51 research outputs found

    A four stage evolution of the White Channel gravel: Implications for stratigraphy and palaeoclimates

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    Although the White Channel gravel (WCG) of the Klondike district, Yukon, contains gold placers which have been exploited for over a century, few sedimentological studies have been undertaken. This study reports a four stage evolution of the WCG, comprising: i. An initial downcutting period which preferentially retained gold particles on the base of the strath. ii. An aggradational stage in which gold concentration occurred within sedimentary features. iii. A lacustrine layer representing a depositional hiatus. iv. A final, more rapidly aggrading fluvial stage. Identification of the lacustrine layer has clarified the evolution of the WCG depositional fluvial systems. Architectural element analysis and detailed sedimentological observations have been synthesized to gain a clearer understanding of the spatial variations within the WCG. Additionally, the identification of plant species from pollen within the lacustrine layer provides irrefutable evidence that the Klondike district was at least 7°C warmer during the Pliocene compared to the present

    Channel incision into a submarine landslide on a Carboniferous basin margin, San Juan, Argentina: Evidence for the role of knickpoints

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    Emplacement of submarine landslides, or mass-transport deposits, can radically reshape the physiography of continental margins, and strongly influence subsequent sedimentary processes and dispersal patterns. Typically, progressive healing of the complicated relief generated by the submarine landslide occurs prior to progradation of sedimentary systems. However, subsurface and seabed examples show that submarine channels can incise directly into submarine landslides. Here, the evolution of a unique exhumed example of two adjacent, and partially contemporaneous, submarine channel-fills is documented. The channels show deep incision (>75 m), and steep lateral margins (up to 70°), cut into a >200 m thick submarine landslide. The stepped basal erosion surface, and multiple terrace surfaces, are mantled by clasts (gravels to cobbles) reflecting periods of bedload-derived sedimentation, punctuated by phases of downcutting and sediment bypass. The formation of multiple terrace surfaces in a low aspect ratio confinement is consistent with the episodic migration of knickpoints during entrenchment on the dip slope of the underlying submarine landslide. Overlying sandstone-rich channel-fills mark a change to aggradation. Laterally stacked channel bodies coincide with steps in the original large-scale erosion surface, recording widening of the conduit; this is followed by tabular, highly aggradational fill. The upper fill, above a younger erosional surface, shows an abrupt change to partially confined tabular sandstones with normally graded caps, interpreted as lobe fringe deposits, which formed due to down-dip confinement, followed by prograding lobe deposits. Overlying this, an up-dip avulsion induced lobe switching and back-stepping, and subsequent failure of a sandstone body up-dip led to emplacement of a sandstone-rich submarine landslide within the conduit. Collectively, this outcrop represents episodic knickpoint-generated incision, and later infill, of a slope adjusting to equilibrium. The depositional signature of knickpoints is very different from existing models, but is probably reflective of other highly erosional settings undergoing large-scale slope adjustment.Fil: Allen, Charlotte. University of Leeds; Reino UnidoFil: Gomis Cartesio, Luz E.. No especifíca;Fil: Hodgson, David M.. University of Leeds; Reino UnidoFil: Peakall, Jeff. University of Leeds; Reino UnidoFil: Milana, Juan Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y TÊcnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera; Argentin

    Unusual Intraclast Conglomerates in a Stormy, Hot-House Lake: The Early Triassic North China Basin

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    Early Triassic temperatures were some of the hottest of the Phanerozoic, sea-surface temperatures approached 40°C, with profound consequences for both the sedimentology and faunal distributions in the oceans. However, the impact of these temperatures in terrestrial settings is unclear. This study examines shallow lacustrine sediments from the Lower Triassic succession of North China. These consist of diverse fluvial to shallow lacustrine sandstones and also spectacular, coarse conglomerates composed of diverse, intraformational clasts reworked from the interbedded sediments. The conglomerate beds can show inverse grading and high angle, flat-pebble imbrication in their lower part and vertically orientated flat pebbles in their upper part. The cobbles include cemented and reworked conglomerate intraclasts and sandstone concentrically-laminated concretions that record multi-step histories of growth and reworking, pointing to rapid cementation of the sandy lake bed (likely facilitated by high temperatures). The conglomerates record frequent, high-energy events that were capable of brecciating a lithified lake bed and transporting cobbles in wave-influenced sediment-gravity flows. Initially, powerful oscillatory flows brecciated and deflated the lake bed and subsequently helped to sustain turbulence during short-distance lateral flow. It is possible that hurricanes, originating from the adjacent hyper-warm, Palaeo-Tethyan Ocean travelled into the major lakes of the North China continent during the Early Triassic

