52 research outputs found

    Područja s napuŔtenim i praznim nekretninama u Hrvatskoj. Pledoaje za prepoznavanje, istraživanje, politike i razvoj regeneracijskih strategija

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    This paper explores the phenomenon of areas with a large number of abandoned and vacant properties that have a significant impact on the life of communities in economic, environmental and socio-cultural terms. Although the phenomenon has been present in some parts of Europe and the USA for a number of decades, it has become more prevalent in recent decades. The aim of this paper is to explore whether the phenomenon of abandonment is present in contemporary Croatia, as a complex network of negative demographic, social, economic and environmental causes and impacts. Furthermore, the aim is to create a theoretical framework for research into areas with a large number of abandoned or vacant properties in Croatia. Quantitative analyses of key indicators, content analysis of published media and official documents, and ethnographic field research show that abandoned areas are certainly present in Croatia, as are local initiatives to mitigate the negative situation. The recognition of this phenomenon at national, regional and local level needs to be accompanied by the development of an interdisciplinary research methodology, policies and regeneration strategies. Some guidelines on these matters are provided at the end of the paper.U radu se istražuje fenomen područja s velikim brojem napuÅ”tenih i praznih nekretnina koja značajno utječu na život zajednica u ekonomskom, okoliÅ”nom i socio-kulturnom smislu. Premda je taj fenomen prisutan u nekim dijelovima Europe i SAD-a već niz desetljeća, posljednjih desetljeća bilježi se njegovo jačanje. Cilj je ovog rada istražiti je li fenomen napuÅ”tenosti prisutan u suvremenoj Hrvatskoj kao složena mreža negativnih demografskih, socijalnih, ekonomskih i okoliÅ”nih uzroka i utjecaja. Nadalje, cilj je stvoriti teorijski okvir za istraživanje područja s velikim brojem napuÅ”tenih ili praznih nekretnina u Hrvatskoj. Kvantitativne analize ključnih pokazatelja, analiza medijskih sadržaja i službenih dokumenata te etnografska terenska istraživanja pokazuju da su napuÅ”tena područja zasigurno prisutna u Hrvatskoj, a isto tako i lokalne inicijative za ublažavanje negativne situacije. Prepoznavanje tog fenomena na nacionalnoj, regionalnoj i lokalnoj razini treba pratiti razvoj interdisciplinarnih istraživačkih metodologija, politika i strategija regeneracije. Neke smjernice o tim pitanjima iznose se na kraju rada

    A Loanword as a Marker of Spatial Movement: The Case of Å pancirfest

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    V prispevku je analiziran odnos med osnovnimi prostorsko-časovnimi in kulturnimi značilnostmi Å pancirfesta, uličnega festivala, ki ga tradicionalno prirejajo v Varaždinu na severozahodu HrvaÅ”ke, in besedo, iz katere je izpeljano ime festivala ā€“ Å”pancir ā€˜sprehodā€™. Prispevek sledi teoretični diskusiji o možnostih raziskovanja različnih tipov prostorov, ki so relevantni za sociolingvistično analizo, s tem pa ponuja pregled uličnih festivalov kot posebnih tipov javnega prostora, pa tudi vpogled v nemÅ”ki jezikovni vpliv na severu HrvaÅ”ke, kar je osnova za analizo besede Å”pancir kot nemÅ”ke izposojenke. Korpus je sestavljen iz leksemov, povezanih s Å pancirfestom, ki jih najdemo v časopisnih člankah iz let 2010ā€“2016. Izvedena raziskava vključuje tudi uporabo vpraÅ”alnika med prebivalci Varaždina.This article analyzes the relationship between the basic spatiotemporal and cultural characteristics of Å pancirfest, a street festival traditionally held in Varaždin in north-western Croatia, and the lexeme that the festivalā€™s name is derived from: Å”pancir ā€˜strollā€™. Following a theoretical discussion of options for investigating various types of spaces relevant for sociolinguistic analysis, the article oļ¬€ers an overview of street festivals as particular types of public space, as well as insight into the German linguistic inļ¬‚uence in north-western Croatia, serving as a basis for analyzing Å”pancir as a German loanword. The corpus consists of lexemes related to Å pancirfest found in newspaper articles in the period from 2010 till 2016. The conducted research also includes the application of a questionnaire among the residents of Varaždin

    KrŔćanski elementi u fantastičnoj književnosti: pitanja morala u "Gospodaru prstenova" i "Hobbitu" J. R. R. Tolkiena

