4,655 research outputs found

    Théâtre impérial de l’Opéra: seconde représentation de Tannhaüser

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    Transcript of THÉÂTRE IMPÉRIAL DE L’OPÉRA: SECONDE REPRÉSENTATION DE TANNHÄUSER, by Édouard Monnais, writing as Paul Smith, appearing in LA REVUE ET GAZETTE MUSICALE DE PARIS, 24 mars 1861

    Determination Of Lipid Contents Of Two New Soy Bean Cultivars Using Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)

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    Determination of fatty acids and sterols in oil is very important as they serve as the vital indicators of the activity and purity, respectively of the oils. A qualitative Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry study of oils from soy beans of two varieties (TGX 1802-1F, and TGX 1019-2EB) was done to determine their fatty acid, sterol and other compositions. The oils were extracted with n-hexane and concentrated in vacuo using rotary evaporator at 45 oC. The oils were slightly soluble in ethanol, insoluble in water and acetonitrile, and readily soluble in n-hexane, acetone, chloroform and benzene. The oils were preliminarily characterized using iodine value, acid value, specific gravity, volatile matter, saponification value and peroxide value. The acid values were 0.60 and 0.59 respectively, while the specific gravity at 30 oC was 0.919 for both samples. The volatile matters were 0.19 % and 0.17 %, and the peroxidevalues were 9.2 and 9.8 mEq/Kg respectively. Using an Agilient series 6890 Gas Chromatography system with a 5973 mass selective detector, the lipid composition of these oils was studied. Both cultivars were found to contain linoleic acid and pentadecadienoyl octadecadienoate. Palmitic acid and stearic acid were found in TGX 1802-1F, while TGX 1019-2EB was found to contain cholesterol and methyl octadecadienoate. This implies that TGX 1802-1F will be safe in applications where cholesterol free oils are desired. Also, the presence of linoleic acid in the oils indicate that they may be suitable as supplements for lowering the LDL cholesterol levels of the body as well as serve, via Gamma Linolenic Acid, in the biosynthesis of the very important anti – inflammatory 1 – series prostaglandins

    Lacerated Lips and Lush Landscapes: Constructing This-Worldly Theological Identities in the Otherworld

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    When Irenaeus juxtaposed tradition and heresy, he moved away from the Pauline usage, which centered primarily upon incorrect behavior (See 1 Cor 11: 19, Gal 5 :20). lrenaeus\u27 definition of heresy, however, does not indicate that all early Christians prioritized belief over behavior, or even maintained orthodoxy and orthopraxis as separate categories. In the otherworldly spaces of the apocryphal apocalypses doxa and praxis seem to be intertwined, and little or no distinction is made between belief and behavior. Instead, in the Otherworld the categories of primary importance are righteous/unrighteous, good/evil, Christian/Other. The Otherworld is a place in which sins can be sorted and the identity markers which might have been overlooked or are difficult to see in this world can be seen more clearly. And yet, we are left to wonder how that otherworldly clarity maps onto the lived experience of the ancient audiences of these apocalypses. Thus, we will begin by reflecting upon the ability of these apocalyptic texts to create (and recreate) Christian identity by either describing real categories of people, or by creating the categories themselves, and so prescribing reality. In each of the apocalypses that we will discuss the reader learns that his or her identity is determined for all of eternity by the choices that are made in this world. In this regard, each depiction of the otherworld establishes its own identity markers, isolating certain beliefs and behaviors as distinctively Christian. What is startling about the definitions of Christian belief and practice that emerge from each text is that they are rather expansive, covering far more territory than any creed or council. Our discussion will demonstrate that while creedal definitions of orthodoxy ( as well as the apocalyptic definitions of correct belief that mirror them) were often aimed at labeling specific groups as other, the apocalyptic depictions of the otherworld were attempting to be either exhaustive or open-ended, imagining a host of practices that could be used to frame Christian identity. In these imaginary spaces, the theological identities that were crafted could not simply be summarized by simple binaries like orthodoxy/heterodoxy, oppressed/oppressor, or even sinner/sinless. Instead, the apocalyptic visions, which on the surface seem to deal in dichotomies, paradoxically proliferate a range of Christian practices

    A review of the evolution of robotic-assisted total hip arthroplasty.

