264 research outputs found

    Algebraic and logistic investigations on free lattices

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    Lorenzen's "Algebraische und logistische Untersuchungen \"uber freie Verb\"ande" appeared in 1951 in The journal of symbolic logic. These "Investigations" have immediately been recognised as a landmark in the history of infinitary proof theory, but their approach and method of proof have not been incorporated into the corpus of proof theory. More precisely, Lorenzen proves the admissibility of cut by double induction, on the cut formula and on the complexity of the derivations, without using any ordinal assignment, contrary to the presentation of cut elimination in most standard texts on proof theory. This translation has the intent of giving a new impetus to their reception. The "Investigations" are best known for providing a constructive proof of consistency for ramified type theory without axiom of reducibility. They do so by showing that it is a part of a trivially consistent "inductive calculus" that describes our knowledge of arithmetic without detour. The proof resorts only to the inductive definition of formulas and theorems. They propose furthermore a definition of a semilattice, of a distributive lattice, of a pseudocomplemented semilattice, and of a countably complete boolean lattice as deductive calculuses, and show how to present them for constructing the respective free object over a given preordered set. This translation is published with the kind permission of Lorenzen's daughter, Jutta Reinhardt.Comment: Translation of "Algebraische und logistische Untersuchungen \"uber freie Verb\"ande", J. Symb. Log., 16(2), 81--106, 1951, http://www.jstor.org/stable/226668

    Insect-Habitat Relationships in Intermittent Streams of Eastern South Dakota

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    Relationships between habitat and invertebrate community structure are an important aspect of bioassessment. Little effort has been made to address these relationships in intermittent streams. The objective of this effort was to examine relationships between habitat and insect community metrics in intermittent streams in Eastern South Dakota. Habitat parameters were measured at 21 sites August 2001 and April, June and August 2002. Aquatic insect samples were collected from all sites, August through October 2001 and April through September 2002. Spearman rank correlation analysis was performed on mean site values (n=21) for habitat and insect community metrics. Only significant correlations (p\u3c0.05) are reported here. Several invertebrate metrics were positively correlated with substrate, bank, and flow measurements. Percent Chironomidae and sprawlers were associated with percent unstable substrate (rho = 0.41 and 0.45, respectively) while percent Ephemeroptera plus Trichoptera were positively associated with fine gravel (rho = 0.47). Numbers of filterers were associated with greater bank erosion, undercut banks and stream flow (rho = 0.42, 0.60 and 0.90, respectively). In contrast, percent Diptera and Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera richness were negatively associated with emergent vegetation (rho = -0.46 to -0.50) and percent predators were negatively associated with stream flow and percent bank erosion (rho = -0.58, -0.73, respectively). These results demonstrate strong relationships between insect community composition, richness and guild metrics and habitat characteristics which may facilitate bioassessment of intermittent streams in Eastern South Dakota

    Classifying training drills based on movement demands in Australian Football

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    Time-motion data was used to classify a selection of training drills. Ten midfielders (age=23.8±1.8yr; height=183.9±3.8cm; mass=83.2±5.0 kg) from an Australian Football League team participated in 17 training drills and four quarters of an official competitive match. Heart rate and time-motion data were collected using Global Positioning and Heart Rate Systems. Cluster analysis of mean distance travelled in the seven velocity zones identified three clusters: 1) game-specific conditioning; 2) skill refining/moderate intensity dominant; and 3) skill refining/low intensity dominant. Differences between the three clusters in distance travelled at the speed zones were confirmed using one-way ANOVA. Differences between clusters were also assessed for number of efforts in velocity zones and percentage time in heart rate zones. When compared to drills with a focus on skill refining or performed on a reduced playing area, drills utilising the entire playing field better replicated the movement characteristics of competitive game play

    Is social media challenging the authority of the judiciary? Rethinking the effectiveness of anonymised and super injunctions in the age of the internet

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    Thaddeus Manu, and Felipe Romero Moreno, 'IS SOCIAL MEDIA CHALLENGING THE AUTHORITY OF THE JUDICIARY? RETHINKING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ANONYMISED AND SUPER INJUNCTIONS IN THE AGE OF THE INTERNET', Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 18 Issue 32, 2016. DOI: 10.1515/jles-2016-0017. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialNoDerivs license as currently displayed on http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/.While freedom of expression has a long and well-established constitutional foundation as a self-governing concept, the right to privacy is a relatively recent norm in the constitutional orientation of the United Kingdom. Until the Human Rights Act 1998, the right to privacy had little standing constitutionally. Following on from this standard-setting, notably, both rights have taken on added importance in our modern technological society. Nevertheless, the formulation of privacy into a legal doctrine of human rights seems to have presented a fundamental tension in relation to freedom of expression. As a matter of legal logic, the courts, through a consideration of the law, examine the substantive legal issues in terms of a balancing process, whereby the interest in privacy is balanced against the interest in freedom of expression. It is a matter of broad principle for the courts to rely on injunctions as ancillary instruments of equity in doing justice in this field. Significantly, while the elementary norm of an injunction is that it commands an act that the court regards as an essential constituent to justice, unfortunately, many contend that judges have gone beyond this point, and this is shifting opinions. In fact, serious concerns have been frequently expressed about the extent to which the rich are easily able to invoke the discretion of the court to grant injunctions in a fashion that remains an antithesis to the principle of open justice and also undermines the exercise of freedom of speech. While this suspicion is not entirely new to matters of procedural law, the recent case, PJS v News Group Newspapers turned on this controversy. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to examine the complexity of celebrity privacy injunctions in the age of the internet and question its relevance, as we outline the extent to which social media is challenging the authority of the state (judiciary) in this direction.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Meaning and Dialogue Coherence: A Proof-theoretic Investigation

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    This paper presents a novel proof-theoretic account of dialogue coherence. It focuses on an abstract class of cooperative information-oriented dialogues and describes how their structure can be accounted for in terms of a multi-agent hybrid inference system that combines natural deduction with information transfer and observation. We show how certain dialogue structures arise out of the interplay between the inferential roles of logical connectives (i.e., sentence semantics), a rule for transferring information between agents, and a rule for information flow between agents and their environment. The order of explanation is opposite in direction to that adopted in game-theoretic semantics, where sentence semantics (or a notion of valid inference) is derived from winning dialogue strategies. That approach and the current one may, however, be reconcilable, since we focus on cooperative dialogue, whereas the game-theoretic tradition concentrates on adversarial dialogue

    Glycaemic control and antidiabetic therapy in patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease - cross-sectional data from the German Chronic Kidney Disease (GCKD) cohort

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease. Little is known about practice patterns of anti-diabetic therapy in the presence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and correlates with glycaemic control. We therefore aimed to analyze current antidiabetic treatment and correlates of metabolic control in a large contemporary prospective cohort of patients with diabetes and CKD. Methods: The German Chronic Kidney Disease (GCKD) study enrolled 5217 patients aged 18-74 years with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) between 30-60 mL/min/1.73 m(2) or proteinuria >0.5 g/d. The use of diet prescription, oral anti-diabetic medication, and insulin was assessed at baseline. HbA1c, measured centrally, was the main outcome measure. Results: At baseline, DM was present in 1842 patients (35 %) and the median HbA1C was 7.0 % (25th-75th percentile: 6.8-7.9 %), equalling 53 mmol/mol (51, 63);24.2 % of patients received dietary treatment only, 25.5 % oral antidiabetic drugs but not insulin, 8.4 % oral antidiabetic drugs with insulin, and 41.8 % insulin alone. Metformin was used by 18.8 %. Factors associated with an HbA1C level >7.0 % (53 mmol/mol) were higher BMI (OR = 1.04 per increase of 1 kg/m(2), 95 % CI 1.02-1.06), hemoglobin (OR = 1.11 per increase of 1 g/dL, 95 % CI 1.04-1.18), treatment with insulin alone (OR = 5.63, 95 % CI 4.26-7.45) or in combination with oral antidiabetic agents (OR = 4.23, 95 % CI 2.77-6.46) but not monotherapy with metformin, DPP-4 inhibitors, or glinides. Conclusions: Within the GCKD cohort of patients with CKD stage 3 or overt proteinuria, antidiabetic treatment patterns were highly variable with a remarkably high proportion of more than 50 % receiving insulin-based therapies. Metabolic control was overall satisfactory, but insulin use was associated with higher HbA1C levels