68 research outputs found

    Transformation of Forest Vegetation After 40 Years of Protection in the Tomczyce Nature Reserve (Central Poland)

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    The Tomczyce nature reserve is characterized by a degenerated forest vegetation. We assume that the regeneration process was possible to launch after the establishment of the nature reserve in 1968. The vegetation of the Tomczyce forest complex was characterized for the first time by Jakubowska-Gabara (1976) whose studies were taken as a basis of our research. The phytocenoses after 40. years of protection have a greater participation of species with higher trophic and moisture requirements. The regeneration process in communities with pine trees is caused by an expansion of broad-leaved trees and shrubs. Transformation of forest vegetation causes a decrease in cover of thermophilous and heliophilous species. On the other hand, species of oak-hornbeam forests as well as anthropophytes are in expansion. Planning of the protection activities in the nature reserve needs to include these dynamic tendencies of the vegetation

    Administracyjna kara pieniężna za usuwanie drzew lub krzewów bez zezwolenia – charakter odpowiedzialności

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    The aim of the article is to discuss an administrative civil penalty imposed for an unauthorized removal of trees and shrubs as well as to pay attention to an absolute character of the penalty. The legislator has not provided the possibility to measure out the amount of penalty for an illegal removal of trees and shrubs. As de lege ferenda, it is necessary to ponder over establishing appropriate rules of law, which would demand to take individual circumstances of a specific case into account (among other things – financial situation of a perpetrator of infringement, necessity) when the administrative civil penalty is imposed.Celem artykułu jest omówienie charakteru administracyjnej kary pieniężnej wymierzanej za usuwanie drzew lub krzewów bez wymaganego zezwolenia oraz zwrócenie uwagi na bezwzględny charakter tej kary. Ustawodawca nie przewidział bowiem możliwości miarkowania wysokości nakładanej kary za nielegalne usunięcie drzew lub krzewów. Jako de lege ferenda należy zastanowić się nad ustanowieniem odpowiednich reguł prawnych, które nakazywałyby przy wymierzaniu administracyjnej kary pieniężnej branie pod uwagę indywidualnych okoliczności konkretnego przypadku (m.in. sytuacja finansowa sprawcy naruszenia, stan wyższej konieczności)

    The spread of alien species along the touristic routes of the Słowiński National Park

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    Touristic routes have a great meaning for the spread of alien species through the protected areas like national parks. The aim of the study was to assess the spread of the chosen species along the different kinds of touristic routes of the Słowiński National Park and asphalt roads lying in the direct vicinity of the Park, in its protective zone. The presence of 108 localities of eight alien species were recorded (Padus serotina, Quercus rubra, Acer negundo, Robinia pseudoacacia from woody species and Conyza canadensis, Impatiens parviflora, Juncus tenuis and Oxalis fontana from herbaceous plants). The localities of the woody plants were found in areas where they were formerly deliberately planted or near routes leading to such areas. All of the analysed woody plants can be the source of ecological threat and should be actively removed. Interestingly, regarding herbaceous plants, the species which according to literature are not a threat to untransformed habitats – Juncus tenuis and Oxalis fontana – were noted quite commonly. Their populations should be monitored. The populations of Impatiens parviflora, classified to the IV class of invasiveness and Conyza canadensis, which can invade sand dunes, should be destroyed as soon as possible till they occupy small areas

    Emotional Burden and Perceived Social Support in Male Partners of Women with Cancer

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    Background: The aim of this study was to describe the correlations between the psychosocial burden on male caregivers and their perception of social support, as well as distress, anxiety, and depression among their partners in the first six months after a cancer diagnosis. Methods: A cross-sectional, longitudinal and observational study was conducted on a group of 61 couples, with the use of Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI), Caregiver Burden Scale (CBS), Berlín Social Support Scales (BSSS), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and Distress Thermometer (DT). Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica v.13. Results: A strong positive correlation between the ZBI and CBS, as well as between support-seeking and the emotional involvement of male partners, was documented. The negative correlation between the lack of instrumental support and a much greater burden on caregivers, in emotional, social, and family life was documented. The level of distress, anxiety, and depression, as well as family problems reported by female patients, were positively correlated with the male caregiver′s burden. A demographic analysis showed significant relationships between the number of offspring and the negative health indicators of patients and their partners. Implications: The obtained results encourage deeper reflection on the need to improve the availability of instrumental support for male caregivers and support for families with an oncological ill parent in caring for minor children, and to maintain the social activity of the caregiver

