477 research outputs found

    Content blaster : the online show generator

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Projeto e controle de processo de mistura

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Curso de Graduação em Engenharia de Controle e Automação, 2015.Este trabalho lida com o problema de controle de processos envolvendo mistura de soluções. É apresentada a modelagem matemática de um processo didático de mistura de água com temperaturas diferentes em que se deseja controlar o nível e a temperatura em um tanque. O processo pode ser construído para fins didáticos, devido a sua baixa complexidade, mas permite o estudo de estratégias de controle tipicamente utilizadas em plantas industriais. São apresentadas quatro estratégias de controle para o problema, sendo uma monovariável e três multi-malhas. Os modelos utilizados foram implementados em ambiente computacional para avaliação das estratégias de controle.This paper deals with the problem of process control involving mixing solutions. The mathematical modeling of a didactic process water mixture is presented with different temperatures in which it is required to control the level and temperature in a tank. The process can be constructed for teaching purposes because of their low complexity but allows the study of control strategies typically used in industrial plants. Four control strategies for the problem are displayed, to be one univariate and three multi-meshes. The models used were implemented in computational environment for evaluation of control strategies

    Uma análise das capacidades tecnológicas da agroindústria canavieira em Minas Gerais

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    This paper aims to appraise the technological capabilities of sugarcane agro-industry in Minas Gerais State, that has the second largest area planted with sugarcane in Brazil, that is 679.000 ha. A field research survey with sugar and ethanol mills provides the primary data for assessing technological capabilities. The theoretical approach used was the technological capabilities matrix, which is based in Lall (1992), being this matrix divided into three specifications: basic (simple routine), intermediate (adaptive duplicative) and advanced (innovative risky). As a main finding, this sugarcane agro-industry, technically qualified and with low cost, presents a reasonable domain of basic and intermediate technological capabilities. However, the advanced technological capabilities are still lagging behind the technological frontier.Dynamics, Technology, Sugar, Ethanol, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Morphology And Behavior Of The Early Stages Of The Skipper, Urbanus Esmeraldus, On Urera Baccifera, An Ant-visited Host Plant.

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    The Neotropical genus Urbanus (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) contains around 34 described species, and is widely distributed from the extreme southern United States to Argentina. Here, we describe the larval morphology and behavior of Urbanus esmeraldus (Hübner)(Hesperiidae) in Urera baccifera (Urticaceae), a plant producing food rewards and fleshy fruits that attract ants (including predacious species) in a Brazilian forest. Larvae pass through five instars and construct two kinds of leaf shelters. Experiments with ejected fecal pellets showed that these can serve as cues to ground-dwelling ants that climb onto host plants and potentially attack the larvae. Manipulation with pellets placed at different distances suggests that ejection behavior decreases larval vulnerability to ant predation. Larval preference for mature leaves may be related with increased predation risk at ant-visited young leaves. The study shows that a combination of natural history and experimental data can help understand the life history of a butterfly using a plant with high predation risk.125

    Impactos na saúde humana de partículas emitidas por queimadas na Amazônia brasileira

