14 research outputs found

    Memory of the Earth and Human Memory of Natural Disasters: the 1953 Earthquake in Western Aragón (Spain)

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    Occurred in 1953 in Used (Zaragoza province), an earthquake of magnitude 4.7 and intensity VII was the last destructive earthquake in the Aragón region, Spain. The remaining social memory of that event (a type of intangible geological heritage) and its influence on the perception of seismic hazard in the area are explored by means of interviews and a population survey. The results indicate that the memory is lively amongst the population within the epicentral area, both in the generation that experienced it and, to a lesser extent, in the following generations. However, this does not translate into a significant perception of seismic hazard, the latter being more influenced by cultural factors: in the epicentral area it is greater amongst people who did not live through the earthquake, but who have heard familiar stories or have had external information highlighteing its importance. The study of social perception is part of a citizen science project, in which the social memory enters into dialogue with the Memory of the Earth, i.e. the record left by that and other previous earthquakes in geology and landscape. The research on the effects of the shake on people, buildings, and environment has benefited from numerous testimonies from the elderly. Reciprocally, such knowledge is scientifically processed and returned to the citizens in the form of scientific outreach products (book, documentary film, talks), with the aim of promoting scientific culture about natural disasters

    Zonas de relevo de falla en el margen oriental de la fosa del jiloca (Cordillera Ibérica): Geometría, cinemática y modelización analógica

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    El margen oriental de la fosa del Jiloca (Cordillera Ibérica) es el resultado de la disposición escalonada diestra de tres fallas normales de dirección NW-SE: las fallas de Calamocha, Sierra Palomera y Concud. Junto con la falla de Teruel, delimitan tres zonas de relevo con evidencias de fracturación reciente. El análisis de la deformación a escala cartográfica y de afloramiento, y su comparación con la fracturación desarrollada en varios modelos analógicos, ha permitido inferir su relación geométrica, cinemática y dinámica con las macroestructuras, en el marco del campo de esfuerzos de extensión radial o ‘multidireccional’ activo en la región de estudio. En los modelos analógicos se han estudiado las variaciones en el patrón de fracturación resultante, en función de las velocidades de extensión en dos direcciones ortogonales y de la orientación de las fallas principales respecto a dichas direcciones de extensión. Tanto en el área de estudio como en los modelos, la fracturación es longitudinal a las macroestructuras que delimitan los relevos. Está controlada por la dirección de las fallas y, en mayor medida, por la dirección de extensión ENE-WSW dominante en el campo de esfuerzos regional. Todo ello permite definir un nuevo tipo de interacción en zonas de relevo de falla extensionales, denominada en este trabajo relevo con fracturación longitudinal distribuida. The eastern sector of the Jiloca basin (Iberian Chain) developed due to the right-relay arrangement of three NW-SE striking normal faults: the Calamocha, Sierra Palomera and Concud faults. Together with the Teruel fault, they all bound three relay zones where evidence of recent fracturing has been found. Thanks to the analysis of brittle deformation, at both map and outcrop scales, and to its comparison with results from analogue modelling, we are able to infer its geometrical, kinematical and dynamical relationship with the macrostructures, within the framework of the near-multidirectional extension regime active in the studied area. During analogue modelling it was important to analyse possible variations in the resulting fractures, controlled by different extension velocities in two orthogonal directions and by the orientation of the main faults within both directions of extension. The fractures, both in the studied area and in analogue models, show a mostly parallel orientation to the macrostructures that bound the relay zones. They are controlled by the main fault strikes and, to a greater extent, by the dominant ENE-WSW direction of dominant extension within the regional stress field. All this has allowed us to define a new kind of interaction within extensional fault relay zones, called in this study relay with along-strike distributed fractures

    A simple approach to understand solid state chemistry with the example of a piezoelectric material incorporated in a birthday card

