9 research outputs found

    Sport specifični testovi agilnosti i eksplozivne snage u košarci : doktorska disertacija

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    Osnovni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je konstruirati i utvrditi pouzdanost i valjanost novokonstruiranih mjernih instrumenata za procjenu agilnosti i eksplozivne kod košarkaša na temelju igračkih pozicija. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku vrhunskih košarkaša (n=110) iz Bosne i Hercegovine tijekom sezone 2013-2014. Ukupan uzorak sačinjavaju košarkaši koji nastupaju u prvoj ligi BiH (n=58) i ligi nize kvalitete (druga liga) (n=52) Svi ispitanici su na osnovu temeljnih igračkih pozicija svrstani u tri podskupine (bekovi, krila i centri). Istraživanjem su analizirane varijable za procjenu antropometrijskih obilježja i motoričkih sposobnosti. Uzorak antropometrijskih varijabli se sastoji od 6 varijabli: Tjelesna visina, tjelesna masa, dohvatna visina, dužina ruke, dužina noge, postotka potkožnog masnog tkiva. Testovi motoričkih sposobnosti uključuju testove eksplozivne snage (4 novokonstruirana i 2 standardna), reaktivne snage, brzine reakcije, agilnosti i reaktivne agilnosti. Metode obrade rezultata uključivale su: analizu pouzdanosti i valjanosti; analizu deskriptivnih statističkih pokazatelja; analizu latentne strukture primijenjenih sustava varijabli; analizu univarijatnih i multivarijatnih povezanosti. Rezultati ukazuju na dobre metrijske karakteristike primijenjenih testova što je posebno važno kada se zna da su testovi specifične agilnosti i skoka iz zaleta praktički novokonstruirani. Utvrđene su i karakteristične razlike među igračkim pozicijama koje su objašnjene temeljem specifičnih uloga i zadata u igri. Tako primjerice rezultati u TTEST-u ukazuju na postojanje značajnih razlika između krila i centara, dok se razlike između krila i bekova te bekova i centara nisu pokazale statistički značajnim. Bekovi I centri se značajno razlikuju u reaktivnoj verziji specifičnog testa agilnosti što ukazuje na činjenici kako se radi o sport specifičnom testu koji svoju primjenu može naći i u diferencijaciji igrača u odnosu na igračku poziciju. U testovima skok u dalj iz mjesta i skok u vis iz mjesta nema značajnih razlika među pozicijama. U svim ostalim testovima značajno se razlikuju bekovi od centara, izuzev testa ponovljene reaktivne snage koji se izdvojio kao jedini koji razlikuje krila od centara. Može se zaključiti kako su dobivene očekivane razlike između dvije kvalitativne skupine igrača (1. i 2. liga) u novokonstruiranom testu agilnosti, kao i testovima za procjenu eksplozivne snage tipa horizontalne skočnosti (SDM) i vizualne reakcije (VISR). U ostalim primijenjeni testovima dobivene razlike nisu bile značajne što u konačnici nema veliki utjecaj na situacijsku učinkovitost igrača jer ona osim od analiziranog motoričkog prostora ovisi i od brojnih drugih parametara poput igračkog iskustva, longitudinalne dimenzionalnosti, tjelesne mase i dr. Specifične skakačke performanse (u odnosu na igračku poziciju) treba procjenjivati vertikalnim skokovima iz zaleta, indeksom reaktivne snage, i testovima uzastopnih skokova. Pri čemu su vertikalni skokovi iz zaleta i indeks reaktivne snage (odnos između visine skoka i vremena kontakta sa podlogom) validni za diferencijaciju igrača koji igraju na vanjskim pozicijama (npr. bekovi) u odnosu na one koji primarno igraju na unutarnjim pozicijama (centri). Reaktivna i nereaktivna agilnost moraju biti promatrane kao različite kvalitete. U skladu sa time potrebno je zasebno provoditi i dijagnostički postupak u procjenjivanju istih. Bekovi su u odnosu na centre postizali bolje rezultate u obje komponente (reaktivnoj i nereaktivnoj) novokonstruiranog