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the impact on human health of exposure to particulate matter emitted from burnings in the Brazilian Amazon region. METHODS: This was an ecological study using an environmental exposure indicator presented as the percentage of annual hours (AH%) of PM2.5 above 80 μg/m3. The outcome variables were the rates of hospitalization due to respiratory disease among children, the elderly and the intermediate age group, and due to childbirth. Data were obtained from the National Space Research Institute and the Ministry of Health for all of the microregions of the Brazilian Amazon region, for the years 2004 and 2005. Multiple regression models for the outcome variables in relation to the predictive variable AH% of PM2.5 above 80 μg/m3 were analyzed. The Human Development Index (HDI) and mean number of complete blood counts per 100 inhabitants in the Brazilian Amazon region were the control variables in the regression analyses. RESULTS: The association of the exposure indicator (AH%) was higher for the elderly than for other age groups (β = 0.10). For each 1% increase in the exposure indicator there was an increase of 8% in child hospitalization, 10% in hospitalization of the elderly, and 5% for the intermediate age group, even after controlling for HDI and mean number of complete blood counts. No association was found between the AH% and hospitalization due to childbirth. CONCLUSIONS: The indicator of atmospheric pollution showed an association with occurrences of respiratory diseases in the Brazilian Amazon region, especially in the more vulnerable age groups. This indicator may be used to assess the effects of forest burning on human health.OBJETIVO: Analisar o impacto à saúde humana pela exposição ao material particulado das emissões de queimadas na Amazônia brasileira. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico utilizando o indicador de exposição ambiental apresentado como percentagem anual de horas (AH%) de PM2,5 acima de 80 μg/m³ e como desfecho taxas de hospitalização por doenças respiratórias em crianças, idosos e grupos etários intermediários e taxas de hospitalização por parto. Os dados foram obtidos do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais e do Ministério da Saúde para todas as microrregiões da Amazônia Brasileira, nos anos 2004 e 2005. Foram analisados modelos de regressão múltipla das variáveis de desfecho com a variável preditora AH% acima de 80 μg/m³ para PM2,5. O Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) e o número médio de hemogramas por 100 habitantes na região da Amazônia brasileira foram variáveis de controle nas análises de regressão. RESULTADOS: Observou-se maior associação do indicador de exposição (AH%) para os idosos do que para outros grupos etários (β = 0,10). Para cada ponto percentual de aumento no indicador de exposição, houve aumento de 10% na taxa de hospitalização de idosos, 8% em internações de crianças, e 5% para a faixa etária intermediária, mesmo ajustando por IDH e número médio de hemogramas. Não foi encontrada associação entre AH% e a taxa de hospitalização por parto. CONCLUSÕES: O indicador de poluição atmosférica mostrou associação com a ocorrência de doenças respiratórias, em especial nos grupos etários mais vulneráveis da Amazônia brasileira, podendo ser utilizado na abordagem dos efeitos da queima das florestas na saúde humana.OBJETIVO: Analizar el impacto a la salud humana por la exposición al material particulado de las emisiones de incendios en el Amazonas brasilero. MÉTODOS: Estudio ecológico utilizando el indicador de exposición ambiental, presentado como porcentaje anual de horas (AH%) de PM2,5 encima de 80 µg/m³ y como resultado tasas de hospitalización por enfermedades respiratorias en niños, ancianos y grupos etarios intermediarios y tasas de hospitalización por parto. Los datos fueron obtenidos del Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciales y del Ministerio de la Salud de Brasil para todas las microrregiones del Amazonas Brasilero, en los años 2004 y 2005. Fueron analizados modelos de regresión múltiple de las variables de resultado con la variable predoctora AH% encima de 80 µg/m³ para PM2,5. El Índice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH) y el número promedio de hemogramas por 100 habitantes en la región del Amazonas Brasilero fueron variables de control en los análisis de regresión. RESULTADOS: Se observó mayor asociación del indicador de exposición (AH%) para los ancianos en comparación con otros grupos etarios (? = 0,10). Para cada punto porcentual de aumento en el indicador de exposición, hubo aumento de 10% en la tasa de hospitalización de ancianos, 8% en internaciones de niños, y 5% para el grupo etario intermedio, aún ajustando por IDH y número promedio de hemogramas. No fue encontrada asociación entre AH% y la tasa de hospitalización por parto. CONCLUSIONES: El indicador de polución atmosférica mostró asociación con la ocurrencia de enfermedades respiratorias, en especial en los grupos etarios más vulnerables del Amazona Brasilero, pudiendo ser utilizado en el abordaje de los efectos de incendios de las selvas en la salud humana.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Mato Grosso (FAPEMS)/Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia do Ministério da Saúde - DECI

    Analysis of polymerization time on abrasive wear of dental resins

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    An evaluation was made of the abrasive wear of six composite thermofixed dental resins subjected to different polymerization times. The method of evaluation was based on sharpness measurements to quantify the abrasive wear resistance of the resins. To this end, a test bench was built, consisting of a rotating porcelain cylinder that wears out a resin-coated cylinder placed above it, thus causing vertical displacement of the contact as the wear progresses. The values of vertical displacement, i.e., the input variables, were read and recorded by means of a computer program to obtain the sharpness values. These data indicated that the resins displayed different behaviors as a function of the polymerization times applied, reinforcing the importance of using a practical and rapid method of analysis in order to ensure that the behavior of new materials is fully understood before they are launched on the market.FAPES

    Mapeamento da produtividade, fertilidade do solo e falhas de plantas em pomar de laranjeiras

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    The current high competition on Citrus industry demands from growers new management technologies for superior efficiency and sustainability. In this context, precision agriculture (PA) has developed techniques based on yield mapping and management systems that recognize field spatial variability, which contribute to increase profitability of commercial crops. Because spatial variability is often not perceived the orange orchards are still managed as uniform and adoption of PA technology on citrus farms is low. Thus, the objective of the present study was to characterize the spatial variability of three factors: fruit yield, soil fertility and occurrence of plant gaps caused by either citrus blight or huanglongbing (HLB) in a commercial Valencia orchard in Brotas, São Paulo State, Brazil. Data from volume, geographic coordinates and representative area of the bags used on harvest were recorded to generate yield points that were then interpolated to produce the yield map. Soil chemical characteristics were studied by analyzing samples collected along planting rows and inter-rows in 24 points distributed in the field. A map of density of tree gaps was produced by georeferencing individual gaps and later by counting the number of gaps within 500 m² cells. Data were submitted to statistical and geostatistical analyses. A t test was used to compare means of soil chemical characteristics between sampling regions. High variation on yield and density of tree gaps was observed from the maps. It was also demonstrated overlapping regions of high density of plant absence and low fruit yield. Soil fertility varied depending on the sampling region in the orchard. The spatial variability found on yield, soil fertility and on disease occurrence demonstrated the importance to adopt site specific nutrient management and disease control as tools to guarantee efficiency of fruit production

    Evaluation of bone availability for grafts in different donor sites, through computed tomography

