5,753 research outputs found


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    Basic track problems in most of the villages in Wonosobo Regency Government are the recruitment and selection practices of other villages have not been able to encourage the inception of the village with the required standards of competence. This research aims to analyze the system of recruitment and selection of other villages, supporters and restricting factors, as well as establishing a proper and contextual model in Wonosobo Regency over the approach to the management of human resources. With descriptive method, this study found that the standard of competence has not been a consideration for the Government since the beginning of the planning process, to recruitment and selection. Almost the entire selection process, starting from the determination of the criteria of candidates, selection of administration until the written exams tend not based on competence. In addition, the necessary of the village according to the preference of the villagers also has yet to be fulfilled, thus still encountered complaints from the public. The study also identifies some of the factors supporting the recruitment and selection competency-based, among others, regulation and community support. Later, inhibitor factor, among others, the quality of human resources and organizational needs analysis Committee. Based on these conditions, the model recommendations in this study encourages the process of recruitment and selection apply competency — based in practice, in order to be able to support organizational performance towards the village government is better. Start the process of sourcing, attracting, through screening, based on the needs the competence and analyzed scientifically. Community preference is also a consideration in that process in order to involve the public opinion and build public confidence to the results of the selection. These two factors also continue to support are encouraged to be optimal. Meanwhile, an inhibitor of factor continues to be minimized through a variety of innovations

    Inelastic diffractive scattering in nonperturbative QCD

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    We examine diffractive proton-proton scattering p p -> p X and photo- and electroproduction of \rho^0 mesons \gamma^(*) p -> \rho^0 X, where X denotes a proton or a final state, into which the proton can go by diffractive dissociation. Using a functional integral approach we derive the scattering amplitudes, which are governed by the expectation values of light-like Wegner-Wilson loops, which are then evaluated using the model of the stochastic vacuum. For the proton, we assume a quark-diquark structure. From the scattering amplitudes we calculate total and differential cross sections for high centre of mass energy and small momentum transfer and compare with experiments. Furthermore we calculate isovector form factors for the proton and the pion within the same model.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures, v3: revised chapter 5, added appendix B, to be published in Eur.Phys.J.

    Graphene on ferromagnetic surfaces and its functionalization with water and ammonia

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    Here we present an angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES), x-ray absorption spec-troscopy (XAS), and density-functional theory (DFT) investigations of water and ammonia ad-sorption on graphene/Ni(111). Our results on graphene/Ni(111) reveal the existence of interface states, originating from the strong hybridization of the graphene {\pi} and spin-polarized Ni 3d valence band states. ARPES and XAS data of the H2O (NH3)/graphene/Ni(111) system give an information about the kind of interaction between adsorbed molecules and graphene on Ni(111). The presented experimental data are compared with the results obtained in the framework of the DFT approach.Comment: accepted in Nanoscale Research Letters; 16 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Peningkatan Produktivitas Konstruksi Melalui Pemilihan Metode Konstruksi

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    Productivity growth in the construction is lower than that of in the industry sector. Level of innovation in this sector is too low. Many problems of inefficiency in the construction process are a lotof waste of resources that do not produce value. According to LCI (Lean ConstructionInstitute) waste in the construction industry is about 57% while the activity that adds value is only 10%. The construction industry has a lot to learn from manufacture industry. Some innovations by applying an appropriate and efficient methods in the field of construction adopted many of the manufacturing, including modular systems/fabrication (precast concrete). Construction materials are mass produced in acontrolled environment and then assembled inthe site. The use of precast on any project shows that there are advantages obtained are: cheaper, faster/more productive and guaranteed quality. The duration of the Rusunawa (Simple Flats for Rent) Structure construction phase in Cilacap for precast method is 168 days while for the implementation of the conventional method is 196 days. The duration of the construction of precast structures is faster 28 days (14%) faster than that of the conventional structures. In high-speed rail project on the border of Belgium and the Netherlands, use Rheda 2000 NL method, which development of Rheda method, can increase productivity and lower overtime costs as 24.6%. In the residential case, quicklyconstructed building criteria can be categorizedinto several aspects, such as dimensions, weight components and connection systems.The suitable selection criteria will accelerate instalment proses of the wall panel

