209 research outputs found

    A review of the promotion of sustainable mobility of workers by industries

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    The evolution and growth of cities present considerable challenges to the promotion of sustainable mobility, namely in commuting trips. In the present and recent past, many industries and companies of the economy’s productive sector have had to move as far as possible from urban areas, to minimize the impact of their activities on people’s health and quality of life. In more dispersed and low-density territories, working and residential areas are very far from each other, and there is typically poor public transport service and a lack of cycling networks for commuting purposes. This scenario encourages the use of private automobiles, not only as a necessity but also often as an obligation, making the mobility system nearly unsustainable. Therefore, it has become clear that companies can play an important role in promoting more sustainable mobility by reducing car use on commuting trips and by offering employees clean and more efficient transport alternatives to promote workers’ well-being and quality of life. Through an extensive literature review, a selection of scientific articles in the last 13 years was analyzed and discussed. The results highlighted that the location of industrial areas, the supply of public transport, the usage of active modes, and shared mobility systems are key factors to reduce car usage in workers’ commuting trips. Therefore, any sustainable mobility strategies that companies adopt will minimize the respective negative externalities, helping promote more environment-friendly ways of transportation, accessibility, social equity, and inclusion in workers’ communities. This justifies the need and urgency for the development of specific sustainable mobility plans oriented for companies/industries, instead of addressing this as just another element of a conventional urban mobility plan. Since this mobility represents a high volume of trips, repeated according to very regular patterns, it must be sustainability-oriented, allowing the improvement of system, trip, and vehicle efficiency.This research was developed in the frame of the R&D project Continental Factory of Fu‑ ture (PO‑CI‑01‑0247‑FEDER‑047512) with the financial support of FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) and the European Devel‑ opment Fund Regional (FEDER) through the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Pro‑gram (POCI). And by national funds, through the FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the project UIDB/04011/2020

    Referências teóricas sobre estudos de casos de gestão do conhecimento nas organizações

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    This article aimed to present the main theoretical references on knowledge management, based on case studies published in the country between 2010 and 2019. With regard to the methodology used, this article was applied in nature; exploratory purpose; quantitative approach and resulted from a bibliographic research. Scientific knowledge, like every strategic resource of the organization, needs to be managed and it is in this corollary that knowledge management is found, which is supported by the pillars "people", "processes" and "technologies" to be fully effective and to be able to contribute to various organizational processes, thus constituting a valuable strategic action for the competitive success of organizations.Este artigo teve por objetivo apresentar as principais referências teóricas sobre gestão do conhecimento, com base em estudos de casos publicados no país entre 2010 e 2019. No que se refere à metodológica utilizada, o presente artigo teve natureza aplicada; finalidade exploratória; abordagem quantitativa e foi resultante de uma pesquisa bibliográfica. O conhecimento científico, como todo recurso estratégico da organização, precisa ser gerido e é nesse corolário que se encontra a gestão do conhecimento, a qual é suportada pelos pilares “pessoas”, “processos” e “tecnologias” para ter plena efetividade e para poder contribuir para diversos processos organizacionais, constituindo-se, dessa forma, como uma ação estratégica valiosa para o êxito competitivo das organizações

