5,239 research outputs found

    A new species group of the genus Epicauta Dejean of Southern South America, the bella group (Coleoptera: Meloidae)

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    Epicauta (Coleoptera: Meloideae) includes two subgenera, and within the nominotypical subgenus several species groups. Analyzing species of southern South America, a set of species of Epicauta has the particularity to present two distinctive characters which separates this group from the other species groups of American Epicauta: color pattern of pubescence in elytra is not coincident with color pattern of tegument and endophalic hook robust. Based on these characters I propose a new group of species herein named bella group. This group includes the Neotropical species Epicauta bella Mäklin, E. brunneipennis (Haag-Rutemberg), E. diagramma (Burmeister), E. griseonigra (Fairmaire), E. luctifera (Fairmaire), E. riojana (Fairmaire) (New status), and E. zebra (Dohrn). This group is endemic of southern South America, inhabiting the Chaco biogeographical subregion, mainly in the arid northern areas of Argentina. Here we redefine the species of the bella group, consider new characters, illustrate the species in the group, provide maps of their distribution, and a key to identify them.Fil: Campos Soldini, Maria Paula. Provincia de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción; Argentin

    M+D: conceptual guidelines for compiling a materials library

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    This article proposes to present a study conducted by the Raw Materials research group, the results of which comprise the conceptual guidelines for compiling an M+D material library. The study includes the topic, materials and design taking the impact of the changes that came into being in the post industrial era on project methodologies and the search for information regarding materials. Taking into account the importance and complexity that these relationships have taken on currently, we have studied the issue of materials based on Manzini (1983) and Ashby and Johnson (2002). Afterward different databases and materials libraries located in the Brazil, the United States, France and Italy geared toward design professionals and students were analyzed to understand what information and means of access to them were available. The project methodologies were approached based on Löbach (1991), Bürdeck (1994), Schulmann (1994), Baxter (1998), Dantas (1998 and 2005) and Papanek (1995 and 2000). This study sought to identify the key elements of the role of materials in the project process today, to serve as a parameter for the analysis of the models studied. A comparative analysis of the models investigated enabled identification of positive and negative aspects to adapt to the needs previously mentioned and identify conceptual guidelines for compiling a collection of materials for use in design projects. Keywords: Design, Materials, Project Methodology, Library</p