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    Objective: To quantify the bone volume that can be safely withdrawn from 3 donor sites: (1) the mandibular symphysis, (2) the oblique mandibular line and (3) the skullcap. Methodology: For the symphysis, 200 tomographic exams were evaluated by the extension of the anterior loop of mental foramen, by the nerve, by the distance of the foramens, by the distance between the vestibular cortical and the lingual plates and by the distance between the apexes, or lower anterior teeth, and the mandibular base, using the “distance” tool of the I-CAT Vision, in the panoramic and parasagittal reformations. For the oblique line, 70 TCFC exams were analyzed retrospectively in panoramic and parasagittal reformations, evaluating the thickness of the vestibular cortical and the distance between the cortical and the mandibular canal. For the cranial bone, a hexagonal donor site located in parietal area was considered. Results: The average dimensions of the bone blocks that can be safely removed from the region of the mandibular symphysis are: 32.27 mm in length, 4.87 mm in height and 4 mm in thickness, providing a volume of 628.61 mm3 available for grafting. In the oblique line, the available bone volume for grafting was 859.61 mm3. In the region of the cranial vault, multiplying the average bone thickness by the area of the hexagon, an average volume of 2,499 mm3 was obtained. Conclusions: Comparing the donor sites, the bone availability in the cranial vault is 3 times greater than in the mandibular posterior region, and at least 2 times greater than in the mandibular symphysis

    O instrumento de outorga e os limites ambientais : uma investigação sob a perspectiva da Economia Ecológica

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    A outorga de direito de uso de água é o principal instrumento utilizado no Brasil para efetuar a alocação deste recursopara múltiplos usos. Apesar de sua centralidade, a atual degradação dos recursos hídricos e o aumento da demanda têm desafiado a efetividade deste instrumento de governança. Nesta perspectiva, o presente artigo buscou avaliar se há aderência dos critérios de concessão de outorga de direito de uso nas Bacias Hidrográficas dos rios Piracicaba, Capivari e Jundiaí (PCJ), no estado de São Paulo -Brasil, aos limites ambientais previstos pela Economia Ecológica. Foi empregada análise documental a partir de dados referentes ao período de 2013 a 2017, obtidos na Agência das Bacias PCJ. Os dados sobre o uso de água nas Bacias PCJ foram comparados ao volume permitido pelas outorgas concedidas na época. Por sua vez, as outorgas foram comparadas aos parâmetros Q7,10 e 50% de Q7,10, que representavam limites legalmente estabelecidospara os volumes máximos outorgáveis nas bacias. Os resultados indicaram que os órgãos de gestão das Bacias PCJ concederam outorgas e permitiram uso além dos parâmetros máximos de extração, estabelecidos científicae legalmente no período, em importantes sub-bacias, especialmente Atibaia e Jaguari, que abastecem a Região Metropolitana de São Paulo.El otorgamiento del derecho al uso del agua es el principal instrumento utilizado en Brasil para destinar este recurso a usos múltiples. A pesar de su centralidad, la actual degradación de los recursos hídricos y el aumento de la demanda han desafiado la eficacia de este instrumento de gobernanza. En esta perspectiva, este artículo buscó evaluar si los criterios para otorgar el otorgamiento del derecho de uso en las Cuencas Hidrográficas de los ríos Piracicaba, Capivari y Jundiaí (PCJ), en el estado de São Paulo - Brasil, se adhieren a la normativa ambiental. límites previstos por la Economía Ecológica. Se utilizó un análisis documental con base en los datos del período de 2013 a 2017, obtenidos de la Agencia de Cuencas del PCJ. Los datos sobre el uso del agua en las Cuencas del PCJ se compararon con el volumen permitido por las subvenciones otorgadas en ese momento. A su vez, las donaciones se compararon con los parámetros Q7,10 y 50% de Q7,10, que representaron límites legalmente establecidos para los volúmenes máximos otorgados en las cuencas. Los resultados indicaron que los órganos de gestión de las Cuencas del PCJ otorgaron subvenciones y permitieron el uso más allá de los parámetros máximos de extracción, científicamente y legalmente establecidos en el período, en importantes subcuencas, especialmente Atibaia y Jaguari, que abastecen a la Región Metropolitana de São Paulo.The permits of water use are the main instrument in Brazil to allocate this resource for multiple uses. Despite its centrality, the current degradation of water resources and the increase of demand have challenged the effectiveness of this governance instrument. In this perspective, this article sought to assess whether there is adherence between the criteria for granting the permits of use in the hydrographic basins of the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí (PCJ) rivers, in the state of São Paulo -Brazil, and the environmental limits recommended by Ecological Economics. Documentary analysis was undertaken on data obtained at Agency of Basins PCJ for the period from 2013 to 2017. Data regarding water use in the PCJ Basins was compared to the volume allowed bythe permits at the time. In turn, the permits were compared to the parameters Q7.10 and 50% of Q7.10, which represented legally established limits for the maximum permits in the basins. The results indicated that the management instances of the PCJ Basinsgranted permits beyond the maximum extraction parameters, established scientifically and legally in the period, in important sub-basins, especially Atibaia and Jaguari, which supply the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo