854 research outputs found

    Vivienda multifamiliar: un rincón en armonía

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    Trabajo de gradoEl objetivo de esta investigación se enfoca en el desarrollo de vivienda multifamiliar que permita la reubicación de las familias que se encuentran en el área de invasión del Barrio Rincón del Lago, buscando aumentar su calidad de vida según en dos conceptos expuestos por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y el Fondo de Cultura Económica.PregradoArquitect

    ¿Is security cooperation a strategic resource for Colombia?

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    Durante las tres últimas décadas Colombia ha enfrentado diferentes amenazas a su seguridad, como el narcotráfico, el crimen organizado, las guerrillas y los grupos paramilitares. Como consecuencia de esto las Fuerzas Militares y Policiales han adquirido una vasta experiencia y conocimiento en la forma de enfrentar estas problemáticas. Esa experiencia se ha vuelto atractiva para países que enfrentan amenazas similares y no cuenta con la suficiente preparación para combatirlas, por lo cual el gobierno colombiano ha recibido numerables solicitudes para cooperar en seguridad con otros países y así transferir el conocimiento con el que cuenta. Con el presenta trabajo se busca analizar si esa cooperación en seguridad ha sido usada de manera estratégica por el gobierno colombiano para influir en otros países, y tener un papel más destacado en el sistema internacional.During the last three decades Colombia, has faced different threats to its security, such as drug trafficking, organized crime, guerrillas and paramilitary groups. As a result of this, the Military and Police Forces have acquired vast experience and knowledge in how to deal with these problems. This experience has become attractive for countries that face similar threats and they is not sufficiently prepared to combat them, whence the Colombian government has received numerous requests to cooperate in security with other countries and thus transfer the knowledge it has. This paper seeks to analyze if this cooperation in security has been used strategically by the Colombian government to influence other countries and to play a more prominent role in the international system.Pregrad

    Por arte de barrio. Los jóvenes voluntarios de la ‘Y’ y sus acciones colectivas en la Comuna 13 de Medellín

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    Aquest article pretén mostrar la importància que té la joventut en el moment de transformar la comunitat i incidir-hi. Això, tot prenent el cas particular de las accions col·lectives que realitzen joves que pertanyen al voluntariat de l’ACJ (Associació Cristiana de Joves) Medellín, ubicada en un lloc anteriorment marcat per la violència com és la Comuna 13. En el voluntariat es busca que els joves de la Comuna 13 enforteixin les seves capacitats com individus tot estimulant-les a través de metodologies experiencials i metodologies d’ensenyament d’educació popular, amb la qual cosa s’aconsegueix convertir aquests joves en líders que repliquen diferents accions en cadascun dels barris de la seva Comuna.This article aims to show the importance of youth when transforming the community and influencing it. This is done by studying the particular case of the collective actions carried out by young people belonging to the volunteer work of the YMCA (Young Christian Association) Medellin, located in a place troubled by violence such as Commune 13. The Voluntary service which is implemented intends the youth in Commune 13 to strengthen their capacities as individuals, stimulating these through experiential methodologies and popular education methodologies of teaching. In this way, these young people are turned into leaders who replicate different actions in each of the neighborhoods in their own Communes.Este artículo busca mostrar la importancia que tiene la juventud al momento de transformar la comunidad e incidir en ella. Lo anterior, tomando el caso particular de las acciones colectivas que se llevan a cabo por los jóvenes que pertenecen al voluntariado de la ACJ (Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes) Medellín ubicada en un lugar anteriormente marcado por la violencia como lo es la Comuna 13. En el voluntariado se busca que los jóvenes de la Comuna 13 fortalezcan sus capacidades como individuos estimulando estas a través de metodologías experienciales y metodologías de educación popular de enseñanza. Logrando así, convertir a estos jóvenes en líderes que replican diferentes acciones en cada uno de los barrios de su Comuna.

