109 research outputs found

    Developing Allometric Equations for Teak Plantations Located in the Coastal Region of Ecuador from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data

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    Traditional studies aimed at developing allometric models to estimate dry above-ground biomass (AGB) and other tree-level variables, such as tree stem commercial volume (TSCV) or tree stem volume (TSV), usually involves cutting down the trees. Although this method has low uncertainty, it is quite costly and inefficient since it requires a very time-consuming field work. In order to assist in data collection and processing, remote sensing is allowing the application of non-destructive sampling methods such as that based on terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). In this work, TLS-derived point clouds were used to digitally reconstruct the tree stem of a set of teak trees (Tectona grandis Linn. F.) from 58 circular reference plots of 18 m radius belonging to three different plantations located in the Coastal Region of Ecuador. After manually selecting the appropriate trees from the entire sample, semi-automatic data processing was performed to provide measurements of TSCV and TSV, together with estimates of AGB values at tree level. These observed values were used to develop allometric models, based on diameter at breast height (DBH), total tree height (h), or the metric DBH2 × h, by applying a robust regression method to remove likely outliers. Results showed that the developed allometric models performed reasonably well, especially those based on the metric DBH2 × h, providing low bias estimates and relative RMSE values of 21.60% and 16.41% for TSCV and TSV, respectively. Allometric models only based on tree height were derived from replacing DBH by h in the expression DBH2 x h, according to adjusted expressions depending on DBH classes (ranges of DBH). This finding can facilitate the obtaining of variables such as AGB (carbon stock) and commercial volume of wood over teak plantations in the Coastal Region of Ecuador from only knowing the tree height, constituting a promising method to address large-scale teak plantations monitoring from the canopy height models derived from digital aerial stereophotogrammetry


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    The project under analysis shows a stratified painting, which marks in itself the drama of the loss of the message and of the voice in the contemporary city. There are notions of the urban and the inhospitable spaces, as well as messages and lines that expressively approximate urban graphics. Along with the tapes used and the scorned and illegible posters, the trick of the unrecognizable and the dirty is played, manifesting a great dramatic and narrative load. However, there is not a renounce to abstract large layers of painting - which compete with each other in a framework of temporary survival - with direct reference to the street wall. Thus, the urban, the temporal, the banality and the chance come to relate, leading to an area where the synthetic and the human converge; the gaps of the ¿referential subconscious¿ and mass media culture, as well as the premature death of the human message in postmodern society. The city as a space-time agent, together with the pictorial abstraction, play an apology of iconoclasm as an escape from mass culture, in which overproduction and speed contribute to illegibility and disinformation.El proyecto objeto de análisis muestra una pintura estratificada, que marca en sí misma el drama de la pérdida del mensaje y de la voz en la ciudad contemporánea. Se contemplan nociones de lo urbano y de los espacios inhóspitos, así como de mensajes y trazos que expresivamente se acercan a las grafías urbanas. Junto con las cintas utilizadas y los carteles denostados e ilegibles, se juega la baza de lo irreconocible y lo sucio, manifestando gran carga dramática y narrativa. Sin embargo, no se renuncia a abstraer grandes capas de pintura ¿las cuales compiten entre sí en un marco de supervivencia temporal¿ haciendo referencia directa al muro callejero. Así pues, lo urbano, lo temporal, la banalidad y el azar llegan a relacionarse desembocando en una superficie donde confluye lo sintético y lo humano; los resquicios del ¿subconsciente referencial¿ y la cultura mass media, así como la muerte prematura del mensaje humano en la sociedad posmoderna. La ciudad como agente espacio-temporal, junto a la abstracción pictórica juegan una apología a la iconoclastia como escape de la cultura de masas, en la cual la sobreproducción y la velocidad contribuyen a la ilegibilidad y a la desinformación.Sánchez Peñalver, A. (2017). EROSIÓN Y ESPACIO. LA PINTURA CONTEMPORÁNEA Y EL CONTEXTO URBANO. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/93815TFG

    The effects of monetary policy on income and wealth inequality in the U.S. Exploring different channels

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    We assess the effects of monetary policy shocks on income and wealth inequality through direct inequality measures and by analyzing several transmission channels explored in recent literature. Furthermore, we analyze two additional channels: the Housing and the Fiscal channels. The methodology adopted is a Bayesian proxy SVAR using a high-frequency identification based on the external instruments approach. Our own policy shocks are constructed for this purpose. The results show that an expansionary monetary policy shock does not have a significant effect on income inequality due to the existence of opposite channels, whereas it increases wealth inequality mainly through the portfolio channel.This research was supported by the FPU grant (FPU16/03957) from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Universidades (Spain) to the first author of this research. This work is also partially funded by the Ministerio de Economia y Cometitividad (Spain) with the project TIN2016-80565-R : Design and development of high performance algorithms for finding the best econometric model and its application to health science problems

    La evaluación de la inteligencia emocional: ¿autoinformes o pruebas de habilidad?

