174 research outputs found

    Sadržaj vitamina C, likopena i antioksidativna aktivnost hibrida paradajza

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    The aim of this study was to determine the content of lycopene, vitamin C and total antioxidant activity in different hybrids of tomatoes grown in greenhouses, greenhouses type. The paper analyzes the results of the growing trials and laboratory analysis for the three new tomato hybrids. The results of these studies will provide a contribution to the antioxidant activity of tomatoes and its healing properties overall, especially in new hybrids to be introduced into production in protected areas.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se odredi sadržaj likopena, vitamina C i ukupna antioksidativna aktivnost kod različitih hibrida paradajza gajenog u zaštićenom prostoru, tipa plastenika. U radu su analizirani rezultati vegetacionih ogleda i laboratorijskih analiza za tri nova hibrida paradajza. Rezultati ovih istraživanja pružiće doprinos o antioksidativnoj aktivnosti paradajza i njegovoj sveukupnoj lekovitosti, posebno kod novih hibrida koji se uvode u proizvodnju u zaštićenim prostorima

    Impact of COVID pandemic on attitude and prevalence of plant-based food products consumption in Serbia

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    COVID pandemic influence on eating behavior and dietary habits with respect to various plant-based foods in Serbia were estimated by an anonymous questionnaire. Most examinees agree that fruits and vegetables contribute to strengthening immunity and that herbal medicines and natural products have beneficial effects on health. Around 55% of examinees consider their diet balanced, and 4% have started to drink herbal teas more often when the pandemic started. Garlic and ginger were the most frequently reported newly included plants in examinees’ diet. The attitudes toward plant-based food products are not strongly dependent on the education level. The age and previous dietary habits of examinees have great influence in the current frequency of consuming fruits, vegetables, herbal teas, spices, and dietary supplements. There was a significant shift toward greater use of herbal teas and dietary supplements, especially among the population that has already consumed them occasionally. Somewhat concerning is the fact that around half of respondents use dietary supplements without the recommendation of an expert. People with good dietary habits and the elderly were most prone to improving their diet. Roughly 15% of all respondents now have the same habits as before the pandemic, although they improved their diets temporarily at the beginning of COVID pandemic

    Stanje, mogućnosti i perspektive oplemenjivačkih progarma krastavaca (Cucumis Sativus L.) u Srbiji

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    Climatic conditions provide growing cucumbers Serbia as an open field and in greenhouses. Growing in greenhouses makes it possible to fruits of cucumber from domestic production on the market for almost the entire year. This capability dramatically increases the economic efficiency and thereby directly encouraged producers to cultivation of this plant species. Markets directly affected the characteristics of the fruit cucumbers that will be desired. This trend breeding companies must follow in order to offer farmers varieties that corresponds to preferences market. Also, farmers want high yield. The yield of cucumber is directly dependent on the expression of sex type plants.Klimatski uslovi Srbije omogućavaju gajenje krastavaca kako na otvorenom polju, tako i u zaštićenom prostoru. Gajenje u zaštićenom prostoru omogućava da se plodovi krastavca iz domaće proizvodnje mogu naći na tržištu skoro tokom celo godine. Ova mogućnost drastično povećava njegovu ekonomsku profitabilnost a time direktno podstiče prozvođače na gajenje ove biljne vrste. Tržišta direktno utiču na karakteristike krastavaca koje će bit cenjene. Ovaj trend oplemenjivačke kompanije morju pratiti kako bi proizvođačima ponudile sortiment koji odgovara željama kupaca. Takođe, proizvođači zahtevaju i visok prinos. Prinos kod krastavca direktno zavisi od tipa polne ekspresije biljaka