testa agilnosti pa se obje navedene mjere mogu koristiti za diferencijaciju igrača na ovim pozicijama. Također, standardni TTEST se potvrdio kao dobar pokazatelj razlika između krila i igrača koji igraju na druge dvije pozicije. Obe vrste agilnosti (reaktivna i nereaktivna) su se pokazale kao važan faktor u diferencijaciji bekova koji igraju na različitom nivou natjecanja.The main aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the newly developed tests of basketball specific explosive strength (jumping capacities) and reactive/nonreactive agility. We tested 110 high-level male basketball athletes from Bosnia and Herzegovina (height: 194.92±8.09 cm; body mass: 89.33±10.91 kg; age: 21.58±3.92 years). All athletes were performing at the highest national (professional/semi-professional) rank at the moment of testing (beginning of the 2014-15 competitive season). Among the total sample, 58 participants were competing in the first division and 52 in the second division. Testing was performed at the beginning of the season, and all participants had completed a pre-season preparation period of at least one month before the testing was conducted. The players were categorized as Guards (n = 49), Forwards (n=22) or Centers (n = 39). Variables included anthropometrics (body height, and mass, reach height, arm and leg length, and body fat percentage) and conditioning capacities (agility performances and jumping capacities). The agility performances observed in this study were a TTEST, a basketball-specific non-planned agility test performed on the dominant and non-dominant side and a pre-planned (i.e., changeof-direction speed) basketball-specific agility test performed on the dominant and nondominant side. Jumping capacities were evaluated by the broad-jump, countermovement jump, four types of running vertical jumps, reactive-strength index, and repeated reactive strength ability. Statistical analyses included reliability and validity analyses as well as analyses of the position-specific differences and performance-level differences. Tests showed appropriate reliability which is particularly important for newly developed tests of specific jumping capacities and agility. Pre-planned and non-planned agility should not be observed as a unique quality. Therefore, separate testing of these capacities is required to objectively determine the conditioning level for each of these abilities. However, attention is needed when each of these protocols is used to define position-specific and competition-level-specific agility performances. Guards achieved better results than Centers in both the pre-planned and non-planned basketball-specific agility tests. Therefore, both measurement procedures are applicable for defining position-specific differences in agility performance between players involved in these two positions in basketball. At the same time, a standard TTEST is found applicable for distinguishing Forwards from the other two playing positions. Both pre-planned and non-planned agility are important for differentiating between Guards who perform at two competitive levels (performance levels). Results confirm the importance of testing nonplanned agility when evaluating the true game agility of Centers. Position-specific basketball jumping performance should be evaluated by running vertical jumps, reactive strength index, and tests consisting of repeated jumping performance. Running vertical jumps and reactive strength index (i.e., the ratio between drop jump height and contact time) were valid in discriminating between backcourt players (i.e., Guards) and Centers. Meanwhile, tests of repeated jumping ability were found to be a valid measure to distinguish between Forwards and Centers

