854 research outputs found

    The Wage Curve in Chile

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    This paper analyses the relationship between an individual’s wage and unemployment in her region and industrial sector —the Wage Curve— in Chile from the 1990s onwards. It uses a host of national survey evidence, including the CASEN (Encuesta de Caracterización Socieconómica Nacional) and ESI (Encuesta Suplementaria de Ingreso) surveys. The evidence clearly points to the existence of a Wage Curve in Chile. The coefficient that relates individual wage with local unemployment rate is –0.04, and –0.13 in the case of the sectoral unemployment rate, both similar to those found in studies for other economies. Moreover, after 1999 the responsiveness of wages to local/sectoral unemployment rates seems to have increased.

    The planetary nebula IC 4776 and its post-common-envelope binary central star

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    We present a detailed analysis of IC 4776, a planetary nebula displaying a morphology believed to be typical of central star binarity. The nebula is shown to comprise a compact hourglass-shaped central region and a pair of precessing jet-like structures. Time-resolved spectroscopy of its central star reveals periodic radial velocity variability consistent with a binary system. While the data are insufficient to accurately determine the parameters of the binary, the most likely solutions indicate that the secondary is probably a low-mass main sequence star. An empirical analysis of the chemical abundances in IC 4776 indicates that the common-envelope phase may have cut short the AGB evolution of the progenitor. Abundances calculated from recombination lines are found to be discrepant by a factor of approximately two relative to those calculated using collisionally excited lines, suggesting a possible correlation between low abundance discrepancy factors and intermediate-period post-common-envelope central stars and/or Wolf-Rayet central stars. The detection of a radial velocity variability associated with binarity in the central star of IC 4776 may be indicative of a significant population of (intermediate-period) post-common-envelope binary central stars which would be undetected by classic photometric monitoring techniques.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA


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    Reporte del Proyecto de Aplicación Profesional realizado en Intel, empresa centrada en el desarrollo de software y hardware. El proyecto en el que se colaboró tuvo como objetivo lanzar al mercado diversas herramientas usadas para el debugeo de procesadores, previamente probadas en equipo interno. Con el trabajo realizado en este proyecto se adquirieron diferentes habilidades de validación de software, en específico de interfaces GUI’s mediante pruebas manuales; se trabajó en el desarrollo de pruebas automatizadas, en el mapeo de los objetos en las interfaces y en la codificación de funciones para el desarrollo de los casos de las pruebas automatizadas

    Más allá de los métodos: las prácticas docentes para enseñar a leer y escribir (Proyecto APILE. Primeras conclusiones)

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    En el Proyecto APILE partimos de dos hechos. El primero se refiere al conocimiento que los niños pequeños poseen sobre la lengua escrita. Antes de la enseñanza formal (en este caso antes de los 5 años). El segundo hecho atañe a la diversidad de las prácticas docentes. Ambos constituyen los ejes de la investigación. En este primer informe señalamos los objetivos y fases del Proyecto, y los resultados obtenidos en la primera fase de su desarrollo. El objetivo general de nuestro trabajo es determinar la naturaleza de la relación entre el conocimiento que los niños traen consigo, las prácticas pedagógicas que encuentran en la escuela y el aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura. Para alcanzar este objetivo general procederemos en tres fases. En la primera, ya concluida y de la que damos cuenta en este documento, nos centramos en identificar las prácticas docentes que encontramos en nuestro entorno. Para ello recogimos información sistemática y fiable sobre la diversidad de prácticas vigentes en diferentes regiones geográficas de España, para obtener una caracterización detallada de los tipos de prácticas utilizadas en las aulas en la enseñanza de la lectura y la escritura.In the APILE project we start with two facts. The first refers to the knowledge that young children have about the written language. Before formal learning (in this case before 5 years). The second fact concerns the diversity of teaching practices. Both are the axes of research. In this first report we noted the objectives and phases of the project, and the results obtained in the first phase of its development. The overall objective of our work is to determine the nature of the relationship between knowledge that children bring with them, teaching practices that are in school and learning of reading and writing. To achieve this overall objective will proceed in three phases. In the first, already completed and we report in this paper, we focus on identifying teaching practices we found in our environment. So we collected systematic and reliable information on the diversity of practices in force in different geographic regions of Spain, for a detailed characterization of the types of practices used in classrooms in teaching reading and writing.Esta comunicación da cuenta de los aspectos más relevantes del trabajo que estamos realizando dentro del Proyecto APILE sobre Las condiciones del aprendizaje inicial de la lengua escrita: influencia de las prácticas vigentes en el aula y de los conocimientos previos de los alumno

