272 research outputs found

    Simulación mediante ordenador de movimientos bidimensionales en medios resistentes

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    We have accomplished a simulation program of mechanics; it is developed in laboratory practice by students in their first years of physics studies ata University level. Its aim is a better understanding of the influence of the variable forces of friction in bidimensional movements. We have verified the effectiveness of this teaching method through the evaluation of the students' progress during the courses in which we have carried out this practice

    Interest in teaching between aspiring teachers of Science and Technology to begin the process of initial training

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    La formación inicial del profesorado de enseñanza secundaria se encuentra en un proceso de cambio en el que resulta necesario ampliar la investigación sobre todos los aspectos relacionados con la mejora de los programas de formación. En este contexto nos parece importante explorar el interés de los futuros profesores de ciencia y tecnología hacia la profesión docente. Por tal motivo, hemos realizado una investigación sobre el pensamiento inicial de los profesores de enseñanza secundaria en formación, cuyos resultados se muestran en este trabajo. Creemos que hay que tener en cuenta las motivaciones y actitudes de los futuros profesores en la formación inicial para fomentar el desarrollo de la identidad profesional docente

    Teachers’ professional identity: validation of an assessment instrument for preservice teachers

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    This study aims to develop and validate an instrument to analyse future Secondary Education teachers' perceptions regarding the development of Teachers' Professional Identity (TPI). The data were collected from a sample of 733 participants who were students enrolled in the Master's Degree for Secondary Education teachers. The psychometric properties of the instrument were obtained by analysing content, and comprehension validity, construct validity and reliability. A first subsample was used for an Exploratory Factor Analysis, and a second one to verify the identified factor structure via Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The instrument is made up of 31 items in four scales namely the understanding of TPI, the development of TPI at various educational levels, the development of TPI in comparison with that of other professionals and the influencing factors. The results show that it has high levels of validity and reliability. Therefore, it provides TPI research field with an instrument to assess it during the initial teacher training period in consecutive training models where it seems to occur more identity crisis

    Naltrexone Reverses Ethanol-Induced Rat Hippocampal and Serum Oxidative Damage

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    Naltrexone, an antagonist of �-opioid receptors, is clinically used as adjuvant therapy of alcohol dishabituation. The aim of the present work was to test the effect of 1 mg/kg body weight of naltrexone to revert oxidative stress-related biochemical alterations, in the hippocampus and serum of chronic alcoholic adult rats. Malondialdehyde concentration was increased and glutathione peroxidase activity was decreased in hippocampus and serum of alcohol-treated rats. Naltrexone treatment restored these alterations. The in vitro antioxidant ability of Ntx could not justify these effects considering the doses used. Thus this apparent protective effect of Ntx can only be attributed to its pharmacological effects, as herein discussed.Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia SAF2010-21317 Universidad Catolica de Valencia "San Vicente Martir" 2012-029-001 Plan Nacional sobre Drogas 2010/059 AI/ICB-Santander 07/1

    Un modelo de representación del pensamiento inicial de los estudiantes del máster de profesorado de secundaria sobre la enseñanza de la ciencia

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    Hemos llevado a cabo un estudio del pensamiento docente del alumnado del área de ciencias del Máster de Profesorado de Enseñanza Secundaria (MPES). Se ha utilizado un cuestionario de escala likert que ha permitido detectar las creencias más extendidas sobre la enseñanza de la ciencia y los modelos de pensamiento docente subyacentes en tales creencias. También se han analizado las relaciones entre tales creencias, aplicando técnicas de escalamiento multidimensional, que nos han permitido representar de forma global el pensamiento inicial de los futuros docentes sobre la enseñanza de la ciencia. De este estudio se derivan algunas consecuencias interesantes para el avance de la investigación educativa en el campo de la formación inicial docente

    Analysis of conceptions of secondary teachers on science education during initial training

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    En este trabajo se analizan las concepciones sobre la enseñanza de las ciencias que presentan los alumnos y alumnas del MPES (Máster de Profesorado de Educación Secundaria). Los datos mostrados se han recogido en una experiencia de formación inicial docente, basada en un enfoque constructivista y reflexivo, en la que han participado 71 estudiantes de varias especialidades del área científico-técnica, durante dos cursos académicos sucesivos. Desde el punto de vista formativo la experiencia se ha basado en el desarrollo de actividades que permiten reflexionar a los futuros docentes sobre la naturaleza de los procesos educativos, explicitando sus concepciones como punto de partida para favorecer la progresión del pensamiento docente. En la investigación se ha usado una metodología de análisis cualitativo de las ideas de los participantes sobre la enseñanza de las ciencias, expresadas por escrito a partir de un conjunto de cuestiones abiertas. Los resultados han permitido identificar varios modelos de pensamiento subyacentes en las opiniones de los futuros docentes, que podrían relacionarse con un enfoque de enseñanza basado en la transmisión y recepción de conocimientos, un enfoque educativo próximo al modelo constructivista y un enfoque mixto o intermedio. También apreciamos que el grado de identificación con un enfoque u otro depende, en parte, del contexto de la cuestión planteada.In this paper the conceptions of science teaching presented by the students of MPES (Master Teacher of Secondary Education) are analyzed. The data shown were collected in an initial teacher training experience, based on a constructive and thoughtful approach, which involved 71 students from various specialties of scientifictechnical area, for two successive academic years. From the formative point of view this experience consists in the development of activities that allow to reflect future teachers about the nature of the educational processes, specifying their previous conceptions as a starting point to encourage progression of teachers thought. In this research we have used a methodology of qualitative analysis on the conceptions of the participants about the teaching of science, expressed in writing from a set of open questions. The results have allowed to identify several models of thinking underlying the opinions of future teachers, who could relate respectively to a teaching approach based on the transmission and reception of knowledge, an educational approach next to the constructivist model and a mixed approach. We also notes that the greater or lesser degree of identification with a approach or another depends in part on the context of the question posed