    Sport specifični testovi agilnosti i eksplozivne snage u košarci : doktorska disertacija

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    Osnovni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je konstruirati i utvrditi pouzdanost i valjanost novokonstruiranih mjernih instrumenata za procjenu agilnosti i eksplozivne kod košarkaša na temelju igračkih pozicija. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku vrhunskih košarkaša (n=110) iz Bosne i Hercegovine tijekom sezone 2013-2014. Ukupan uzorak sačinjavaju košarkaši koji nastupaju u prvoj ligi BiH (n=58) i ligi nize kvalitete (druga liga) (n=52) Svi ispitanici su na osnovu temeljnih igračkih pozicija svrstani u tri podskupine (bekovi, krila i centri). Istraživanjem su analizirane varijable za procjenu antropometrijskih obilježja i motoričkih sposobnosti. Uzorak antropometrijskih varijabli se sastoji od 6 varijabli: Tjelesna visina, tjelesna masa, dohvatna visina, dužina ruke, dužina noge, postotka potkožnog masnog tkiva. Testovi motoričkih sposobnosti uključuju testove eksplozivne snage (4 novokonstruirana i 2 standardna), reaktivne snage, brzine reakcije, agilnosti i reaktivne agilnosti. Metode obrade rezultata uključivale su: analizu pouzdanosti i valjanosti; analizu deskriptivnih statističkih pokazatelja; analizu latentne strukture primijenjenih sustava varijabli; analizu univarijatnih i multivarijatnih povezanosti. Rezultati ukazuju na dobre metrijske karakteristike primijenjenih testova što je posebno važno kada se zna da su testovi specifične agilnosti i skoka iz zaleta praktički novokonstruirani. Utvrđene su i karakteristične razlike među igračkim pozicijama koje su objašnjene temeljem specifičnih uloga i zadata u igri. Tako primjerice rezultati u TTEST-u ukazuju na postojanje značajnih razlika između krila i centara, dok se razlike između krila i bekova te bekova i centara nisu pokazale statistički značajnim. Bekovi I centri se značajno razlikuju u reaktivnoj verziji specifičnog testa agilnosti što ukazuje na činjenici kako se radi o sport specifičnom testu koji svoju primjenu može naći i u diferencijaciji igrača u odnosu na igračku poziciju. U testovima skok u dalj iz mjesta i skok u vis iz mjesta nema značajnih razlika među pozicijama. U svim ostalim testovima značajno se razlikuju bekovi od centara, izuzev testa ponovljene reaktivne snage koji se izdvojio kao jedini koji razlikuje krila od centara. Može se zaključiti kako su dobivene očekivane razlike između dvije kvalitativne skupine igrača (1. i 2. liga) u novokonstruiranom testu agilnosti, kao i testovima za procjenu eksplozivne snage tipa horizontalne skočnosti (SDM) i vizualne reakcije (VISR). U ostalim primijenjeni testovima dobivene razlike nisu bile značajne što u konačnici nema veliki utjecaj na situacijsku učinkovitost igrača jer ona osim od analiziranog motoričkog prostora ovisi i od brojnih drugih parametara poput igračkog iskustva, longitudinalne dimenzionalnosti, tjelesne mase i dr. Specifične skakačke performanse (u odnosu na igračku poziciju) treba procjenjivati vertikalnim skokovima iz zaleta, indeksom reaktivne snage, i testovima uzastopnih skokova. Pri čemu su vertikalni skokovi iz zaleta i indeks reaktivne snage (odnos između visine skoka i vremena kontakta sa podlogom) validni za diferencijaciju igrača koji igraju na vanjskim pozicijama (npr. bekovi) u odnosu na one koji primarno igraju na unutarnjim pozicijama (centri). Reaktivna i nereaktivna agilnost moraju biti promatrane kao različite kvalitete. U skladu sa time potrebno je zasebno provoditi i dijagnostički postupak u procjenjivanju istih. Bekovi su u odnosu na centre postizali bolje rezultate u obje komponente (reaktivnoj i nereaktivnoj) novokonstruiranog testa agilnosti pa se obje navedene mjere mogu koristiti za diferencijaciju igrača na ovim pozicijama. Također, standardni TTEST se potvrdio kao dobar pokazatelj razlika između krila i igrača koji igraju na druge dvije pozicije. Obe vrste agilnosti (reaktivna i nereaktivna) su se pokazale kao važan faktor u diferencijaciji bekova koji igraju na različitom nivou natjecanja.The main aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the newly developed tests of basketball specific explosive strength (jumping capacities) and reactive/nonreactive agility. We tested 110 high-level male basketball athletes from Bosnia and Herzegovina (height: 194.92±8.09 cm; body mass: 89.33±10.91 kg; age: 21.58±3.92 years). All athletes were performing at the highest national (professional/semi-professional) rank at the moment of testing (beginning of the 2014-15 competitive season). Among the total sample, 58 participants were competing in the first division and 52 in the second division. Testing was performed at the beginning of the season, and all participants had completed a pre-season preparation period of at least one month before the testing was conducted. The players were categorized as Guards (n = 49), Forwards (n=22) or Centers (n = 39). Variables included anthropometrics (body height, and mass, reach height, arm and leg length, and body fat percentage) and conditioning capacities (agility performances and jumping capacities). The agility performances observed in this study were a TTEST, a basketball-specific non-planned agility test performed on the dominant and non-dominant side and a pre-planned (i.e., changeof-direction speed) basketball-specific agility test performed on the dominant and nondominant side. Jumping capacities were evaluated by the broad-jump, countermovement jump, four types of running vertical jumps, reactive-strength index, and repeated reactive strength ability. Statistical analyses included reliability and validity analyses as well as analyses of the position-specific differences and performance-level differences. Tests showed appropriate reliability which is particularly important for newly developed tests of specific jumping capacities and agility. Pre-planned and non-planned agility should not be observed as a unique quality. Therefore, separate testing of these capacities is required to objectively determine the conditioning level for each of these abilities. However, attention is needed when each of these protocols is used to define position-specific and competition-level-specific agility performances. Guards achieved better results than Centers in both the pre-planned and non-planned basketball-specific agility tests. Therefore, both measurement procedures are applicable for defining position-specific differences in agility performance between players involved in these two positions in basketball. At the same time, a standard TTEST is found applicable for distinguishing Forwards from the other two playing positions. Both pre-planned and non-planned agility are important for differentiating between Guards who perform at two competitive levels (performance levels). Results confirm the importance of testing nonplanned agility when evaluating the true game agility of Centers. Position-specific basketball jumping performance should be evaluated by running vertical jumps, reactive strength index, and tests consisting of repeated jumping performance. Running vertical jumps and reactive strength index (i.e., the ratio between drop jump height and contact time) were valid in discriminating between backcourt players (i.e., Guards) and Centers. Meanwhile, tests of repeated jumping ability were found to be a valid measure to distinguish between Forwards and Centers