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    XVI Jornades de Foment de la Investigació (Any 2011)Gran parte de la investigación actual en Inteligencia Emocional (IE) se basa en la polémica relativa a qué forma de evaluar este constructo resulta más adecuada, si medir la IE a través de pruebas de auto-informe o si hacerlo a través de pruebas de habilidad. Las razones de esta polémica son que cada tipo de instrumento presenta una serie de ventajas e inconvenientes, lo que hace a cada uno de estos instrumentos apropiado para objetivos específicos. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es comparar algunas características psicométricas de dos de los instrumentos más utilizados en la evaluación de la IE. Para el presente estudio se ha utilizado una muestra compuesta por 71 empleados (52 mujeres y 19 hombres) provenientes de distintos departamentos de un hospital. Con objeto de preservar el anonimato, la edad se registró estableciendo cinco rangos, de manera que los sujetos únicamente debían señalar a cuál de dichos rangos pertenecían. El grupo más numeroso fue el de edades comprendidas entre los 41 y los 50 años (n=39). Los instrumentos elegidos para la evaluación de la IE fueron el autoinforme TMMS-24 (Fernández-Berrocal, Extremera y Ramos, 2004) y la adaptación española de la prueba de habilidad MSCEIT (Berrocal y Extremera, 2009). Mediante el programa SPSS Statistics (19.0) se realizaron análisis descriptivos y de fiabilidad, así como análisis de correlaciones entre las distintas dimensiones que conforman ambos instrumentos. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron una adecuada consistencia interna de las distintas dimensiones del TMMS-24, así como correlaciones significativas entre las diferentes dimensiones del MSCEIT y correlaciones no significativas entre el TMMS-24 y el MSCEIT. Estos datos están en la línea de los trabajos que concluyen que los auto-informes y las pruebas de habilidad no evalúan el mismo constructo o que evalúan aspectos distintos de la IE. Por tanto, se sugiere la necesidad de continuar investigando esta problemática para arrojar luz sobre el controvertido tema de la evaluación de la IE.Current research on the Emotional Intelligence (EI) focuses on the controversy about which is the best way for assessing this construct properly. In this vein, different self-report scales and ability tests have been developed in order to evaluate EI. That controversy is due to the fact that each type of survey has a number of advantages and disadvantages, thus, each one is more or less appropriate depending on several circumstances. The main objective of this study was to compare some psychometric characteristics of two of the most used surveys used in the assessment of IE (one self-report and one ability test). A sample of 71 employees (52 women and 19 men) from different departments of a hospital was used. In order to preserve anonymity, we established five age ranges. The largest group was aged between 41 and 50 years (n = 39). The instruments chosen for the evaluation of EI were the TMMS-24 (Fernandez-Berrocal, Extremera and Ramos, 2004) and the Spanish adaptation of the MSCEIT test of skill (Extremera and Fernandez-Berrocal, 2009). Using SPSS (19.0), descriptive analysis, reliability, and analysis of correlations between the different dimensions were performed. Results showed adequate internal consistency of the different dimensions of TMMS-24 and significant correlations between the different dimensions of the MSCEIT and non-significant correlations between the TMMS-24 and the MSCEIT. These data are in line with previous research and support that self-reports and ability tests do not assess the same construct or evaluate different aspects of the IE. Therefore, it suggests the need to further research in order to clarify the controversial of the evaluation of EI

    Del Motu Proprio al Concili Vaticà II : un recorregut per la música sagrada del segle XX

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    The Motu proprio of 1903, has not only normative, but the means proposed to be the basis of this statement, and where to find all faithful and celebrants, a meeting point for liturgical music: the Scholae Cantorum. Pedrell (1841-1922) lead generation called Motu proprio and over the following decades and several edicts and National Congress establishes the model in the future for the chapel of the Spanish dioceses. But in 1955, when Pius XII, shows new orders and the issues surrounding the Sacred Music and the Liturgy, in the Encyclical Musicae sacrae or included some aspects are truly innovative. The Second Vatican Council, together with a decline in vocations in Spain and a new Education Act of 1970 transformed the functionality and teaching the seminars, which include sacred music, which materially disappears.El Motu proprio de 1903, no solo tiene carácter normativo, sino que propone los medios que sientan la base de esta Instrucción, y donde tienen que encontrarse todos, fieles y celebrantes, un punto de encuentro para la Música Litúrgica: las Scholae Cantorum. Pedrell (1841-1922) estará al frente de una generación del Motu proprio y durante las siguientes décadas y a través de diversos edictos y Congresos Nacionales se establece el modelo a seguir en el futuro por las Capillas de las diócesis españolas. Pero es en 1955, cuando Pio XII, expone y ordena de nuevo los aspectos que envuleven la Música Sagrada y la liturgia, en la Encíclica Musicae sacrae donde se incluyen algunos aspectos que son realmente innovadores. El Concilio Vaticano II junto a un descenso de las vocaciones en España y una nueva Lei de Educación de 1970 transforma también la funcionalidad y las enseñanzas en los seminarios, entre los cuales está la música sagrada, que materialmente, desaparece.El Motu proprio de 1903, no sols te caràcter normatiu, sinó que proposa els mitjans que senten la base d’aquesta Instrucció, i on han de trobar tots, fidels i celebrants, un punt d’encontre per a la Música Litúrgica: les Scholae Cantorum. Pedrell (1841-1922) encapçalarà l’anomenada generació del Motu proprio i durant les següents dècades i amb diversos edictes i Congresos Nacionals s’estableix el model a seguir en el futur per a les Capelles de les diòcesis espanyoles. Però és en 1955, quan Pius XII, exposa i ordena de nou els aspectes que envolten la Música Sagrada i la litúrgia, en l’Encíclica Musicae sacrae on s’inclouen alguns aspectes que són realment innovadors. El Concili Vaticà II junt a un descens de les vocacions a Espanya i una nova Llei d’Educació de 1970 transforma també la funcionalitat i els ensenyaments als seminaris, entre els quals hi ha la música sagrada, que, materialment, desapareix

    Uso de agentes biológicos para el control fitosanitario en la producción de minitubérculos de papa en condiciones de aclimatización

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    The employment of biological controls of pests and diseases is a technology with trends to increase at present for being economic, lasting and of beneficial results, related to the stability that they offer the ecosystem; avoiding the pollution of the environment produced by the application of pesticides. The present work was realized to evaluate the phytosanitary control on pests and diseases in the production of potato minitubers in acclimatization conditions. Combinations of agents Beauveria bassiana, Bacillus turhingiensis, Verticillum lecanii, Thrichoderma harzianum and Gliocladium viridens, were applied comparatively with the utilization of chemical products and a control without application. The results gave an efficient control of the chemical products and on the other hand, the biocontrol agents also exercised their role with valuable performance for the combinations of Trichoderma harzianum + Bacillus thuringiensis + Beauveria bassiana and Trichoderma harzianum + Bacillus thuringiensis + Verticillum lecanii, in which the yields of minitubers per plant were superior with significant differences to the control. Evidently these results allowed the proposal of using these biocontrol agents for the acclimatization of potato vitroplants.Key words: Beauveria, control phytosanitary, in vitro plants, Ttrichoderma, VerticillumEl empleo de agentes biológicos para el control de plagas y enfermedades es una técnica con tendencia al incremento por ser económica, duradera y de resultados benéficos relacionados con la estabilidad que le ofrecen al ecosistema, y evitan la contaminación del ambiente producida por la aplicación de plaguicidas. El presente trabajo se realizó para evaluar el control fitosanitario de varios agentes de biológicos en la producción de minitubérculos de papa en condiciones de aclimatización. Se aplicaron combinaciones de Beauveria bassiana, Bacillus thuringiensis, Verticillum lecanii, Trichoderma harzianum y Gliocladium viridens, comparativamente con la utilización de productos químicos y un control sin aplicación. Los resultados arrojaron un apreciable desempeño de los agentes de biocontrol en la combinaciones de Trichoderma harzianum + Bacillus thuringiensis + Beauveria bassiana y Trichoderma harzianum + Bacillus thuringiensis + Verticillum lecanii, en las cuales los rendimientos de minitubérculos por planta fueron superiores, con diferencias significativas sobre el control. Evidentemente estos resultados permitieron proponer el empleo de estas combinaciones de agentes biológicos para el control fitosanitario en la producción de minitubérculos de papa en condiciones de aclimatización.Palabras clave: Beauveria bassiana, control fitosanitario, Trichoderma, Verticillum, vitroplanta

    Dynamics of microbial Inactivation and acrylamide production in high-temperature heat treatments

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    In food processes, optimizing processing parameters is crucial to ensure food safety, maximize food quality, and minimize the formation of potentially toxigenic compounds. This research focuses on the simultaneous impacts that severe heat treatments applied to food may have on the formation of harmful chemicals and on microbiological safety. The case studies analysed consider the appearance/synthesis of acrylamide after a sterilization heat treatment for two different foods: pureed potato and prune juice, using Geobacillus stearothermophilus as an indicator. It presents two contradictory situations: on the one hand, the application of a high-temperature treatment to a low acid food with G. stearothermophilus spores causes their inactivation, reaching food safety and stability from a microbiological point of view. On the other hand, high temperatures favour the appearance of acrylamide. In this way, the two objectives (microbiological safety and acrylamide production) are opposed. In this work, we analyse the effects of high-temperature thermal treatments (isothermal conditions between 120 and 135 _C) in food from two perspectives: microbiological safety/stability and acrylamide production. After analysing both objectives simultaneously, it is concluded that, contrary to what is expected, heat treatments at higher temperatures result in lower acrylamide production for the same level of microbial inactivation. This is due to the different dynamics and sensitivities of the processes at high temperatures. These results, as well as the presented methodology, can be a basis of analysis for decision makers to design heat treatments that ensure food safety while minimizing the amount of acrylamide (or other harmful substances) produced.The financial support of this research work was provided by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Spanish Government and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through project AGL2017-86840-C2-1-R. J.L.P.-S. is grateful to the JAE-INTRO program from CSIC (Grant no JAEINT19_EX_0797). A.G. was supported by a postdoctoral grant from the Fundación Séneca (20900/PD/18)

    Conocimientos sobre Síndrome de X Frágil de los maestros de audición y lenguaje y los logopedas de la Región de Murcia

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    El síndrome de X Frágil (SXF) es la primera causa de discapacidad intelectual de origen hereditario y la segunda de origen genético después del síndrome de Down. Se produce por una mutación en el gen FMR1 en el brazo largo del cromosoma X. Su fenotipo es muy variado, presentando rasgos físicos característicos, junto con problemas de conducta, relacionados con hiperactividad y ansiedad social. Un área habitualmente afectada durante el desarrollo del niño es el lenguaje, en todas sus dimensiones, mostrándose rasgos propios en cada una de ellas. Por ello, estos niños siempre son atendidos por logopedas y maestros de audición y lenguaje, en los que sería deseable un amplio conocimiento de las características del síndrome. En este trabajo se analiza si los profesionales del lenguaje poseen esos conocimientos. Para ello se diseñó un instrumento para recabar información sobre formación y experiencia con SXF y evaluar el conocimiento del profesional en algunas de sus características más habituales. El instrumento lo cumplimentaron, voluntariamente vía online, 35 maestros de audición y lenguaje y 49 logopedas. Se compararon los resultados de ambos grupos profesionales en función de variables como experiencia previa con el SXF o formación sobre él. Ambos grupos de profesionales presentan carencias importantes en sus conocimientos sobre esas características del SXF, no encontrándose diferencias significativas entre maestros y logopedas. Además, se constata que la formación recibida mejora el conocimiento sobre el SXFFragile X syndrome is the principal hereditary cause of intellectual disability and the second genetic cause after Down syndrome. It is caused by a mutation in the FMR1 gene found in the long arm of the X chromosome. Its phenotype is very varied, presenting characteristic physical aspect and behavioral problems related to hyperactivity and social anxiety. An area usually affected during the child’s development is language, in all its dimensions, showing its own characteristics in each of them. Therefore, these children are always cared for by speech therapists and hearing and language teachers, in whom extensive knowledge of the characteristics of the syndrome would be disposable., This study analyzes whether language professionals have this knowledge. In order to do this, an instrument was designed to collect information on training and experience with SXF and assess the professional’s knowledge of some of its most common characteristics. The instrument was completed, voluntarily online, by 35 hearing and language teachers and 49 speech therapists. The results obtained of both professional groups were compared according to variables such as previous experience with SXF or training in it. Both groups of professionals present important concerns in their knowledge about these characteristics of the SXF, we did not find specific differences between teachers and speech therapists. In addition, it is verified that the training received improves knowledge about the SX