    Impactos emocionais e fisiológicos do isolamento durante a pandemia de COVID-19

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    Objective: The objective of this paper was to assess the emotional and physiological impacts of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: About 238 individuals participated of both sexes and different age groups who were in social isolation, during the COVID-19 pandemic and was used as a data collection instrument with a questionnaire. Result: Of the participants, 65.5% (n = 156) were female and 33.3% (n = 80) male. In terms of emotions, 73.1% of participants agreed that they often feet uncomfortable due to isolation; 66% anxious/agitated; 66.8% irritated/stressed and 66.7% sad/unwell. Conclusion: Concluded that the participants tended to have emotional in their routines, wich are harmful to their health as a whole. The emotional and physiological aspects of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic have significant potential to directly impact on individuals physical and mental health.  Objetivo: El propósito de este artículo fue evaluar los impactos emocionales y fisiológicos del distanciamiento social durante la pandemia de La COVID-19. Método: Participaron 238 individuos de ambos sexos y diferentes grupos de edad que se encontraban en aislamiento social durante la pandemia de la COVID-19 y fue utilizado como instrumento de recolección de datos un cuestionario. Resultados: De los participantes, el 65.5% (n = 156) eran mujeres y el 33.3% (n = 80) hombres. En términos emocionales, el 73.1% de los participantes estuvo de acuerdo en que a menudo se sentían incómodos debido al aislamiento, 66% ansiosos/agitados; 66.8% irritados/estresados y 66.7% tristes/mal. Conclusión: Se concluyó que los participantes  presentaron  cambios emocionales en sus rutinas, que son perjudiciales para su salud en general. Los aspectos emocionales y fisiológicos del distanciamiento social durante la pandemia de La COVID-19 tienen un potencial significativo para impactar diretamente en la salud física y mental de las personas en distanciamiento social.RESUMO   Objetivo: O objetivo deste artigo foi avaliar os impactos emocionais e fisiológicos do distanciamento social durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Metodologia: Participaram 238 indivíduos de ambos os sexos e de diferentes faixas etárias que estavam em isolamento social durante a pandemia da COVID-19 e utilizou-se como instrumento de coleta de dados um questionário. Resultados: Dos participantes 65,5% (n= 156) eram do sexo feminino e 33,3% (n= 80) masculino. Nas emoções, 73,1% dos participantes concordaram que sentiam-se frequentemente desconfortáveis por causa do isolamento, 66% ansiosos/agitados, 66,8% dos participante irritados/estressados e 66.7% tristes/indispostos. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que os participantes tenderam a apresentar alterações emocionais em suas rotinas, sendo nocivas à sua saúde como um todo. Os aspectos emocionais e fisiológicos do distanciamento social durante a pandemia da COVID-19 possuem potencial significativo para impactar diretamente na saúde física e mental dos indivíduos


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    A região Sudeste do Brasil apresenta um padrão climático oriundo da localização geográfica que possui e influência exercida pelos sistemas atmosféricos que atuam e predominam em seus domínios, estabelecendo uma sucessão habitual dos tipos de tempo inerentes à sazonalidade que caracteriza o Clima Tropical. Sujeito a essa conjuntura, o Estado de São Paulo apresenta índices pluviométricos situados entre 1.200 e 1.600 mm ainda que a sazonalidade de seu clima concentre a maior parte dessa precipitação no período situado entre os meses de outubro a março. Nesse quadro, onde a passagem de frentes e o processo de frontogênese respondem pelo “input” hídrico, a área de estudo (São Carlos/SP) encontra-se inserida, beneficiando-se da orografia que possui (reverso das Cuestas Basálticas) para apresentar índices pluviométricos ligeiramente superiores. Atentando para estas informações o presente estudo procurou descrever e analisar o ano hidrológico de 2014 frente a distribuição sazonal da precipitação dos últimos 21 anos, tomados seis meses chuvosos, e, igualmente, denominados como ano hidrológico. A partir daí, buscou avaliar seu padrão diante dos totais de chuva desse período para classificação de seu índice sob os parâmetros admitidos para meses secos, chuvosos ou habituais. Metodologia aplicada também para a série histórica frente sua habitualidade e Anos-Padrã

    What is Industry 4.0: a Review of the Literature Using the Conceptual Bibliographic Method

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    Purpose: Scientific production has tried to understand the various evolutionary intricacies of Industry 4.0, the so-called fourth industrial revolution. As discoveries increase and deepen, there must also be an effort to understand the frontiers of scientific knowledge, its most noticeable and studied aspects, and those attributes that have only now been perceived. It is, therefore, necessary to periodically take stock of what science knows about the phenomenon to understand where it is headed and which paths have already been taken. Therefore, the need to take inventory of the current state of knowledge about Industry 4.0 was the theoretical justification for this study.   Theoretical framework: The theoretical architecture of this study consisted of the transformations that the industrial revolutionary stages caused in production systems, firstly, and then for the entire society. It involves aspects from various areas of scientific knowledge to understand the different perceptions contained in the scientific literature on the phenomenon of Industry 4.0.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The conceptual bibliographic method was used to generate answers to three guiding questions: What are the main approaches to Industry 4.0? What are its main attributes? What is its irradiation logic? All conceptual definitions in scientific studies published in English and Portuguese available in the Google Scholar database from 2019 to 2020 were analyzed, with a total of 19 studies. The semantic analysis technique was used to identify the approaches and attributes, which were then organized by semantic proximity, constituting the semantic groupings on which the results were generated and interpreted.   Findings: The results showed the existence of eight groups of approaches (procedures, evolution, time, grouping, transformation, layer, organization, and model) and twelve groups of attributes (industrialization, transformation technologies, information technologies, integrated system, processes, society, quality, knowledge, planning, market, value chain, and automation). These discoveries made it possible to understand that Industry 4.0 has a driving force: knowledge, which spreads similarly in waves until it reaches the entire society and is not limited only to the interior of factories and economic organizations.   Research, Practical, and Social Implications: Two implications of these findings stand out. The first is the dynamic nature of implementing Industry 4.0 in organizations, whether economic or not, which is done more quickly if knowledge and technologies are available or more slowly when expertise and technologies are fragile or non-existent. The second is teleological since the purpose of Industry 4.0 and all industrial revolutions is to continually improve production processes, even though these benefits often generate unwanted externalities, such as environmental impacts. This means that the progress of knowledge and its developments cannot be stopped but can be directed towards other purposes.   Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study to science is to point out the current stage of the evolution of Industry 4.0 about previous revolutions. Three other contributions are also significant: identifying the main approaches to the phenomenon, its most prominent characteristics, and its irradiation dynamics

