11 research outputs found

    Rogers and the self-theory

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    Neste trabalho, o autor ocupa-se do estudo da teoria do self, entendida na perspectiva de Carl Rogers. Através da apresentação de alguns dados biográficos iniciais sobre este teórico e psicoterapeuta procuramos esclarecer a sua opção clara pelos princípios da psicologia humanista, com destaque para a abordagem fenomenológica do comportamento e da experiência humanas. Essa opção de fundo de Rogers reflecte-se ainda nos pressupostos que enformam o seu próprio modelo terapêutico. Este, de natureza não-directiva, e centrado exclusivamente na pessoa do cliente, é objecto de breve caracterização, antes da introdução e desenvolvimento dos postulados da teoria propriamente dita. Procura-se, assim, situar cronologicamente o aparecimento da teoria em relação à prática clínica, sendo, essencialmente, a partir desta que aquela se desenvolve. Daí o estabelecimento, que se segue, dos pontos de ligação entre a teoria do self e a terapia não-directiva, entendida, quer no plano individual, quer no plano dos chamados grupos de encontro. Referem-se finalmente algumas das implicações educacionais decorrentes da aplicação ao ensino dos princípios da teoria em apreço.RÉSUMÉ: Dans ce travail, l'auteur étudie la théorie du self, selon la perspective de Carl Rogers. Par la présentation de quelques données biographiques initiales sur ce théoricien et psychothérapeute, on a cherché à rendre évidente son option en faveur des principes de la psychologie humaniste, et tout particulièrement son approche phénoménologique du comportement et de l'expérience humains. Cette option de fond de Rogers se reflète également dans les présupposés qui informent son modèle thérapeutique. Celui-ci, de nature non directive, et centré exclusivement sur la personne du patient, est l'objet d'une brève caractérisation, précédant l'introduction et le développement de la théorie proprement dite. On cherche, ainsi, à situer chronologiquement l'apparition de cette théorie par rapport à la pratique clinique, celle-ci étant le point de départ de celle-là. D'où l'établissement, ensuite, des points de liaison entre la théorie du self et la thérapie non directive, entendue tant au plan individuel qu'au plan des « groupes de rencontre ». Enfin, on évoque quelques-unes des conséquences éducationnelles découlant de l'application à l'enseignement des principes de la théorie en question.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bases de um modelo de intervenção para o ensino de crianças socioculturalmente desfavorecidas

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    Começando por demonstrar o impacto das carências sociais no desenvolvimento intelectual e na motivação pelo rendimento, o presente trabalho visa lançar as bases de um modelo de intervenção que, ao basear-se no ensino directo, por turma, é susceptível não só de atender às necessidades de aprendizagem dos alunos provenientes dos meios socioculturalmente desfavorecidos como também de assegurar o êxito continuado na aprendizagem aos alunos mais dotados inseridos, porventura, na mesma classe.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Emotional, Cognitive and Behavioral Reactions to Paranoid Symptoms in Clinical and Nonclinical Populations

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    Paranoia is a disruptive belief that can vary across a continuum, ranging from persecutory delusions presented in clinical settings to paranoid cognitions that are highly prevalent in the general population. The literature suggests that paranoid thoughts derive from the activation of a paranoid schema or information processing biases that can be sensitive to socially ambiguous stimuli and influence the processing of threatening situations

    Development and Validation of the Response to Stressful Situations Scale in the General Population

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    The aim of the current study was to develop and validate a Response to Stressful Situations Scale (RSSS) for the Portuguese population. This scale assesses the degree of stress experienced in scenarios that can constitute positive, negative and more neutral stressors, and also describes the physiological, emotional and behavioral reactions to those events according to their intensity. These scenarios include typical stressor scenarios relevant to patients with schizophrenia, which are currently absent from most scales, assessing specific risks that these stressors may bring on subjects, which may prove useful in non-clinical and clinical populations (i.e. Patients with mood or anxiety disorders, schizophrenia). Results from Principal Components Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of two adult samples from general population allowed to confirm a three-factor model with good fit indices: χ2 (144)= 370.211, p = 0.000; GFI = 0.928; CFI = 0.927; TLI = 0.914, RMSEA = 0.055, P(rmsea ≤0.005) = .096; PCFI = .781. Further data analysis of the scale revealed that RSSS is an adequate assessment tool of stress response in adults to be used in further research and clinical settings, with good psychometric haracteristics, adequate divergent and convergent validity, good temporal stability and high internal consistency.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The aim of the current study was to validate the General Paranoia Scale for Portuguese Adolescents population (GPS-A). This scale assesses the paranoid ideation in non-clinical population. Results from a confirmatory factor analysis of the scale on 1218 youths confirmed an alternative model to the one-dimensional model proposed by Fenigstein and Vanable (1992) comprising three different dimensions (Mistrust thoughts, persecutory ideas and depreciation). This alternative model presented a good fit: χ2 (162)= 727.200, p = .000; CFI = .925; RMSEA = .054, P(rmsea ≤0.05) = .000; PCFI = .788; AIC = 863.200. All items presented adequate factor loadings (λij ≥0.5) and individual reliability ((λij)2 ≥0.25). Further data analysis on the scale revealed that the GPS-A is an adequate assessment tool for adolescents, with good psychometric characteristics and high internal consistency

