499 research outputs found

    Asymmetrical treatment and revenue from regional protest

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    This study seeks to empirically determine to what extent continual protest by regionalist parties may generate revenue for their regions. To this end, we perform an econometric estimation using the collaboration agreements between Spanish governments and the autonomous communities as the dependent variable (first-level political and administrative divisions, CCAA in their Spanish initials). We test our hypothesis by analogously applying the economic specifications employed in studies of "pork barrel politics", including control variables regarding per capita income, regional financing systems, political variables such as support for regional governments from the same political party or the existence of pivot parties. The results support the theoretical conclusions reached by Treisman (1999), namely that non-sovereignist regionalism generates revenue while sovereignist nationalism or regionalism leads governments to react by applying unfavourable treatment. Similarly, the fact that a regionalist party plays a key role in the investiture of the national president brings with it even greater revenue to the region in question, concurring with the results predicted by Brancati (2008)

    Sweet chestnut agroforestry systems in north-western Spain: Classification, spatial distribution and an ecosystem services assessment

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    Aim of study: Agroforestry systems of Castanea sativa have specific forest structures, which are different from other ecosystems of sweet chestnut. They have provided several ecosystems services (ES) to local inhabitants for centuries including relevant pastoral use. However on present times, have isolated distribution ranges and declining trends. The chestnut trees are their main components but occur at low densities. They are cultivated by using different treatments to improve specific features and maximize different types of production. Area of study: North-western of Iberian Peninsula. Material and methods: We used a large database (>750 field plots) to classify C. sativa dominated-stands into different ecosystems typology (including traditional agroforestry systems), and to assess their most relevant ES. We used field data to define their spatial distribution and discriminant analysis to determine the classification accuracy. Finally we also defined a set of qualitative and quantitative ES indicators for different groups to compare different trends. Main results: We successfully classified these ecosystems and found that the traditional agroforestry systems are of major importance in providing ES, as food provision or cultural services, but showed isolated distribution patterns. Moreover, other types of chestnut-dominated ecosystems, supply important ES such as biomass provision and climate regulation. Research highlights: The relevance of the C. sativa agroforestry systems from ES point of view was pointed out in this work, but also their declining dynamic. Further analysis, based on temporal trends, could help to a better understanding of their status and to define conservation and management strategies

    Glacial refugia and mid-Holocene expansion delineate the current distribution of Castanea sativa in Europe

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    We thank J.A. López-Saéz for very useful comments that improved the quality of the manuscript. We also thank two anonymous reviewers for their useful suggestions. JVRD was supported by "Severo Ochoa" PhD Grant (BP 12-093) and by funding through "Ayuda para Estancias Breves" (EB15-12) for a research stay at Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic) in 2015. Both grants were provided by the "Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación" (PCTI) Government of Principado de Asturias. BJA was supported by the project Employment of Best Young Scientists for International Cooperation Empowerment (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0037) co-financed from the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic. MC was supported by the Czech Science Foundation (Centre of Excellence PLADIAS, 14-36079G).Areas of Quaternary refugia for tree species have been mainly delineated based on fossil records and phylogeography, but niche modelling can provide useful complementary information. Here we use palaeodistribution modelling to test the main hypotheses about the distribution of Castanea sativa in the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the mid-Holocene in Europe. We computed distribution models for current climatic conditions using different methods, and projected them onto three climatic scenarios for the LGM and the mid-Holocene. The projections were validated with pollen and charcoal records. LGM refugia were suggested in the north of the Iberian, Italian and Balkan Peninsulas, and in northern Anatolia. The projections for the mid-Holocene indicated high climatic suitability and geographic expansion of the species range across southern Europe, including some areas where the species is nowadays considered as non-native. In general, our models are consistent with the patterns proposed with pollen and charcoal records, and partially also with phylogeographic information inferred from genetic data, suggesting that the most suitable areas for C. sativa were extended significantly during the mid-Holocene, but declined afterwards and lost connectivity. The projected patterns were compatible with existing palaeobotanical records of C. sativa and provide a spatially-explicit picture of the species past distribution

    Aerobic Energy Expenditure and Intensity Prediction During a Specific Circuit Weight Training: a Pilot Study