    Analysis of Conceptual Definitions of Agribusiness Using the Conceptual Bibliographic Method

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    Purpose: Agribusiness is a phenomenon of interest to science from several aspects, and this multiplicity of aspects taken simultaneously is a new way of trying to understand and explain it. Specific, unidisciplinary studies still predominate on a single element of agribusiness, such as finance, marketing, and production, among countless others. However, the trend is towards multifactorial studies because agribusiness is a phenomenon that cannot be classified solely as industry, commerce, or service or as a primary, secondary, or tertiary sector. Consolidated agribusiness is all of these things simultaneously, whose reality is delimited by science based on its conceptual definitions. Therefore, the definitions must be analyzed so that the current stage of scientific knowledge about the phenomenon can be understood, especially its limits, characteristics, and dynamics, which are the purposes of this study.   Theoretical Structure: The theoretical architecture of this study consisted of seeking to understand the phenomenon of agribusiness with socio-economic development, which is its most evident externality. It was carried out interdisciplinary, highlighting its integral reality based on what appears and can be identified in the conceptual definitions available in scientific publications. The justification for this procedure was the need to understand agribusiness from multiple scientific views so that its various aspects could be understood.   Design/Methodology/Approach: This study aimed to analyze the conceptual definitions of agribusiness in the scientific literature in studies published between 2015 and 2023. To this end, it established three guiding questions, which sought to identify the frontiers of knowledge about the phenomenon, its main attributes, and what logical scheme it is possible to find among its main defining characteristics. For this, the conceptual bibliographic method was used, which consists of formulating a problem and its breakdown into a response pattern, collecting data in scientific databases, organizing and analyzing data based on semantic resources, and generating responses from the diagrammatic layout of the data organization.   Findings: The results showed the existence of nine approaches to agribusiness (set, sum, activity, science, practice, configuration, industry, process, and transformation) and eight groups of attributes (transnational activities, commercialization, distribution logistics, supply logistics, companies, production, services, and agroecosystem). These discoveries allowed us to understand that agribusiness has an evolutionary dynamic that begins with the professionalization of the rural output and culminates with the irradiation of the reach of this production to transnational borders. Research, Practical, and Social Implications: These findings fundamentally affect how agribusiness is viewed. In Brazil, in particular, the prevalent mentality tends to distinguish agribusiness as a unique and exclusive form of large rural enterprises, almost all of which are already globalized, excluding small enterprises from this coverage, almost always classified as family farming. Suppose the family farmer establishes himself as an enterprise. In that case, he often receives the entire discriminatory range intended for the large agribusiness enterprise, discouraging his professionalization, an essential corollary of the germ of agribusiness. Professionalization involves replacing improvised methods of producing and managing the enterprise with rational aspects originating from science and introducing scientifically subsidized techniques and technologies.   Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study to science was the construction of an evolutionary dynamic of agribusiness, which begins with the professionalization of rural production and culminates with globalization. These findings suggest that the family farming stage needs to be broken so that the benefits of professionalization can lead to improved quality of life and desired socioeconomic development for producers and partners

    Análise do volume do reservatório da usina hidrelétrica de Três Marias usando modelos de séries temporais / Analysis of reservoir volume at the Três Marias hydroelectric plant using time series models

