536 research outputs found
Valoração econômica da Gruta do Maquiné em Cordisburgo - MG
The Maquiné Cavern is a natural resource system located at Cordisburgo, MG. It was built by nature in the last few thousand years. It’s a source of knowledge to researchers and income to local people. Therefore, it’s very important to preserve it. Visitors’ characteristics and econometric estimation of demand systems are key information which may be important to resource management decisions. Our objective was to find the economic value of the Maquiné Cavern. The analytical procedure was the Travel Cost method. Data were obtained by interviews. Results showed that most visitors have high educational levels and generally do not travel alone and visit Maquiné Cavern for the first time. The average willingness to pay for visits to the Maquiné Cavern, in each county, is R 12.688,32. That estimated values do not show the real willingness to pay by individual for Maquiné Cavern visits since use values represent a small part of total economic value of this natural resource. However, estimated values an important to public policy and local conservation projects.Maquiné cavern, Environmental valuation, Willingness-to-pay, Environmental Economics and Policy,
Different infective forms trigger distinct immune response in experimental Chagas disease.
Although metacyclic and blood trypomastigotes are completely functional in relation to parasite-host interaction and/or target cell invasion, they differ in the molecules present on the surface. Thus, aspects related to the variability that the forms of T. cruzi interacts with host cells may lead to fundamental implications on the immune response against this parasite and, consequently, the clinical evolution of Chagas disease. We have shown that BT infected mice presented higher levels of parasitemia during all the acute phase of infection. Moreover, the infection with either MT or BT forms resulted in increased levels of total leukocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes, specifically later for MT and earlier for BT. The infection with BT forms presented earlier production of proinflammatory cytokine TNF-α and later of IFN-γ by both T cells subpopulations. This event was accompanied by an early cardiac inflammation with an exacerbation of this process at the end of the acute phase. On the other hand, infection with MT forms result in an early production of IFN-γ, with subsequent control in the production of this cytokine by IL-10, which provided to these animals an immunomodulatory profile in the end of the acute phase. These results are in agreement with what was found for cardiac inflammation where animals infected with MT forms showed intense cardiac inflammation later at infection, with a decrease in the same at the end of this phase. In summary, our findings emphasize the importance of taking into account the inoculums source of T. cruzi, since vectorial or transfusional routes of T. cruzi infection may trigger distinct parasite-host interactions during the acute phase that may influence relevant biological aspects of chronic Chagas disease
The teaching practice in emergency remote teaching has found several challenges. The biggest one is developing engaging digital teaching materials, which call students' attention and interests to solve the activities. Noticing this gap in our practice, we developed a proposal of gamified digital teaching material using the Google classroom platform to students from 5th grade, that are taking Portuguese classes in elementary school. The material aims at offering reading and writing activities by exploring fairy tales, and gamification strategies to improve the students' argumentative competencies, as well as their creativity to produce and to retell stories. Based on previous studies, we understand that purpose of gamification is to get the individual emotionally involved, using games mechanics in favor of promoting the learner's commitment and solving the proposed challenges. In this report, we present examples of activities designed for teaching material, using gamification strategies and reporting the challenges in the teacher´s practice related to this process to elaborate a material that calls students' attention, motivates to read and write, as well as promotes learning, collaboration, interaction, and cooperation.A prática de ensino na modalidade remota tem passado por vários desafios. O maior deles é como elaborar material didático engajador que desperte o interesse dos estudantes pelas atividades de estudo. Percebendo essa lacuna, a partir da nossa prática, desenvolvemos uma proposta de material didático gamificado na plataforma Google Classroom para