    Karakteristike proizvodnje semena povrća u Srbiji

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    Seed production in the Republic of Serbia is a very important sector of agriculture. This production is taking place in public and private sector. Although seed production in Serbia can meet domestic demands, a certain amount of seed is being imported. Unfortunately, some vegetable producers (except for organic, dynamic or bio production) use a certain amount of vegetable seeds from their own mercantile production. Crops produced from such seed generate low yields due to poor seed quality (varietal impurity, low germination) and health. The study covered four years (2007-2010) and the surfaces under the vegetable crops aimed for seed production: 2007 (956 ha of seed produced in Serbia of which 64.9 ha produced by the Institute for Vegetable crops); 2008 (1152 in Serbia, 137 ha the Institute); 2009 (1219 ha in Serbia, 242.1 ha the Institute); 2010 (976 ha in Serbia, 198.7 the Institute).Proizvodnja semena je veoma bitna sa aspekta održivosti poljoprivrede jedne zemlje. U današnjoj eri sekvencioniranja, mapiranja i nadasve zaštite istraženih sekvenci, ovakve tendencije predstavljaju mogućnost za objektivnu zavisnost od istraživača (vlasnika) koji su odredili pojedine sekvence odgovorne za nasleđivanje pojedinih - traženih osobina novoselekcionisanih sorata. Posebno poglavlje ove problematike predstavljaju i GMO organizmi i njihova prezentacija širokoj proizvodnoj praksi kroz novonastale selekcije. U Republici Srbiji nije dozvoljena upotreba GMO selekcija ali smo svesni da se vrši pritisak na izmenu pozitivnih propisa i dozvolu širenja upotrebe ovih organizama. Semenarstvo Republike Srbije je veoma značajna grana poljoprivredne proizvodnje kojom se u državu slivaju velike količine novca od prodaje semena domaćih selekcija. Povrtarstvo je samo jedan mali segment ove proizvodnje, ali veoma bitan, kako za domaće proizvođače –farmere koji se sve podložniji svetskim trendovima nastupa na organizovanim tržištima a koji zahtevaju određene karakteristike gajenih sorti, tako i za konzumente povrća. Ovi zahtevi savremenog tržišta najčešće su u suprotnosti sa kvalitetom. Današnje semenarstvo Srbije se odvija u državnom i privatnom sektoru. Iako proizvodnja semena može podmiriti domaće potrebe, izvesna količina semena se nabavlja uvozom. Ovaj uvoz je postojao i u vreme zatvorenog tržišta SFRJ, te su smenske kompanije navikle na tržišnu utakmicu. Problem, a iskazala ga je i Evropska Unija svojim zakonima, jeste da jedan deo povrtara, osim za organsku (dinamičku, bio i dr proizvodnju), koriste određene količine semena povrća iz sopstvene merkantilne proizvodnje. Ovakvi usevi ostvaruju niske prinose kako zbog kvaliteta semena (sortna čistoća, klijavost), tako i zbog zdravstvene ispravnosti semena Sortiment povrća koji nastaje u Republici Srbiji stvaran je u agroekološkim uslovima Balkanskog poluostrva te je zato i našlo je tržište širom Balkana, a u poslednje vreme, i Evrope. Cilj ovog rada je da se iskaže učešće u proizvodnji pojedinih povrtarskih vrsta izraženo po površinama i u količinama Instituta za povrtarstvo d.o.o u semenarskoj proizvodnji Srbije. Istraživani ciklus je obuhvatao 4 godine i u njemu je proizvedeno seme povrća na 956 ha 2007 (64.9 ha), 1152 (137) 2008. godine, 1219 ha (242.1ha) 2009. godine i 976 ha (198.7 ha) 2010. godine

    Phenolic compounds and biological activity of Capsicum annuum L.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate antifungal and antioxidant activities of vegetable extracts (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Dora, cv. Strizanka, cv. Morava), grown in Serbia. Different experimental models have included the determination content of total phenolics, total flavonoids, antioxidant capacity and minimum inhibitory concentration of the extract. The phenolic composition of different extracts was determined by the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. The highest amounts of phenols and highest antioxidant capacity were found in the cultivar Dora extracts. The highest phenolic content has been shown in cultivar Strizanka ethanol extract. All of the extracts showed strong antimicrobial activity. On the basis of the results obtained, the extracts were found to serve as a potential source of natural antioxidants and antimicrobial due to their marked activity. The obtained results may be useful in the evaluation of new dietary and food products.Key words: High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), phenolic components, antimicrobial activity, antioxidant activity


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    In this paper, a novel analytical method for new class of selective linear-phase two-dimensional (2D) finite impulse response (FIR) filter functions generated by applying a new modified 2D Christoffel–Darboux formula for classical orthogonal Chebyshev polynomials of the first and the second kind is proposed. Fundamental research proposed in this paper is also illustrated by examples of 2D FIR filter and adequate comparison with new class of multiplierless linear-phase 2D FIR filter function given in the literature

    Determination of Total and Individual Anthocyanins in Raspberries Grown in South Serbia

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    Raspberry fruits of four cultivars (Willamette, Meeker, Polana and Malling Promise) grown in South Serbia were analyzed for total and individual anthocyanins. High-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) was used to study individual anthocyanins. The major anthocyanin was cyanidin-3-sophoroside, followed by cyanidin-3-glucosylrutinoside, cyanidin-3-glucoside, pelargonidin-3-sophoroside and cyanidin-3-rutinoside. The monomeric anthocyanin contents of the acidified 80% methanol extracts were determined using the pH-differential method. The highest total and individual anthocyanins contain raspberries cv. Willamette, followed by cvs. Meeker, Polana and Malling Promise

    Long-amplicon MinION-based sequencing study in a salt-contaminated twelfth century granite-built chapel

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    The irregular damp dark staining on the stonework of a salt-contaminated twelfth century granite-built chapel is thought to be related to a non-homogeneous distribution of salts and microbial communities. To enhance understanding of the role of microorganisms in the presence of salt and damp stains, we determined the salt content and identified the microbial ecosystem in several paving slabs and inner wall slabs (untreated and previously bio-desalinated) and in the exterior surrounding soil. Soluble salt analysis and culture-dependent approaches combined with archaeal and bacterial 16S rRNA and fungal ITS fragment as well as with the functional genes nirK, dsr, and soxB long-amplicon MinION-based sequencing were performed. State-of-the-art technology was used for microbial identification, providing information about the microbial diversity and phylogenetic groups present and enabling us to gain some insight into the biological cycles occurring in the community key genes involved in the different geomicrobiological cycles. A well-defined relationship between microbial data and soluble salts was identified, suggesting that poorly soluble salts (CaSO4) could fill the pores in the stone and lead to condensation and dissolution of highly soluble salts (Ca(NO3)2 and Mg(NO3)2) in the thin layer of water formed on the stonework. By contrast, no direct relationship between the damp staining and the salt content or related microbiota was established. Further analysis regarding organic matter and recalcitrant elements in the stonework should be carried outOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. P. Sanmartín acknowledges receipt of a Ramón y Cajal contract (RYC2020-029987-I) financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN). The authors acknowledge the projects APVV-19–0059 and VEGA 2/099/2021 which also financed this study. The authors acknowledge CONSORCIO DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTIAGO funding for this researchS