444 research outputs found

    La abundancia y la ecología del comportamiento del blenny Ophioblennius trinitatis (Teleostei: Blenniidae) en un archipiélago oceánico de Brasil (Atlántico)

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    Local patterns of fish density, microhabitat use, feeding behaviour, bite rate, territory area and agonistic interactions were recorded for Ophioblennius trinitatis at an oceanic archipelago (southwestern Atlantic). Rugosity, number of crevices and benthic diversity positively predicted the distribution of O. trinitatis. Turf algae was the preferred food item at all sites, but given its high availability inside and outside territory boundaries, it did not seem to be a limiting factor on the density of this blenny, as opposed to substrate heterogeneity. Bite rate was higher in the afternoon and for smaller individuals (juveniles). Territory size showed local variation and, although larger territories may be an effect of density-dependent conditions (more available space in low-density areas), we propose that individuals expand territories to compensate for residing in areas of lower quality (i.e. of low structural complexity). Larger individuals defended larger territories and residents responded differently to intruders, with higher rates of agonistic interactions towards potential competitors. Higher agonistic rates were also observed in larger territories and at low-complexity sites.En este trabajo se han estudiado las pautas en la densidad, la utilización del micro hábitat, el comportamiento alimentario, las tasas de mordisqueo, la superficie del territorio y las interacciones agonísticas de Ophioblennius trinitatis en un archipiélago oceánico del SO Atlántico. Los mejores predictores de la distribución de O. trinitatus fueron la rugosidad, el número de grietas y la diversidad bentónica. El turf algal es el alimento preferido de este pez en todos los lugares, pero dada su elevada disponibilidad, dentro y fuera de los territorios, no pareció ser un factor limitante para este blénido como lo fue la heterogeneidad del substrato. La tasa de mordisqueo resultó ser más elevada entre los peces pequeños (juveniles) y especialmente por la tarde. La superficie del territorio presentó notables variaciones locales y, a pesar de que los territorios mayores pueden ser el resultado de un efecto denso-dependiente (al haber más espacio disponible en la zonas con densidades bajas), proponemos que los individuos expanden su territorio para compensar la baja calidad ambiental de ciertas zonas (una baja complejidad estructural). Los ejemplares mayores defendían territorios más extensos y respondían de manera diferente ante los intrusos, con una mayor tasa de interacciones agonísticas hacia los potenciales intrusos. Las interacciones agonísticas también fueron más elevadas en los territorios más amplios y con una baja complejidad

    Desenvolvimento de um bloco cerâmico para a construção sustentável

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    O projecto cBloco teve como objectivo, desenvolver um sistema de construção de alvenaria que cumpra as exigências regulamentares aplicáveis, melhorando as características de desempenho mecânico, térmico e acústico relativamente aos sistemas tradicionais de tijolo cerâmico furado. O cBloco é um elemento cerâmico com pasta aligeirada com resíduos da indústria da madeira, cortiça e celulose, o que, para além de reduzir a massa, reduz o consumo da energia utilizada na cozedura, e aliado a uma geometria optimizada confere um isolamento térmico melhorado. Trata-se de um sistema constituído por uma peça base que é complementada por um conjunto de peças especiais, adaptadas aos diferentes pontos singulares da construção, o que permitirá reduzir os desperdícios em corte de material e os consequentes resíduos da construção. Este projecto, liderado por um consórcio de fabricantes do sector da cerâmica designado por NAC – Novas Alvenarias Cerâmicas foi coordenado pelo CTCV e contou com a colaboração da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto e da Universidade do Minho, tendo sido apoiado pela ADI (Agência para o Desenvolvimento e Inovação)

    Caracterização de materiais compósitos à base de gesso FGD

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    Este estudo visa a valorização de diversos subprodutos industriais como o gesso da dessulfuração de gases de combustão das centrais termoeléctricas, designado convencionalmente por gesso FGD (“flue gas desulfurization”), o re-granulado de cortiça resultante do fabrico de placas de aglomerado negro de cortiça e as fibras têxteis resultantes da reciclagem de pneus usados. Os materiais compósitos resultantes das misturas destes subprodutos podem ser conformados por dois processos distintos, a moldagem e a prensagem, obtendo-se produtos com características distintas. Por moldagem obtêm-se um compósito leve e por prensagem obtêm se um material mais denso, com maiores resistências mecânicas e melhor acabamento superficial. Estes compósitos poderão ter várias aplicações na construção, nomeadamente no fabrico de blocos para paredes interiores dos edifícios. Neste contexto, foi realizada uma campanha experimental de modo a determinar as características mecânicas dos referidos compósitos no sentido de validar a sua aplicabilidade na construção

    Caracterização de materiais compósitos à base de gesso FGD

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    Este estudo visa a valorização de diversos subprodutos industriais como o gesso da dessulfuração de gases de combustão das centrais termoeléctricas, designado convencionalmente por gesso FGD (“flue gas desulfurization”), o re-granulado de cortiça resultante do fabrico de placas de aglomerado negro de cortiça e as fibras têxteis resultantes da reciclagem de pneus usados. Os materiais compósitos resultantes das misturas destes subprodutos podem ser conformados por dois processos distintos, a moldagem e a prensagem, obtendo-se produtos com características distintas. Por moldagem obtêm-se um compósito leve e por prensagem obtêm-se um material mais denso, com maiores resistências mecânicas e melhor acabamento superficial. Estes compósitos poderão ter várias aplicações na construção, nomeadamente no fabrico de blocos para paredes interiores dos edifícios. Neste contexto, foi realizada uma campanha experimental de modo a determinar as características mecânicas dos referidos compósitos no sentido de validar a sua aplicabilidade na construção

    Abundance and behavioural ecology of the blenny <em>Ophioblennius trinitatis</em> (Teleostei: Blenniidae) at an oceanic archipelago of Brazil (Atlantic)

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    Local patterns of fish density, microhabitat use, feeding behaviour, bite rate, territory area and agonistic interactions were recorded for Ophioblennius trinitatis at an oceanic archipelago (southwestern Atlantic). Rugosity, number of crevices and benthic diversity positively predicted the distribution of O. trinitatis. Turf algae was the preferred food item at all sites, but given its high availability inside and outside territory boundaries, it did not seem to be a limiting factor on the density of this blenny, as opposed to substrate heterogeneity. Bite rate was higher in the afternoon and for smaller individuals (juveniles). Territory size showed local variation and, although larger territories may be an effect of density-dependent conditions (more available space in low-density areas), we propose that individuals expand territories to compensate for residing in areas of lower quality (i.e. of low structural complexity). Larger individuals defended larger territories and residents responded differently to intruders, with higher rates of agonistic interactions towards potential competitors. Higher agonistic rates were also observed in larger territories and at low-complexity sites

    A microfluidic platform combined with bacteriophage receptor binding proteins for multiplex detection of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in blood