    Sport specifični testovi agilnosti i eksplozivne snage u košarci : doktorska disertacija

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    Osnovni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je konstruirati i utvrditi pouzdanost i valjanost novokonstruiranih mjernih instrumenata za procjenu agilnosti i eksplozivne kod košarkaša na temelju igračkih pozicija. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku vrhunskih košarkaša (n=110) iz Bosne i Hercegovine tijekom sezone 2013-2014. Ukupan uzorak sačinjavaju košarkaši koji nastupaju u prvoj ligi BiH (n=58) i ligi nize kvalitete (druga liga) (n=52) Svi ispitanici su na osnovu temeljnih igračkih pozicija svrstani u tri podskupine (bekovi, krila i centri). Istraživanjem su analizirane varijable za procjenu antropometrijskih obilježja i motoričkih sposobnosti. Uzorak antropometrijskih varijabli se sastoji od 6 varijabli: Tjelesna visina, tjelesna masa, dohvatna visina, dužina ruke, dužina noge, postotka potkožnog masnog tkiva. Testovi motoričkih sposobnosti uključuju testove eksplozivne snage (4 novokonstruirana i 2 standardna), reaktivne snage, brzine reakcije, agilnosti i reaktivne agilnosti. Metode obrade rezultata uključivale su: analizu pouzdanosti i valjanosti; analizu deskriptivnih statističkih pokazatelja; analizu latentne strukture primijenjenih sustava varijabli; analizu univarijatnih i multivarijatnih povezanosti. Rezultati ukazuju na dobre metrijske karakteristike primijenjenih testova što je posebno važno kada se zna da su testovi specifične agilnosti i skoka iz zaleta praktički novokonstruirani. Utvrđene su i karakteristične razlike među igračkim pozicijama koje su objašnjene temeljem specifičnih uloga i zadata u igri. Tako primjerice rezultati u TTEST-u ukazuju na postojanje značajnih razlika između krila i centara, dok se razlike između krila i bekova te bekova i centara nisu pokazale statistički značajnim. Bekovi I centri se značajno razlikuju u reaktivnoj verziji specifičnog testa agilnosti što ukazuje na činjenici kako se radi o sport specifičnom testu koji svoju primjenu može naći i u diferencijaciji igrača u odnosu na igračku poziciju. U testovima skok u dalj iz mjesta i skok u vis iz mjesta nema značajnih razlika među pozicijama. U svim ostalim testovima značajno se razlikuju bekovi od centara, izuzev testa ponovljene reaktivne snage koji se izdvojio kao jedini koji razlikuje krila od centara. Može se zaključiti kako su dobivene očekivane razlike između dvije kvalitativne skupine igrača (1. i 2. liga) u novokonstruiranom testu agilnosti, kao i testovima za procjenu eksplozivne snage tipa horizontalne skočnosti (SDM) i vizualne reakcije (VISR). U ostalim primijenjeni testovima dobivene razlike nisu bile značajne što u konačnici nema veliki utjecaj na situacijsku učinkovitost igrača jer ona osim od analiziranog motoričkog prostora ovisi i od brojnih drugih parametara poput igračkog iskustva, longitudinalne dimenzionalnosti, tjelesne mase i dr. Specifične skakačke performanse (u odnosu na igračku poziciju) treba procjenjivati vertikalnim skokovima iz zaleta, indeksom reaktivne snage, i testovima uzastopnih skokova. Pri čemu su vertikalni skokovi iz zaleta i indeks reaktivne snage (odnos između visine skoka i vremena kontakta sa podlogom) validni za diferencijaciju igrača koji igraju na vanjskim pozicijama (npr. bekovi) u odnosu na one koji primarno igraju na unutarnjim pozicijama (centri). Reaktivna i nereaktivna agilnost moraju biti promatrane kao različite kvalitete. U skladu sa time potrebno je zasebno provoditi i dijagnostički postupak u procjenjivanju istih. Bekovi su u odnosu na centre postizali bolje rezultate u obje komponente (reaktivnoj i nereaktivnoj) novokonstruiranog testa