5,714 research outputs found

    Model-driven design of distributed applications

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    The design process is structured into a preparation and an execution phase. In the preparation phase, designers identify (and, when necessary, define) the required levels of models, their abstract platforms and the modelling language(s) to be used. In addition, a designer may also identify or define transformations between related levels of models. The results of the preparation phase are used in the execution phase, which entails the creation of models of an application using specific modelling languages and abstract platforms.\ud The main aspects of the approach are illustrated with a case study involving the design of context-aware mobile services. We define three levels of models: a platform-independent service specification level, a platformindependent service design level and a platform-specific service design level. Particular attention is given to the representation and transformation of behavioural aspects of service designs

    Intergovernmental grant rules, the "golden rule" of public finance and local expenditures

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    The Stability and Growth Pact and the process of fiscal consolidation in several European countries have enhanced the role of fiscal rules at sub-national level. This paper analyzes the combined effect of a rule to allocate capital and current block grants to local governments and the “golden rule” of public finance (surplus of current balance). We argue that the two fiscal rules introduce significant rigidities and distortions in local governments’ expenditures structure since these mimic the structure of revenues. This effect is particularly relevant in municipalities that are more dependent of intergovernmental grants, mainly rural. On the other hand, urban municipalities with greater tax revenues (current revenues) are constrained in their ability to make capital investments because they receive per capita capital grants below what economies of scale would suggest. An empirical analysis of Portuguese local governments shows that it is no longer the median voter, but fiscal rules, that command the broad pattern of expenditure (current versus capital) at a local level. This paper is a contribution to the literature on the perverse effects of fiscal rules.Intergovernmental block grants; Fiscal Rules; Local Government Expenditure; “Golden Rule”

    Citizens’ Freedom to Choose Representatives: Ballot Structure, Proportionality and “Fragmented” Parliaments

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    The analysis of the political consequences of electoral laws has emphasized how individual characteristics of the electoral system (electoral formulas, district magnitude, ballot structure) affect the degree of parliament “fragmentation” and proportionality. This paper argues that the personal attributes of representatives are also an important consequence of electoral laws, and that they are in part determined by citizens’ freedom to choose representatives. We clarify this concept and develop an index of citizens’ freedom to choose members of parliament as a function of the ballot structure, district size and electoral formulae. Using data from twenty nine countries, we find that neither proportionality nor the effective number of parties is significantly affected by voters’ freedom of choice. This result has important normative implications for electoral reform.Ballot structure; Electoral index; Freedom to choose; Personal vote.

    The challenges of clinical research in Brazil

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    Electronic procurement: dealing with supplier adoption

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    E-procurement systems make purchasing activities more effective in terms of both time and cost. However over the past years there is evidence that some of the expected benefits have not been achieved. Among several appointed causes, supplier‟s adherence to such platforms has been regarded as one. The focus of this research is in supplier adoption of e-Procurement. Such a study is important in order to better address the issues actually faced by suppliers within e-Procurement. We have conducted a questionnaire-based survey to 721 Portuguese companies and performed an empirical analysis of the results. The findings from this work provide empirical evidence that the supplier perceived benefits and business partner pressures are positively related to e-Procurement adoption while some barriers like implementation costs have the opposite effect. The main critical success factors on e-Procurement adoption are also presented.Os sistemas de e-Procurement permitem melhorias significativas no tempo e custo associados aos processos de compra. No entanto, nos últimos anos existe evidência de que alguns dos benefícios esperados não têm sido alcançados. Entre as várias causas apontadas, a falta de adesão dos fornecedores a esse tipo de plataformas foi apontada como uma. O foco desta pesquisa está na adopção dos fornecedores ao e-Procurement, mais especificamente nos factores que levam a sua adesão. Foi realizado um questionário a 721 empresas Portuguesas e os dados obtidos analisados. Os resultados deste trabalho fornecem evidências de que os benefícios percebidos pelos fornecedores e as pressões dos parceiros de negócios estão positivamente relacionados com a intenção de adopção, enquanto algumas barreiras, como custos de implementação têm o efeito oposto. Os principais factores críticos de sucesso na adesão ao e-Procurement são também apresentados

