83 research outputs found

    Factores asociados al bienestar socioemocional del alumno con dotación cognitiva en México

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    This work focuses on concerns, services, and perspectives toward socioemotional wellbeing of gifted students in Mexico, particularly during and after the pandemic. Research on socioemotional issues of gifted students is scarce, hence inferences form studies with the general student population, clinical experiences and personal communications allow to identify three major trends. Findings suggest that there is the relatively low impact of confinement in the long term in previously well-adjusted children, with family support and social networks. Also, there seem to be no significant differences in emotions between gifted and neurotypical children. Twice exceptional children face challenges in the socioemotional sphere, so they must be considered in a different category. Implication for research on emotional domains in both gifted and neurotypical children are discussed. Se revisan factores protectores y de riesgo para del bienestar socioemocional de los alumnos con dotación cognitiva en México, particularmente durante y después de la pandemia. Se reconoce que la información empírica es escasa, por lo que inferencias de estudios paralelos y la revisión teórica y metodológica de factores protectores y de riesgo en una perspectiva del desarrollo pueden otorgar criterios para evaluar la afectación del bienestar durante la pandemia. La revisión lleva a inferir que estos estudiantes han tenido un impacto relativamente leve por el confinamiento, que el estado socioemocional previo es un buen predictor de ajuste y adaptación después de la pandemia y que no hay diferencias significativas entre las emociones de estudiantes dotados y neurotípicos. Se argumenta que, desde el punto de vista socioemocional, los alumnos con doble excepcionalidad deben considerarse como una categoría aparte. Se discuten las implicaciones para la investigación en esta área con alumnos dotados y neurotípicos

    Discapacidad, familia y logro escolar

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    El presente trabajo analiza la importancia de la participación de los padres en el logro escolar de niños, con y sin discapacidad, en México. Se argumenta la relativa ausencia de información objetiva proveniente de la investigación educativa, que dé directrices claras de las influencias positivas y negativas del involucramiento de los padres en el proceso educativo. Se propone el diseño y desarrollo de programas escolares que fomenten y mejoren la participación de los padres. La familia y las aspiraciones escolares se suponen asociadas a una mejor independencia personal, ajuste a la discapacidad y por tanto, mejor calidad de vida para el niño con discapacidad visual. Se concluye que la mayoría de las familias de los niños estudiados, pese a vivir una situación de desventaja económica, provee de una red de apoyo a sus hijos con DV, tiene altas expectativas hacia ellos, lo que se traduce en altas aspiraciones de escolaridad para estos niños, que presentan buenos indicadores de desarrollo social e intelectual. Se argumenta las ventajas del uso del término discapacidad visual para los niños con problemas de visión total o parcial

    Using the Language of Wellbeing in the Care of the Elderly in Mexico

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    The language we use with others derives from hidden assumptions about them and commands expectations and outcomes. That is why the constructs and language used in health services provided to the elderly are a worthwhile object of study.This paper addresses the language used in the services provided to the elderly population in Mexico and many other Latin-American countries. The psychological, linguistic and practical aspects of the wellbeing language paradigm are discussed. The linguistic analysis of the discourse used by health care providers conveys important implications to the kind, quality and purpose of intervention.It is argued that by using the language of wellness, health professionals are in a better position to listen and assess the degree of satisfaction and happiness, to explore for conditions that may promote or hinder quality of life, and also, they are in a better position for planning services to the elderly that reach beyond physical health and economic indicators.It is posited that quality of life in old age is incomplete without a sense of the patient’s wellbeing

    Normative controversies in the assessment of faculty in Mexican public Universities

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    [EN] This paper analyzes recent changes in teacher assessment policies in higher education institutions in Mexico. Procedures for faculty assessment in a typical Mexican state University are analyzed with the purpose of generating insights helpful to construct a fair, pertinent and expedite assessment system. We review guidelines to assess teachers, specifically those with the purpose of keeping or firing the teacher, even after tenure is achieved. These new regulations are seen as a key policy to improve quality in higher education. However, implications to faculty moral, organization climate and conflict with existing labor laws have not been fully considered. It is argued that excessive federal and local regulations are, in fact, unable to ponder the complexities of academic life. We conclude that instead of more complicated regulations, focus on qualitative peer assessment should be considered as means of effective faculty assessment.Sánchez-Escobedo, P.; Canto-Herrera, P. (2016). Normative controversies in the assessment of faculty in Mexican public Universities. En 2nd. International conference on higher education advances (HEAD'16). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 130-135. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD16.2015.2601OCS13013