agilnosti pa se obje navedene mjere mogu koristiti za diferencijaciju igrača na ovim pozicijama. Također, standardni TTEST se potvrdio kao dobar pokazatelj razlika između krila i igrača koji igraju na druge dvije pozicije. Obe vrste agilnosti (reaktivna i nereaktivna) su se pokazale kao važan faktor u diferencijaciji bekova koji igraju na različitom nivou natjecanja.The main aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the newly developed tests of basketball specific explosive strength (jumping capacities) and reactive/nonreactive agility. We tested 110 high-level male basketball athletes from Bosnia and Herzegovina (height: 194.92±8.09 cm; body mass: 89.33±10.91 kg; age: 21.58±3.92 years). All athletes were performing at the highest national (professional/semi-professional) rank at the moment of testing (beginning of the 2014-15 competitive season). Among the total sample, 58 participants were competing in the first division and 52 in the second division. Testing was performed at the beginning of the season, and all participants had completed a pre-season preparation period of at least one month before the testing was conducted. The players were categorized as Guards (n = 49), Forwards (n=22) or Centers (n = 39). Variables included anthropometrics (body height, and mass, reach height, arm and leg length, and body fat percentage) and conditioning capacities (agility performances and jumping capacities). The agility performances observed in this study were a TTEST, a basketball-specific non-planned agility test performed on the dominant and non-dominant side and a pre-planned (i.e., changeof-direction speed) basketball-specific agility test performed on the dominant and nondominant side. Jumping capacities were evaluated by the broad-jump, countermovement jump, four types of running vertical jumps, reactive-strength index, and repeated reactive strength ability. Statistical analyses included reliability and validity analyses as well as analyses of the position-specific differences and performance-level differences. Tests showed appropriate reliability which is particularly important for newly developed tests of specific jumping capacities and agility. Pre-planned and non-planned agility should not be observed as a unique quality. Therefore, separate testing of these capacities is required to objectively determine the conditioning level for each of these abilities. However, attention is needed when each of these protocols is used to define position-specific and competition-level-specific agility performances. Guards achieved better results than Centers in both the pre-planned and non-planned basketball-specific agility tests. Therefore, both measurement procedures are applicable for defining position-specific differences in agility performance between players involved in these two positions in basketball. At the same time, a standard TTEST is found applicable for distinguishing Forwards from the other two playing positions. Both pre-planned and non-planned agility are important for differentiating between Guards who perform at two competitive levels (performance levels). Results confirm the importance of testing nonplanned agility when evaluating the true game agility of Centers. Position-specific basketball jumping performance should be evaluated by running vertical jumps, reactive strength index, and tests consisting of repeated jumping performance. Running vertical jumps and reactive strength index (i.e., the ratio between drop jump height and contact time) were valid in discriminating between backcourt players (i.e., Guards) and Centers. Meanwhile, tests of repeated jumping ability were found to be a valid measure to distinguish between Forwards and Centers