    Engenharia de Resiliência

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    This thesis presents a study of a new discipline called Chaos Engineering and its approaches, that help to verify the correct behavior of a system and to discover new information about it, through chaos experiments like the shutdown of a machine or the simulation of latency in the network connections between applications. The case study was carried out at the company Mindera, to verify and improve the resilience to failures of a client’s project. Initially the chaos maturity of the project within the Chaos Maturity Model wasin the first levels and it was necessary to increase its sophistication and adoption by conducting experiments to test and improve the resilience. The cloud environment that the project uses, and the architecture is explained to contextualize the components that the experiments will use and test. Different alternatives to test disaster recovery plans are compared as well as the differences between the use of a test environment and the production environment. The value of carrying out experiments for the client project is described, as well as the identification of their value proposal. In the end, the analysis of the different chaos tools is performed using the TOPSIS method. The four performed experiments test the system's resilience to failure of a database’s primary node, the impact of latency in the network connections between different components, the system's reaction to the exhaustion of physical resources of a machine and finally the global test of a system's resiliency in the face of a server failure. After the execution, the experiences were evaluated by company experts. In the end, the conclusions about the work developed are presented. The experiments carried out were classified as important for the project. A problem was found after in the latency introduction experiment and after changing the application’s code, the system reaction was positive, and the number of responses was increased.Esta tese apresenta um estudo de uma nova disciplina chamada Chaos Engineering e as suas abordagens, que ajudam a verificar o correto funcionamento e a descoberta de novas informações acerca de um sistema através de realização de experiências como o desligar de uma máquina ou a simulação de latência nas ligações de rede entre aplicações. O caso de estudo foi realizado na empresa Mindera, dentro de um projeto cliente, para verificar e melhorar a sua resiliência a falhas. Inicialmente a maturidade de caos do projeto dentro do Chaos Maturity Model encontra-se nos primeiros níveis e tornou-se necessário aumentar a sua sofisticação e adoção através da realização de experiências para testar e melhorar a resiliência. O ambiente de cloud que o projeto usa e a sua arquitetura é explicada para contextualizar os componentes que as experiências vão usar e testar. As diferentes alternativas de testar planos de recuperação a desastres são comparadas, assim como, as diferenças entre a utilização do ambiente de testes e de produção. O valor da realização de experiências para o projeto cliente é descrito, assim como a identificação da sua proposta de valor. No final, a análise das diferentes ferramentas de caos é realizada recorrendo ao método TOPSIS. As quatro experiências executadas testam a resiliência do sistema perante a falha de um nó primário de uma base de dados, o impacto da latência nas ligações de rede entre diferentes componentes, a reação do sistema perante a exaustão de recursos físicos de uma máquina e por último o teste global da resiliência de um sistema perante a falha de um servidor. As experiências são posteriormente avaliadas por experts da empresa. No final, as conclusões acerca do trabalho desenvolvido são apresentadas. As experiências realizadas foram classificadas como importantes para o projeto. Um problema foi encontrado na experiência de introdução de latência e após a alteração do seu código, a reação do sistema foi positiva e o número de respostas aumentou

    La Experiencia Brasileña en la Superación de Dificultades de Empresas de Base Tecnológica en Incubadora

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the Brazilian experience in overcoming the difficulties of technology-based companies in incubators in order to propose improvement actions using incubators in Brazil as reference. The adopted methodology prioritizes a qualitative focus. Research is characterized as descriptive-exploratory and is conducted in the form of a multi-case study. Results allowed the identification of difficulties of companies residing in incubators and relevance in overcoming these difficulties based on four types of restrictions: financing, management, production and commercialization, and the subsequent proposal of elements that allow improvement actions. The study contributes to the management practice by proposing a set of improvement actions that can be adopted by companies and incubators to enhance performance

    Motion-induced sound level control for socially-aware robot navigation

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    With the growing presence of robots in human populated environments, it becomes necessary to render the relation between robots and humans natural, rather than invasive. For that purpose, robots need to make sure the acoustic noise induced by their motion does not disturb people that are in the same environment. This dissertation proposes a method that allows a robot to learn how to control the amount of noise it produces, taking into account the environmental context and the robot’s mechanical characteristics. The robot performs its task while adapting its speed, so it produces less acoustic noise than the environment’s, and thus, not disturbing nearby people. Before the robot can execute a task in a given environment, it needs to learn how much noise it induces while moving at different speeds on that environment. For that, a microphone was installed on a wheeled robot to gather information about it’s acoustic noise. To validate the proposed solution, tests in different environments with different background sounds were performed. After that, a PIR sensor was installed on the robot to verify the ability of the robot to use the motion controller when someone enters the sensor’s field of vision. This second test demonstrated the possibility of using the proposed solution in another systems.Com a crescente presença dos robôs no espaço ocupado pelos seres humanos, é necessário que a relação entre robôs e humans seja natural e não invasiva. Para alcançar este objectivo, é preciso que os robôs tenham formas de assegurar que o ruído causado pelos seus movimentos não incomodam as pessoas inseridas no meio envolvente. Esta dissertação propôe uma solução que permite que um robô aprenda a controlar a quantidade de ruído que produz, tendo em conta as suas caracteristicas e o meio ambiente onde é colocado. O robô concretiza as suas tarefas adaptando a sua velocidade de forma a produzir menos ruído que o presente no meio ambiente e, assim, não incomodar as pessoas. Para que o robô possa executar alguma tarefa num determinado ambiente, é necessário aprender a quantidade de ruído que faz ao movimentar-se a diferentes velocidades nesse ambiente. Para tal, um microfone foi instalado num robô com rodas para obter informação sobre a sua acústica. Para validar a solução proposta, foram realizados testes, com sucesso, em diferentes ambientes com diferentes ruídos de fundo. Posteriormente, foi instalado no robô um sensor PIR para analizar a capacidade do robô executar o controlador de velocidade quando alguém entra no campo de visão do sensor. Este segundo teste demonstrou a possibilidade de incluir a solução proposta em outros sistemas