    Effects of a glycogenic additive on intake, daily gain, and blood metabolites in weaned horses

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    The objective of this experiment was to evaluate a glycogenic feed additive in terms of performance and response in blood metabolites in weaned horses. Twenty weaned horses of the Unidad de Policía Montada Metropolitana del Ministerio de Seguridad Pública del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México, México, were randomly assigned to two treatment groups: control or an oral dose of the glycogenic additive (10 g/d). The additive was based on propylene glycol and Na/Ca propionate and was supplied for 30 days. Data were tested for normality and initial weight was used as a covariate for analyzing the average daily gain (ADG). The ADG was negatively affected (P < 0.01) by the glycogenic compound (0.468 vs. 0.517 kg), while there were no significant differences (P > 0.10) in blood glucose, globulins, total glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, creatinine or urea in horses from either treatment group. It was concluded that the glucogenic additive, based on propylene glycol and Na/Ca propionate, negatively affected the performance of the horses. Therefore, administration of the additive is not recommended in weaned horses. Highlights From: Use of glycogenic additive in weaned horses. In weaned horses they did not show changes in blood metabolites with the use of a glycogenic additive. Glycogenic additive, did not increase weight change in weaned horses. The supplementation of a glycogenic additive negatively affected the productive performance (ADG) in weaned horses.The objective of this experiment was to evaluate a glycogenic feed additive in terms of performance and response in blood metabolites in weaned horses. Twenty weaned horses of the Unidad de Policía Montada Metropolitana del Ministerio de Seguridad Pública del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México, México, were randomly assigned to two treatment groups: control or an oral dose of the glycogenic additive (10 g/d). The additive was based on propylene glycol and Na/Ca propionate and was supplied for 30 days. Data were tested for normality and initial weight was used as a covariate for analyzing the average daily gain (ADG). The ADG was negatively affected (P < 0.01) by the glycogenic compound (0.468 vs. 0.517 kg), while there were no significant differences (P > 0.10) in blood glucose, globulins, total glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, creatinine or urea in horses from either treatment group. It was concluded that the glucogenic additive, based on propylene glycol and Na/Ca propionate, negatively affected the performance of the horses. Therefore, administration of the additive is not recommended in weaned horses. Highlights From: Use of glycogenic additive in weaned horses. In weaned horses they did not show changes in blood metabolites with the use of a glycogenic additive. Glycogenic additive, did not increase weight change in weaned horses. The supplementation of a glycogenic additive negatively affected the productive performance (ADG) in weaned horses

    Costes compartidos en prestaciones farmacéuticas y equidad financiera en las comunidades autónomas

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    Este trabajo analiza los efectos de los costes compartidos en medicamentos sobre la equidad financiera del sistema español de salud, atendiendo al reparto de las cargas financieras entre los hogares, en las distintas comunidades autónomas. Se contrasta empíricamente la compatibilidad del copago farmacéutico con el objetivo de justicia financiera, según la definición de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Para ello, se contemplan dos escenarios alternativos. Los resultados muestran que la contribución a la financiación de la sanidad a través de costes farmacéuticos compartidos no se distribuye equitativamente respecto a la capacidad de pago de los hogares, tanto a nivel nacional como en las CCAA. Esto es así antes y después de la entrada en funcionamiento del nuevo sistema de financiación del gasto farmacéutico. La principal consecuencia es que los hogares con menor capacidad de pago quedan expuestos a una mayor pérdida de bienestar al tener que incurrir en estos pagos directos