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    During circuit weight training (CWT), workloads, index of intensity as well as estimation of energy expenditure (EE) have been under estimated. The aim of this study was to describe and evaluate physiological variables and gender related differences, including intensity prediction and EE, during CWT at different intensities. Twenty six subjects were assessed in a CWT, fourteen men and twelve women. The CWT program was performed at six different intensities, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 85% of 15RM. Seven exercises made up the circuit: sitting bench press, leg press, lat pull down, shoulder press, hamstring curl, biceps curl, and triceps cable push downs. A polar heart rate monitor and a portable metabolic system were used to measure heart rate (HR), intensity measured relative to the HR reserve, cardiorespiratory variables, EE and EE relative to muscle mass (EEMM). Differences between genders were observed at the following variables: HR, intensity measured relative to the HR reserve (in percentage), VO2, VCO2, VE, RER, aerobic EE and EEMM. The EE was significantly higher in men during the six intensities, but differences did not exist for EEMM from 70% to 85%. In addition HR, load and body weight were used to predict intensity and two gender specific equations were obtained for men and women [I (%) = 57.265 + 0.512HR - 0.696HRmax + 1.035 Loadavg + 0.188 Body Weight (R2=0.92; SEE=4.9%) for men; I (%) = 4.036 + 0.412HR% + 1.667 Loadavg (R2=0.79; SEE=7.7%) for women]. Thus, we conclude that gender related differences are present during CWT for EE, even when expressed relative to muscle mass, in addition HR, work load and body weight can estimate the intensity during CWT

    Estudiando la reordenación en el federalismo fiscal español. Un análisis comparado del sistema de financiación autonómica

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    En el trabajo analizamos los cambios de orden que producen las transferencias del sistema de financiación autonómica en el ranking de financiación per capita. Realizamos el estudio desde una perspectiva comparada (con los sistemas de Alemania, Australia, Canadá y Suiza) a fin de detectar posibles singularidades que justifiquen el que la reordenación se haya convertido en un problema de financiación autonómica. Para analizar la reordenación utilizamos distintas medidas que nos permiten identificar la desigualdad añadida por la reordenación, su intensidad y sentido y su capacidad de inversión del orden. Los datos ponen de manifiesto que en España, al igual que ocurre en Alemania, la reordenación es de gran intensidad y con cierta tendencia a la inversión del orden. Esta singularidad podría justificar la trascendencia dada al problema.In this work we analyze the changes of order that produce the transfers of the system of autonomic financing in the ranking of financing per capita. We achieve the study from a compared perspective (with the systems of Germany, Australia, Canada and Switzerland) in order to detect possible singularities that justify the fact that the reranking has turned into a problem of autonomic financing. To analyze the reranking we use different measurements that allow us to identify the inequality added by the reranking, his intensity and sense and his capacity of to invert the order. The results show that in Spain, and also in Germany, the reranking is very intense and exist a certain tendency to invert the order. This singularity might justify the importance conceded to the problem

    La incidencia de las condiciones crediticias en la accesibilidad a la vivienda en España (1995-2007)

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar el efecto de las condiciones crediticias en la accesibilidad a la vivienda. Tras un repaso de los indicadores de accesibilidad, se analiza cómo las condiciones crediticias determinan las diferencias en la evolución de los dos principales indicadores de accesibilidad y se estima la incidencia de las condiciones crediticias en el esfuerzo familiar en la adquisición de la vivienda, lo que permite deducir en qué medida la mejora en las condiciones crediticias ha permitido a las familias absorber el fuerte crecimiento de los precios de la vivienda. Finalmente se plantea la cuestión de cómo el alargamiento de los plazos de amortización puede producir ilusión financiera en las familiasThe objective of this paper is to examine the effect of credit terms on the affordability of housing. After a review of the indicators of affordability, we analyse how the credit terms determine the differences in the evolution of the two major main indicators of affordability and we estimate the incidence of credit terms in the effort on the part of families in the purchase of housing. This shows to what extent the improvement in credit terms has enabled families to cope with the strong growth in housing prices. Finally, we consider the question of how lengthening repayments periods can bring about financial illusion in the families

    La distribución de recursos entre Comunidades Autónomas. Una primera aproximación a los cambios derivados del nuevo modelo de financiación

