408 research outputs found

    Значення адаптаційних реакцій для внутрішньої патології

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    На основании исследования нервной, эндокринной, иммунной систем, воспаления, гемостаза приведена характеристика общих неспецифических адаптационных реакций - стресса, ориентировки, спокойной и повышенной активации, переактивации, неполноценной адаптации. Обоснована целесообразность использования адаптационных реакций для оценки состояния реактивности больного и эффективности терапии.It was studied characteristics of the adaptations types and adaptational reactions showed that these reactions (stress, orientation, quiet and raised activation, overactivation, defective adaptation) are characterized by different parameters of nervous, immune, endocrine systems, inflammation, hemostasis. We suppose that adaptational reactions can be used as criterions of reactivity and treatment effectiveness

    Land Suitability and Capability For Mariculture Utilization of Coastal Area of Manado Tua Island

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    The concept of land suitability and carrying capacity in utilizing the coastal land area of Manado Tua Island is a long-term goal in the study of sustainable coastal and small island management. Meanwhile, alternative livelihoods for sustainable aquaculture food sources are a special target. The potential of freshwater supply becomes a limiting factor for small islands, in addition to land availability. The special objective is the use of aquatic land as aquaculture land which has an impact on alternative livelihoods and the availability of food sources. The land suitability analysis is carried out in the following stages: (1) preparing a map of the Manado Tua Island area, (2) creating a matrix for the suitability of aquaculture activities, (3) providing weighting and scoring, and (4) conducting spatial analysis. The biogeophysical conditions of the coastal waters of Manado Tua Island are classified as normal for mariculture cultivation activities. Geographically the island is located at coordinates 01º 37 '57 "North Latitude and 124º 41" 56 "East Longitude. The very suitable location I was 44.03 m2, while the suitable land was 34.25 m2, and the conditionally suitable land was 17.13 m2. For location II, the area that fully meets the requirements is 70.50 m2, and those that meet the appropriate requirements are 49.86 m2, and those that meet the conditionally are 27.51 m2. The land area of Manado Tua Island is 1,056.02 ha. The condition of freshwater sources has not yet the potential to meet the needs of the community and visiting tourists.Keywords: land suitability, aquaculture, freshwater utilization, Manado Tua IslandAbstrakKonsep kesesuaian lahan dan daya dukung dalam memanfaatkan areal lahan pesisir  Pulau Manado Tua merupakan tujuan jangka panjang dalam studi pengelolaan pesisir dan pulau kecil secara berkelanjutan. Sedangkan alternatif mata pencaharian untuk sumber pangan hasil budidaya perairan secara berkelanjutan menjadi target khusus. Potensi sediaan air tawar menjadi faktor pembatas pulau kecil, disamping ketersediaan lahan. Adapun tujuan khusus adalah pemanfaatan lahan perairan sebagai lahan budidaya perikanan yang berdampak pada alternatif mata pencaharian serta ketersediaan sumber bahan pangan. Analisis kesesuian lahan dilakukan dalam tahapan: (1) penyusunan peta kawasan Pulau Manado Tua, (2) membuat matriks kesesuaian kegiatan budidaya perikanan, (3) memberikan pembobotan dan pengharkatan, dan (4) melakukan analisis spasial. Kondisi biogeofisik perairan pantai Pulau Manado Tua tergolong normal untuk kegiatan budidaya matrikultur. Secara geografi Pulau terletak pada koordinat 01º 37’ 57” LU dan 124º 41’ 56” BT. Pada lokasi I yang sangat sesuai seluas 44,03 m2, sedangkan lahan yang sesuai seluas 34,25 m2 dan lahan yang sesuai bersyarat seluas 17,13 m2.  Untuk lokasi II  areal yang sangat memenuhi syarat adalah seluas 70.50 m2, dan yang memenuhi syarat sesuai adalah seluas 49,86 m2, dan yang memenuhi sesuai bersyarat seluas 27,51 m2. Luas daratan Pulau Manado Tua 1.056,02 ha . Kondisi sumber air tawar di belum berpotensi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dan wisatawan yang berkunjung.Kata kunci: kesesuaian lahan, budidaya perikanan, pemanfaatan air tawar, Pulau Manado Tu

