80 research outputs found

    La religion primitive d’aprĂšs l’école sociologique 

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    La question de la nature et de l’origine de la religion, l’institution qui a occupĂ© la plus large place dans les annales de l’humanitĂ©, reste toujours la question capitale, le vieux problĂšme toujours nouveau. C’est pour tenter encore de le rĂ©soudre que M. Durkheim applique ses thĂ©ories sociologiques Ă  l’étude la religion la plus simple actuellement connue, celle des sociĂ©tĂ©s australiennes. La pauvretĂ© mĂȘme de leurs conceptions, le manque de complication des mythes et des rites nous manifeste,..

    La religion primitive d’aprĂšs l’école sociologique 

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    La question de la nature et de l’origine de la religion, l’institution qui a occupĂ© la plus large place dans les annales de l’humanitĂ©, reste toujours la question capitale, le vieux problĂšme toujours nouveau. C’est pour tenter encore de le rĂ©soudre que M. Durkheim applique ses thĂ©ories sociologiques Ă  l’étude la religion la plus simple actuellement connue, celle des sociĂ©tĂ©s australiennes. La pauvretĂ© mĂȘme de leurs conceptions, le manque de complication des mythes et des rites nous manifeste,..

    Change in diaphragmatic morphology in single-lung transplant recipients: a computed tomographic study

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    Introduction: The influence of lung disease on the diaphragm has been poorly studied. The study aimed to evaluate the diaphragm morphology (height and thickness) in single-lung transplantation (SLTx), using computed tomography (CT), by assessing the evolution of the hemidiaphragm of the transplanted and the native side.Methods: Patients who underwent single lung transplantation in our center (Marseille, France) between January 2009 and January 2022 were retrospectively included. Thoracic or abdominal CT scans performed before and the closest to and at least 3 months after the surgery were used to measure the diaphragm crus thickness and the diaphragm dome height.Results: 31 patients mainly transplanted for emphysema or pulmonary fibrosis were included. We demonstrated a significant increase in diaphragm crus thickness on the side of the transplanted lung, with an estimated difference of + 1.25 mm, p = <0.001, at the level of the celiac artery, and + 0.90 mm, p < 0.001, at the level of the L1 vertebra while no significant difference was observed on the side of the native lung. We showed a significant reduction in the diaphragm height after SLTx on the transplanted side (−1.20 cm, p = 0.05), while no change on the native side (+0.02 cm, p = 0.88).Conclusion: After a SLTx, diaphragmatic morphology significantly changed on the transplanted lung, while remaining altered on the native lung. These results highlights that an impaired lung may have a negative impact on its diaphragm. Replacement with a healthy lung can promote the recovery of the diaphragm to its anatomical morphology, reinforcing the close relationship between these two organs

    Follow-up after radiological intervention in oncology: ECIO-ESOI evidence and consensus-based recommendations for clinical practice

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    Interventional radiology plays an important and increasing role in cancer treatment. Follow-up is important to be able to assess treatment success and detect locoregional and distant recurrence and recommendations for follow-up are needed. At ECIO 2018, a joint ECIO-ESOI session was organized to establish follow-up recommendations for oncologic intervention in liver, renal, and lung cancer. Treatments included thermal ablation, TACE, and TARE. In total five topics were evaluated: ablation in colorectal liver metastases (CRLM), TARE in CRLM, TACE and TARE in HCC, ablation in renal cancer, and ablation in lung cancer. Evaluated modalities were FDG-PET-CT, CT, MRI, and (contrast-enhanced) ultrasound. Prior to the session, five experts were selected and performed a systematic review and presented statements, which were voted on in a telephone conference prior to the meeting by all panelists. These statements were presented and discussed at the ECIO-ESOI session at ECIO 2018. This paper presents the recommendations that followed from these initiatives. Based on expert opinions and the available evidence, follow-up schedules were proposed for liver cancer, renal cancer, and lung cancer. FDG-PET-CT, CT, and MRI are the recommended modalities, but one should beware of false-positive signs of residual tumor or recurrence due to inflammation early after the intervention. There is a need for prospective preferably multicenter studies to validate new techniques and new response criteria. This paper presents recommendations that can be used in clinical practice to perform the follow-up of patients with liver, lung, and renal cancer who were treated with interventional locoregional therapies

    Suivi à long terme aprÚs traitement percutané par radiofréquence des tumeurs pulmonaires : apport de l'étude des cicatrices tardives (aprÚs 3 ans) en scanner