    Classification of Stabilometric Time-Series Using an Adaptive Fuzzy Inference Neural Network System

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    Stabilometry is a branch of medicine that studies balance-related human functions. The analysis of stabilometric-generated time series can be very useful to the diagnosis and treatment balance-related dysfunctions such as dizziness. In stabilometry, the key nuggets of information in a time series signal are concentrated within definite time periods known as events. In this study, a feature extraction scheme has been developed to identify and characterise the events. The proposed scheme utilises a statistical method that goes through the whole time series from the start to the end, looking for the conditions that define events, according to the experts¿ criteria. Based on these extracted features, an Adaptive Fuzzy Inference Neural Network (AFINN) has been applied for the classification of stabilometric signals. The experimental results validated the proposed methodology

    Nutrient solution for mint production in hydroponic solution

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    A menta (Mentha arvensis L.) é uma planta aromática e que produz um óleo essencial rico em mentol. Para o cultivo hidropônico de hortaliças folhosas e de frutos existe um grande número de soluções nutritivas recomendadas pela pesquisa; no entanto, existem poucas informações sobre soluções nutritivas para menta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar uma solução nutritiva para o cultivo de menta em hidroponia. Conduziram-se dois experimentos de outubro a dezembro de 2004 em Santa Maria, RS. Para o experimento a campo, as mudas foram obtidas por estacas e produzidas em substrato organo-mineral (plantmax®), posteriormente transplantadas para canteiros de 5,00 m de comprimento e 1,00 de largura, no espaçamento 0,60 x 0,30 m. No sistema hidropônico "NFT", as mudas foram propagadas por estaquia em espuma fenólica, onde permaceram 18 dias no berçário, quando foram transferidas para as bancadas de produção final. O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial 2x2 com os fatores: concentração da solução nutritiva e espaçamentos. Determinou-se a fitomassa seca, o teor de óleo essencial e o mentol. Os melhores resultados de teor de óleo essencial (0,60 ml 100 g-1 de folhas frescas), mentol (82,4%) e fitomassa seca (45 g planta-1) foram obtidos com 100% da concentração da solução nutritiva no transplante e reposição de 50% quando a condutividade elétrica reduziu 50% do valor inicial e no espaçamento de 0,50 m x 0,25 m nos canais de cultivo. Constatou-se que o teor e rendimento de óleo essencial e fitomassa seca no cultivo hidropônico com a solução nutritiva proposta foram superiores aos encontrados em cultivo a campo de 27 g planta-1de fitomassa seca, 0,53 Ml 100 g-1 de folhas frescas de óleo essencial e 64,43% de mentol. A solução nutritiva com concentração de 100% no transplante e reposição de 50% dos nutrientes quando a condutividade elétrica reduzir 50% do valor inicial e o espaçamento 0,50 x 0,25 m pode ser recomendada para o cultivo hidropônico de Mentha arvensis.The mint (Mentha arvensis L.) is an aromatic plant that produces essential oil with high menthol concentration. For the hydroponic cultivation of vegetables and fruits, a great number of recommended formulas exist; however, little information exists about hydroponic solutions for mint. The goal of this work was to evaluate a nutrient solution for the mint cultivation in hydroponic system. Two experiments were carried out from October to December, 2004. For the field experiment, transplants were obtained from cuttings and produced in organic mineral substrates (plantmax®). Later they were transplanted in seed beds of 5.00 m length and 1.00 m width, spacings of 0.60 x 0.30 m. For the hydroponic system NFT, seedlings were obtained from cuttings and planted in phenolic foam where they stayed during 18 days. After that, they were transplanted to a production canal. The experimental design was a 2x2 factorial (nutrient solution concentrations x spacings). The hydroponic solution with 100% concentration in transplant and 50% replacement when the electric condutivity decreased 50% of the initial value and 0.5 x 0.25 m spacings resulted in the highest concentration of essential oil (0.60 mL 100 g-1 fresh leaves), menthol (82,4%) and total dry matter (45 g plant-1). In hydroponic system the yield of dry matter and content of essential oil was higher than under soil conditions 27 g planta-1 of dry matter, concentration oil 0.53 mL 100 g-1 and 64,43% of menthol. The hydroponic solution with 100% concentration in transplant and 50% replacement when the electric condutivity decreased 50% of the initial value and 0.5 x 0.25 m spacing can be recommended for the cultivation of mint in hydroponic solution

