213 research outputs found

    La explotación de las plantas y los inicios de la agricultura en el Próximo Oriente: 20 años de investigación arqueobotánica

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    Este trabajo aborda el desarrollo de la investigación arqueobotánica en el Próximo Oriente en las dos últimas décadas. El artículo se centra en los avances conseguidos en el estudio de la explotación de las plantas en periodos pre-agrarios así como en los orígenes de la agricultura. Se discuten los principales yacimientos paleolíticos y epipaleolíticos en los que se documenta el uso de las plantas, y se abordan temas como el cultivo pre-doméstico y la domesticación de las plantasThis paper deals with the development of Near Eastern archaeobotany during the past two decades. It focuses on the advances of the discipline, particularly on the progress made in pre-agrarian plant use and the origins of agriculture. The main Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic sites where plant use has been well attested are discussed while issues such as pre-domestic cultivation and plant domestication are also analyze

    The study of plant macro-remains in the Iberian Peninsula: a state of the art

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    En este trabajo se analiza el desarrollo de los estudios arqueobotánicos (semillas y frutos) en laPenínsula Ibérica desde los inicios de la disciplina en los años sesenta hasta el presente. Es un recorridoa través de las principales temáticas, avances y carencias de la investigación en los diferentesperiodos cronológicos que se han estudiado. En la parte final, se analizan, además, dos de las tendenciasmás prometedoras en la investigación, los estudios de ADN antiguo y los análisis isotópicos.This paper explores the development of Iberian archaeobotany (focusing on seeds and fruits) from theearlier works carried out in the sixties until present day. It deals with the main issues investigated,the advances that have taken place and the missing gaps still to fill up in the various chronologicalperiods under research. The last part of the paper summarizes two of the most promising researchlines: aDNA and isotopes

    Los recursos vegetales en el mundo romano: estudio de los macrorrestos botánicos del yacimiento Calle Santiago de Irún (Guipúzcoa)

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    The results of the archaeobotanical analysis of three samples from the Roman site CSI (Irún, Basque Country, I - III A.D.) are presented. They correspond to a port zone where material from different proveniences has met: estuarine and river-close areas, urban waste and altered places. The human population of the Roman Oiasso had access to a wide range of plant foods, wild as well as domestic ones. Economically interesting species which have been imported or introduced at this time have been identified.Se exponen los resultados del análisis arqueobotánico de tres muestras procedentes del yacimiento romano CSI (Irún, s. I - III d.C). Corresponden a una zona portuaria en la que confluye material botánico de origen vario: vegetación estuarina y de ribera, desechos urbanos de diverso origen y especies características de un medio alterado. La población de la Oiasso romana tuvo acceso a una amplia gama de recursos vegetales tanto silvestres como cultivados. Se han identificado especies de interés económico importadas e introducidas en la zona en esta época

    Los recursos vegetales en el mundo romano: estudio de los macrorrestos botánicos del yacimiento Calle Santiago de Irún (Guipúzcoa)

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    The results of the archaeobotanical analysis of three samples from the Roman site CSI (Irún, Basque Country, I - III A.D.) are presented. They correspond to a port zone where material from different proveniences has met: estuarine and river-close areas, urban waste and altered places. The human population of the Roman <em>Oiasso</em> had access to a wide range of plant foods, wild as well as domestic ones. Economically interesting species which have been imported or introduced at this time have been identified.<br><br>Se exponen los resultados del análisis arqueobotánico de tres muestras procedentes del yacimiento romano CSI (Irún, s. I - III d.C). Corresponden a una zona portuaria en la que confluye material botánico de origen vario: vegetación estuarina y de ribera, desechos urbanos de diverso origen y especies características de un medio alterado. La población de la <em>Oiasso</em> romana tuvo acceso a una amplia gama de recursos vegetales tanto silvestres como cultivados. Se han identificado especies de interés económico importadas e introducidas en la zona en esta época

    Fruits arriving to the west. Introduction of cultivated fruits in the Iberian Peninsula