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    J. R. R. Tolkien is widely considered to be the father of modern fantasy. His efforts to prove to his readers that fairy stories do not belong exclusively to childrens literature and his revolutionary style of creating the myths in his stories have paved the way for many other contemporary fantasy novels. He has incorporated his devout Christian beliefs into his stories and characters, which captivate numerous readers even decades after his death. Tolkien believed that the only true myth is the Gospel and that all any author can do is simply try to recreate such perfection in his own work. Even though he disliked allegory, Christian influence on his work is clearly evident, especially in the creation myth at the beginning of The Silmarillion. Using his characters, Tolkien demonstrates the importance of some of the essential values of Christian doctrine: pity, mercy, forgiveness, remorse, belief in a Divine power, the importance of friendship, and the significance of hope. This paper analyses and identifies the examples of those values in Tolkiens works and focuses on the morality of his characters in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit

    KrŔćanski elementi u fantastičnoj književnosti: pitanja morala u "Gospodaru prstenova" i "Hobbitu" J. R. R. Tolkiena

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    Tolkien invested almost twenty years of work to create his masterpieces - The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings, and its predecessor, The Hobbit. He created a world of imagination and mythical powers that is so intrinsically close to our real world. Using the elements of good and evil, Tolkien presents us the relation between Christian values and his characters, demonstrating great knowledge of mythology and a complexity of language. Once more the forces of good will conquer the evil and those who deserve to suffer will be punished. Raised in a profound Christian spirit, and through the influence of Greek and Norse mythology, he combines history, legend, and myth into the unique world of his own religion and mythology. There is a constant similarity between Tolkienā€™s characters and the ones from the Norse mythology, which depicts his admiration and fascination with the concept of mythology and the complexity of the language itself. Tolkienā€™s stories are not just another imaginary fiction, something you use simply for amusement. Because of their religious connotations and metaphoric representation of English society, his stories are of much greater universal human value for every reader. Although he was not the first publisher of the fantasy genre, it was the great success of his novels - The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings that led to the vast popularization of the genre. Because of that fact, he is often identified as the ā€œfatherā€ of the popular fantasy literature, especially high fantasy

    KrŔćanski elementi u fantastičnoj književnosti: pitanja morala u "Gospodaru prstenova" i "Hobbitu" J. R. R. Tolkiena

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    J. R. R. Tolkien is widely considered to be the father of modern fantasy. His efforts to prove to his readers that fairy stories do not belong exclusively to childrens literature and his revolutionary style of creating the myths in his stories have paved the way for many other contemporary fantasy novels. He has incorporated his devout Christian beliefs into his stories and characters, which captivate numerous readers even decades after his death. Tolkien believed that the only true myth is the Gospel and that all any author can do is simply try to recreate such perfection in his own work. Even though he disliked allegory, Christian influence on his work is clearly evident, especially in the creation myth at the beginning of The Silmarillion. Using his characters, Tolkien demonstrates the importance of some of the essential values of Christian doctrine: pity, mercy, forgiveness, remorse, belief in a Divine power, the importance of friendship, and the significance of hope. This paper analyses and identifies the examples of those values in Tolkiens works and focuses on the morality of his characters in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit

    KrŔćanski elementi u fantastičnoj književnosti: pitanja morala u "Gospodaru prstenova" i "Hobbitu" J. R. R. Tolkiena

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    J. R. R. Tolkien is widely considered to be the father of modern fantasy. His efforts to prove to his readers that fairy stories do not belong exclusively to childrens literature and his revolutionary style of creating the myths in his stories have paved the way for many other contemporary fantasy novels. He has incorporated his devout Christian beliefs into his stories and characters, which captivate numerous readers even decades after his death. Tolkien believed that the only true myth is the Gospel and that all any author can do is simply try to recreate such perfection in his own work. Even though he disliked allegory, Christian influence on his work is clearly evident, especially in the creation myth at the beginning of The Silmarillion. Using his characters, Tolkien demonstrates the importance of some of the essential values of Christian doctrine: pity, mercy, forgiveness, remorse, belief in a Divine power, the importance of friendship, and the significance of hope. This paper analyses and identifies the examples of those values in Tolkiens works and focuses on the morality of his characters in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit

    Tracing the Space Between Euphemisms and Dysphemisms: The Case of Obesity in English and German