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    EDULEARN17 Proceedings: 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Dates (3-5 July, 2017, Barcelona, Spain),Advanced solid materials are present in a large quantity of fields of our quotidian live. All the electronic devices surrounding us, such as mobile phones, computers or appliances are made up of many different materials: ceramics, metals, polymers, etc. The recent development of advanced ceramic materials to be applied in electronic devices, which require high performances as well as relatively economic syntheses and environmentally friendly characteristics, is a wide field in Materials Chemistry. It is important to motivate students to this area, so that, they can understand the importance of the chemistry and the material science in our society. In the present contribution, we would like to relate our experience giving a comprehensive laboratory session intended for all undergraduate chemistry students. Piezoelectric compounds can be defined as materials that produce some electric charge when a mechanical stress is applied (direct effect) or suffer a mechanical deformation when an electric field is applied (reverse effect). These materials are used in several devices such as lighters, speakers, sensors or sonars. Lead zirconate titanate [Pb(Ti 1-x ,Zr x )O 3 ] (PZT) is the most studied and commercialized ceramic piezoelectric mat erial due to their excellent characteristics. Relation between structure -composition -properties of this material and its easy preparation makes it suitable to use in low value added devices. In this work, we propose an example to understanding this technology based on the components of a speaker of a musical birthday card, in particular the piezoelectric component, including the chemistry that is involved in these types of devices. Two common characterization techniques in Solid State Chemistry are also int roduced to the students: X -Ray Diffraction and Electron Microscopy. Moreover, the discovery by the students of the presence of this type of material in this simple device offers a possibility to motivate them to learn these sciences, and allow them to know the importance of the Solid State Chemistry and the Materials Science in our society. Different educational methodologies may be used to study and understand these materials with piezoelectric properties. Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a widely applied approach intended to encourage students to learn through the structured exploration of a research problem. Currently this particular system has become a valid teaching method in high schools, where students are encouraged to develop a real research project. The PBL methodology used in this work represents an improvement in the content of the knowledge while simultaneously it fosters the development of communication, problem -solving, and self -directed learning skills. This work can also be interesting for tea chers of inorganic chemistry and material science and undergraduate students owing to its pedagogical character

    Una posible prolongación septentrional de la falla de Teruel y su interacción con la falla de Concud

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    Las fallas de Concud y de Teruel, situadas en la parte centro-oriental de la Cordillera Ibérica, se disponen muy próximas entre ellas y en relevo diestro. La deformación de la zona de relevo se acomoda por medio de diversas estructuras. Este trabajo aporta información acerca de dichas estructuras y expone la posibilidad de una posible prolongación hacia el norte de la falla de Teruel en un futuro

    Recent activity and paleoseismicity of an intraplate extensional fault: the Calamocha fault (Jiloca graben, central Iberian Chain)

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    The Calamocha fault is an 18-km-long, NNW–SSE striking pure normal fault that moves down the northern sector of the Jiloca graben with respect to the Neogene infill of the Calatayud basin (central Iberian Chain). Its structure and kinematics are characterized by means of detailed geological mapping, morphotectonic analysis and data recording at the outcrop scale. The Calamocha fault represents the inversion of a previous contractional fault zone under the recent tensional stress field (WSW–ENE trending σ3 trajectories). The extensional activity started during the Late Pliocene (ca. 3.8 Ma), accumulating a maximum net slip of 190–230 m (long-term slip rate of 0.05–0.06 mm/a). The palaeoseismological study of three artificial exposures near Calamocha town evidenced recurrent slip during the Late Pleistocene, which proves its active character. Analysis of faulted clastic alluvial units, dated by means of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), reveals at least eight slip events since 145.9 ± 9.1 ka, the last one being younger than 13.8 ± 0.9 ka. Only a few events represent visible accumulated displacement on the main synthetic rupture surfaces; this allows a rough estimate of the short-term slip rate (during the Late Pleistocene) of about 0.1 mm/a, faster than the long-term rate. The Calamocha fault could potentially produce a characteristic earthquake (in the sense of Schwartz and Coppersmith, J Geophys Res 89:5681–5698, 1984) with moment magnitude Mw ≈ 6.7 ± 0.3 (Mw ≈ 6.9 ± 0.3 in a scenario of activation of the whole Calamocha–Daroca fault zone), average coseismic displacement of 0.5–1.3 m and average recurrence period under 15 ka

    Simulation of electron transport and secondary emission in a photomultiplier tube and experimental validation