    Composición del agua de bebidas en relación con los cálculos genitourinarios en la provincia de Granada

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    En el presente trabajo se relaciona la composición de las aguas de bebida de diferentes poblaciones granadinas, con la composición de los cálculos genitourinarios procedentes de enfermos de dichas poblaciones y se sacan las conclusiones pertinentes con el reparo en el caso de algunas poblaciones del escaso número de enfermos litiáricos.At the present paper we have studied the relationship between the composition of the calculi and that of the water in different places of the Granada Province. We have obtained some conclusions with the only objection of the scarce amounts of the lithiasic patients studied

    Composición del agua de bebidas en relación con los cálculos genitourinarios en la provincia de Granada

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    At the present paper we have studied the relationship between the composition of the calculi and that of the water in different place s of the Granada Province. We have obtained sorne conclusions with the only objection of the scarce amounts of the lithiasic patients studied.En el presente trabajo se relaciona la composición de las aguas de bebida de diferentes poblaciones granadinas, con la composición de los cálculos genitourinarios procedentes de enfermos de dichas poblaciones y se sacan las conclusiones pertinentes con el reparo en el caso de algunas poblaciones del escaso número de enfermos litiáricos

    Conceptions and motivations about teachers professional development in initial teacher training of secondary education

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    En este trabajo se muestran algunos resultados obtenidos en el desarrollo de un proyecto de innovación educativa, llevado a cabo en el módulo específico del Máster de Formación del Profesorado de Enseñanza Secundaria. En esta experiencia han participado 63 estudiantes de ciencias y varios docentes, obteniendo numerosos datos cualitativos a partir de las actividades realizadas en el aula. Tales datos han permitido analizar las concepciones y motivaciones de los estudiantes acerca de la profesionalidad docente y algunos aspectos que pueden influir en la mejora de la educación y el desarrollo profesional. La mayoría de los estudiantes establecen una importante relación entre profesionalidad docente y la adquisición de conocimientos teóricos y prácticos útiles para la enseñanza, pero los valores, actitudes y motivaciones del profesorado también se consideran importantes para mejorar la educación.This work shows some results collected in the development of an innovative educational project conducted in the specific module of the Master Teacher Training in Secondary Education. This experience has involved 63 students of sciences and several teachers, obtaining numerous qualitative data from activities developed in the classroom. Such data have allowed us to analyze the conceptions and motivations of students about the teaching profession and some aspects that can influence on the improvement of education and professional development. Most students show a significant relationship between teacher professionalism and the acquisition of knowledge and skills useful for teaching, but the values, attitudes and motivations of teachers are also considered important to improve education

    Loss of PRDX6 aborts proliferative and migratory signaling in hepatocarcinoma cell lines

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    Peroxiredoxin 6 (PRDX6), the only mammalian 1-Cys member of the peroxiredoxin family, has peroxidase, phospholipase A2 (PLA2), and lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) acyltransferase (LPCAT) activities. It has been associated with tumor progression and cancer metastasis, but the mechanisms involved are not clear. We constructed an SNU475 hepatocarcinoma cell line knockout for PRDX6 to study the processes of migration and invasiveness in these mesenchymal cells. They showed lipid peroxidation but inhibition of the NRF2 transcriptional regulator, mitochondrial dysfunction, metabolic reprogramming, an altered cytoskeleton, down-regulation of PCNA, and a diminished growth rate. LPC regulatory action was inhibited, indicating that loss of both the peroxidase and PLA2 activities of PRDX6 are involved. Upstream regulators MYC, ATF4, HNF4A, and HNF4G were activated. Despite AKT activation and GSK3β inhibition, the prosurvival pathway and the SNAI1-induced EMT program were aborted in the absence of PRDX6, as indicated by diminished migration and invasiveness, down-regulation of bottom-line markers of the EMT program, MMP2, cytoskeletal proteins, and triggering of the “cadherin switch”. These changes point to a role for PRDX6 in tumor development and metastasis, so it can be considered a candidate for antitumoral therapies