    On the causes of pulsing in continuous turbidity currents

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    Velocity pulsing has previously been observed in continuous turbidity currents in lakes and reservoirs, even though the input flow is steady. Several different mechanisms have been ascribed to the generation of these fluctuations, including Rayleigh‐Taylor (RT) instabilities that are related to surface lobes along the plunge line where the river enters the receiving water body and interfacial waves such as Kelvin‐Helmholtz instabilities. However, the understanding of velocity pulsing in turbidity currents remains limited. Herein we undertake a stability analysis for inclined flows and compare it against laboratory experiments, direct numerical simulations, and field data from Lillooet Lake, Canada, and Xiaolangdi Reservoir, China, thus enabling an improved understanding of the formative mechanisms for velocity pulsing. Both RT and Kelvin‐Helmholtz instabilities are shown to be prevalent in turbidity currents depending on initial conditions and topography, with plunge line lobes and higher bulk Richardson numbers favoring RT instabilities. Other interfacial wave instabilities (Holmboe and Taylor‐Caulfield) may also be present. While this is the most detailed analysis of velocity pulsing conducted to date, the differences in spatial scales between field, direct numerical simulations, and experiments and the potential complexity of multiple processes acting in field examples indicate that further work is required. In particular, there is a need for simultaneous field measurements at multiple locations within a given system to quantify the spatiotemporal evolution of such pulsing

    Flow processes and sedimentation in contourite channels on the northwestern South China Sea margin: A joint 3D seismic and oceanographic perspective

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    3D seismic data from the northwestern South China Sea margin, coupled with the quantification of oceanographic processes and morphological results, were used to infer three-dimensional flow processes and in turn sedimentation in contourite channels. Contour currents resulting from the Northern Pacific Deep Water (NPDW-CCs) flowing through the bends of contourite channels around a topographic high lead to an imbalance in the transverse direction, around the bend, between three competing forces (i.e., upslope directed Coriolis forces versus downslope directed centrifugal and pressure-gradient forces). The interface deflection of NPDW-CCs by Coriolis, pressure gradient, and centrifugal forces yields a helical flow cell consisting of upper return flows directed downslope and basal flows orientated upslope. Ekman boundary layers, at the base and flow interface, are also likely present leading to flows in the downslope direction. The helical flow cell in the bulk of contour currents, and Ekman boundary layers, constitute a Coriolis force-induced helical flow circulation, which we suggest promoted asymmetric intra-channel deposition (i.e., downslope deposition versus upslope erosion), forcing contourite channels to consistently migrate in an upslope direction. Such Coriolis force-induced helical flow circulation is evidenced by occurrence of volumetrically significant overbank deposits along downslope margins and by asymmetric channel cross-sections with steepened channel walls and truncation terminations along upslope margins. The Coriolis force-induced helical flow circulation exhibits subcritical flow conditions (represented by internal Froude numbers estimated as 0.04 to 0.19), and is sufficiently deep to spill out of the studied contourite channels, yielding overbank deposits along the downslope flanks of the contourite channels

    Dynamic redox and nutrient cycling response to climate forcing in the Mesoproterozoic ocean

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    Controls on Mesoproterozoic ocean redox heterogeneity, and links to nutrient cycling and oxygenation feedbacks, remain poorly resolved. Here, we report ocean redox and phosphorus cycling across two high-resolution sections from the ~1.4 Ga Xiamaling Formation, North China Craton. In the lower section, fluctuations in trade wind intensity regulated the spatial extent of a ferruginous oxygen minimum zone, promoting phosphorus drawdown and persistent oligotrophic conditions. In the upper section, high but variable continental chemical weathering rates led to periodic fluctuations between highly and weakly euxinic conditions, promoting phosphorus recycling and persistent eutrophication. Biogeochemical modeling demonstrates how changes in geographical location relative to global atmospheric circulation cells could have driven these temporal changes in regional ocean biogeochemistry. Our approach suggests that much of the ocean redox heterogeneity apparent in the Mesoproterozoic record can be explained by climate forcing at individual locations, rather than specific events or step-changes in global oceanic redox conditions