    Support provided by elderly in Italy: a hierarchical analysis of ego networks controlling for alter–overlapping

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    Providing support outside the household can be considered an actual sign of an active social life for the elderly. Adopting an ego–network perspective, we study support Italian elders provide to kin or non–kin. More specifically, using Italian survey data, we build the ego–centered networks of social contacts elders entertain and the ego–networks of support elders provide to other non–cohabitant kin or non–kin. Since ego–network data are inherently multilevel, we use Bayesian multilevel models to analyze variation in support ties, controlling for the characteristics of elders and their contacts. This modeling strategy enables dealing with sparseness and alter–alter overlap in the ego support network data and to disentangle the effects related to the ego (the elder), the dyad ego–alter, the kind of support provided, as well as social contacts and contextual variables. The results suggest that the elderly in Italy who provide support outside their household — compared to all elders in the sample — are younger, healthier, more educated, and embedded in a more diversified ego–network of social contacts. The latter also conveys both the type and the recipient of the support, with the elderly who entertain few relationships with kin being more prone to provide aid to non–kin. Further, a “peer homophily” effect in directing elder support to a non–kin is also found

    Constructing personal networks in light of COVID-19 containment measures

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    The policies for containing the spread of the SARS-CoV2 virus include a number of measures aimed at reducing physical contacts. In this paper, we explore the potential impact of such containment measures on social relations of both young adults and the elderly in Italy. We propose two ego-centered network definitions accounting for physical distance in light of the COVID-19 containment measures: the easy-to-reach network, that represents an accessible source of support that can be activate in case of new lockdown; the accustomed-to-reach network, which includes proximity and habit to meet in person. The approach used for constructing personal (ego-centered) networks on data from the most recent release of Families and Social Subject survey allows us to bring to the foreground people exposed to relational vulnerability. The analysis of the most vulnerable individuals by age, gender, and place of residence reveals that living alone is often associated with a condition of relational vulnerability for both the elderly and for young adults

    Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) Potential As Bioaccumulator Of Tributyltin Contamination In The Waters Of Bitung

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    At this time there have been no nekton organisms used as a bioaccumulator of the Tributyltin (TBT) pollution and mercury in tropical waters. This research aims to assess the concentration of TBT and mercury in the Pterapogon kauderni, sediment, and water in the waters of Bitung also suspect the factors that are the cause of pollution of TBT and mercury against P. Kauderni, sediment, and water in the waters of Bitung.  The concentration of TBT compounds on all samples analyzed using the Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) tool. The results of the analysis showed that the high concentration of TBT was found in sediment (0.22 – 6.98 μg/g w.w) compared with fish ranging from 0,003-0,066 μg/g and seawater < 0.0005 μg/g (below detection of TBT limit analysis). TBT interceptions in the waters of Bitung come from a port activity and sea transportation.Keywords: Pterapogon kauderni, TributyltinAbstrakPada saat ini belum ada organisme nekton yang digunakan sebagai bioakumulator pencemaran Tributyltin (TBT) di perairan tropis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai konsentrasi TBT pada Pterapogon kauderni, sedimen, dan air di perairan Bitung juga menduga faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab pencemaran TBT terhadap P. kauderni, sedimen, dan air di perairan Bitung. Konsentrasi senyawa TBT pada semua sampel dianalisis mengunakan alat Gas Chromatografy-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS). Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa konsentrasi TBT paling tinggi terdapat pada sedimen (0,22 – 6,98 µg/g w.w) dibandingkan dengan ikan yang berkisar 0,003-0,066 µg/g dan air laut <0,0005 µg/g (dibawah deteksi limit analisis TBT). Pencemaran TBT yang terdapat di perairan Bitung berasal dari aktivitas pelabuhan dan transportasi laut.Kata kunci: Pterapogon kauderni, Tributyltin