estudantes do 5° ano do Ensino Fundamental I, para uso em aulas de língua portuguesa. O material visa promover atividades de leitura e de escrita, com objetivo despertar o interesse e o prazer pela leitura, por meio da leitura e produção de conto de fadas, usando as estratégias de gamificação para que os alunos desenvolvam competências argumentativas e criatividade para produzir textos, contar e recontar histórias. Com base em estudos prévios, entendemos que o objetivo da gamificação é fazer com que o indivíduo se envolva emocionalmente, utilizando mecanismos provenientes de jogos, e beneficiando-se pela criação de um ambiente propício ao comprometimento do indivíduo na resolução dos problemas propostos. Neste artigo apresentamos exemplos de atividades elaboradas para uma didática, usando as estratégias de gamificação, e reportamos os desafios na prática docente que envolveram o processo de desenvolvimento, para elaborar um material que desperte o interesse, a motivação e incentive a leitura e a escrita, consequentemente, proporcione a aprendizagem dos estudantes, visando colaboração, interação e cooperação
Representações sociais de universitários brasileiros sobre as influências na adesão ao isolamento-distanciamento social durante a pandemia de COVID-19
Objective: This study's objective was to know Brazilian university students' social representations regarding the influences on adherence to distancing-social isolation during the new coronavirus pandemic. Methods: The research design of this study was qualitative research, guided by the Theory of Social Representations. The students were selected by convenience by the “snowball” sampling method. The environment for access and invitation to participants consisted of groups on social media. Data were collected through an electronic questionnaire prepared by the authors using the Google Forms platform. For analysis, content analysis was used with the aid of the IraMuTeQ software. Results: Seven hundred and ninety-eight Brazilian university students participated, with a mean age of 23.59 years; 71.7% of respondents were female, 28.1% were male, and 0.3% were intersex. As a result, four classes were obtained, organized into two categories, entitled “Reproducing the voice of science: Scientific knowledge as a determinant of conduct” and “Life at home: Risk and fear in everyday life”. Conclusions: It appears that the participants structure their representations based on scientific recommendations and assume the position of reproducing the hegemonic discourse on distancing/social isolation; however, the symbolic elaboration process is marked by the fear of infecting close people and the desire to protect them.Objetivo: O estudo em causa teve como objetivo conhecer as representações sociais de universitários brasileiros sobre as influências na adesão ao distanciamento/isolamento social durante a pandemia pelo novo coronavírus. Métodos: Tratou-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, orientada pela Teoria das Representações Sociais. Os estudantes foram selecionados por conveniência pelo método de amostragem em “bola de neve” em grupos de redes sociais. Os dados foram recolhidos por meio de um questionário eletrônico, elaborado pelos autores, via formulário digital na plataforma Google Forms. Para análise, utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo com o auxílio do software IraMuTeQ. Resultados: Participaram 798 universitários brasileiros, com média de idade igual a 23,59 anos; 71,7% dos respondentes eram do sexo feminino, 28,1% do sexo masculino e 0,3% eram intersexo. Como resultado, obteve-se quatro classes, organizadas em duas categorias, intituladas “Reproduzir a voz da ciência: o conhecimento científico como determinante de condutas” e “A vida em casa: o risco e o medo no quotidiano”. Conclusões: Depreende-se que os participantes estruturam as suas representações a partir das recomendações científicas e assumem a posição de reprodutores do discurso hegemônico sobre o isolamento/distanciamento social. Contudo, o processo de elaboração simbólica é marcado pelo medo de infetar as pessoas próximas e o desejo de protegê-las
Influência do tipo de vestimenta na formação de primeiras impressões e na reação à proximidade de um estranho