    Characterization and Predictors of Paranoid Ideation in Youths

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    Paranoid ideation is a common thought process that constitutes a defense against perceived social threats. The current study aimed at the characterization of paranoid ideation in youths and to explore the possible predictors involved in the development of paranoid ideations. Paranoid ideation, shame, submission, early childhood memories and current depressive, anxious and stress symptomatology were assessed in a sample of 1516 Portuguese youths. Higher frequencies of paranoid ideation were observed, particularly in females and youths from lower socioeconomic status. The main predictors identified relates to submissive behaviors and adverse childhood experiences, and especially to shame feelings. The current study emphasizes that the predictors are similar to findings in adults and clinical populations, and future implications to research and clinical practice aiming at paranoid ideations are discussed, as well as the pertinence of the study of mediating factors that allow a wider understanding of this thought process in younger populations and the prevention of psychopathology in adulthood

    Quando a dor alivia o sofrimento : autodano e adolescência

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    A secção Biologia é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues.[…]. Um aspeto fundamental na avaliação do AD refere-se ao método utilizado (instrumentos de autorrelato, entrevistas, questões avulsas, anonimato, etc.), bem como o cuidado tido na adequação das propriedades psicométricas dos instrumentos de medida desenvolvidos noutros países a nossa população. Assim, e com o intuito de conhecer a realidade da juventude açoriana no que se refere a estes comportamentos, foi desenvolvido e validado um instrumento que permite a avaliação do AD e constructos relacionados (impulsividade, comportamentos de risco, ideação suicida), bem como dos métodos de AD e suas funções (15) nos jovens adolescentes portugueses. Este instrumento foi posteriormente utilizado no estudo de caracterização do AD na população adolescente de S. Miguel, o qual contou com uma amostra aleatória e representativa de 1763 jovens do ensino público e privado (50% do total desta população, o que garante a possibilidade de generalização dos resultados). […].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of Family and Childhood Memories in the Development and Manifestation of Paranoid Ideation

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    Several studies point out to the influence of social experiences on perceptions of the environment and others in cognitive functioning and different aspects of psychopathology. The current study aimed at studying the influence of the psychosocial risk factors in a mixed sample of participants from the general population and affected by paranoid schizophrenia. The extent to which the existence of negative life events and events that are threatening to the inner models of the self (i.e., history of maltreatment, physical, social or psychological abuse) or the memories of these traumatic events occurring during childhood are related to the existence of paranoid beliefs in adulthood was explored. Results suggested that memories of parental behaviours characterized by antipathy from both parental figures, submissiveness and bullying victimization were important predictors of paranoid ideation in adult life. This further emphasizes the need for understanding the family and social dynamics of people presenting paranoid ideations to the development of therapeutic interventions that can effectively reduce the invalidation caused by severe psychopathology, as is the case of schizophrenia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Paranoia in the general population: A revised version of the General Paranoia Scale for adults

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    Paranoid ideation has been regarded as a cognitive and a social process used as a defence against perceived threats. According to this perspective, paranoid ideation can be understood as a process extending across the normal-pathological continuum. Methods: In order to refine the construct of paranoid ideation and to validate a measure of paranoia, 906 Portuguese participants from the general population and 91 patients were administered the General Paranoia Scale (GPS), and two conceptual models (one - and tridimensional) were compared through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results: Results from the CFA of the GPS confirmed a different model than the one-dimensional model proposed by Fenigstein and Vanable, which com-prised three dimensions (mistrust thoughts, persecutory ideas, and self-deprecation). This alternative model presented a better fit and increased sensitivity when compared with the one-dimensional model. Further data analysis of the scale revealed that the GPS is an adequate assessment tool for adults, with good psychometric characteristics and high internal consistency. Conclusion: The model proposed in the current work leads to further refinements and enrichment of the construct of paranoia in different populations, allowing the assessment of three dimensions of paranoia and the risk of clinical paranoia in a single measure for the general population