688 research outputs found
Book Reviews
Obra ressenyada: Carmen MELLADO BLANCO, Theorie und Praxis der idiomatischen Wörterbücher. Tubinga: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2009
Book Review
Obra ressenyada: Carmen MELLADO BLANCO, Fraseologismos somáticos del alemán. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2004
Book Notices
Obra ressenyada: Antje HEINE ; Mathilde HENNIG ; Erwin TSCHIRNER (eds.), Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Konturen und Perspektiven eines Faches : Festschrift für Barbara Wotjak zum 65. Geburtstag. München: Iudicium, 2006
Book Reviews and Book Notices
Obra ressenyada: H. SCHEMANN; C. MELLADO BLANCO; P. BUJÁN OTERO; N. IGLESIAS; J. P. LARRETA; A. MANSILLA PÉREZ, Idiomatik Deutsch-Spanisch = Diccionario idiomático alemán-español. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, 2013
Orbiting binary black hole evolutions with a multipatch high order finite-difference approach
We present numerical simulations of orbiting black holes for around twelve
cycles, using a high-order multipatch approach. Unlike some other approaches,
the computational speed scales almost perfectly for thousands of processors.
Multipatch methods are an alternative to AMR (adaptive mesh refinement), with
benefits of simplicity and better scaling for improving the resolution in the
wave zone. The results presented here pave the way for multipatch evolutions of
black hole-neutron star and neutron star-neutron star binaries, where high
resolution grids are needed to resolve details of the matter flow
Metodologías Proteómicas para el análisis de proteínas carboniladas:modificación post-traduccional oxidativa
Comunicaciones a congreso
The Border as a Tourist Resource. Possibilities of Bajo/Baixo Guadiana
En el espacio d e integración d e l a Unión Europea persisten las fronteras, y a sin las dificultades y barreras d e antaño, pero manteniendo numerosos símbolos y elementos del patrimonio cultural qu e siguen marcando un a diferencia. Son líneas divisorias y, a la vez, franjas de territorios de transición con un important e patrimonio natural y cultural qu e s e convierten ahor a en recursos de atracción par a novedosas demandas turísticas. Por ello, s e estudi a y a el turismo d e fronter a como un nuevo producto dond e el recurso de l a frontera y l a histori a es el principal atractivo y destino, aunqu e d e forma complementari a a otros recursos y productos turísticos. Al margen de otros territorios y destinos fronterizos de Europa o del mundo, nuestra preocupación investigadora se centra en la Raya luso-española, en su extremo sur, en el Bajo Guadiana, en espacios que participan del Algarve, Baixo Alentejo y Huelva. En este territorio se conjugan destinos turísticos consolidados (Algarve y Costa Occidental de Huelva) con un interior muy próximo e ignoto para la mayor parte de los turistas alojados en ese borde costero, a apenas unas decenas de kilómetros. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, un incipiente espacio turístico parece abrirse tierras adentro (y aguas) desde la costa. El estuario del Guadiana actúa de puerta de entrada hacia un interior rico en recursos y patrimonios histórico - artísticos y naturales y que podría favorecerse de un turismo de frontera. Nuestra hipótes is principal es que el desarrollo del turismo de frontera podría ser una oportunidad para este territorio transfronterizo. En este trabajo tratamos, por tanto, de: - Analizar el marco geográfico y el patrimonio natural y cultural de este ámbito transfront erizo, con una breve semblanza a su población y políticas de cooperación en materia de infraestructuras de accesibilidad y de turismo. - diagnosticar este novedoso producto turístico y para este territorio en particular, - y hacer unas propuestas capaces de i mpulsar esta actividad turística.In th e area of integration of the European Union th e borders still persist, now without th e difficulties and barriers of yesteryear, but maintaining numerous symbols and elements of th e cultural heritag e that continu e to mak e a difference. They ar e “dividing lines ” and, at the same time, strips of transitional territories with an important natural and cultural heritag e that now beco me attractiv e resources for novel tourist demands. Therefore, border tourism is already being studied as a new product wher e the border and history resource is the main attraction and destination, although in a complementary way to other touris m resources and products. Apart from other territories and border destinations in Europe or the world, our research concern focuses on the Luso- Spanish border, the “Raya” or “Raia”, at its southern end, in the Lower Guadiana, in spaces that participate in the Algarve, Baixo Alentejo and Huelva. In this territory are combined tourist destinations (Algarve and West Coast of Huelva) with a very close interior and unknown to most tourists staying on that coastal edge, just a few tens of kilometers. However, in recent years, an incipient tourist space seems to open up inland (and waters) from the coast. The Guadiana estuary acts as a gateway to an interior rich in resources and historical-artistic and natural heritage and that could benefit from border tourism. Our main hypothesis is that th e develop ment of border touris m could b e an opportunity for this transboundary territory. In this work we are dealing, therefore, with: - Analyze the geographical, natural and cultural heritage of this cross - border area, with a brief profile of its population and cooperation policies on accessibility and tourism infrastructures. - diagnose this novel tourist product for this particular territory, - and make proposals capable of promoting this tourist activity.Fondo Europeo de Desarollo Regiona
Cauchy-perturbative matching revisited: tests in spherical symmetry
During the last few years progress has been made on several fronts making it
possible to revisit Cauchy-perturbative matching (CPM) in numerical relativity
in a more robust and accurate way. This paper is the first in a series where we
plan to analyze CPM in the light of these new results.
Here we start by testing high-order summation-by-parts operators, penalty
boundaries and contraint-preserving boundary conditions applied to CPM in a
setting that is simple enough to study all the ingredients in great detail:
Einstein's equations in spherical symmetry, describing a black hole coupled to
a massless scalar field. We show that with the techniques described above, the
errors introduced by Cauchy-perturbative matching are very small, and that very
long term and accurate CPM evolutions can be achieved. Our tests include the
accretion and ring-down phase of a Schwarzschild black hole with CPM, where we
find that the discrete evolution introduces, with a low spatial resolution of
\Delta r = M/10, an error of 0.3% after an evolution time of 1,000,000 M. For a
black hole of solar mass, this corresponds to approximately 5 s, and is
therefore at the lower end of timescales discussed e.g. in the collapsar model
of gamma-ray burst engines.
(abridged)Comment: 14 pages, 20 figure
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