    “A Goodbye Lightly Said” : A Critical Approach to Roland Leighton´s Poetry

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    The present MA dissertation aims at exploring and vindicating the figure and work of a talented British young man, the poet and soldier Roland Aubrey Leighton, who died of wounds at the age of twenty in the First World War. This project has four main parts. The first one consists of an Introduction to the most relevant features of the Public School System at the beginning of 20th century England, before and during the Great War. Its idealised values of manliness and heroism are studied for an understanding of the direct effect they had on young boys of the poet´s generation. This part also includes an introductory section on Roland Leighton´s life: the Leighton´s household at London and Lowestoft, Roland´s academic background at Uppingham´s Public School, as well as his relationship with Vera Brittain and his own experiences during the war at the Western Front in France. In the second part of the essay, Roland Leighton´s poetry is examined in depth. From his early poems written when he was still at school, some of them published at Uppingham´s The School Magazine, to his love poems to Vera and the ones he wrote at the front, to poetic fragments. This analysis is, therefore, divided into the following sections: “Juvenilia”, “Love & War Poems” and “Fragmentary Poems & Vale”. This critical approach especially takes into account some of his own personal thoughts as made manifest in his correspondence with Vera, family and friends, as well as his readings and some of Roland´s other Uppingham´s writings. The next and third part of the study is the Conclusion, that aims to sum up the most characteristic features that were found in Roland´s poetry: contemplation, the sense of the pictorial, nature as an escape from reality, the coexistence of the romantic tradition and a modernist attraction to the sensorial, the tendency to a dialogical form, aesthetic realism, etc. On the other hand, some of Roland´s literary influences are addressed: from Greek and Latin classics, to English Romanticism or a novelist such as Olive Schreiner and such diverse poets as Henry Newbolt, W.E.Henley, Paul Verlaine or Leighton´s contemporary and well-known war poet, Rupert Brooke. The last part of the project consists of an Appendix with my translations of Roland´s poems into Spanish. It is presented in a bilingual version and is preceeded by a translator´s note. This last part of the essay is followed by a selection of some reproductions of manuscripts and photographs to illustrate Roland´s work and life, and aims at adding a visual counterpart, which will contribute to a more complete perspective on the poet.A presente dissertação de Mestrado visa explorar e validar a figura e a obra de um jovem britânico talentoso, o poeta e soldado Roland Aubrey Leighton, que morreu de ferimentos na Primeira Guerra Mundial, aos vinte anos. Este projeto contempla quatro partes principais. A primeira consiste numa Introdução às características mais relevantes do sistema das Public Schools na Inglaterra do início do séc. XX, antes e durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial. Observámos o fenómeno da idealização dos valores da virilidade e do heroísmo de modo a compreender os efeitos que produziram nos jovens da geração do poeta. Esta parte inclui também uma secção introdutória sobre a vida de Roland Leighton: o contexto familiar dos Leighton em Londres e em Lowestoft, a formação académica de Roland na Public School de Uppingham, bem como a sua relação com Vera Brittain e as posteriores experiências durante a guerra, na Frente Ocidental em França. A segunda parte deste trabalho explora em profundidade a poesia de Roland Leighton: desde os poemas escritos quando ainda se encontrava em Uppingham (alguns dos quais publicados em The School Magazine de Uppingham), aos poemas de amor dedicados a Vera, aos escritos durante a guerra e até aos fragmentos de poemas que deixou. Por isso, esta secção divide-se nas seguintes subpartes: “Juvenília”, “Poemas de amor e de guerra” e “Vale e outros fragmentos”. A abordagem crítica toma em consideração pensamentos do poeta, tais como se manifestam na correspondência trocada com Vera, com a família e com os amigos, e ainda contempla as suas leituras e alguns dos escritos não-poéticos produzidos em Uppingham. A parte seguinte deste estudo corresponde à Conclusão que visa resumir as características mais marcantes encontradas na poesia de Leighton: contemplação, o sentido do pictórico, a natureza como escape à realidade, a coexistência da tradição romântica e da atracção modernista pelo sensorial, a tendência para uma estrutura dialógica, realismo estético, etc. Por outro lado, consideram-se ainda algumas das influências literárias sofridas pelo poeta: dos clássicos greco-romanos ao Romantismo inglês ou a romancistas como Olive Schreiner, a poetas tão diversos como Henry Newbolt, W.E.Henley, Paul Verlaine ou o contemporâneo de Leighton, o famoso poeta da guerra, Rupert Brooke. A parte final do projecto consiste num anexo com as minhas traduções para castelhano dos poemas de Roland Leighton, apresentados em versão bilingue. Esta parte final é precedida duma nota da tradutora. Além disso, segue-se uma selecção de reproduções de alguns manuscritos e fotografias, visando ilustrar a vida e a obra do poeta, por meio de documentação visual que se espera contribua para dar do jovem autor uma perspectiva mais completa

    Hors de l’ombre : la violence à l’égard des femmes et filles en situation de handicap au Portugal

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    To live a life free from abuse and violence is a fundamental human right. Yet for many girls and women with disabilities, this remains a difficult goal to achieve. This paper examines the issue of violence against girls and women with disabilities in Portugal, by addressing three key questions: what forms of violence against girls and women with disabilities are more prevalent? How significant is the issue in Portugal? How to ensure the right of girls and women with disabilities to protection against violence? Drawing from 60 semi-structured interviews with women and men with various types of disabilities, the study reveals a high prevalence of situations of abuse among girls and women with disabilities including psychological, physical, sexual, financial and social violence. Results are discussed in light of human rights principles and suggestions are made to develop a research agenda and continue exploring the topic in the near future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From Rights to Reality: Of Crisis, Coalitions, and the Challenge of Implementing Disability Rights in Portugal

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    Applying a political economy lens, this article examines the impact of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), within a political context marked by crisis and austerity. Taking the case of Portugal, a country that faced a financial crisis and underwent an austerity plan, the article seeks to understand the impact of the CRPD at domestic level. What has changed, what has remained the same and what has deteriorated? And how has the disability movement responded and resisted to the crisis? This article addresses these questions and discusses the challenges of implementing disability rights in times of ‘enduring’ austerity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Epicauta (Coleóptera: Meloidae) depositados en la colección entomológica del Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales Florentino Ameghino de la provincia de Santa Fe