    A Total Sample Vs. Playing-Position Approach To Identifying Relationships Between Different Agility Components In Basketball

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    Purpose: Non-planned agility (reactive agility - RAG), and pre-planned agility (change of direction speed- CODS) are important determinants of success in basketball. However, the association between these two conditioning capacities in high-level basketball players is rarely evidenced. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the relationship between basketball-specific CODS and RAG in the total sample, and separately for three main playing positions in the game of basketball (i.e. guards, forwards and centers). Methods: The sample comprised 106 national/international-level male basketball players (age:21.9±3.5 years; body height: 195.1±7.9 cm; body mass: 90.1±10.0 kg), divided according to their playing positions in game (guards, N = 49; forwards, N = 22; centers, N = 35). The variables included body mass, body height, and body fat percentage; as well as basketball-specific CODS and -RAG. The reliability of CODS and RAG was evidenced by intra-class-coefficients (ICC). Differences among positions were established by one-way analysis of variance, consecutive post-hoc analyses, and effect size differences (η2). Finally, the relationship between variables was established by means of Pearson’s moment correlation coefficient (r), which was calculated for the total sample, and then separately for each playing position. Results: The intra-session reliability was somewhat higher for CODS, than for RAG (ICC: 0.81 and 0.76, respectively). The centers were tallest (F: 67.75, p < 0.01; η2: 0. 57), and heaviest (F: 39.01, p < 0.01,η2: 0.44), followed by forwards. The guards and forwards achieved better results than centers in CODS(F: 5.19, p < 0.01; η2: 0.09), and RAG (F: 3.85, p < 0.05; E η2: 0.07). When observed for the total sample, the CODS and RAG shared 49% of common variance (r: 0.70). When calculated for playing positions, the highest correlation between CODS and RAG was evidenced for centers (r: 0.81), then for forwards(r: 0.71), and guards (r: 0.51). Conclusion: Relatively strong correlations between CODS and RAG among forwards and centers implies the possibility of simultaneous strength and conditioning of these capacities for these two playing positions. Meanwhile, because of the small common variance, separate training for RAG and CODS is warranted for guards. The study highlights the necessity of a position-specific approach to evidencing determinants of sport-specific conditioning qualities for high-level players

    The Effects of Programmed Kinesiological Treatment on Correction of Kyphosis and Flat Feet Deformity in Pupils / Efekti programiranog kineziološkog tretmana na korigiranje deformiteta kifoze i ravnog stopala kod učenika