    Intelligent VR-AR for Natural Disasters Management

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    Considering the significance of improving natural disasters emergency management and recognizing that catastrophe scenes are almost impossible to reconstruct in real life, forcing persons to experience real hazards violates both law and morality, in this research is presented an engine for Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality (VR/AR) that works enhancing human capacities for prevention, response and recovery of natural phenomena effects. The selected novel techniques have very advantageous qualities to overcome the inconveniences detected in the most recent seismic devastating experience in Mexico City, the Sept 19th, 2017, earthquake M7.2: total collapse of more than 230 buildings, partial fall of 7 000 houses, 370 people were killed, and over 6,000 were injured. VR and AR provide researchers, government authorities and rescue teams with tools for recreating the emergencies entirely through computer-generated signals of sight, sound, and touch, when using VR, and overlays of sensory signals for experiences a rich juxtaposition of virtual and real worlds simultaneously, when AR is applied. The gap between knowledge and action is filled with visual, aural, and kinesthetic immersive experiences that poses a possibility to attend to the population in danger in a deeply efficient way, never experimented before

    Tensiones y paradojas en la materialización de las políticas sociales y de salud en Argentina (2004 - 2014): Una perspectiva feminista

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    En este artículo compartimos algunosanálisis trabajados en torno a las políticassociales en Argentina, desde una lecturafeminista. En el año 2004, la gestiónkirchnerista introdujo una reforma de lapolítica social basada en un enfoque dederechos y crítica de la lógica neoliberal,donde los subsidios son recibidos yadministrados por mujeres, lo cual refuerzala división sexual del trabajo. En este escritoabordaremos el modo en que se han idomaterializando las políticas sociales a partirde dicha reforma, para mostrar cómo estaredefinición creó un cruce singular entre laciudadanización de las mujeres (a través dela retórica de derechos y de los componentesde género en la política social) y las efectivasintervenciones, atravesadas por contradicciones,que profundizan la fragmentariedadentre medidas de distribución yreconocimiento en el Estado.This article seeks to share the analyses that we have carried out, from a feminist perspective, around social policies recently implemented in Argentina. In 2004, the Kirchner administration introduced a social policy reform based on a rights approach and critical of neoliberal rationality. In this scenario, subsidies are received and administered by women, a move that reinforces the sexual division of labor. Our analysis focuses on the actual implementation of policies, showing how this redefinition has created a peculiar junction between bestowing democracy over women (through a rights rhetoric and the gender components in social policy) and the effective interventions, infused with contradictions that deepen the fragmentation between distribution and recognition within State actions.Fil: Anzorena, Claudia Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Yañez, Sabrina Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: García Ortíz, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Carrera de Trabajo Social; ArgentinaFil: Serú, Paulina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Carrera de Sociología; Argentin

    “Clac” Mobiliario para la resignificación del consumo

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    La problemática ambiental que actualmente sufre nuestro planeta requiere de acciones contundentes e inmediatas para garantizar la supervivencia de la especie humana en un futuro no muy lejano. Sin embargo, nuestra sociedad no se concibe a sí misma como un actor principal en la lucha contra el deterioro ambiental desde su concepción de individualidad (individuos), sino que se reduce a culpar a los organismos gubernamentales y grandes empresas fabricantes a nivel mundial. Esta tesis pretende, desde el Diseño Industrial y la Comunicación Social enfocada en la Publicidad, crear un producto que les permita a sus usuarios resignificar el consumo (actividad contaminante desde la individualidad), para lograr favorecer el estado de nuestro planeta desde el aporte personal, en un contexto que todos como individuos frecuentamos: el espacio doméstico.The environmental problems that our planet is currently facing require decisive and immediate actions to guarantee the survival of the human species in the not too distant future. However, our society does not think of itself as a major player in the fight against environmental deterioration from its conception of individuality (individuals), but rather it is reduced to blaming governments and large manufacturing companies worldwide. This thesis aims, from the Industrial Design and Social Communication focused on Advertisement, to create a product that allows users to resignify consumption ( personal polluting activity), to favor the state of our planet from the personal contribution, in a context that everyone as an individual finds itself: the domestic space.Diseñador (a) IndustrialDiseñador (a) IndustrialPregradoPregrad