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    [EN] The electron amplification and transport within a photomultiplier tube (PMT) has been investigated by developing an in-house Monte Carlo simulation code. The secondary electron emission in the dynodes is implemented via an effective electron model and the Modified Vaughan¿s model, whereas the transport is computed with the Boris leapfrog algorithm. The PMT gain, rise time and transit time have been studied as a function of supply voltage and external magnetostatic field. A good agreement with experimental measurements using a Hamamatsu R13408-100 PMT was obtained. The simulations have been conducted following different treatments of the underlying geometry: three-dimensional, two-dimensional and intermediate (2.5D). The validity of these approaches is compared. The developed framework will help in understanding the behavior of PMTs under highly intense and irregular illumination or varying external magnetic fields, as in the case of prompt gamma-ray measurements during pencil-beam proton therapy; and aid in optimizing the design of voltage dividers with behavioral circuit models.This work was supported by Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte (Generalitat Valenciana) under grant numbers CDEIGENT/2019/011 and CDEIGENT/2021/012. P. Martín-Luna is supported by the Ministerio de Universidades (Gobierno de España), Spain under Grant Number FPU20/04958. We thank Hamamatsu (V. Sánchez, D. Castrillo) for technical support and guidance; R. Carrasco (IFIC) and P. Wohlfahrt (Siemens Healthineers) for the CT scanning; D. Calvo and D. Real (KM3net-IFIC) for their LED test platform, the electronics and maintenance services at IFIC for excellent support; and K. Albiol, J. V. Casaña-Copado, A. Gallas Torreira, E. Lemos Cid, G. Pausch, A. Pazos Álvarez, E. Pérez Trigo, S. Rit, A. Ros, J. Roser, J. Stein, J. L. Taín and R. Viegas for useful discussions.Martín-Luna, P.; Esperante, D.; Fernández Prieto, A.; Fuster-Martínez, N.; García Rivas, I.; Gimeno, B.; Ginestar Peiro, D.... (2024). Simulation of electron transport and secondary emission in a photomultiplier tube and experimental validation. Sensors and Actuators A Physical. 365:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2023.11485911036

    Iberfault 2022. IV Reunión Ibérica sobre Fallas Activas y Paleosismología. Volumen de resúmenes, Teruel, 7 al 10 de septiembre de 2022

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    SESIÓN 1: Tectónica activa y paleosismología de las Cordilleras Béticas (I) SESIÓN 2: Tectónica activa y paleosismología del resto de la Península Ibérica SESIÓN 3: Sismología y sismicidad inducida SESIÓN 4: Arqueosismología SESIÓN 5: Tectónica activa y paleosismología de las Cordilleras Béticas (II) SESIÓN 6: Tectónica activa en el medio marino SESIÓN 7: Geodesia aplicada a tectónica activa SESIÓN 8: Modelización sismotectónic

    Human Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma Patient-Derived Xenografts and Tumoroids for Preclinical Drug Evaluation