    A Model for Evaluation of Rural Schools in Developing Countries

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    Rural schools in developing countries present a unique opportunity to understand the factors required to create a successful learning environment for students with a specific set of challenges. This paper proposes a developmental model for evaluating rural schools, constructed with data derived from evaluation and research projects carried out in Yucatan, Mexico.  In short, the model assumes that rural schools should provide a comprehensive set of services and support for a socially vulnerable population.  Thus, this is a developmental model of evaluation that considers the school as a holistic unit, including the quality and length of educational services, the social supports, the school infrastructure, and the availability of comprehensive services before evaluating learning and curriculum.  Sustainability, a key element in the model, is examined through school infrastructure, constancy and overall provision of services, and the degree of students’ readiness to learn and opportunities offered. The model can place a school along a specific point along a continuum of a developmental process, providing clear directions and specific goals for school leaders to use to grow and advance the rural school toward a fully comprehensive center of learning and social change

    Student-Centred Teaching Strategies by Gender, Grade Level, and Teacher’s Self-Concept in Mexico

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    This study examined the student-centred teaching strategies of Mexican teachers by gender, grade level, and self-concept as an instructor. A conventional sample of 573 teachers from diverse school settings in the state of Yucatan in Mexico responded to a paper and pencil questionnaire. Results indicated, in general, that teachers prioritized classroom management and independent learning activities, in contrast with teaching strategies emphasized by policies and teacher´s training programs in the country, such as cooperative learning, differentiation, or promoting critical thinking. There were some gender and grade level differences. In general, female teachers promoted more independent activities than males. As expected, primary school teachers were more concerned with using differentiation teaching strategies than secondary education teachers, considering the greatest variance in younger students. Teachers self-concept had differential effects. Whilst self-efficacy feelings had no influence in the use of specific student-centred teaching strategies, high self-esteem teachers used more student-centred teaching strategies. The importance of asking teachers what they did, and how they felt as teachers was argued in light of results. Future research avenues regarding self-concept and teaching strategies are posited

    Perfis de estudantes mexicanos com aptidões intelectuais destacáveis

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    El estudio se propuso determinar si la motivación al logro y el autoconcepto social permitían identificar conglomerados en estudiantes de bachillerato intelectualmente sobresalientes. Se realizó un diseño clasificatorio con una metodología cuantitativa para lo cual, mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple, se seleccionaron 133 estudiantes sobresalientes. Se identificaron dos conglomerados de estudiantes: el primero se denominó 'Altamente orientado al logro', y el segundo como 'Poco orientado al logro', respectivamente. Los estudiantes del primer conglomerado se caracterizaron por una mayor motivación al logro académico, menor autoconcepto social y mejor promedio académico. Se concluyó que en los aspectos motivacionales y emocionales los estudiantes sobresalientes presentan diferencias importantes, lo que sugiere tener cuidado con las generalizaciones realizadas sin sustento empírico. Asimismo, evidenció la importancia de la identificación de las diferencias individuales como parte de las estrategias de orientación y tutoría a estos alumnos.O estudo propôs determinar se a motivação ao sucesso e o autoconceito social permitiam identificar conglomerados em estudantes de segundo grau intelectualmente destacados. Foi feito um estudo classificatório com uma metodologia quantitativa para a qual, mediante uma amostragem aleatória simples, foram selecionados 133 estudantes destacados. Identificaram-se dois conglomerados de estudantes: o primeiro denominou-se 'Altamente orientado ao êxito, e o segundo como 'Pouco orientado ao êxito, respectivamente. Os estudantes do primeiro conglomerado caracterizaram-se por uma maior motivação ao sucesso acadêmico, menor autoconceito social e melhor média acadêmica. Conclui-se que em os aspectos motivacionais e emocionais os estudantes destacados apresentam grandes diferenças, o que sugere ter cuidado com as generalizações realizadas sem sustento empírico. Da mesma forma, evidenciou-se a importância da identificação das diferenças individuais como parte das estratégias de orientação e tutoria a estes alunos.The study was aimed to determine whether achievement motivation and social self-concept allowed identifying clusters of intellectually outstanding high school students. A classification design with a quantitative methodology was applied whereby, by simple random sampling, 133 outstanding students were selected. Two clusters of students were identified: the first, known as 'Highly achievement oriented', and the second as 'Lowly achievement oriented', respectively. Students of the first cluster were characterized by a greater motivation toward academic achievement, lower social self-concept and higher academic average. It was concluded that in motivational and emotional aspects outstanding students show significant differences which suggests being careful with generalizations made without empirical support. The study also showed the importance of identifying individual differences as part of the counseling and tutoring strategies with these students