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    The paper investigates how obesity as an aspect of physical appearance is represented in English and German. The existence of various expressions that refer to obesity leads to the assumption that both investigated languages rely on euphemisms and dysphemisms to talk about obesity. Using a corpus of different expressions from lexicographic sources, we analyse their descriptions and their classification as euphemisms in specialized and general dictionaries. Semantic phenomena that might be identified within such expressions were also taken into consideration. To investigate the usage of the identified euphemisms and dysphemisms, a questionnaire was administered among native speakers of English and German. The corpus was used to trace the space between euphemisms and dysphemisms in language use. The main goal was to identify the ways in which obesity is referred to in two different sociocultural contexts, and to establish the extent to which lexicographic identifications and descriptions of euphemisms overlap with native speakersā€™ perceptions and use of such items

    Razvoj i validacija upitnika o učestalosti konzumiranja hrane i pića za populaciju adolescenata u Hrvatskoj

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    Research background. Food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) is an important method for the estimation of dietary intake in epidemiologic studies. The aim of the study is to develop a FFQ and evaluate its relative validity for adolescents 12 to 18 years old. Experimental approach. FFQ was developed from a previously validated youth/adolescent diet questionnaire (YAQ) by modifying it in order to include Croatian national foods. The final version of the FFQ (FFQ-m) comprised 87 food items. The reference method was a set of two 3-day food records (3DFR) administered twice during the 3 non-consecutive days, one month apart. The FFQ-m was administered approximately on the last day of the second applied dietary food record. Adolescents were recruited from randomly selected elementary and high schools in urban and rural areas of Croatia. FFQ-m was validated on a sample of 84 adolescents (70.2% female). Nutritional intake from FFQ-m and 3DFR were analysed for each participant. Spearman correlation coefficients (r) and Bland-Altman method were used to assess the validity of the FFQ-m compared to 3DFR. Anthropometric parameters were assessed in 78 adolescents. Results and conclusions. The mean nutrient intake estimated by the FFQ-m was higher than that of the 3DFR. The average correlation coefficient for energy and nutrients in our validation study was 0.40. On average, 76.5% of adolescents were classified in the same or adjacent quartile of the nutrient intake. Bland-Altman analysis showed good agreement with all macronutrients and some micronutrients (sodium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron). A simple self-administered questionnaire completed by adolescents is a valid tool for measuring energy and nutrient intake among adolescent population. Novelty and scientific contribution. This is the first FFQ developed and validated for population of adolescents in Croatia. It will contribute to further research of nutritional intake in the population of adolescents, especially those from the region.Pozadina istraživanja. Upitnik o učestalosti konzumiranja hrane i pića važan je dijetetički alat koji se koristi za procjenu unosa hranjiva u epidemioloÅ”kim istraživanjima. Svrha je ovog istraživanja bila razviti i validirati upitnik za populaciju adolescenata od 12 do 18 godina starosti. Eksperimentalni pristup. Ovaj upitnik je razvijen prilagodbom prethodno validiranog prehrambenog upitnika za djecu odnosno adolescente, i to uključivanjem karakterističnih hrvatskih prehrambenih proizvoda. Konačna verzija upitnika obuhvaćala je 87 namirnica i jela. Kao referentna metoda upotrijebljena su dva trodnevna dnevnika prehrane, vođena u dva navrata s razmakom od mjesec dana. Upitnik je proveden pri kraju vođenja drugog dnevnika prehrane. Adolescenti su regrutirani iz nasumično izabranih osnovnih i srednjih Å”kola iz urbanih i ruralnih dijelova Hrvatske. Upitnik je validiran na uzorku od 84 adolescenata (70,2 % ženskog spola). Unos hranjiva je utvrđen za svakog ispitanika zasebno iz podataka prikupljenih upitnikom i iz dnevnika prehrane. Za validaciju su koriÅ”teni Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije (r) i Bland-Altmanova metoda. Antropometrijske mjere određene su kod 78 adolescenata. Rezultati i zaključci. Srednja vrijednost unosa hranjiva određena upitnikom bila je veća od one određene iz dnevnika prehrane. Prosječni koeficijent korelacije za unose energije i hranjiva iznosio je 0,4. U prosjeku je 76,5 % adolescenata spadalo u istu ili susjednu kvartilu unosa hranjiva. Bland-Altmanovom analizom utvrđeno je dobro podudaranje između rezultata upitnika i podataka iz trodnevnog dnevnika prehrane za sva makrohranjiva i neka mikrohranjiva (natrij, fosfor, kalij, kalcij, magnezij i željezo). Ovaj upitnik je prikladan za određivanje unosa energije i hranjiva među adolescentima Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Ovo je prvi upitnik koji je razvijen za populaciju adolescenata u Hrvatskoj, te će se moći koristiti u budućim istraživanjima za procjenu unosa hranjiva u toj populaciji