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el cambio en los resultados distributivos del nuevo modelo de financiación autonómica de régimen común con respecto al vigente desde 2002. Para ello se utilizan indicadores de desigualdad y progresividad derivados de curvas de concentración, así como indicadores de dispersión y de elasticidad. El resultado fundamental que se obtiene es que, a pesar de las modificaciones sustanciales que se producen en la estructura del nuevo modelo, ello no conlleva cambios significativos en los efectos redistributivos de las transferencias, ni en términos de desigualdad ni en términos de progresividad. No obstante, el nuevo modelo sí produce menos reordenación y, en consecuencia, menos desigualdad generada por la misma.The present work has as aim to analyze the change in the distributive results of the new model of financing of Autonomous Communities of common regime with regard to model in force from 2002. For it we use indicators of inequality and progressiveness derived from curves of concentration, as well as indicators of dispersion and of elasticity. The fundamental result obtained is that, in spite of the substantial modifications that are produced in the structure of the new model, it does not carry significant changes in the redistributive effects of the transfers, nor in terms of inequality nor in terms of progressiveness. Nevertheless, the new model produces less reranking and, in consequence, less inequality generated by the same one

    Evaluando las rentas de la protesta regionalista

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar empíricamente en qué medida el ejercicio de la protesta continua por parte de los partidos regionalistas produce rentas para sus territorios. Para ello realizamos una estimación econométrica utilizando como variable dependiente transferencias discrecionales a las Comunidades Autónomas (los convenios de inversión y contratos programas). Testamos nuestra hipótesis conjuntamente con variables de control referidas a las necesidades de inversión, los regímenes de financiación autonómica o variables de tipo político como el apoyo a gobiernos autonómicos del mismo partido político. Los resultados muestran la existencia de rentas derivadas del ejercicio de la protesta regionalista, pero no derivadas del poder de decisión de los partidos regionalistas cuando sus diputados son necesarios para la gobernabilidad del Estado central.The aim of this paper is to determine empirically the extent which the exercise of continuous protest by the regionalist parties can result in preferential treatment or rent to their territories. We carry out an econometric estimation using as dependent variable the discretionary transfers to the regions (the investment agreements and contracts programs). We tested our hypothesis together with control variables related to investment needs, schemes of regional financing or political variable as the support to regional governments of the same political party. The results show the existence of rents derived from the regionalist protest, but not derived from the power of decision of the regionalist parties when their deputies are required for the governance of the central state

    Midiendo la reordenación. Una revisión de la literatura.

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es la presentación conjunta y organizada de todo tipo de indicadores o medidas de reordenación. Para ello, presentamos en primer lugar la concepción y caracterización de la reordenación en la literatura económica en base a los dos ámbitos fundamentales en los que se ha estudiado en economía: la equidad tributaria, donde la reordenación es una pérdida de poder de igualación de una política redistributiva, y la movilidad económica, donde la reordenación se estudia como elemento per se. A continuación presentamos una metodología general para la construcción de índices de reordenación. Proseguimos con la descripción de las distintas medidas de reordenación. Primero los derivados de matrices de transición, y después los obtenidos a partir de índices y curvas de concentración y finalmente los elaborados mediante la comparación de rangos. Además recogemos unas breves notas sobre la relación entre la medida de la reordenación y el bienestar social

    El origen de la desigualdad y la progresividad en la distribución de la financiación de las Comunidades Autónomas de régimen común

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar la contribución de las distintas fuentes de ingresos de las Comunidades Autónomas de régimen común a la desigualdad y la progresividad del sistema de financiación autonómica en su conjunto. En el apartado 1 se resume la literatura sobre medición de los desequilibrios financieros horizontales en sistemas de financiación federales, constatándose la ausencia de instrumentos que midan el impacto individual de cada fuente de ingresos. En el apartado 2 se propone la metodología a aplicar, en concreto la descomposición natural de los índices de concentración y la descomposición directa del índice de Suits. En el apartado 3 se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de la metodología propuesta. Y finalmente en el apartado 4 se presentan las conclusiones, resultando que es el Fondo de Suficiencia, en cuanto variable cierre del sistema, el que determina la distribución final de recursos y su sentido progresivo, pero que al perderse una parte de progresividad por el comportamiento de los tributos cedidos resulta imprescindible el FCI, para compensar dicha pérdida.The present paper has as aim to analyse the contribution to the inequality and progressiveness of financing resources of Comunidades Autónomas. In the first part we resume the literature on measurement of the horizontal fiscal imbalances in systems of federal funding, where we confirm the absence of instruments that measure the individual impact of each source of revenue. In the part 2 we propose the methodology to apply, in concrete the natural decomposition of the indexes of concentration and the direct decomposition of the index of Suits. In the part 3 we present the results of the application of the methodology proposed. And finally in the part 4 we present the conclusions, resulting that it is the Fondo de Suficiencia, as variable closing of the system, who determines the final distribution of resources and his progressive sense, but since a part of progressiveness disappear by the behaviour of the tributos cedidos, results indispensable the FCI to compensate said loss