    Etiology and diagnosis of dentine hypersensitivity – a literature review

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    Along with caries dentine hypersensitivity is a frequent ailment, which makes patients see the dentist. They are forced to do it because of sharp, shooting pain of mild or moderate intensity, which appears as a result of thermal, chemical, dehydrative, osmotic or mechanical stimuli. The study is based on the latest literature and it presents the causes and diagnostics of dentine hypersensitivity. The ailment has a multi-factor aetiology. Patients suffering from periodontal diseases are particularly predisposed to dentine hypersensitivity. The diagnostics of the ailment uses both the patient’s subjective feelings in response to stimuli and clinical examination with the application of objective methods. In order to develop a full therapy plan it is necessary to make an appropriate diagnosis and specify aetiological factors

    Use of complementary and alternative medicine among Polish cancer patients

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    Introduction. The aim of this prospective study was to estimate the perception and popularity of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) subtypes and the reasons for usage among adult Polish cancer patients. Material and methods. The validated questionnaire was conducted among 310 patients. 24.1% of the patients used CAM during their oncological treatment. Risk factors for CAM usage were: female gender, university degree and radical treatment. The most common reasons for CAM usage were: boosting the immune system (46.1%), improving well-being/ counteracting the ill effects of cancer and its treatment (40.8%). The average level of satisfaction with CAM was high (≥3/5 on a Likert scale). Nearly half of the patients (46.6%) admitted not informing their doctors about their CAM usage. Conclusions. The growing popularity and heterogeneity of CAM methods make it an important issue for patient–doctor relations in Poland and other Central European countries. The results of this study indicate what topics should be covered while introducing patient education programs

    Drafts From Sociology of Design. Introduction to Discussion

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperThe following publication is a collection of texts on the contemporary meaning of design, the changing in roles of designers and cultural and social expectations described in the broad cognitive perspective. Although this topic raised in the field of sociology quite recently, the complexity of the phenomenon, its manifestations, forms and ways of preventing provoked the debate on the field. Hence, presented volume is prepared by the researchers, whose interests have been provoked by needs of sociological inclusion in the debate in the area dominated so far by theorists and practitioners from the field of art and related disciplines. Through the publication of this book we would like to explore the area associated with the use and perception of design in a broader social context and try to find the answers for few questions: • What is the role or roles for design in modern society? • How design can be use in solving problems connected with social and cultural changes? • What are the examples of the application of design in processes of social and cultural change? • What are the boundaries of socially responsible design? • How to involve society in the process of socially responsible design

    Relationship between stereoscopic vision, visual perception, and microstructure changes of corpus callosum and occipital white matter in the 4-year-old very low birth weight children

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    Aim. To assess the relationship between stereoscopic vision, visual perception, and microstructure of the corpus callosum (CC) and occipital white matter, 61 children born with a mean birth weight of 1024 g (SD 270 g) were subjected to detailed ophthalmologic evaluation, Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-3), and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) at the age of 4. Results. Abnormal stereoscopic vision was detected in 16 children. Children with abnormal stereoscopic vision had smaller CC (CC length: 53±6 mm versus 61±4 mm; p<0.01; estimated CC area: 314±106 mm2 versus 446±79 mm2; p<0.01) and lower fractional anisotropy (FA) values in CC (FA value of rostrum/genu: 0.7±0.09 versus 0.79±0.07; p<0.01; FA value of CC body: 0.74±0.13 versus 0.82±0.09; p=0.03). We found a significant correlation between DTVP-3 scores, CC size, and FA values in rostrum and body. This correlation was unrelated to retinopathy of prematurity. Conclusions. Visual perceptive dysfunction in ex-preterm children without major sequelae of prematurity depends on more subtle changes in the brain microstructure, including CC. Role of interhemispheric connections in visual perception might be more complex than previously anticipated