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of programmed kinesiological treatment on transformation of postural spinal status in the sagittal plane - kyphosis and flat feet - pes planus, in IV to VI grade pupils (second triad of nine-year elementary school). The study was conducted on a 290 pupil sample.Eight (8) variables were applied in the study to evaluate postural spine status - kyphosis and flat feet - pes planus. The research had a longitudinal character. The use of contingent tables shows the frequencies and the corresponding percentages increase the deformity of the spine - kyphosis and flat feet - pes planus.The results of the study indicate the statistical significance of the percentage of deformity of the kyphosis and flat feet - pes planus. Changes in the arch of the feet and spine are mainly in the first stage of deformation, which also enabled the correction of the condition with the application of programmed kinesiological treatment.Therefore, in the global assessment of the quality and justification of the use of programmed kinesiological treatment for one school year, we must state that it contributed to the improvement of the deformity of the kyphosis and the flat feet of the research sample of pupils

    Physiological and Anthropometric Determinants of Performance Levels in Professional Futsal

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    There is an evident lack of studies examining the pursuit of excellence in futsal. The aims of this study were to evaluate anthropometric and physiological variables that may contribute to distinguishing among performance levels in professional futsal players and to evaluate correlates of those variables. The participants were 75 male professionals (age = 25.1 ± 5.1 years, body height = 182.3 ± 6.2 cm, body mass = 80.8 ± 10.4 kg), who were divided into performance levels using two criteria: (i) starters (first teams) vs. non-starters (substitutes) and (ii) top-level players (members of the national team and players who participated in top-level team competition in Europe) vs. high-level players (team players competing at the highest national competitive rank). Variables included anthropometrics (body height and mass, BMI, body fat percentage), generic tests of physiological capacities [5- and 10-m sprints, countermovement jump, broad jump, 20-yard test, reactive strength index (RSI)], and futsal-specific fitness tests [kicking speed by dominant and non-dominant leg, futsal-specific tests of change of direction speed, and reactive agility (FSRAG) involving/not involving dribbling the ball]. Top-level players outperformed high-level players in RSI, broad jump, kicking speed, and FSRAG involving dribbling. Starters achieved better results than non-starters in fewer variables, including kicking speed and RSI. Body fat percentage negatively influenced FSRAG involving dribbling, and RSI. FSRAG, RSI, and kicking speed were significantly correlated, indicating the similar physiological background of these capacities. The findings suggest that enhanced reactive strength and the ability to rapidly change direction speed in response to external stimulus while executing futsal-specific motor tasks (e.g., dribbling), along with players’ ability to kick the ball speedily, can be considered essential qualities required for advanced performance in futsal. Consequently, futsal strength and conditioning training should be targeted toward lowering relative body fat, maximizing lower-body reactive strength and including futsal-specific skills (e.g., dribbling, shooting) in reactive agility drills

    Evaluation of different jumping tests in defining position-specific and performance-level differences in high level basketball players

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    The importance of jumping ability in basketball is well known, but there is an evident lack of studies that have examined different jumping testing protocols in basketball players at advanced levels. The aim of this study was to assess the applicability of different tests of jumping capacity in identifying differences between (i) playing position and (ii) competitive levels of professional players. Participants were 110 male professional basketball players (height: 194.92±8.09 cm; body mass: 89.33±10.91 kg; 21.58±3.92 years of age; Guards, 49; Forwards, 22; Centres, 39) who competed in the first (n = 58) and second division (n = 52). The variables included anthropometrics and jumping test performance. Jumping performances were evaluated by the standing broad jump (SBJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), reactive strength index (RSI), repeated reactive strength ability (RRSA) and four running vertical jumps: maximal jump with (i) take-off from the dominant leg and (ii) non-dominant leg, lay-up shot jump with take-off from the (iii) dominant leg and (iv) non-dominant leg. First-division players were taller (ES: 0.76, 95%CI: 0.35-1.16, moderate differences), heavier (0.69, 0.29-1.10), had higher maximal reach height (0.67, 0.26-1.07, moderate differences), and had lower body fat % (-0.87, -1.27-0.45, moderate differences) than second-division players. The playing positions differed significantly in three of four running jump achievements, RSI and RRSA, with Centres being least successful. The first-division players were superior to second-division players in SBJ (0.63, 0.23-1.03; 0.87, 0.26-1.43; 0.76, 0.11-1.63, all moderate differences, for total sample, Guards, and Forwards, respectively). Running vertical jumps and repeated jumping capacity can be used as valid measures of position-specific jumping ability in basketball. The differences between playing levels in vertical jumping achievement can be observed by assessing vertical jump scores together with differences in anthropometric indices between levels