    Influence of forest fruit productivity and hierarchy on behavioral patterns and body weight of capuchin monkeys (Sapajus apella)

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    Los primates salvajes neotropicales enfrentan varias amenazas que están disminuyendo exponencialmente sus poblaciones, los constantes cambios en sus hábitats naturales los han obligado a adaptarse a los cambios tanto naturales cómo antropogénicos. Debido a esto, es importante saber cómo las especies de primates responden a los cambios de hábitat que los han estado afectando. El cambio en la productividad de bosque es uno de ellos, y este estudio se centró en una población de Sapajus apella para probar la hipótesis de que la abundancia de fruta afecta el comportamiento y el peso corporal, y que los individuos dominantes se verán menos afectados por los períodos de escasez. La productividad se estimó utilizando 60 trampas de frutos, el peso corporal se midió con balanzas cebadas y se observó el comportamiento durante 5 meses (cuatro meses durante la temporada de escasez y un mes adicional en abundancia). El peso corporal se mantuvo relativamente estable durante la escasez, pero en abundancia todos los individuos ganaron peso. La variación en el comportamiento no fue significativamente diferente entre los meses (p> 0.05), aunque se encontraron correlaciones con la producción de fruta en algunos comportamientos, como en alimentación y forrajeo (r = -0.88, p 0.05), although correlations with fruit production were found in some behaviors, such as in feeding and foraging (r = -0.88, p < 0.04), grooming (r = 0.91, p < 0.02) and displacement (r = 0.89, p < 0.04). Differences in behavior were found within hierarchical ranks as well, dominants were more aggressive, groomed more, were seeing feeding more frequently and in longer periods of time and the alpha male usually expelled others from the feeding trees. Also, the alpha male had a weight 60% higher than the average of the population and it was found that juveniles gained more weight than any other age classes, even though they were in the lowest rank of the hierarchy, due to the growing stage they are in. Contrary to expectations the individuals at highest ranks, who were heavier, gained less weight, but alpha male was not included in this analysis.Ecólogo (a)Pregrad

    Utility of curcumin for the treatment of diabetes mellitus: Evidence from preclinical and clinical studies

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    "Turmeric or Curcuma longa is a natural product, whose medicinal properties have been extensively studied and a wide variety of therapeutic effects on several diseases such as neurodegenerative, hepatic and renal damage, cancer, and diabetes have been mainly attributed to its curcuminoid content. In the last decades, diabetes mellitus has become an alarming worldwide health issue, because of the increasing number of people suffering from the disease, as well as the devastating consequences for them. In this paper, we review the current basic and clinical evidence about the potential of curcumin/curcuminoids for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, mainly by its hypoglycemic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. The activity of curcumin (or curcuminoids) as a hypoglycemic agent or just as an adjuvant to improve the metabolic profile and to ameliorate the associated complications of diabetes mellitus, such as diabetic nephropathy and cardiopathy is discussed. The interactions between curcumin and conventional antidiabetic drugs might be explored for the therapeutic management of diabetes mellitus.

    Propuesta para la creación de un taller gastronómico enfocado en difundir y fortalecer las tradiciones gastronómicas de la región cundiboyacense

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    111 páginasLos alimentos y más específicamente el arte culinario han sido desde tiempos remotos la única manifestación humana capaz estimular todos los sentidos, como es bien sabido el sentido dominante es el olfato. Sin embargo, la frase '"primero comemos con los ojos'' es totalmente valida, pues de ahí se generan expectativas que influyen en el sabor, la textura y los sonidos en boca que podemos percibir de los alimentos (Michel C. 23 de mayo 2019). En el presente documento se plantea la creación de un el Taller Gastronómico, un espacio enfocado en difundir y fortalecer las tradiciones gastronómicas de nuestro país Colombia y más específicamente de la región Cundiboyacense.Food and more specifically the culinary art for a long time ago has been the unique human manifestation be able to stimulate the senses, as is well known the main sense is smell. However, the phrase, We eat with our eyes, is totally true, because, from the expectations that influence the taste, texture and sounds in the mouth that we can perceive the food (Nlichel C. 23 de mayo 2019). In this project, we propose the creation of a gastronomic workshop, a place with the purpose of diffuse and strength the gastronomic traditions is our country Colombia, specifically in Cundiboyacense region.Administrador(a) de Empresas Turísticas y HotelerasPregrad