    Current- and Wave-Generated Bedforms on Mixed Sand–Clay Intertidal Flats:A New Bedform Phase Diagram and Implications for Bed Roughness and Preservation Potential

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    The effect of bedforms on frictional roughness felt by the overlying flow is crucial to the regional modelling of estuaries and coastal seas. Bedforms are also a key marker of palaeoenvironments. Experiments have shown that even modest biotic and abiotic cohesion in sand inhibits bedform formation, modifies bedform size, and slows bedform development, but this has rarely been tested in nature. The present study used a comprehensive dataset recorded over a complete spring–neap cycle on an intertidal flat to investigate bedform dynamics controlled by a wide range of wave and current conditions, including the effects of wave–current angle and bed cohesion. A detailed picture of different bedform types and their relationship to the flow, be they equilibrium, non-equilibrium, or relict, was produced, and captured in a phase diagram that integrates wave-dominated, current-dominated, and combined wave–current bedforms. This bedform phase diagram incorporates a substantially wider range of flow conditions than previous phase diagrams, including bedforms related to near-orthogonal wave–current angles, such as ladderback ripples. Comparison with laboratory-derived bedform phase diagrams indicates that washed-out ripples, lunate interference ripples and upper-stage plane beds replace the subaqueous dune field; such bedform distributions may be a key characteristic of intertidal flats. The field data also provide a means of predicting the dimensions of these bedforms, which can be transferred to other areas and grain sizes. We show that an equation for the prediction of equilibrium bedform size is sufficient to predict the roughness, even though the bedforms are highly variable in character and only in equilibrium with the flow for approximately half the time. Whilst the effect of cohesive clay is limited under more active spring conditions, clay does play a role in reducing the bedform dimensions under more quiescent neap conditions. We also investigated which combinations of waves, currents, and bed clay contents in the intertidal zone have the highest potential for bedform preservation in the geological record. This shows that combined wave–current bedforms have the lowest preservation potential and equilibrium current ripples have the highest preservation potential, even in the presence of moderate and storm waves. Hence, the absence of wave ripples and combined-flow bedforms and their primary stratification in sedimentary successions cannot be taken as evidence that waves were absent at the time of deposition

    Unconfined gravity current interactions with orthogonal topography: Implications for combined‐flow processes and the depositional record

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    Turbidity current behaviour is affected by interactions with seafloor topography. Changes in flow dynamics will depend on the orientation and gradient of the topography, and the magnitude and rheology of the incoming flow. A better understanding of how unconfined turbidity currents interact with topography will improve interpretations of the stratigraphic record, and is addressed herein using three-dimensional flume tank experiments with unconfined saline density currents that enter a horizontal basin before interacting with a ramp orientated perpendicular to flow direction. The incoming flow parameters remained constant, whilst the slope angle was independently varied. On a 20° slope, superelevation of the flow and flow stripping of the upper, dilute region of the flow occurred high on the slope surface. This resulted in a strongly divergent flow and the generation of complex multidirectional flows (i.e. combined flows). The superelevation and extent of flow stripping decreased as the slope angle increased. At 30° and 40°, flow reflection and deflection, respectively, are the dominant flow process at the base of slope, with the reflected or deflected flow interacting with the parental flow, and generating combined flows. Thus, complicated patterns of flow direction and behaviour are documented even on encountering simple, planar topographies orientated perpendicular to flow direction. Combined flows in deep-water settings have been linked to the interaction of turbidity currents with topography and the formation of internal waves with a dominant oscillatory flow component. Here, combined flow occurs in the absence of an oscillatory component. A new process model for the formation and distribution of hummock-like bedforms in deep-marine systems is introduced. This bedform model is coupled to a new understanding of the mechanics of onlap styles (draping versus abrupt pinchout) to produce a spatial model of gravity-current interaction, and deposition, on slopes to support palaeogeographical reconstructions
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