52 research outputs found

    Examining the moderating effects of work unit size and task analyzability in the relation between leader's communication style and leader-member exchange

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    There is a consensus regarding the impact of the leaders communication on the relationship with their followers and on the achievement of organizational outcomes. This study seeks to contribute to clarifying the impact that contextual factors have on the leaders communication in order to know how leaders should adjust their communication style, depending on the job characteristics, to build high quality relationships with their followers. Therefore, the current research examines the moderating role of two context factors in the effectiveness of leaders communication in generating the leader-member relationship. Through a moderation analysis on a sample of 149 white-collar workers, this research study analyzes how work unit size and task analyzability interact regarding six dimensions of leader communication style in relation to LMX. Results suggest that the work unit size moderates the relationship between two dimensions of leaders communication style (preciseness and verbal aggressiveness) and LMX. Specifically, the positive effect of preciseness on LMX smooths as the work unit size increases. The negative effect of verbal aggressiveness on LMX becomes more intense as work unit size increases. Furthermore, task analyzability moderates the positive relationship between emotionality and LMX for low levels of task analyzability. As a result, this study contributes by deepening on why leaders communicative behaviors can have favorable/unfavorable results in specific contexts and on how a leader can modulate his/her communication style according to the context, in order to improve the LMX. Implications are discussed.This research has been financed by the Community of Madrid within the framework of the multi-year agreement with the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in its line of action “Excellence of University Professors (EPUC3M20)"

    Does ethnicity moderate the relationship between communication of the leader and LMX? Perception of employees in Peru

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    Proceeding of: 47th EIBA Annual Conference 2021, Madrid 10-12 December 2021Book summaries are published (linked in the URL of the publisher).The objective of this research is to determine if ethnic similarity / difference is a relevant variable in the relationship between the leader's communication style and the quality of the leader-follower relationship, in the context of Peru. Using a multidimensional model of the leader's communication style, we have identified that verbal aggressiveness and emotionality are the two dimensions that interact with the ethnic similarity/difference between the leader and the subordinate. Verbal aggressiveness intensifies his negative affect on LMX when leader and subordinate are ethnically similar. The emotionality in the communication of the leader favors the LMX with more intensity if there is an ethnic similarity. The dimensions of expressiveness, precision, questioning and manipulation of the impression of the leader's communication style are not sensitive to ethnicit

    Understanding the decision to offshore human resource activities: a coevolutionary perspective

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    The authors appreciate financial support received from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Grant No. ECO2015-68343-R.Purpose: Offshoring has been studied widely in the literature on strategic management and international business. However, apart from its consideration as an administrative activity, scant attention has been paid to the offshoring of the human resource (HR) function. Research in this regard has instead focussed on outsourcing (Reichel and Lazarova, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to achieve a better understanding of companies’ decisions to offshore HR activities. It adapts the outsourcing model of Baron and Kreps (1999) by including the HR offshoring phenomenon and a dynamic perspective. Design/methodology/approach: While the analysis is mostly conceptual, the authors ground the author’s arguments in offshoring data from the Offshoring Research Network, to explore whether the drivers for offshoring HR differ from the drivers for offshoring other administrative activities. The idiosyncrasy of the HR function is supported by the authors’ exploratory analysis and also by the descriptive case of a multinational and its experience with offshoring. Findings: A coevolutionary model is proposed for understanding the behaviour of companies offshoring their HR activities. This study contends that companies should address their decision to offshore HR activities from a dynamic perspective, being aware of three processes that are in constant change: the evolution of the HR function, the evolution of service providers, and the evolution of offshoring decisions. Originality/value: This study seeks to make a threefold contribution to the international business, strategy, and HR management disciplines

    Selecting the governance mode when offshoring knowledge-intensive activities

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    The offshoring phenomenon has evolved in recent years, and can be understood from a threefold perspective: first, the evolution in the type of activity being offshored; second, the learning curve involving both the companies implementing offshoring and service providers; and third, the reasons for offshoring. This study proposes an empirical framework that will allow us to explore the interaction between the type of activity (specifically knowledge-intensive) and the drivers of the decision to select the most appropriate governance mode. Specifically, our results show that market-seeking drivers become the primary determinants prompting firms to offshore knowledge-intensive activities through a captive center. In contrast, the motivation to reduce costs moderates the decision to offshore knowledge-intensive activities by nurturing a preference for offshore outsourcing. The empirical evidence is supported by multi-country data from the Offshoring Research Network.The authors appreciate thefinancial support received from theSpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through ECO2016-75379-R, the Regional Government of Madrid and European Social Fund through S2015/HUM-3353 (EARLYFIN-CM), the "Carl Schroeder Chair" and the Research Division of IESE Business School, Spain

    Do Big 5 Personality Characteristics and Narcissism Predict Engagement in Leader Development?