    Intelligence in formal machines

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    [ES]El objetivo de este trabajo es encontrar una forma de definir y medir la inteligencia en los sistemas formales computacionales. Para hacer esto yo hice varios tipos de consideraciones: en primer lugar, el concepto de ¿ ser inteligente ¿ asume nociones claras y se mide de manera aceptable sólo en el ser humano; segundo, hay una creciendo y salvaje uso del concepto ¿ ser inteligente¿ para el comportamiento de otros seres biológicos; tercero, hoy en día la palabra ¿inteligencia¿ a menudo se utiliza para clasificar el comportamiento de los seres no biológicos tales como, máquinas, ambientes, etc. Todas ellas entidades que pueden ser representadas como sistemas computacionales; cuarto, los sistemas computacionales son sistemas formales computacionales y en consecuencia pueden ser descritos con formalismo matemático; quinto, hay una gran cantidad de sistemas formales computacionales conocidos y hay teorías matemáticas para trabajar con ellos y establecer relaciones entre ellos; sexto, el problema de definir y medir la inteligencia en máquinas formales es un problema en el contexto de estas teorías, de la inteligencia artificial, de la teoría de la computación, de la teoría de la complejidad y de la teoría de las categorías; y séptimo y por último, en el ser humano hay una medida, un cociente, llamado cociente de inteligencia para medir la inteligencia, en ingles IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Reuní todas estas consideraciones y he creado un nuevo formalismo, un nuevo sistema computacional, que llamé Máquinas Formales (FMs). Lo que se pretendía es que todos los sistemas formales computacionales se puedan reescribir en el nuevo formalismo y que en ese proceso no pierden su estructura matemática. Por lo tanto y para satisfacer ese requisito fue necesario estudiar en profundidad una gran cantidad de sistemas formales y recurrir a la teoría de las categorías. Definido el nuevo formalismo yo he seleccionado los comportamientos en los seres humanos que se consideran comportamientos inteligentes y los he utilizado para hacer analogías con Máquinas formales y partiendo de ellos he definido y medido los mismos conceptos en Máquinas Formales y en consecuencia en los sistemas formales computacionales. Estas analogías han servido para definir y medir la ¿inteligencia¿ en el nuevo formalismo. Así he creado un cociente para medir inteligencia en máquinas, el Cociente de Inteligencia de la Máquina, MIQ (en inglés Machine Intelligence Quotient). El MIQ es una analogía al coeficiente de inteligencia en los seres humanos, en inglés IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Para transformar los sistemas formales computacionales para el nuevo formalismo he creado la noción de drive. Yo he diseñado algoritmos que permiten transformar cada sistema computacional formal para el nuevo formalismo. Yo he proyectado algoritmos para Máquinas de Turing, Automata de Pila, Autómatas finitos, Redes Neuronales etc. La implementación de estés algoritmos llamo drive. Yo he implementado drives para Máquinas de Turing, Autómata Finitos y (en inglés) Back Propagation Neural Networks. Yo también he construido un software para simular sistemas computacionales formales. Este software es llamado, en inglés, Generator of Universes and Simulator of Formal Machines (GU SFM). En el momento, en lo software, sólo es posible simular el comportamiento de las máquinas de Turing, Push-down Autómatas y Autómatas finitos. Para utilizar el nuevo formalismo en computación escribí tres APIs que serán usadas por los desarrolladores, una para el desarrollo en ordenadores desktop, otra para desarrollo con microcontroladores y otra para desarrollo en la google cloud. He también implementado dos juegos, el juego tres en raya y el cuatro en línea. En cada uno de los juegos uno de los jugadores es una implementación del nuevo formalismo y el otro es un ser humano. En ambas implementaciones ha sido posible verificar que el nuevo formalismo es un buen sistema formal computacional para resolver problemas de ingeniería. También desarrollé una placa electrónica y un sistema de información que es capaz de oler entornos. En este sistema de información se puede encontrar una implementación del nuevo formalismo en el google cloud. Para validar las medidas MIQ hice un estudio estadístico en que he usado 1000 redes neuronales con back propagation y una drive que he proyectado para ellos