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    El presente trabajo provee información acerca del material de Epicauta Dejean 1834 (Coleoptera: Meloidae) que se encuentra depositado en la colección Entomológica del área de Zoología de Invertebrados del Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales Florentino Ameghino, Santa Fe, Argentina. Los ejemplares examinados corresponden a las especies descriptas por Berg (1881), Borchmann (1930), Burmeister (1881), Denier (1935), Fischer (1827), Germar (1821), Haag-Rutemberg (1880) y Hug (1825). Se examinaron más de 200 ejemplares que corresponden a 10 especies: E. adspersa (Klug, 1825); E. atomaria (Germar, 1821); E. bosqi Denier, 1935; E. brunneipennis (Haag-Rutemberg, 1880); E. clericalis (Berg, 1881); E. fulvicoarnis (Burmeister, 1881); E. grammica (Fischer, 1827); E. langei Borchmann, 1930; E. leopardina (Haag-Rutember, 1880); E. monachica (Berg, 1883), la gran mayoría están pertenecen en la artropofauna de la provincia de Santa Fe; además la colección se encuentra enriquecida con materiales de otras provincias como: Catamarca, Córdoba, Neuquén, y Santiago del Estero. Para cada especie se provee la siguiente información: nombre original y válido, lista sinonímica completa, referencia bibliográfica, ubicación del material tipo en caso que se conozca la información, lista de los ejemplares de la especie con el número de registro con el que se identifica a los ejemplares del Museo, lugar y fecha de colección, el nombre del colector si se encuentra etiquetado y número de ejemplares; como información adicional se incorpora los datos sobre la planta huésped. Los datos confusos o incompletos no se incluyen en el listado.Fil: Campos Soldini, Maria Paula. Provincia de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción; Argentin

    Avaliação e gestão do desempenhos dos professores

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    Tese de dout., Psicologia, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2005A escola é das únicas organizações onde a competência e a incompetência não se distinguem, onde não existem planos de carreira diferenciadores do desempenho e onde todos sem excepção, com ou sem excelência na sua prática profissional, atingem níveis superiores pelos anos de serviço. Tomando os modelos das organizações como referencial conceptual e prático para a gestão escolar, o presente estudo efectuado numa comunidade educativa do ensino privado, tem como objectivo desenvolver um modelo de avaliação do desempenho dos professores, enquadrado num modelo de gestão do desempenho. Assim, o desenvolvimento de uma cultura de avaliação, a formação dos professores e de todos os intervenientes neste processo e o desenvolvimento de ferramentas de avaliação do desempenho, a partir da realidade concreta desta escola, foram algumas das estratégias utilizadas no modelo de avaliação 360º desenvolvido e implementado. Os resultados da avaliação do desempenho dos professores desta escola, reflectiram a gestão do seu desempenho, ou seja, o modo como o professor interage com os alunos, a percepção que os alunos e a direcção têm dessa interacção e a forma como o professor se implica nos projectos da escola, com vista ao desenvolvimento de um modelo de gestão de carreiras, promotor do desenvolvimento e da diferenciação

    Primary myelofibrosis: current therapeutic options

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    AbstractPrimary myelofibrosis is a Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasm characterized by clonal myeloid expansion, followed by progressive fibrous connective tissue deposition in the bone marrow, resulting in bone marrow failure. Clonal evolution can also occur, with an increased risk of transformation to acute myeloid leukemia. In addition, disabling constitutional symptoms secondary to the high circulating levels of proinflammatory cytokines and hepatosplenomegaly frequently impair quality of life. Herein the main current treatment options for primary myelofibrosis patients are discussed, contemplating disease-modifying therapeutics in addition to palliative measures, in an individualized patient-based approach

    The metropolises of the interior of northeastern Brazil : characterizing a regional metropolitan type

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar como as configurações dão suporte à constituição do que se denominou Regiões Metropolitanas no Interior do Nordeste (RMINEs), buscando a caracterização de um tipo metropolitano regional. Nas últimas décadas, a urbanização cresceu nas cidades médias e nas franjas perimetropolitanas, convertendo esses territórios em polos de atração de migrações internas e inter-regionais. A pesquisa abrange as RMINEs com mais de 500.000 habitantes com indícios de conurbação física. Tais áreas são caracterizadas por seu estágio intermediário de metropolização em relação às grandes metrópoles nacionais, congregando equipamentos, serviços e empregos que atendem a uma escala regional e que, portanto, representam uma dominância socioeconômica e funcional dessas cidades-sede sobre suas hinterlândias.The objective of this work is to present how configurational properties support the constitution of what is called Metropolitan Regions in the Interior of Northeastern Brazil (RMINEs), in an attempt to characterize a regional metropolitan type. In recent decades, urbanization has grown in medium-sized cities and perimetropolitan fringes, converting these territories into poles of attraction of internal and inter-regional migrations. The study covers RMINEs with more than 500,000 inhabitants and signs of physical conurbation. These areas are characterized by their intermediary stage of metropolization in relation to large national metropolises, bringing together equipment, services and jobs that serve a regional scale and, therefore, represent a socioeconomic and functional dominance of these cities over their hinterland regions