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    A aplicação da metodologia de Box e Jenkins de séries temporais na análise do volume útil do reservatório da usina hidrelétrica de Três Marias conseguiu descrever adequadamente o comportamento da série em estudo, por meio de um modelo SARIMA(1,0,1)(3,1,2)12, visto que este reproduziu, de modo eficiente, a sazonalidade presente nas observações. O modelo prevê que, para os próximos meses, o volume continuará oscilando em torno de valores percentuais abaixo de 25 por cento do total

    Inter-and intra-rater analysis of hemiparetic shoulder abduction using PhysioPlay™: software for measuring range of motion

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    Changes in balance are observed in some hemiparetics following a stroke, generating significant physical, social, and economic impacts; thus, an assessment was developed to facilitate treatment plans for patients. Goniometry is currently used as an evaluation tool for range of motion (ROM); however, the development of exergames has brought a new perspective to the assessment, which uses a dynamic mechanism and has little subjectivity. Objective: This study evaluates the inter-and intra-rater reliability of ROM measurement of the shoulder abduction in post-stroke patients using the exergame PhysioPlay™. Method: Thirteen volunteer chronic stroke survivors, aged 58.23 ± 9.96 years (men and women), participated in this study. Two physiotherapists evaluated the abduction of the shoulder using goniometry and the exergame PhysioPlay™. A retest was performed one week later. Clinical trial registry number – RBR-55smwr. Results: The results of the analyses using intraclass correlation coeficient (ICC) showed an excellent inter- and intra-rater reliability level (r > 0.90; p < .05). The Pearson correlation between the maximum measures obtained in the goniometry and the software PhysioPlay™ showed a high correlation (r > 0.90, p= .001). Conclusion: The Kinect associated with the exergame PhysioPlay™ presented excellent reliability in capturing the ROM measure compared to the conventional goniometry.Alterações no equilíbrio são observadas em hemiparéticos após um acidente vascular encefálico (AVE), gerando impactos físicos, sociais e econômicos significativos; assim, uma avaliação foi desenvolvida para facilitar os planos de tratamento para os pacientes. A goniometria é atualmente usada como ferramenta de avaliação da amplitude de movimento (ADM); no entanto, o desenvolvimento de exergames trouxe uma nova perspectiva para a avaliação, que utiliza um mecanismo dinâmico e tem pouca subjetividade. Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou a confiabilidade inter e intraexaminadores da medida da ADM da abdução do ombro em pacientes pós-AVE usando o exergame PhysioPlay™. Método: Treze voluntários com AVE crônico, com idade de 58,23 ± 9,96 anos (homens e mulheres), participaram deste estudo. Dois fisioterapeutas avaliaram a abdução do ombro usando goniometria e o exergame PhysioPlay™. Um reteste foi realizado uma semana depois. Resultados: Os resultados das análises utilizando o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) mostraram excelente nível de confiabilidade inter e intraexaminadores (r> 0,90; p <0,05). A correlação de Pearson entre as medidas máximas obtidas na goniometria e o software PhysioPlay™ apresentou alta correlação (r> 0,90, p = 0,001). Conclusão: O Kinect associado ao exergame PhysioPlay™ apresentou excelente confiabilidade na captura da medida da ADM em comparação à goniometria convencional

    Um estudo sobre a condição e a qualidade de vida pautado no enfoque biopsicossocial após o impacto causado pela pandemia de Covid 2019

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    Para que as pessoas desempenhem tarefas com alta qualidade, as organizações precisam se preocupar com a qualidade de vida de seus funcionários quer seja nos aspectos biológicos, psicológicos ou sociais. O objetivo da pesquisa foi estudar a qualidade de vida dos empregados do comércio na região do Vale do Ivinhema, MS. Bibliograficamente foram apresentados estudos sobre qualidade de Vida no Trabalho e o enfoque Biopsicossocial. Metodologicamente, essa pesquisa foi classificada como qualitativo quanto aos métodos de análise, descritivo quanto aos objetivos e como levantamento de dados em relação aos procedimentos técnicos. Foi possível identificar e analisar as condições dos profissionais que ficaram abalados fisicamente, mentalmente, psicologicamente, devido as frustações, ansiedade, medo, trauma, entre outros sintomas causados pela pandemia