523 research outputs found


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    The history of formation of the cultural commentary principle, an effective scientific method used in study of various texts, is discussed in the article. The current experience in its use in literary criticism, musicology and musical culturology is analyzed herein. The own definition of this method is offered. Prospects for this methodological tool in researches of the composers’ creative biographies are specified by the example of studying the memoir heritage of M. Glinka. Referring to the cultural commentary while studying M. Glinka’s memoirs involves many different sources for proper understanding of the described details of the composer’s life, which at first sight are not related to his creative activity. This approach helps expand the selection of facts for commenting and include information, earlier left beyond vision of musicologists and culturologists. Commenting on the outstanding composers’ memoirs is a peculiar way of knowing the musicians’ personality, an opportunity to dive deeper into the past, to find meanings hidden under the surface of the text.The history of formation of the cultural commentary principle, an effective scientific method used in study of various texts, is discussed in the article. The current experience in its use in literary criticism, musicology and musical culturology is analyzed herein. The own definition of this method is offered. Prospects for this methodological tool in researches of the composers’ creative biographies are specified by the example of studying the memoir heritage of M. Glinka. Referring to the cultural commentary while studying M. Glinka’s memoirs involves many different sources for proper understanding of the described details of the composer’s life, which at first sight are not related to his creative activity. This approach helps expand the selection of facts for commenting and include information, earlier left beyond vision of musicologists and culturologists. Commenting on the outstanding composers’ memoirs is a peculiar way of knowing the musicians’ personality, an opportunity to dive deeper into the past, to find meanings hidden under the surface of the text

    Sno2 based oxide systems: synthesis, material science and sensing properties as a function of surface hydroxyls

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    The thesis is dedicated to the synthesis, comprehensive material science and some sensing properties of SnO2-MetOx oxide systems (where MetOx are IVB and IIIB metal oxides). The study was performed in comparison with blank SnO2, and SnO2 doped with noble metals (Pd, Pt, Rh and their binary mixtures). Results of 8 ex-situ (TEM, HRTEM, XRD, FTIR, UV-Vis, BET, XPS and element analysis), 5 in-situ (TGA, MS-analysis, DRIFT, TXRD, TPR) techniques and sensing properties characterization (DC measurements as a function of temperature and gas composition) are discussed regarding surface chemistry of SnO2 sensing phenomenon. The special attention is paid to the role of surface hydroxyls in the processes related with conductivity change of semiconductor adsorbents upon hydrogen chemisorption and oxidation in dry and humid air.Los principales objetivos de la presente investigación fueron la síntesis de las sistemas oxídicos SnO2-MetOx (donde MetOx corresponde a los óxidos de grupos IVB y IIIB), el estudio extensivo de sus propiedades fisicoquímicas y sus propiedades como sensores de gases. La investigación se ha basado en la comparación de estos materiales con el SnO2 puro y el SnO2 dopado con metales nobles (Pd, Pt, Rh y sus combinaciones binarias). Resultados de 8 estudios ex-situ (TEM, HRTEM, XRD, FTIR, UV-Vis, BET, XPS y MS-análisis de elementos), 5 estudios in-situ (TGA, MS-analysis, DRIFT, TXRD, TPR) y la caracterización de los sensores de gases (conductividad de los materiales semiconductores en función de la temperatura y los componentes de los gases compuestos) se analizan considerando las reacciones químicas superficiales del SnO2. Se ha prestado una especial atención en la participación de los grupos hidroxilo superficiales en el mecanismo de cambio de conductividad del adsorbente semiconductor durante la quimisorción u oxidación del hidrógeno en el aire seco o húmedo

    Emergent Writing Skills In Preschool Children With Language Impairment

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    Much research demonstrates that alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, and emergent writing are all significant predictors of later reading and writing outcomes, and that children with language impairments (LI) are particularly at risk for later literacy difficulties. Further, children with LI consistently demonstrate depressed emergent literacy skills in the areas of phonological awareness, print concepts, and alphabet knowledge; however, little is known about their emergent writing skills. Therefore, the purposes of this study were twofold: (1) to compare the emergent writing skills of preschool children with language impairment to their typically developing peers using a range of writing tasks and a detailed, consistent scoring rubric for each task; and, (2) to explore the relationships among emergent writing skills and alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, and oral language. The participants included four groups of preschool children: 11 4-year-old children with LI; 11 4-year-old language typical (LT) children, age-matched to children with LI; 20 4-year-old children with typical language; and, 21 5-year-old children with typical language. Children with language impairment scored between 70 and 84 on the Language Index of Assessment of Literacy and Language (ALL) (Lombardino, Lieberman, & Brown, 2005), and children with typical language scored between 85 and 115. All children passed a bilateral hearing screen, scored within the normal range on a non-verbal intelligence screen, demonstrated an unremarkable developmental history relative to sensory, neurological, and motor performance, spoke English as their primary language, and had mothers with at least a high school education or equivalent. iii During two sessions, children were administered the ALL and five emergent writing tasks: Write Letters, Write Name, Write CVC Words, Picture Description, and Sentence Retell. The writing tasks and accompanying scoring rubrics were adopted from a previous study by Puranik and Lonigan (2009). Results indicated that children with LI demonstrated significantly less advanced letter and word writing skills than their language typical, age-matched peers. In addition, significant relationships between all emergent writing tasks and alphabet knowledge were observed for all children as well as significant relationships between oral language and phonological awareness for children with typical language. No significant relationships between any of the emergent writing tasks and phonological awareness or between oral language and alphabet knowledge were found. Further, results indicated the same developmental patterns exist in written as well as oral language for children with LI. This study has therapeutic implications for speech-language pathologists. In particular, emergent writing tasks need to be included in comprehensive assessment and intervention approaches for children with LI. Assessments need to yield accurate descriptions of emergent writing skills relevant to later literacy outcomes. Finally, integrated intervention approaches that combine initial sound awareness tasks with alphabet knowledge and emergent writing tasks may achieve the best learning outcomes

    Subdivision Exactions: A Review of Judicial Standards

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    Cross‐ply bending equation and application for compressed rod with crack

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    The aim of this paper is the analysis of rod cross‐ply bending and stability of rod systems in the presence of cracks. The power concept (its theoretical base is Maxwell's theorem about the reciprocity of displacements) and linear fracture mechanics methods for research of mechanical properties of rod systems in the presence of cracks nave been used. The main equation of the rod cross‐ply bending and the common solution of this equation were obtained. The expression of the relationship between rod deflection and the disturbing cross‐force was obtained. Some transcendental equation allows defining the inferior boundary of critical force of rod with a crack. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Судова система на українських землях в складі Російської імперії за судовою реформою 1864 року

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    Павелко В. О. Судова система на українських землях в складі Російської імперії за судовою реформою 1864 року / В. О. Павелко // Актуальні проблеми політики : зб. наук. пр. / редкол. : С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред..), Л. І. Кормич (заст. голов. ред..), Ю. П. Аленін [та ін.] ; МОНмолодьспорт України ; НУ ОЮА. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2012. – Вип.. 46. – С. 439-446.In the article the judicial system is examined on Ukrainian earths of the Russian empire of ХІХ is beginning of ХХ age, and also functions and plenary powers of judicial bodies in a certain period. Attention applies on judicial regulations 1864 years, which brought in the important elements of justice in Russian and Ukrainian justice

    The modern management of airport complexes: foreign experience for Ukraine

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    Проаналізовано зарубіжний досвід управління аеропортовими комплексами на основі створення «ХАБ-центрів», приватизації та оренди майнових комплексів, концесій та управління за контрактами. Запропоновано організаційно-правові форми регулювання економіки аеропортових комплексів для України.The article analyzes the international experience in the management of airport complexes through the establishment of "HUB-centers", privatization and leasing of property complexes, concessions and management contracts. The organization-legal forms of economic regulation of airports for Ukraine are proposed in the paper

    The essence of such concepts as «expenses» and «expenditures» in construction sphere.

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    The essence of such concepts as «expenses » and «expenditures» in construction sphere is considered and analyzed. The differences between these categories are shown and concrete propositions to bring in the changes into legislative documents of Ukraine are stated.В статье рассмотрена и проанализирована сущность понятий «затраты» и «расходы» в строительстве. Выявлены основные отличия между данными категориями и сформулированы предложения по внесению изменений в законодательные акты Украины


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    The article examines the levels of management of financial results in construction. They are considered from the position of micro and macroeconomics. The analysis of the number of enterprises engaged in construction with distribution to large, medium, small and microenterprises is conducted.There are six levels of legal regulation that identify the basic principles of construction and accounting of its financial results in Ukraine, in particular, the level VI is assigned to National standard of accounting 18 «Construction Contracts», which defines the conceptual framework for the accounting of income and expenses of construction enterprises, and, accordingly, their financial results, taking into account the existing industry features of construction.If construction companies compile reports according to International accounting standards, they use IFRS 15 «Revenue from Contracts with Customers» in their activities. IAS 11 “Construction Contracts” and IAS 18 “Revenue” which have been used for many years have expired.Regulatory and Legal Support, which defines the conceptual framework for the construction and accounting of its financial results, includes a large number of documents, the provisions of which often contradict each other, which complicates the process of accounting as a whole. The article summarizes the main legal documents regulating the theoretical and methodological principles of construction and accounting of enterprises that function in this type of economic activity, and at the same time six levels of management are singledout.With the accepting of the changes of 05.10.2017 to the Law of Ukraine No. 996-XIV the concept of enterprises of public interest appeared. In this study it was found that some construction companies are enterprises of public interest; therefore, the legally stipulated requirements for accounting and reporting of such construction enterprises are identified.В статье исследованы уровни управления финансовыми результатами в строительстве. Они выделены с позиции микро- и макроэкономики. Систематизированы основные нормативно-правовые документы, регулирующие базовые принципы осуществления строительства и учета его финансовых результатов. Проанализировано количество предприятий, которые занимаются строительством с распределением на большие, средние, малые и микропредприятия. Определены законодательно установленные требованияк строительным предприятиям, представляющим общественный интерес.У статті досліджено рівні управління фінансовими результатами у будівництві. Їх виокремлено з позиції мікро- та макроекономіки.Систематизовано основні нормативно-правові документи, що регулюють базові засади здійснення будівництва та обліку його фінансових результатів. Проаналізовано кількість підприємств, які займаються будівництвом з розподілом на великі, середні, малі та мікропідприємства. Окреслено законодавчо встановлені вимоги до будівельних підприємств, які становлять суспільний інтерес


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    The goal of this article is to solve problems of automated monitoring systems of industrial and aviation constructions. Based on the latest research results, the most cost-effective solutions are covered, and a practical solution is offered. This article is part of the scientific project “Development of an integrated sensor system for material and structure monitoring”. The article describes the problem and suggests a practical solution for an integrated sensor system for material and structure monitoring prototype.