The present research was carried on aiming to teste theinfluence of type of clothing on formation of first impressions and on thereaction to a stranger in a field study. In study 1, 120 undergraduatestudents (60 male and 60 female) judged one photograph of a male or of afemale stimulus person, well dressed or poorly dressed. The resultsobtained indicated that stimulus persons were more favorably perceived when well dressed. Clothing was important in person perception,especially when the subject was a male and the stimulus person, afemale. In study 2, 160 pedestrians (80 male and 80 female) were askedabout the location of a nearby public park by a female or a maleconfederate, well dressed or poorly dressed. The female confederatereceived longer information and more smiling than the male confederate,regardless of subjects' gender. In the field study, the confederates'clothing had no effect on subjects' behavior.A presente pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de testar a influência do tipo de vestimenta na formação de primeiras impressões e na reação a um estranho, num estudo de campo. No estudo 1, 120 estudantes universitários (60 homens e 60 mulheres) avaliaram uma fotografia de um modelo do sexo masculino ou do sexo feminino, bem vestido ou mal vestido. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o modelo foi percebido de forma mais favorável quando estava bem vestido. O tipo de vestimenta foi uma variável importante, especialmente quando o sujeito era homem e o modelo era mulher. No estudo 2, 160 pessoas (80 homens e 80 mulheres), transeuntes de uma movimentada avenida, foram solicitadas a dar uma informação sobre a localização de um parque próximo, por um confederado de sexo masculino ou feminino, bem vestido ou mal vestido. A mulher recebeu informações mais longas e maior número de sorrisos que o homem, independentemente do sexo dos sujeitos. O tipo de vestimenta não afetou o comportamento dos sujeitos no estudo de campo
BRSMG Uai: common bean cultivar with carioca grain type and upright plant architecture
The common bean cultivar with carioca grain type, BRSMG Uai, is
recommended for cultivation in Minas Gerais and stands out for its upright plant architecture, which facilitates cultivation and mechanical harvesting. This cultivar has high yield potential and is resistant to the major races of anthracnose that occur in region
Agronomic features of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) cv. Roxo under irrigation
This study aimed to evaluate how different irrigation water depths influence the agronomical features of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) cv. Roxo. Grass was cultivated in a pasture belonging to the Bovine Sector of the National Agrotechnical School of Caceres – MT. The experiment was a block design with five treatments and four repetitions. Treatments consisted of five water depths: 0 = 0% of available water (AW), 1 = 21% of AW, 2 = 34% of AW, 3 = 74% of AW, and 5 = 100% of AW. Evaluated features were production (dry matter ha-1), plant height, leaf/steam ratio, and stem diameter. Dry matter production of cuts from May and July increased linearly with increasing water depth (P < 0.05). Plant height increased linearly as water depth increased in the cuts of May and September, while the height of July cuts was 71.76 cm under an irrigation depth of 390.77 mm. In May, July, and September cuts, leaf percentage decreased linearly as water depth increased (P < 0.05). An increase of 1 mm in water depth reduced leaf percentage by 0.0936% (May), 0.0295% (July), and 0.0122% (September). Our results indicate that to improve dry matter production, May, July, and September cuts should be irrigated with water depths of 56.03 mm, 601.78 mm, and 577.65 mm, respectively
Efeitos da Drenagem Linfática Manual na Diminuição do Edema de Membros Inferiores em Gestantes
Avaliar os efeitos da drenagem linfática na prevenção e diminuição do edemade membros inferiores em gestantes no segundo e terceiro trimestre gestacional.Trata-se de uma série de caso. A população foi composta por 10 gestantes no segundoe terceiro trimestre gestacional. A drenagem linfática foi realizada com a paciente emdecúbito dorsal, a 45 graus. Foi iniciada com a estimulação na região cervical por 15minutos, em seguida estímulos nos linfonodos inguinais de ambos os membros inferiores,poplíteo e maleolar. Cada membro inferior foi drenado durante 20 minutos.Houve redução do edema nos membros inferiores das gestantes em média de doiscentímetros logo após a primeira sessão (efeito agudo) e após a última sessão (efeitotardio) com redução de até cinco centímetros. Houve diferença significativa tanto noefeito agudo quanto no efeito tardio em relação à dor e a fadiga nos membros inferiores.Todas as gestantes ficaram satisfeitas e recomendariam o tratamento. A técnica dedrenagem linfática manual se mostrou eficiente na prevenção e diminuição do edema,dor e fadiga nos membros inferiores em fase aguda e no efeito tardio. Todas as gestantesficaram satisfeitas com a drenagem linfática e recomendariam o tratamento
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