    Congenital myotonic dystrophy: case report

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    Miotonička distrofi ja ili Steinertova bolest druga je po učestalosti miÅ”ićna distrofi ja u djetinjstvu, odmah nakon progresivnih miÅ”ić- nih distrofi ja (Duchenne i Becker). Incidencija u općoj populaciji iznosi 1:8000 u Europi, 1:30000 u Hrvatskoj. Nasljeđuje se autosomno dominantno, gen je lociran na dugom kraku 19. kromosoma (19q13), a genski produkt je miotonin proteinska kinaza. Bolest nastaje zbog patoloÅ”kog umnažanja sljedova identičnih trinukleotida CTG unutar nekodirajuće sekvencije gena za miotonin protein kinazu (DMPK). U zdravih osoba broj ponavljanja tripleta CTG iznosi 5-34 i ostaje stabilan tijekom generacija. Kod bolesnih osoba slijed je produljen i sadržava od 50 do nekoliko tisuća trinukleotida CTG, a težina kliničke slike i vrijeme javljanja bolesti koreliraju s veličinom produljenog slijeda. Osobe s brojem tripleta 35-49 zdravi su prenositelji bolesti. Mutacija se čeŔće prenosi preko majke, a svaka sljedeća generacija nosi molekulski i klinički težu mutaciju. Bolest se očituje simptomima viÅ”e organskih sustava: zahvaćeni su proprečnoprugasti miÅ”ići i glatki miÅ”ići crijeva, miokard i njegov provodni sustav, endokrini i imunoloÅ”ki sustav, razvija se katarakta, djeca intelektualno zaostaju, a postoje i neuroloÅ”ki defi citi. Prikazujemo muÅ”ko novorođenče s generaliziranom hipotonijom, facijalnom dismorfi jom, oskudnom mimikom, poteÅ”koćama hranjenja i deformitetima stopala. Iz obiteljske anamneze se saznaje da je sedmogodiÅ”njem bratu postavljena klinička sumnja na facioscapulohumeralnu miÅ”ićnu distrofi ju. Ciljani neuroloÅ”ki pregled majke otkrio je slabost miÅ”ića lica, nemogućnost čvrstog zatvaranja očiju, akcijsku miotoniju ruku i perkusijsku miotoniju jezika. Zbog toga smo se odlučili učiniti molekularno genetičku analizu kojom je utvrđen alel s punom mutacijom. Potrebno je obaviti i genetičko ispitivanje cijele obitelji.Myotonic dystrophy or Steinertā€™s disease has the second highest incidence in childhood, immediately after progressive muscular dystrophies (Duchenne and Becker). The incidence in general population is 1:8000 in Europe and 1:30000 in Croatia. This disease is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. The gene is located on the long arm of chromosome 19 (19q13), gene product is myotonin protein kinase. The disease develops due to pathologic multiplication of the identical CTG trinucleotide repeat inside the noncoding region of the myotonin protein kinase gene (DMPK). The number of repeating CTG triplets ranges from 5 to 34 and it remains stable in healthy persons through generations. Diseased people have the extended sequence that consists of 50 to several thousand CTG trinucleotides, and the severity of the clinical picture and the disease occurrence correlate with the size of the expansion. People with 35-49 triplets are healthy disease carriers. Mutation is more often transmitted by the mother and every next generation carries molecular and clinically more severe mutation. Myotonic dystrophy manifests with symptoms in several organic systems: skeletal striated muscles and smooth intestinal muscles are aff ected, as well as cardiac muscle and its conductive system, endocrine and immune system, with development of cataract, intellectual disability and neurologic defi cits. This study presents a male infant with generalized hypotonia, facial dysmorphism, feeble mime, feeding diffi culties and feet deformities. Family history revealed his 7-yearold brother to be clinically suspected of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. Targeted neurological examination of the mother showed weakness of facial muscles, inability to fully close her eyes, action myotonia of the hands and percussion myotonia of the tongue, all of these pointing to molecular genetic analysis which determined full mutation allele and the need of genetic examination of the whole family

    Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of thiazole bioisosteres of goniofufurone through in vitro antiproliferative activity and in vivo toxicity (vol 121, 105691, 2022)

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    The contribution corrects an equation from the paper: Delasoie, J., Radakovic, N., Pavic, A., & Zobi, F. (2020). Neovascularization Effects of Carbon Monoxide Releasing Drugs Chemisorbed on Coscinodiscus Diatoms Carriers Characterized by Spectromicroscopy Imaging. Applied Sciences, 10(20), 7380. [https://doi.org/10.3390/app10207380
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