335 research outputs found

    Los Baños Árabes de San Lorenzo (Murcia)

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    La publicación original está disponible en http://www.arqueomurcia.com[ES] La intervención arqueológica permitió documentar parte de un típico baño islámico, concretamente las salas templada y caliente. Se trata de un establecimiento que se construyó aproximadamente en el siglo XII y que aparece citado en algunos textos bajomedievales.[EN] This archaeological study has researched part of a typical islamic medieval bath, in particular the tepìd and hot rooms. The building was constructed during the 12th century and it appeared mentioned in some castilllian post-conquest texts.Peer reviewe

    Mastitis in Unbred and Primigravid Dairy Heifers.

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    Prevalence of mastitis and efficacy of intramammary treatment were determined in unbred and primigravid heifers (n = 116) from 4 dairy herds. Of 97 heifers from which secretion samples were obtained, intramammary infections were detected in 96.9% of animals and 74.6% of quarters. Clinical symptoms were observed in 29% of heifers. Staphylococcus aureus infections were detected in 37.1% of animals. Teat canal colonizations were confirmed in 93.1% of heifers and 70.7% of quarters. The most common isolates from mammary glands were Staphylococcus chromogenes, Staphylococcus hyicus, and Staphylococcus aureus. Average somatic cell counts in secretion from infected and uninfected quarters were 13,574 ×\times 10\sp3/ml and 5,707 ×\times 10\sp3/ml, respectively. Differential cell counts demonstrated that macrophages were the most prevalent cell type in infected and uninfected quarters, followed by lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. A total of 311 isolates from teat canal keratin and mammary secretion samples was tested for susceptibility to 12 antibiotics. Overall, more than 92% of isolates were susceptible to all 12 antibiotics tested. Thirty-five heifers were injected intramammarily with a nonlactating cow antibiotic in all quarters and 38 served as untreated controls. Prevalence of mastitis in treated heifers was reduced from 97.1% at treatment time to 40% at parturition, whereas prevalence in control heifers decreased from 100% to 97.4%. Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in treated heifers was reduced from 17.1% to 2.9%, while in untreated heifers, prevalence decreased from 26.3% to 15.8%. Somatic cell counts at parturition were also lower in treated heifers. Mammary tissues from quarters of unbred heifers infected with Staphylococcus aureus exhibited less alveolar epithelium and lumen, and more interalveolar stroma compared with uninfected quarters and quarters infected with non-aureus staphylococci. Staphylococcus aureus-infected quarters also exhibited greatest leukocyte infiltration into parenchymal tissues and cisternal linings. Results of this study demonstrated a high prevalence of mastitis in heifers, and a high susceptibility of isolates to several antibiotics. In addition, intramammary treatment before parturition was highly efficacious in controlling mastitis and reducing somatic cell count in early lactation

    Asymmetric amplification in amino acid sublimation involving racemic compound to conglomerate conversion

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    A straightforward unprecedented sublimation protocol that reveals both conversion of a racemic compound into a racemic conglomerate and subsequent enantioenrichment has been developed for the proteinogenic amino acid valine. The phenomenon has been observed in closed and open systems, providing insight into asymmetric amplification mechanisms under presumably prebiotic condition

    Cognitive Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease: Evidence from Neuroimaging

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    Cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease (PD) has received little attention to date and as such, there are currently very few treatment options available. The aim of the present study was to determine whether cognitive training might alleviate these cognitive symptoms and if so, whether such changes might be correlated with altered brain patterns. The performance of 10 PD patients and 10 paired healthy controls was assessed in a modified version of the Stroop task performed in association with functional magnetic resonance imaging, and half of the PD patients were given 6 months of cognitive daily training based on Sudoku exercises. Results showed that the training program improved the cognitive performance in the Stroop test of the trained Parkinson’s patients during MRI, specifically in terms of reaction time, and of correct and missing answers. Moreover, training provoked reduced cortical activation patterns with respect to untrained patients that were comparable to the patterns of activation observed in controls. Based on these findings, we propose that cognitive training can contribute significantly to save brain resources in PD patients, maybe by readdressing the imbalance caused by the alterations to inhibitory circuitry. Furthermore, these data strongly support the development and use of standardized cognitive training programs in PD patients

    radiografando a contraofensiva ultraconservadora

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019Entrevista a Pedro Schacht Pereirapublishersversionpublishe

    ‘As sociedades não estão cientes de que as conquistas sociais e políticas das últimas décadas estão em risco’: Radiografando a contraofensiva ultraconservadora. Entrevista com Pedro Schacht Pereira.

