12 research outputs found

    Hybrid modelling and simulation of rigid bodies in contact

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    Rigid body systems may undergo numerous types of dynamic interactions including collisions and continuous contact which considerably complicate systematic modelling and simulation of such problems. This thesis introduces a new modelling approach based on a hybrid system formulation to describe the dynamics of interacting rigid body systems. Interaction among physical objects occurs in two different forms: impulsive contact and continuous contact. Characteristics of impulsive and continuous contacts are different. Hence the modelling of each contact type requires the use of different approaches. While the impulse-modelling approach better simulates the impulsive contacts, our findings indicate that continues contact is much more accurately modeled using the sliding manifold method. The proposed hybrid system approach combines the impulse modelling method for collision interactions and the sliding manifold method to model the differential-algebraic equations associated with continuous contact interactions. Appropriate discrete states, events, reset maps, and threshold parameters that yield a hybrid automaton framework to describe interacting rigid body systems are developed. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method a rolling ball simulation for a virtual reality system is presented

    SprÄkliga barriÀrer i mötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient : En litteraturstudie

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    Bakgrund: Migration Ă€r vanligt förekommande i vĂ€rlden och en anledning till att mĂ€nniskor behöver söka hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rd i ett nytt land. I mötet med vĂ„rden kan det dĂ„ uppstĂ„ svĂ„righeter med kommunikationen gĂ€llande sprĂ„kliga barriĂ€rer mellan patient och sjuksköterska. SprĂ„kbarriĂ€rer uppstĂ„r nĂ€r sjuksköterska och patient inte talar samma sprĂ„k. Kommunikationsbrister kan resultera i att patienten inte kan förmedla sina behov samt förstĂ„ given information angĂ„ende sin vĂ„rd. Det kan Ă€ven leda till att sjuksköterskan inte kan tillhandahĂ„lla korrekt information och dĂ€rmed riskeras den fullstĂ€ndiga omvĂ„rdnaden av patienten. SprĂ„kbarriĂ€rernas pĂ„verkan pĂ„ omvĂ„rdnaden samt patienternas upplevelse behöver undersökas för en bĂ€ttre kommunikation mellan patient och vĂ„rdpersonal.  Syfte: Att beskriva mötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient nĂ€r det föreligger sprĂ„kliga barriĂ€rer, avseende vad det hade för betydelse för omvĂ„rdnaden och patientens upplevelse. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie av elva kvalitativa originalartiklar frĂ„n databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Resultat: Efter analys av samtliga artiklar identifierades tvĂ„ huvudkategorier; SprĂ„kbarriĂ€rers pĂ„verkan pĂ„ omvĂ„rdnaden och SprĂ„kbarriĂ€rers pĂ„verkan pĂ„ patientupplevelsen. Huvudkategorin som berörde pĂ„verkan pĂ„ omvĂ„rdnaden delades in i fyra underkategorier: Bristande patientsĂ€kerhet, OtillrĂ€cklig patientinformation, Behov av extra planering och koordination samt Risk för tidskrĂ€vande omvĂ„rdnad. Även huvudkategorin som berörde patientupplevelsen delades in i fyra underkategorier: Beroende av anhöriga för tolkning, Risk för otillrĂ€cklig delaktighet i vĂ„rden, Risk för diskriminering samt Frustration relaterat till otillrĂ€cklig kommunikation. Slutsats: SprĂ„kbarriĂ€rer pĂ„verkade omvĂ„rdnaden negativt genom att det krĂ€vdes extra planering och tid av sjuksköterskan, kunde leda till brister i patientsĂ€kerheten samt otillrĂ€cklig patientinformation. Patienternas upplevelse av de sprĂ„kliga barriĂ€rerna var otillrĂ€cklig delaktighet i sin vĂ„rd, frustration relaterat till otillrĂ€cklig kommunikation, diskriminering samt beroende av anhöriga för tolkning. Med ökad kunskap och förstĂ„else för dessa problem kan sjuksköterskans förmĂ„ga i att erbjuda patienten en god transkulturell omvĂ„rdnad öka och upplevelsen av vĂ„rden för patienten förbĂ€ttras.Background: Migration is common in the world and a reason why people need to seek health care in a new country. In the encounter with health care, difficulties with the communication may arise due to language barriers between patient and nurse. Language barriers arise when the nurse and patient do not speak the same language. Lack of communication can result in the patient not being able to convey their needs and understand the given information regarding their care. It can also lead to the nurse not being able to provide correct information and thus risking the complete care of the patient. The impact of language barriers on nursing care and patients' experiences needs to be investigated in order to improve the communication between patient and care staff. Aim: To describe the meeting between nurse and patient when there are language barriers, regarding what it meant for the nursing care and the patient's experience.  Method: A descriptive literature study of eleven qualitative original articles from the databases PubMed and CINAHL. Results: After analysis of all the articles, two main categories were identified: The impact of language barriers on nursing care and The impact of language barriers on the patient experience. The main category that concerned the impact on nursing care was divided into four subcategories: Lack of patient safety, Insufficient patient information, Need for extra planning and coordination and Risk of time-consuming nursing care. The main category that concerned the patient experience was also divided into four subcategories: Dependence on relatives for interpretation, Risk of insufficient participation in care, Risk of discrimination and Frustration related to insufficient communication. Conclusion: Language barriers negatively affected nursing care by requiring extra planning and time from the nurse, risking deficiencies in patient safety and insufficient patient information. Patients' experiences of the language barriers were insufficient participation in their care, frustration related to insufficient communication, discrimination and dependence on relatives for interpretation. With increased knowledge and understanding of these problems, the nurse's ability to offer the patient good transcultural care can increase and the experience of care for the patient can be improved