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    ThĂšse prĂ©sentĂ©e sous la forme d'une "thĂšse article"Introduction : L'ablation par radiofrĂ©quence (RF) pulmonaire est une mĂ©thode prometteuse dĂ©veloppĂ©e au cours des deux derniĂšres dĂ©cennies avec l'avantage d'une technique mini- invasive et d’une efficacitĂ© locale Ă©tablie. La RF a montrĂ©, en termes de contrĂŽle local, des rĂ©sultats comparables Ă  ceux de la chirurgie dans le traitement des lĂ©sions secondaires pulmonaires. Le suivi n'est pas standardisĂ© actuellement. L'Ă©volution en scanner Ă  1 an est connue et une classification existe : fibrose, cavitation, atĂ©lectasie, nodule, rĂ©gression. L'objectif de notre Ă©tude est de dĂ©crire l'Ă©volution Ă  long terme du parenchyme pulmonaire aprĂšs la RF.MĂ©thodes : il s’agit d’une Ă©tude monocentrique utilisant la cohorte prospective de notre Ă©tablissement. Un total de 92 lĂ©sions correspondant Ă  62 patients a Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s, correspondant aux donnĂ©es disponibles Ă  plus de 3 ans des patients traitĂ©s entre 2009 et 2013. Les patients ont Ă©tĂ© pris en charge par plusieurs opĂ©rateurs entrainĂ©s, toutes les procĂ©dures Ă©taient rĂ©alisĂ©es par guidage tomodensitomĂ©trique. La majoritĂ© d'entre eux Ă©taient des hommes (55 hommes: 59,8%, Ăąge moyen de 75 ans ± 6,5) avec une prĂ©dominance de lĂ©sions secondaires d’origine colorectales et sarcomateuses (25% et 35,9% respectivement). Les carcinomes pulmonaires non Ă  petites cellules reprĂ©sentaient 16% des patients.RĂ©sultats : le recul concernant la cohorte varie de 3 Ă  7 ans aprĂšs la RF, avec une moyenne et une mĂ©diane de suivi de 4 ans et 10 mois. La taille moyenne des lĂ©sions Ă©tait de 15,2 cm avec une mĂ©diane Ă  13 cm. La fibrose et le nodule ont Ă©tĂ© les Ă©volutions les plus courantes dans 50% et 35% respectivement des cas. Les autres types Ă©taient l'atĂ©lectasie (6%), la disparition (5%) et la cavitation (7%). La plupart des lĂ©sions traitĂ©es Ă©taient de taille infĂ©rieure Ă  2 cm (79%). Concernant les tumeurs de plus de 2 cm l’analyse en sous-groupe montre une tendance Ă  une Ă©volution nodulaire plus frĂ©quente. 7 rĂ©cidives locales ont eu lieu Ă  plus de 3 ans, principalement sur des cicatrices nodulaires (72%) et supĂ©rieures Ă  2 cm (58%). Les courbes d’évolution au cours du temps des cicatrices montrent qu’il n’y a pas de modification significative d’un type de cicatrice vers un autre. Le pourcentage des diffĂ©rentes cicatrices dans la cohorte ne montre pas de diffĂ©rence significative Ă  3, 4 et 5 ans d'Ă©volution (p = 0,57).Conclusion : les cicatrices de RF se prĂ©sentent Ă  long terme essentiellement sous forme de fibrose ou nodulaire. Selon les courbes d’évolution, nous faisons l'hypothĂšse que la cicatrice a pris sa forme dĂ©finitive aprĂšs 3 ans de suivi. Concernant les rĂ©cidives locales, elles sont plus frĂ©quence sur des cicatrices de type nodulaire, ce qui suggĂšre que la surveillance de ce type de cicatrice doit ĂȘtre trĂšs attentive Ă  long terme. Une Ă©tude prospective concernant les rĂ©currences locales pourrait confirmer cette nouvelle hypothĂšse

    Innovation by tumor ablation in thoracic interventional oncology

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    La radiologie interventionnelle est un domaine mĂ©dical en plein expansion dans le champ du traitement du cancer. Le but est la destruction des tumeurs par voie mini invasive Ă  travers la peau, guidĂ©e par l'imagerie, notamment scanner, et rĂ©alisĂ©e par des radiologues interventionnels. Les avantages sont l’épargne des tissus sains, des durĂ©es d’hospitalisations brĂšves et peu de complications.Le poumon, trĂšs aĂ©rĂ©, est un organe propice Ă  ces techniques car isolĂ© Ă  la fois Ă©lectriquement et thermiquement. Les techniques de destruction tumorale sont la radiofrĂ©quence, la cryoablation et les micro-ondes. Nous prĂ©sentons les rĂ©sultats de 3 Ă©tudes portant sur l’évolution des cicatrices pulmonaires aprĂšs radiofrĂ©quences, l’évaluation des micro-ondes sur modĂšle porcin et un cas de cryoablation repoussant les limites de la technique.Ces Ă©lĂ©ments nouveaux dans le domaine de la cancĂ©rologie interventionnelle thoracique permettront de mieux sĂ©lectionner et suivre les patients.Interventional radiology is an expanding medical field and fits into the field of cancer treatment. The goal is tumor destruction through the skin in a minimally invasive manner, guided by imaging and performed by interventional radiologists. The advantages are savings healthy tissues, short hospital stays and few complications.As the lung is very ventilated, it is an organ suitable for these techniques because it is insulated both electrically and thermally. Current techniques are radiofrequency, cryoablation and microwaves. We present the results of 3 studies on a patient cohort describing the long term evolution of pulmonary scars after radiofrequencies, on the value of microwaves on swine model and a clinical case of cryoablation, pushing the limits of the technique.These new elements in the field of interventional thoracic oncology, integrated with current knowledge, will permit to better select and monitor patients

    Low Dose Chest CT and Lung Ultrasound for the Diagnosis and Management of COVID-19

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    International audienceBackground: The COVID-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity to use low- and non-radiating chest imaging techniques on a large scale in the context of an infectious disease, which has never been done before. Previously, low-dose techniques were rarely used for infectious diseases, despite the recognised danger of ionising radiation. Method: To evaluate the role of low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) and lung ultrasound (LUS) in managing COVID-19 pneumonia, we performed a review of the literature including our cases. Results: Chest LDCT is now performed routinely when diagnosing and assessing the severity of COVID-19, allowing patients to be rapidly triaged. The extent of lung involvement assessed by LDCT is accurate in terms of predicting poor clinical outcomes in COVID-19-infected patients. Infectious disease specialists are less familiar with LUS, but this technique is also of great interest for a rapid diagnosis of patients with COVID-19 and is effective at assessing patient prognosis. Conclusions: COVID-19 is currently accelerating the transition to low-dose and “no-dose” imaging techniques to explore infectious pneumonia and their long-term consequences