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    Agricultural activities, including practices, crops and techniques have evolved throughout history undergoing tremendous changes. From the early Neolithic farmers in the Mediterranean focused on cereal agriculture and only later, during the 4th/3rd millennium cal. BC in the Eastern basin, other species such as fruit trees were introduced into the agrarian system transforming the model that had been in use for millennia. Fruit tree management required innovation and investment and more importantly multi-year foresight as the new crops entailed a new pace of work with delayed returns and, thus, a greater entanglement with the land. Processes of social complexity and urbanization accompanied the emergence of arboriculture which occurred at different pace at both ends of the Mediterranean. This paper focuses on the Iberian Peninsula, the most western Mediterranean region, during the 1st millennium cal. BC when arboriculture spread after commercial encounters with oriental seafarers. Here we report the earliest archaeobotanical evidence (seeds and fruits) for the introduction of fruit cultivation in Iberia. Results from several sites indicate that the spread of fruit cultivation was a long process that varied regionally. In some areas the new crops were rapidly adopted and integrated into the Mediterranean trading networks while in other regions arboriculture was not developed until the end of the millennium. Of the various fruit products that were commercialized, wine occupied a most relevant role

    Agricultura, alimentación y uso del combustible: aplicación de modelos etnográficos en Arqueobotánica

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    We present ethnographical infomation particularly from the Jbala region in northern Marocco in order to offer archaeologists and archaeobotanists new data that may help in the questions and hypothesis we address to the archaeological record. We deal with these subjects: 1) the cultivation of einkorn (Triticum monococcum), agrarian practices and processing; 2) Conservation and storage of plant foods; 3) Use of cow dung as fuel, tempering of floors and walls and for recipient making; 4) Fuelwood: use, collection, leaf-foddering residues and woodland conservation.El trabajo etnoarqueológico en Marruecos se realiza en el marco del proyecto: Las primeras comunidades campesinas de la Región Cantábrica. El aporte de la etnoarqueología en Marruecos, financiado por la Fundación Marcelino Botín.Peer reviewe

    Revisiting the Epipalaeolithic-Neolithic Transition in the Extreme NW of Africa : The Latest Results of the Chronological Sequence of the Cave of Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Tétouan, Morocco)

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    This study focuses on the chronostratigraphic sequence of the Cave of Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Dar Ben Karrich, Tétouan, Morocco) excavated in 2012 in the framework of the AGRIWESTMED research project. The broad sequence reveals a series of occupations ranging from the Pleistocene (Moroccan Aterian) to recent historical times. Our research identifies a rich Early Neolithic phase (sixth millennium cal BC) containing the earliest pottery and domesticated animal and plant remains in the western Maghreb. However, this Early Neolithic level is not an immediate successor of the last traces of the Epipalaeolithic hunter-gatherer occupation, which started at the end of the Younger Dryas (10,900-9700 cal BC). An abandonment phase, spanning more than a millennium, separated them. This hiatus appears to originate from a cold climatic event that began in the late seventh millennium cal BC (ca. 6200 BC) and ended around the mid-sixth millennium cal BC. La présente étude est centrée sur la séquence chronostratigraphique de la grotte de Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Dar Ben Karrich, Tétouan, Maroc), fouillée pour la dernière fois en 2012 dans le cadre du projet de recherche AGRIWESTMED. La séquence générale révèle une série d'occupations allant du Pléistocène (Atérien marocain) jusqu'aux temps historiques récents. Parmi les résultats les plus remarquables, on peut souligner l'identification d'une riche phase du Néolithique Ancien (6ème millénaire avant JC) contenant les plus anciens restes de poteries et de plantes et animaux domestiques datés au Maghreb occidental. Cette phase n'est. pas consécutive à l'occupation épipaléolithique, car il existe une nette rupture entre les deux phases, qui s'étend sur plus d'un millénaire. Cela semble coïncider en partie avec l'événement climatique froid de 6200 cal av. J.-C. Le début de l´ occupation épipaléolithique commencerait à son tour avec la fin du Dryas récent (10,900-9,700 cal av. J.-C.)
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