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    This study examines personality as a predictor of engagement behavior displayed during leader development programs. Leader development engagement behavior (LDEB) is measured by collecting self- and director ratings of behaviors displayed by undergraduate students during 1-year leader development programs (e.g., showing interest in a variety of topics, maintaining a positive attitude, arriving prepared for meetings, engaging with peers, and reflecting on development). Results suggest that factors of the Big 5 personality characteristics and the Narcissism Personality Inventory predict engagement behaviors in leader development. Post hoc analysis was conducted to better understand patterns of relationships between Big 5 factors and narcissism with specific LDEBs. Narcissism is negatively correlated with director ratings of reflection on development and engagement with peers. As a result of this research, leader development program directors should consider the benefits and risks of including narcissistic individuals in leader development programs

    Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Managed Aquifer Recharge System for Irrigation under Climate Change Conditions in Southern Spain

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    Droughts and climate change in regions with profitable irrigated agriculture will impact groundwater resources with associated direct and indirect impacts. In the integrated water resource management (IWRM), managed aquifer recharge (MAR) offers efficient solutions to protect, conserve, and ensure survival of aquifers and associated ecosystems, as the Water Framework Directive requires. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the socio-economic feasibility of the MAR system in the overexploited Boquerón aquifer in Hellín (Albacete, Spain) under climate change and varying irrigation demand conditions. To assess, in monetary terms, the profitability of the MAR system, a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) has been carried out. The results for the period 2020–2050 showed that the most favourable situations would be scenarios involving artificial recharge, in which future irrigation demand remains at the present level or falls below 10% of the current irrigation surface, as these scenarios generated an internal rate of return of between 53% and 57%. Additionally, the regeneration of the habitat will take between 5 and 9 years. Thus, the IWRM with artificial recharge will guarantee the sustainability of irrigation of the agricultural lands of Hellín and will achieve water balance even in severe climate change conditions.Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Eradication of pseudomonas aeruginosa with inhaled colistin in adults with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis

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    [Abstract] The persistent isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the airways of non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFB) patients is associated with a worsening of the symptoms, increase of exacerbations, poor quality of life and functional impairment. The objective of this study was the analysis of the eradication rate of P. aeruginosa in the sputum of patients with NCFB treated with inhaled colistin and the effects of the treatment in the exacerbations. This was a prospective, cohort, study of 67 NCFB patients treated with inhaled colistin at the Hospital of A Corun˜a (Spain).We recorded dyspnoea, exacerbations, lung function and sputum cultures of P. aeruginosa in the patients. The mean age of the patients was 67.25+14.6 years (59.7% male). The percentages of eradication of P. aeruginosa in sputum at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months were 61.2%, 50.7%, 43.3% and 40.3%, respectively.We observed a significant decrease in exacerbations after 1 year of colistin treatment (1.98+3.62) versus the previous year (3.40 + 4.21, p < 0.001). We conclude that treatment with inhaled colistin in patients with NCFB and P. aeruginosa in sputum can achieve high rates of eradication even in patients with several previous positive cultures, as well as a significant decrease of exacerbations and hospital admissions

    Estrategias metodológicas enfocadas a la mejora del aprendizaje en estudiantes con diversidad

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    Diseño y desarrollo de estrategias metodológicas que faciliten el aprendizaje de los estudiantes en general y que permitan a los estudiantes con diversidad funcional la integración y participación en el proceso de aprendizaje, que refuercen su inclusión y que favorezcan la adquisición de competencias

    "Escape Seminar": Escápate del seminario

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    Las "escape room" son juegos de equipo para "escapar" de una sala o una sala virtual. Esta sala está llena de desafíos que se deben superar para ganar (escapar) dentro de un límite de tiempo determinado. Debido a que la enseñanza tradicional está causando problemas en torno a la motivación y el compromiso, y muchos estudiantes la perciben como ineficaz y aburrida, el uso de juegos educativos es muy prometedor porque son una herramienta de enseñanza para mejorar las habilidades no cognitivas, como la resolución de problemas y la colaboración. y comunicación. Los juegos tienen un notable poder motivador debido al uso de una serie de mecanismos que alientan a las personas a participar en ellos, a menudo sin ninguna recompensa, solo por la satisfacción de jugar y la posibilidad de ganar. En el curso 2019-2020, hemos desarrollado actividades basadas en el concepto de la "escape room" en las asignaturas: "Ciencia y Análisis de agua y bebidas" del Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, "Química Analítica I" y "Físico-Química Farmacéutica" del Grado de Farmacia y “Química” del Grado en Óptica y Optometría de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Para el desarrollo del proyecto, todas las características y el progreso de las diferentes fases del seminario de la "escape room" se informaron en el primer día de clase y a través de la plataforma del Campus Virtual. Los estudiantes se agruparon (5-7 personas / grupo) y nombraron un portavoz que fue responsable de responder los retos de la actividad. Al final de esta acción, los estudiantes respondieron voluntariamente a las encuestas Likert para evaluar sus implicaciones y su percepción sobre su aprendizaje, trabajo en equipo y si les gustó la actividad propuesta

    Research Reports Andean Past 6

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