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    Human metastatic cholangiocarcinoma; Xenografts; TumoroidsColangiocarcinoma metastàtic humà; Xenoempelts; TumoroidesColangiocarcinoma metastásico humano; Xenoinjertos; TumoroidesPurpose: Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is usually diagnosed at advanced stages, with limited therapeutic options. Preclinical models focused on unresectable metastatic CCA are necessary to develop rational treatments. Pathogenic mutations in IDH1/2, ARID1A/B, BAP1, and BRCA1/2 have been identified in 30%–50% of patients with CCA. Several types of tumor cells harboring these mutations exhibit homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) phenotype with enhanced sensitivity to PARP inhibitors (PARPi). However, PARPi treatment has not yet been tested for effectiveness in patient-derived models of advanced CCA. Experimental Design: We have established a collection of patient-derived xenografts from patients with unresectable metastatic CCA (CCA_PDX). The CCA_PDXs were characterized at both histopathologic and genomic levels. We optimized a protocol to generate CCA tumoroids from CCA_PDXs. We tested the effects of PARPis in both CCA tumoroids and CCA_PDXs. Finally, we used the RAD51 assay to evaluate the HRD status of CCA tissues. Results: This collection of CCA_PDXs recapitulates the histopathologic and molecular features of their original tumors. PARPi treatments inhibited the growth of CCA tumoroids and CCA_PDXs with pathogenic mutations of BRCA2, but not those with mutations of IDH1, ARID1A, or BAP1. In line with these findings, only CCA_PDX and CCA patient biopsy samples with mutations of BRCA2 showed RAD51 scores compatible with HRD. Conclusions: Our results suggest that patients with advanced CCA with pathogenic mutations of BRCA2, but not those with mutations of IDH1, ARID1A, or BAP1, are likely to benefit from PARPi therapy. This collection of CCA_PDXs provides new opportunities for evaluating drug response and prioritizing clinical trials.This work was supported by grants from the Fundació Marató TV3 awarded to T. Macarulla, M. Melé, and S. Peiró; BeiGene research grant awarded to T. Macarulla and S. Peiró; AECC (INVES20036TIAN), Ramón y Cajal investigator program (RYC2020-029098-I), Proyecto de I+D+i (PID2019-108008RJ-I00), and FERO Foundation grant awarded to T.V. Tian; Proyecto de Investigación en Salud from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (PI20/00898) awarded to T. Macarulla; FIS/FEDER from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (PI12/01250; CP08/00223; PI16/00253 and CB16/12/00449) awarded to S. Peiró; and Ramón y Cajal investigator program (RYC-2017-22249) awarded to M. Melé. Q. Serra-Camprubí is a recipient of the Ph.D. fellowship from La Caixa Foundation (LCF/PR/PR12/51070001). A. Llop-Guevara was supported by the AECC (INVES20095LLOP) and V. Serra by the ISCIII (CPII19/00033). E.J. Arenas was funded by the AECC (POSTD211413AREN). J. Arribas is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (AC15/00062, CB16/12/00449, and PI22/00001). This publication is based upon the work of COST Action CA18122, European Cholangiocarcinoma Network, supported by the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology, www.cost.eu), a funding agency for research and innovation networks. The authors would like to thank Dr. V.A. Raker for manuscript editing and Drs. N. Herranz and J. Mateo for scientific discussions. The authors acknowledge the infrastructure and support of the FERO Foundation, La Caixa Foundation, and the Cellex Foundation

    Nuevas evidencias de fracturación reciente en la zona de relevo entre las fallas de Concud y Teruel (Cordillera Ibérica oriental)

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    The NW-SE to NNW-SSE striking Concud Fault and the N-S striking Teruel Fault are extensional structures showing a right relay arrangement. The hectometre-scale offset produced by both structures in the Neogene materia ls o f the Teruel b a sin is transferred to each other by means of a relay ramp dipping towards NNW. In this study we present new information on recent (Late Pleistocene) brittle deformation structures, some of them located within the relay zone and others aligned with the northwards prolongation of the Teruel Fault. The observed faults and fractures are mostly paralle to the major faults (N NW-SSE), while signs of transverse structures (pointing to hard linkage) are negligible. The Concud and Teruel faults are in dependent structures from the geometrical and kinematical point of view, but we interpret that there is a mechanical interaction between them, a previous stage to linkage by hypothetical future northwards propagation of the Teruel faultLa Falla de Concud (NW-SE a NNW-SSE) y la Falla de Teruel (N-S) son fallas extensionales dispuestas en relevo diestro. El salto de escala hectométrica que ambas estructuras producen en los materiales neógenos de la fosa de Teruel se transfiere de una a otra mediante una rampa de relevo con pendiente hacia el NNW. En este trabajo se presenta nueva información sobre estructuras frágiles recientes (Pleistoceno Superior), algunas localizadas dentro de la zona de relevo y otras alineadas con la prolongación septentrional de la falla de Teruel. Las fallas y fracturas observadas son en su mayoría paralelas a las fallas mayores (NNW-SSE), mientras que los indicios de estructuras transversales (que podrían apuntar a una 'conexión dura' entre las fallas de Concud y Teruel) son muy escasos. Ambas fallas son independientes desde el punto de vista geométrico y cinemático, pero interpretamos que interactúan mecánicamente, en un estadio previo a la coalescencia por una hipotética futura propagación hacia el norte de la falla de Terue