248 research outputs found

    Observation and Spectroscopy of a Two-Electron Wigner Molecule in an Ultra-Clean Carbon Nanotube

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    Coulomb interactions can have a decisive effect on the ground state of electronic systems. The simplest system in which interactions can play an interesting role is that of two electrons on a string. In the presence of strong interactions the two electrons are predicted to form a Wigner molecule, separating to the ends of the string due to their mutual repulsion. This spatial structure is believed to be clearly imprinted on the energy spectrum, yet to date a direct measurement of such a spectrum in a controllable one-dimensional setting is still missing. Here we use an ultra-clean suspended carbon nanotube to realize this system in a tunable potential. Using tunneling spectroscopy we measure the excitation spectra of two interacting carriers, electrons or holes, and identify seven low-energy states characterized by their spin and isospin quantum numbers. These states fall into two multiplets according to their exchange symmetries. The formation of a strongly-interacting Wigner molecule is evident from the small energy splitting measured between the two multiplets, that is quenched by an order of magnitude compared to the non-interacting value. Our ability to tune the two-electron state in space and to study it for both electrons and holes provides an unambiguous demonstration of the fundamental Wigner molecule state.Comment: SP and FK contributed equally to this wor

    Validation of a Piles Dynamic Analysis Computer Code Through In Situ Tests

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    In order to qualify the CLAPIFOU code, which computes the dynamic response of a pile foundation subjected to earthquake or harmonic forces, a test campaign was carried out on piles, to full scale, on pile groups of 2 x 1 piles and 2 x 3 piles on the Plancoet site. The purpose of the study is to compare the results of the experiments and the digital simulations with the computer code. The comparison is good but confirms the need for a good knowledge of the soil\u27s characteristics

    Numerical analysis of seismic wave amplification in Nice (France) and comparisons with experiments

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    The analysis of site effects is very important since the amplification of seismic motion in some specific areas can be very strong. In this paper, the site considered is located in the centre of Nice on the French Riviera. Site effects are investigated considering a numerical approach (Boundary Element Method) and are compared to experimental results (weak motion and microtremors). The investigation of seismic site effects through numerical approaches is interesting because it shows the dependency of the amplification level on such parameters as wave velocity in surface soil layers, velocity contrast with deep layers, seismic wave type, incidence and damping. In this specific area of Nice, a one-dimensional (1D) analytical analysis of amplification does not give a satisfactory estimation of the maximum reached levels. A boundary element model is then proposed considering different wave types (SH, P, SV) as the seismic loading. The alluvial basin is successively assumed as an isotropic linear elastic medium and an isotropic linear viscoelastic solid (standard solid). The thickness of the surface layer, its mechanical properties, its general shape as well as the seismic wave type involved have a great influence on the maximum amplification and the frequency for which it occurs. For real earthquakes, the numerical results are in very good agreement with experimental measurements for each motion component. Two-dimensional basin effects are found to be very strong and are well reproduced numerically

    Catalog of 93 Nova Light Curves: Classification and Properties

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    We present a catalog of 93 very-well-observed nova light curves. The light curves were constructed from 229,796 individual measured magnitudes, with the median coverage extending to 8.0 mag below peak and 26% of the light curves following the eruption all the way to quiescence. Our time-binned light curves are presented in figures and as complete tabulations. We also calculate and tabulate many properties about the light curves, including peak magnitudes and dates, times to decline by 2, 3, 6, and 9 magnitudes from maximum, the time until the brightness returns to quiescence, the quiescent magnitude, power law indices of the decline rates throughout the eruption, the break times in this decline, plus many more properties specific to each nova class. We present a classification system for nova light curves based on the shape and the time to decline by 3 magnitudes from peak (t3). The designations are S for smooth light curves (38% of the novae), P for plateaus (21%), D for dust dips (18%), C for cusp-shaped secondary maxima (1%), O for quasi-sinusoidal oscillations superposed on an otherwise smooth decline (4%), F for flat-topped light curves (2%), and J for jitters or flares superposed on the decline (16%). Our classification consists of this single letter followed by the t3 value in parentheses; so for example V1500 Cyg is S(4), GK Per is O(13), DQ Her is D(100), and U Sco is P(3).Comment: Astronomical Journal, in press, 19 figures, 73 page