    Evaluation of Physical Literacy in 9- to 11-Year-Old Children: Reliability and Validity of Two Measurement Tools in Three Southeastern European Countries

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    The awareness of the importance of physical literacy (PL) is globally increasing; however, knowledge of the applicability of PL measurement tools in southeastern Europe is limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of translated versions of the CAPL-2 and PLAYself questionnaires in 9- to 11-year-old elementary school children from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. The participants were 303 children (141 girls; all 9 to 11 years of age) from Croatia (n = 71), Bosnia and Herzegovina (n = 162), and Montenegro (n = 70), enrolled in regular elementary school. The participants were tested throughout a test–retest procedure using two PL evaluation tools, i.e., the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy (shorter version, CAPL-2) and the Physical Literacy Assessment of Youth (PLAYself) questionnaires. With an intraclass correlation (ICC) of 0.70–0.80 for specific questionnaire subscales and 0.84 for the total score, PLAYself was found to be reliable. With Kappa values of 0.11–0.23 and a percentage of absolute agreement of less than 62%, CAPL-2 appeared to be less reliable. Factors related to sport participation were significantly positively associated with the PLAYself score, indicating its proper validity. In conclusion, we suggest the usage of the PLAYself questionnaire in further studies examining PL in children of a similar age in the region. Future studies in other age groups and languages are also warranted

    Bilateral symmetry of jumping and agility in professional basketball players

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    Although functional asymmetry is very common and normal in professional athletes, the better interlimb symmetry between dominant and nondominant sides (bilateral symmetry) could contribute to successful performance in basketball. The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of bilateral symmetry of the one-leg jumping and agility performances in differentiating basketball players according to their (i) playing position (guards, forwards, and centers) and (ii) performance levels (first division vs. second division). The participants were 102 professional male basketball players, with all members of the teams competing in the two highest national divisions at the moment of testing (height: 194.92 ± 8.09 cmbody mass: 89.33 ± 10.91 kg21.58 ± 3.92 years of age). Performance levels (first division, N = 58 vs. second division, N = 44) and playing positions (guards, N = 48forwards, N = 22centers, N = 32) were observed as dependent variables. We measured one-leg jumping capacities (running vertical jump and lay-up vertical jump), basketball-specific preplanned agility (CODS), and basketball-specific reactive agility (RAG), all executed on dominant and nondominant sides. Accordingly, the bilateral symmetry of jumping and agility was calculated by calculating the ratio of the corresponding performances on the dominant and nondominant sides. Factorial analysis of variance (performance levels × positions) indicated that the bilateral symmetry of one-leg jumping differentiated players according to their playing position, with better bilateral symmetry among guards (F-test = 6.11 (medium effect size) and 5.81 (small effect size), p < 0.05 for lay-up and running-jump symmetry, respectively). Performance levels significantly differed in the bilateral symmetry of lay-up jump, with better symmetry for first-division players (F-test = 10.11 (medium effect size), p < 0.001), which was mostly influenced by significant differences among guards. Playing positions and performance levels did not differ in bilateral symmetry of the CODS and RAG. The study reveals the importance of bilateral symmetry of the sport-specific performance in differentiating playing positions and performance levels in basketball. Further studies in other multidirectional sports and other sport-specific performances are warranted