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    Pedro Schacht Pereira is an associate professor of Portuguese and Iberian Studies at The Ohio State University in the USA and is part of the teaching team that in 2012 created a PhD program in Portuguese Language World Studies. He graduated in Philosophy from the University of Coimbra in 1993 and received his doctorate in Portuguese and Brazilian Studies from Brown University in 2005. His first book on the relations between philosophy and literature in Almeida Garrett, Eça de Queirós and Machado de Assis, was published in 2014 by the Press of the University of Coimbra and Editora Annablume (São Paulo). Of the various projects that are underway, a monograph on Eça de Queirós and the African sublime, an investigation on the pre-Freyrean roots of the Lusotropicalist discourse, and another on the representation of Afrodescendence in Portugal in the first half of the 20th century are highlighted. XX. He was the author and promoter of the Open Letter in which a number of Portuguese and foreign academics, journalists and public figures in April 2017 demarcated from the positions taken by President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa in a speech in Gorée, Senegal, on the alleged historical role of Portugal in the abolition of slavery.Pedro Schacht Pereira es profesor asociado de Estudios Ibéricos e Portugueses en la Universidad Estatal de Ohio en los EE. UU. Y forma parte del equipo docente que en 2012 creó un programa de doctorado en Estudios del Mundo de la Lengua Portuguesa. Se graduó en Filosofía en la Universidad de Coimbra en 1993 y recibió su doctorado en Estudios Portugueses y Brasileños en la Universidad Brown en 2005. Su primer libro sobre las relaciones entre filosofía y literatura en Almeida Garrett, Eça de Queirós y Machado de Assis, fue publicado en 2014 por la Prensa de la Universidad de Coimbra y Editora Annablume (São Paulo). De los diversos proyectos en curso, una monografía sobre Eça de Queirós y el sublime africano, una investigación sobre las raíces pre-freyreas del discurso lusotropicalista y otra sobre la representación de la Afrodescendencia en Portugal en la primera mitad del siglo. XX. Fue el autor y promotor de la Carta Abierta en la cual varios académicos, periodistas y personalidades portugueses y extranjeros en abril de 2017 se delimitaron de las posiciones tomadas por el presidente Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa en un discurso en Gorée, Senegal, sobre el supuesto papel histórico de Portugal en la abolición de la esclavitud.Pedro Schacht Pereira é professor associado de Estudos Portugueses e Ibéricos na The Ohio State University, nos EUA, fazendo parte da equipa docente que em 2012 criou na mesma instituição um programa de doutoramento em Estudos do Mundo de Língua Portuguesa. Licenciou-se em Filosofia pela Universidade de Coimbra, em 1993, e doutorou-se em Estudos Portugueses e Brasileiros pela Brown University em 2005. O seu primeiro livro, sobre as relações entre filosofia e literatura em Almeida Garrett, Eça de Queirós e Machado de Assis, foi publicado em 2014 pela Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra e a Editora Annablume (São Paulo). Dos vários projetos que tem em curso destacam-se uma monografia sobre Eça de Queirós e o sublime africano, uma investigação sobre as raízes pré-freyreanas do discurso lusotropicalista, e outra sobre a representação da afrodescendência em Portugal na primeira metade do séc. XX. Foi autor e promotor da Carta Aberta em que vários académicos, jornalistas e figuras públicas portuguesas e estrangeiras em abril de 2017 se demarcaram das posições assumidas pelo Presidente da República Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa num discurso em Gorée, no Senegal, sobre o alegado papel histórico de Portugal na abolição da escravatura

    Pasado, presente y futuro de una invasión biológica: Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (camalote) en el río Guadiana

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    El llamado camalote o jacinto de agua, especie de la familia Pontederiaceae nativa del Amazonas, se ha expandido sin control en la mayoría de los países tropicales y ecuatoriales. La causa es su empleo en jardinería y como depuradora de aguas, iniciada ya en el siglo XIX en los EE.U

    How we were? reconstruction, fictions and designs in the interpretation of the figurative representations of preliterate societies

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    Se reflexiona sobre el papel que las Representaciones Figurativas juegan en las prácticas político-ideológicas de las sociedades ágrafas. Se analiza el cómo y el por qué de muchas de las interpretaciones realizadas sobre estos objetos. Se advierte de su importancia en la configuración de norma y estereotipos. Se insiste en la ausencia, en muchas ocasiones, de indicadores materiales donde sustentar las propuestas.We introduce a reflection about the role played on the political-ideological practices by Figurative Representations of societies without writing. We analysed how and why many interpretations about these objects they are as they are. We warned about his importance in the configuration of norms and stereotypes. We insist in the absence of material evidence that support many of the inferences and speculative proposals

    ¿Tal como éramos? Reconstrucciones, ficciones y diseños en la interpretación de las representaciones figurativas de las sociedades ágrafas

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    Se reflexiona sobre el papel que las Representaciones Figurativas juegan en las prácticas político-ideológicas de las sociedades ágrafas. Se analiza el cómo y el por qué de muchas de las interpretaciones realizadas sobre estos objetos. Se advierte de su importancia en la configuración de norma y estereotipos. Se insiste en la ausencia, en muchas ocasiones, de indicadores materiales donde sustentar las propuestas.