    Ego-centered Support Networks: a Cross-national European Comparison

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    This contribution aims at comparing patterns of social support -provided and received- among the elderly population in European countries. Adopting an egocentered network perspective, by means of multivariate techniques for categorical data, we intend to map the ego-support network structures of the elderly, as well as ego-network functional content of provided and received support in the different countries. Individual and country socio-demographic characteristics will be also considered in interpreting results


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    ABSTRAKSpons merupakan salah satu komponen terumbu karang yang berpotensi sebagai senyawa bioaktif namun belum banyak dimanfaatkan. Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk menperoleh beberapa ekstrak kasar spons dari perairan Salibabu Kepulauan Talaud, menentukan aktivitas antibakteri dari beberapa ekstrsk kasar spons serta membandingkan aktivitas antibakteri fraksi spons terhadap bakteri uji E. coli dan S. aureus. Hasil identifikasi spons ditemukan sebanyak tiga spesies yang terdiri dari: Siphonodictyon sp., Ircinia sp., Dysidea sp. Pengujian aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak kasar, fraksi air, metanol dan heksan menggunakan metode difusi agar dengan bakteri uji E. coli dan S. aureus. Ekstrak kasar siphonodictyon sp dan fraksi air dari ekstrak ini menunjukan aktivitas antibakteri tertinggi.Kata kunci : Spons, Antibakteri, E. coli, S. aureu

    Automating the measurement of physiological parameters: a case study in the image analysis of cilia motion

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    International audienceAs image processing and analysis techniques improve, an increasing number of procedures in bio-medical analyses can be automated. This brings many benefits, e.g improved speed and accuracy, leading to more reliable diagnoses and follow-up, ultimately improving patients outcome. Many automated procedures in bio-medical imaging are well established and typically consist of detecting and counting various types of cells (e.g. blood cells, abnormal cells in Pap smears, and so on). In this article we propose to automate a different and difficult set of measurements, which is conducted on the cilia of people suffering from a variety of respiratory tract diseases. Cilia are slender, microscopic, hair-like structures or organelles that extend from the surface of nearly all mammalian cells. Motile cilia, such as those found in the lungs and respiratory tract, present a periodic beating motion that keep the airways clear of mucus and dirt. In this paper, we propose a fully automated method that computes various measurements regarding the motion of cilia, taken with high-speed video-microscopy. The advantage of our approach is its capacity to automatically compute robust, adaptive and regionalized measurements, i.e. associated with different regions in the image. We validate the robustness of our approach, and illustrate its performance in comparison to the state-of-the-art

    Influence of reaction atmosphere (H2O, N2, H2, CO2, CO) on fluidized-bed fast pyrolysis of biomass using detailed tar vapor chemistry in computational fluid dynamics

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    Secondary pyrolysis in fluidized bed fast pyrolysis of biomass is the focus of this work. A novel computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model coupled with a comprehensive chemistry scheme (134 species and 4169 reactions, in CHEMKIN format) has been developed to investigate this complex phenomenon. Previous results from a transient three-dimensional model of primary pyrolysis were used for the source terms of primary products in this model. A parametric study of reaction atmospheres (H2O, N2, H2, CO2, CO) has been performed. For the N2 and H2O atmosphere, results of the model compared favorably to experimentally obtained yields after the temperature was adjusted to a value higher than that used in experiments. One notable deviation versus experiments is pyrolytic water yield and yield of higher hydrocarbons. The model suggests a not overly strong impact of the reaction atmosphere. However, both chemical and physical effects were observed. Most notably, effects could be seen on the yield of various compounds, temperature profile throughout the reactor system, residence time, radical concentration, and turbulent intensity. At the investigated temperature (873 K), turbulent intensity appeared to have the strongest influence on liquid yield. With the aid of acceleration techniques, most importantly dimension reduction, chemistry agglomeration, and in-situ tabulation, a converged solution could be obtained within a reasonable time (∼30 h). As such, a new potentially useful method has been suggested for numerical analysis of fast pyrolysis