257 research outputs found

    Pourquoi Olympie

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    Lorsque nous approchons du village, mon chien Argos aboie d’une maniĂšre particuliĂšre, pour me signifier d’arrĂȘter l’auto et de le laisser descendre : il veut faire le reste du trajet en courant derriĂšre la voiture et en essayant d’aller plus vite que moi. Les animaux supĂ©rieurs savent jouer et concourir ; le sport est donc encore plus « naturel » que la religion, puisque les humains n’ensevelissent leurs morts que depuis l’époque de NĂ©andertal. À vrai dire, la bonne question serait plutĂŽt de ..

    L’interprĂ©tation et l’interprĂšte

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    La surinterprĂ©tation consiste Ă  croire que le maximum de vĂ©ritĂ© coĂŻncide avec le maximum d’exotisme ou d’intensitĂ©. À partir d’exemples historiques (le so-called symbolisme funĂ©raire romain, la so-called Villa des mystĂšres Ă  PompĂ©i, la vĂ©ritable personnalitĂ© de JĂ©sus, l’esquisse d’une sociologie de la religion, une citation de Jack Goody sur la fausse notion de « mythe »), on essaie de montrer qu’il n’existe pas d’essences, telles que la religion ou le beau, mais des « mixtes », ni d’immĂ©diatetĂ©, de dualisme ou d’habitus, mais une Ă©pigenĂšse, si bien que tout est banalitĂ© et quotidianitĂ©.Overinterpretation consists in believing that the maximum of truth coincides with the maximum of exoticism or intensity. On the basis of historical examples (the so-called roman funerary symbolism, the so-called villa of mysteries at Pompei, the true personality of Jesus, the sketch of a sociology of religion, a quotation of Jack Goody on the false notion of “myth”), we attempt to show that no essentials such as religion or beauty exist, but combinations, nor immediacy, dualism or habitus, but an epigenesis – so much so that everything is ordinary and humdrum

    Mediterranean conundrums : pluridisciplinary perspectives for research in the social sciences

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    This paper has two purposes. First, it summarises the various papers presented at a Pluridisciplinary Conference on the Mediterranean treating the region from a variety of perspectives, a selection of which are published in this issue of History and Anthropology. Second, it attempts to explore some of the tensions between historians and anthropologists, and political scientists and geographers, in the treatment of the region.peer-reviewe

    Der Mediensport Olympia - ein globales Integrationsritual?

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    Die Olympischen Spiele wirken als ein Integrationsritus in einer sich globalisierenden Welt. Der Sport ĂŒberwindet die LĂ€nder-, Kultur- und Rassengrenzen und vereint die Öffentlichkeit mithilfe der Medien. Diese inszenieren die Sportarten gemĂ€ĂŸ ihrer Wirkungslogik, und verĂ€ndern somit den Sport selbst. Trotz Skandalen nimmt die Bedeutung der Spiele stetig zu, sie erreichen mit der Eröffnungsfeier das weltweit grĂ¶ĂŸte (Fernseh-)Publikum. Diese Feier ist ein globaler sakraler Ritus. Besonders das Fernsehen lĂ€sst alle um Ritus teilhaben. Der Sport als soziales Handeln vermittelt einen Glauben an Fortschritt durch Leistung, und die Zuschauer können mithilfe der Medien auch teilnehmen. In Zeiten des Wandels wird der Ritus wichtig fĂŒr die Gemeinschaft.The Olympic Games appear to be a rite of integration in a world of increasing globalization. Sport overcomes national, cultural und racial boundaries, und unites the public with the help of the media. The media (re)produce the different sports according to the functional logic of their medial presentation und therefore change the sports itself: Economy has replaced morality as the highest precept. Despite certain scandals, the Games become more und more significant. The opening ceremony reaches the largest (TV-)audience worldwide. This ceremony is a global religious rite which could have never been accomplished without the media. It is especially television that enables everyone to be a part of the rite. Sport as social action educates a belief in Progress through achievement, and the audience can participate with the help of the media. In times of constant changes, this rite becomes highly important to the community

    Diålogos em delay:especulaçÔes em torno de uma temporalidade outra do encontro pedagógico

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    Resumo A fim de conjecturar um plano Ă©tico-polĂ­tico expansivo capaz de fomentar uma atitude eminentemente crĂ­tica ante o presente educacional, o texto que ora se apresenta organiza-se segundo trĂȘs patamares argumentativos articulados. No primeiro deles, debruçamo-nos sobre o romance MemĂłrias de Adriano e, em especial, sobre as reflexĂ”es de Marguerite Yourcenar acerca do mĂ©todo de composição da obra e de seu modo particular de endereçamento ao passado. Em seguida, por meio de uma espĂ©cie de jogo de contraste com o ponto de vista da escritora, sĂŁo trazidos Ă  baila alguns marcos do legado teĂłrico foucaultiano, especialmente no que se refere aos jogos cruzados entre presente, histĂłria e verdade. Tratou-se, assim, de criar uma ambiĂȘncia argumentativa assentada nas noçÔes de regimes de verdade, de histĂłria genealĂłgica e de ontologia do presente. As discussĂ”es finais do texto dedicam-se a focalizar, a par da prĂłpria experiĂȘncia de Michel Foucault como professor, as duas tĂłpicas principais do percurso ulterior do pensador − o cuidado de si e a parrhesĂ­a −, tendo em vista suas possĂ­veis implicaçÔes pedagĂłgicas. Com isso, almejou-se perspectivar uma mirada sobre o encontro pedagĂłgico que, ao lhe conferir certa potĂȘncia Ă©tico-estilĂ­stica, reclama um regime de tempo diverso nas transaçÔes que aĂ­ tomam lugar