    Renal damage in the metabolic syndrome (MetSx): Disorders implicated

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    "The prevalence of metabolic syndrome is increasing worldwide and has become a risk factor for the development of chronic kidney disease. The complex linkage between metabolic syndrome and chronic kidney disease is under research and the factors involved beyond the biological pathogenesis include demographic, sociological and psychological factors that are related to the metabolic syndrome prevalence. The social context of disease causation is as relevant to today's clinical scientist and practitioner as biomarker-directed risk stratification and therapy. The aim of this review is to compare the criteria for diagnosis among different international health organizations, identifying all factors that contribute to the development of this association between metabolic syndrome and chronic kidney disease, and categorizing them by those that could be useful for preventive strategies. In addition, patients with metabolic syndrome have microvascular disease characterized by microalbuminuria, decreased glomerular filtration rate, tubular atrophy, interstitial fibrosis, and glomerulosclerosis. These effects may be due to insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipidemias, activation of inflammatory processes, fibrotic, dysbiosis and generation of oxidative stress; which cause an imbalance in the main vasoactive factors and thus endothelial dysfunction, deteriorating the renal function. Furthermore, since unhealthy eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle are among the strongest risk factors related to these diseases, lifestyle interventions programs have been recommended for facilitating positive changes in behavior at the individual level. However, further research is needed to promote multiple social, economic and political transformations, shifting the intervention emphasis from individual education, counseling, regimens and medications to community, national and global institutions.

    Cultural Competence Guides for COVID-19 Messaging in Hispanic Communities

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    Purpose: The Rio Grande Valley in South Texas comprises 5% percent of Texas\u27s population yet 17%of Texas\u27s COVID-19 deaths. We aimed to address underlying mistrust and systemic racism in our Hispanic community that contributes to health inequities by developing a cultural competence guide for public health messaging. Methods: We employed a mixed method design (e.g., focus groups, surveys, interviews) to develop and implement a cultural competence guide in an iterative community-informed process. We created a general cultural competence guide, one for the Hispanic community and one for the hard-of-hearing community. Results: Our cultural competence guides provide an interpretation as to whether the message is culturally competent or requires revisions. The guides have the following five categories: content and clarity, emotions and values, audience and inclusivity, call to action, and gestalt. Conclusions: The Hispanic community needs more culturally competent public health messaging to address a key root cause of health inequities surrounding COVID-19. Our novel, concise guides can help organizations and individuals seeking to create culturally sensitive and, therefore, more effective public health messaging for Hispanic or deaf and hard-of-hearing communities

    Association of nutritional support programs with zinc deficiency in Colombian children: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Zinc is an essential trace element that plays a key role in the immune, gastrointestinal, respiratory and nervous systems. In Colombia, a vast percentage of children live in low-income households with food insecurity and nutritional deficiencies, including zinc. In an effort to improve children's well-being, public health measures such as nutritional support programs that provide meals have targeted the poorest populations. The aim of the present study was to assess the role of nutritional support programs on zinc deficiency in Colombian children, while considering their wealth and food security.Methods: Cross-sectional study using data from the 2010 Colombian National Nutrition Survey, a population-based study representative of Colombia. A total of 4275 children between 12 and 59months of age were included in the study. Stepwise logistic regressions were modelled with SPSS, first for zinc deficiency on wealth and food security, then adding enrolment in a nutritional support program, and finally, adjusting for socio-demographic variables.Results: A zinc deficiency prevalence of 49% was found. The adjusted models showed an association of wealth quintiles: very poor (OR=1.48) and poor (OR=1.39), food security (OR=0.75) and enrolment in a nutritional support program (OR=0.76) with zinc deficiency. Enrolment in nutritional programs did not modify the relationship of wealth and food security to zinc deficiency.Conclusion: Zinc deficiency is associated with wealth, food security and enrolment in nutritional support programs. Nutritional programs may be a good alternative against zinc deficiency, if they focus appropriately on the needs of children according to their wealth and food security