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    Bloodstream infections (BSIs) are triggered by the existence of pathogens in blood and are considered a major health burden worldwide, especially when they result in sepsis and septic shock. Common diagnostic methods are time-consuming, present low specificity, or suffer from interference of blood components, which hampers a timely and effective treatment of BSIs. In this work, a novel microfluidic assay was developed combining a bead-based chip and bacteriophage receptor binding proteins (RBPs) as extremely specific and sensitive recognition molecules for the multiplex concentration and detection of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which are highly prevalent bacteria in BSIs. The device comprises a microcolumn in which antibody-functionalized agarose beads were packed allowing the entrapment of the target bacterium from blood, providing its concentration and separation. For bacterial detection, two recombinant RBPs (Gp54 and Gp17) were fused with different fluorescent proteins and used for the identification of P. aeruginosa and E. coli by the measurement of the distinct fluorescent signals obtained. The developed microfluidic-based assay enabled a fast (70min) and highly specific multiplex detection of both pathogens in whole blood, achieving a detection limit of around 103 CFU, without requiring any time-consuming bacterial pre-enrichment step. Furthermore, it provided a quantitative assessment of bacterial loads present in blood. Noteworthy, this miniaturized and inexpensive device presents simple fabrication and operation, showing great potential to be fully automated, demonstrating to be ideal in point-of-care settings.The authors acknowledge the funding from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the project “Phages‐on‐chip” PTDC/BTM‐SAL/32442/2017 (POCI‐01-0145‐FEDER‐032442) and the strategic funding of the research units CEB (UIDB/04469/2020) and INESC MN (UID/05367/2020) through the pluriannual BASE and PROGRAMATICO financing and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE‐01-0145‐FEDER‐000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. S.P.C. and C.R.F.C. acknowledge the FCT for the grants SFRH/BD/130098/2017 and PD/BD/135274/2017, respectively.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Extracellular electrophysiological measurements of cooperative signals in astrocytes populations

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    Astrocytes are neuroglial cells that exhibit functional electrical properties sensitive to neuronal activity and capable of modulating neurotransmission. Thus, electrophysiological recordings of astroglial activity are very attractive to study the dynamics of glial signaling. This contribution reports on the use of ultra-sensitive planar electrodes combined with low noise and low frequency amplifiers that enable the detection of extracellular signals produced by primary cultures of astrocytes isolated from mouse cerebral cortex. Recorded activity is characterized by spontaneous bursts comprised of discrete signals with pronounced changes on the signal rate and amplitude. Weak and sporadic signals become synchronized and evolve with time to higher amplitude signals with a quasi-periodic behavior, revealing a cooperative signaling process. The methodology presented herewith enables the study of ionic fluctuations of population of cells, complementing the single cells observation by calcium imaging as well as by patch-clamp techniques.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [PTDC/EEI-AUT/5442/2014]; Instituto de Telecomunicacoes [UID/Multi/04326/2013]; Associated Laboratory - Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016623]; [PTDC/CTM-NAN/3146/2014]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Effectiveness of Different Eyewitness Interview Tools in Memory Consolidation for Long-term Access

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    This study examines the effectiveness of different interviewing tools in consolidating eyewitness memory. This applied research used the post-test with control group design. The population includes all undergraduate students of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science of the University of Tehran, studying in the academic year 2019-20. Eighty participants (21 males and 59 females) were selected using cluster sampling and divided into four groups of equal size. First, participants watched a video recording showing a bank robbery. In the second session, they were interviewed using an eyewitness interview tool (no interview session for the control group). In the last session, all participants were examined using a free recall task. Data were analyzed using MANOVA in SPSS-23 software. The results indicated no significant differences between the CI and the self-administered interview groups (SAI) in either the interview session or the delayed recall task. Participants in the structured interview group recalled significantly fewer details in the first interview session than did the CI and SAI groups. However, this significant difference was only found between the CI and SI groups in the delayed recall session. Thus, the results suggest that early recall can help consolidate witnesses' memory and help them recall more information in later recall attempts

    An electrical method to measure low-frequency collective and synchronized cell activity using extracellular electrodes

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    An electrical method to measure extracellular bioelectrical activity in vitro is presented. This method exploits the Helmholtz capacitive double-layer established at the electrode surface. Small extracellular voltage variations in the order of μVs induce through the double-layer capacitor a displacement current that is measured. This current is then enhanced by a gain factor proportional to the electrode capacitance. In addition, when measurements are carried out at low frequencies in current mode the electrode contribution to the noise can be minimized. The performance of the electrodes and the method is demonstrated using zebrafish hearts and glioma cell cultures. We propose that this electrical method is an ideal tool to measure in vitro slow and temporally synchronized events that are often involved in long range intracellular signaling.</p