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    INTRODUCTION: Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is currently a very successful operation but continues to evolve as we try to perfect techniques and improve outcomes for our patients. Robotic hip surgery (RHS) began with the 'active' ROBODOC system in the 1980s. There were drawbacks associated with the original ROBODOC and most recently, the MAKO robot was introduced with early promising results. AIM: The aim of this paper is to provide an up-to-date review surrounding this area and discuss the pros and cons of this technique. METHODS: A literature review searching Medline, Embase, Ovidsp, Cochrane library, pubmed database and google scholar was performed searching keywords including: 'Robotic hip surgery', 'Robotic orthopaedic surgery', 'Computer assisted hip surgery', 'robotic arthroplasty', and 'computer assisted orthopaedic surgery'. CONCLUSION: Robotic hip surgery aims to tackle the limitations of the human factor in surgery by promising reproducible and reliable methods of component positioning in arthroplasty surgery. However, as orthopaedic surgeons, we must critically appraise all new technology and support the use providing there is sound robust evidence backing it

    Diet, Water, and Exercise: Impacts on Non-Communicable Disease in Madolenihmw and Uh Municipalities on Pohnpei Island, Federated States of Micronesia

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    A 2013 article referred to non-communicable diseases (NCD) as “a health emergency” in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and identified five critical NCD risk factors in FSM: daily smoking, overweight, high blood pressure, low consumption of fruits and vegetables, and a low level of physical activity. The objective of this study is to determine the impact of diet, water, and exercise on NCD in Madolenihmw and Uh municipalities, Pohnpei, FSM. We hypothesize that poor diet, poor quality of drinking water, and inadequate exercise contribute significantly to the incidence of NCD in Madolenihmw and Uh municipalities. Data were collected from 52 individuals through interviews and personal observations in Madolenihwm and U. All interviewees say that they eat white rice in all meals, seven days a week. In contrast, production and consumption of green leafy and fruit vegetables is severely deficient. Majority (52%) of the interviewees identified “diarrhea” as their main source of complaint during January-May, 2015. A majority (71%) also indicated that they use untreated water from nearby rivers or streams for drinking. Only a minority (39%) appear to have an adequate level of physical activity. The hypothesis is accepted. The water quality factor needs special consideration as it was not identified in the above-mentioned 2013 article and its importance needs to be highlighted

    Effectiveness of Traditional Treatments of Diabetes in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia

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    Diabetes is the second leading cause of death in Pohnpei – next only to heart disease. However, households in Pohnpei are struggling to make ends meet and find it difficult to afford hospital treatments. The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of selected traditional treatment methods for diabetes using local plant products. We hypothesize that the traditional treatment methods of diabetes could also be effective. Data was collected through interviews and discussions with 17 diabetic patients who have undergone different forms of treatments, and with five medical practitioners. Effects of five treatments were explored: lime and lemon leaf treatment (T1), soursop leaf treatment (T2), hospital treatment (H), hospital + noni leaf treatment (H+T), and no treatment or control (C). Current, mean health condition (0, very poor – 5, perfect) of patients that have undergone the various treatments are as follows: T1 = 3.3, T2 = 2.5, H = 0.6, H+T = 2.0, C = 2.0. Patients that have undergone the T1 and T2 treatments also gave the following assessment of their treatment: T1 mean = 2.0, T2 mean = 2.6. Data collection and analysis is continuing but information gathered so far leads us to accept the hypothesis and to recommend that the traditional treatment methods for diabetes be seriously considered in the current effort to tackle diabetes in Pohnpei

    VE-cadherin and claudin-5: it takes two to tango

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    Endothelial barrier function requires the adhesive activity of VE-cadherin and claudin-5, which are key components of adherens and tight endothelial junctions, respectively. Emerging evidence suggests that VE-cadherin controls claudin-5 expression by preventing the nuclear accumulation of FoxO1 and -catenin, which repress the claudin-5 promoter. This indicates that a crosstalk mechanism operates between these junctional structures