprime orizzontalità ed insieme ribellione: «fare del margine non solo un luogo di privazione, ma un luogo di resistenza».Me without guarantees is a dialogue on the autobiographical writing of women from the modern to the contemporary age. Born from the interweaving and short-circuiting of two separate voices which take their measure in open territory, midway between history and literature, in search of the stages of reflection on the authorial self, this essay is a reflection on autobiographical writing as an emerging point of a long journey of the ego's outcroppings. The historical sources which bear witness to an indirect, almost «transitiona»» writing of the subjectivity of women, give way a little by little at a time to an ever more forceful and conscious use of the written word, up to the now painful, now euphoric, now ideologically complacent, autobiographies of the present moment. From the writings of the mystics, not of women but through women, to meta-autobiography. From the unawareness of the value of one's own memory/writing to the full consciousness of its founding value for the discovery and reinvention of a gender self. From the penned-in spaces of the past to the fertile boundlessness and bewilderment of the contemporary ego, in a utopia of transformation which subverts hierarchies and parodies the logic of power. As in the «outlaw culture» of the Afro-American writer bell hooks, whose name written all in small letters suggests both horizontality and rebellion: «to make marginality not only a place of privation, but a place of resistance»

    Note di lettura su "La carta delle arance" e alcuni inediti di Pietro De Marchi

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    A reading of the collection of poems by Pietro De Marchi entitled La carta delle arance (published in 2016 by Casagrande), which won the prestigious Keller Prize in Switzerland where the author teaches Italian literature at Zurich University. The analysis is carried out in the context of a study of all the author’s poetry, which is characterised by linguistic and cultural hybridity typical of this “Italy outside Italy”

    Note di lettura su La carta delle arance e alcuni inediti di Pietro De Marchi

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    A reading of the collection of poems by Pietro De Marchi entitled La carta delle arance (published in 2016 by Casagrande), which won the prestigious Keller Prize in Switzerland where the author teaches Italian literature at Zurich University. The analysis is carried out in the context of a study of all the author’s poetry, which is characterised by linguistic and cultural hybridity typical of this “Italy outside Italy”

    Chapter «Il segreto e la sua custodia sono un elemento fondamentale del potere». Non luogo a procedere

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    The contribution reworks an essay published in the journal «LEA» (2015) through combining it with a short paper presented at a Conference (2019) introducing readings of excerpts from Magris’ Non luogo a procedere. The essay also adds some critical considerations suggested by more recent studies published at an international level close to the translations and corresponds to the conclusion of the second Meridiano of Mondadori devoted to the writer’s works. It takes on a sum of knowledge that transformed it, gradually assuming a somewhat exorbitant dimension. A work represents for Magris the sea into which all the rivers of writing have flowed, just as for Pirandello with his Uno, nessuno e centomila

    Firenze per Claudio Magris

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    The Transparencies of Marisa Madieri: Autobiography as Farewell

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    This article analyses Marisa Madieri’s narrative with particular attention to its stylistic traits. It focuses on her autobiographical style, characterized by nostalgia and—at the same time—a puzzling and enchanting detachment. Madieri’s writing closely looks at the earthly and the physical world from ground level in its minute and marginal aspects, while, at the same time, consistently transcending it. The interplay of memory and farewell, lightly but tenaciously woven into the narrative, informs it with a vertical and metaphysical perspective. Lightness and precision constitute the stylistic elements of her prose, and can be detected in her account of the exodus from post-war Yugoslavia, as well as in her floral fable “La radura,” or in the meditative space of her “La conchiglia.