    Perkuatan Fondasi Telapak Dengan Turap

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    Reinforcement Foundation is a method to increase the capacity of supporters, so they can support the load of the building. This is required for buildings located on soft ground. Strengtheningthis foundation is also needed if the structure above will be increased so that the burden of building work increased. In this study, attempted to strengthen the foundations of the method by placing the sheet piles on the side of the foundation. Tests performed on two-dimensional model in thelaboratory, by comparing the carrying capacity of thefoundation with sheet piles and without sheet piles. Strengthening the foundation carried outwith3 (three) length variation of plaster that is: L / B = 0.75, L / B = 1.00 and L / B = 1.25. B, and 3 (three) variations in thelocation of plaster, which is in distance S /B = 0.5, S / B = 1.0 andS / B = 1.5. Test results showed that the installation of sheet piles can increase the capacity of foundation support. The results ofthis study showed the longer the higher the sheet piles supporting capacity building, with the results of 33%, 55% and (80% -100%), one each for L/ B = 0.75; 1.00 and 1.25. However, increasedcapacity is not much influenced by the location of plaster especially for short plasterof L / B = 0,75 and L /B = 1,00. While for L/ B =1,25, where the sheet piles getting closeto the foundation, increase capacity increased aswell.

    Factorization of numbers with Gauss sums: II. Suggestions for implementations with chirped laser pulses

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    We propose three implementations of the Gauss sum factorization schemes discussed in part I of this series: (i) a two-photon transition in a multi-level ladder system induced by a chirped laser pulse, (ii) a chirped one-photon transition in a two-level atom with a periodically modulated excited state, and (iii) a linearly chirped one-photon transition driven by a sequence of ultrashort pulses. For each of these quantum systems we show that the excitation probability amplitude is given by an appropriate Gauss sum. We provide rules how to encode the number N to be factored in our system and how to identify the factors of N in the fluorescence signal of the excited state.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Perkuatan Fondasi Telapak Dengan Turap

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    Reinforcement Foundation is a method to increase the capacity of supporters, so they can support the load of the building. This is required for buildings located on soft ground. Strengthening this foundation is also needed if the structure above will be increased so that the burden of building work increased. In this study, attempted to strengthen the foundations of the method by placing the sheet piles on the side of the foundation. Tests performed on two-dimensional model in the laboratory, by comparing the carrying capacity of the foundation with sheet piles and without sheet piles. Strengthening the foundation carried out with 3 (three) length variation of plaster that is: L / B = 0.75, L / B = 1.00 and L / B = 1.25. B, and 3 (three) variations in the location of plaster, which is in distance S / B = 0.5, S / B = 1.0 and S / B = 1.5. Test results showed that the installation of sheet piles can increase the capacity of foundation support. The results of this study showed the longer the higher the sheet piles supporting capacity building, with the results of 33%, 55% and (80% -100%), one each for L / B = 0.75; 1.00 and 1.25. However, increased capacity is not much influenced by the location of plaster especially for short plaster of L / B = 0,75 and L / B = 1,00. While for L / B =1,25, where the sheet piles getting close to the foundation, increase capacity increased as well