278 research outputs found

    Passenger-Aware Real-Time Planning of Short Turns to Reduce Delays in Public Transport

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    Delays and disruptions are commonplace in public transportation. An important tool to limit the impact of severely delayed vehicles is the use of short turns, where a planned trip is shortened in order to be able to resume the following trip in the opposite direction as close to the schedule as possible. Short turns have different effects on passengers: some suffer additional delays and have to reschedule their route, while others can benefit from them. Dispatchers therefore need decision support in order to use short turns only if the overall delay of all affected passengers is positively influenced. In this paper, we study the planning of short turns based on passenger flows. We propose a simulation framework which can be used to decide upon single short turns in real time. An experimental study with a scientific model (LinTim) of an entire public transport system for the German city of Stuttgart including busses, trams, and local trains shows that we can solve these problems on average within few milliseconds. Based on features of the current delay scenario and the passenger flow we use machine learning to classify cases where short turns are beneficial. Depending on how many features are used, we reach a correct classification rate of more than 93% (full feature set) and 90% (partial feature set) using random forests. Since precise passenger flows are often not available in urban public transportation, our machine learning approach has the great advantage of working with significantly less detailed passenger information

    Coach-Athlete Philosophy and Team Cohesion in Collegiate Women\u27s Basketball

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    The study examined the effects of coach-athlete philosophy of various collegiate level women\u27s basketball teams on team cohesion levels as perceived by the athletes. The philosophic orientation of head coaches (n = 4) and athletes (n = 43) was determined by use of the Philosophic Affiliation Team Survey (PATS). The team cohesion levels, as scored by the Group Environment Questionnaire, GEQ (Carron, Windmeyer, & Brawley, 1985), were compared between those coaches and athletes who displayed a philosophic match and those who did not match. Specifically, the purposes were to a) determine if those athletes who matched the philosophy of their head coach (PATS) scored higher in team cohesion than those athletes who did not match their coach\u27s philosophy, b) determine in which subscales of team cohesion the coach-athlete match subjects (n = 29) scored higher, and c) determine if the PATS displayed concurrent validity with a parent test (Zeigler, 1989). MANOVA results indicated a significant main effect for philosophy match (Wilk\u27s Lambda = .44, F(4, 38) = 12.27, p \u3c .0001). Total structure coefficients for GEQ subscales were r = .99 (GI-T), r = .87 (GEQ Total), r = .71 (GI-S), r = .48 (ATG-T), and r = .45 (ATG-S), indicating that each aspect of team cohesion significantly differentiated athletes whose philosophy matched their coach from those whose philosophy did not match. Examination of the total structure coefficients indicated that while all GEQ subscales could significantly differentiate athletes that matched their head coach\u27s philosophy, Group Integration-Task (r = .99) and Group Integration-Social (r = .71) were especially meaningful in this relationship. Post hoc follow-up tests indicated that the Division II level college team produced the highest total cohesion mean (M = 140.30), compared to the Junior College (M= 113.23) and the Division I (major) (M = 110.90) teams. In turn, both of these teams measured significantly higher mean values than the Division I (mid-major) school (M= 91.80). The PATS showed no significant overall concurrent validity with the parent test (Zeigler, 1989), as evidenced by low overall correlations between the PATS results and their scores on the respective subscales of the parent test. Despite the lack of support for the validity of the PATS, there was a significant level of concurrent validity (r = .39, p \u3c .05) on the idealist scale, indicating if the subject was classified as an idealist on Zeigler\u27s survey (1989), then the subject would most likely be classified as an idealist on the PATS. Overall results provided high levels of support for the influence of coach-athlete philosophic match on team cohesion levels as perceived by the athletes. Results are discussed for the potential of the coach-athlete philosophic orientation in the study of sport philosophy based on the current findings and the importance of team cohesion in building success within athletic teams

    Coach-Athlete Philosophy and Team Cohesion in Collegiate Women\u27s Basketball

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    The study examined the effects of coach-athlete philosophy of various collegiate level women\u27s basketball teams on team cohesion levels as perceived by the athletes. The philosophic orientation of head coaches (n = 4) and athletes (n = 43) was determined by use of the Philosophic Affiliation Team Survey (PATS). The team cohesion levels, as scored by the Group Environment Questionnaire, GEQ (Carron, Windmeyer, & Brawley, 1985), were compared between those coaches and athletes who displayed a philosophic match and those who did not match. Specifically, the purposes were to a) determine if those athletes who matched the philosophy of their head coach (PATS) scored higher in team cohesion than those athletes who did not match their coach\u27s philosophy, b) determine in which subscales of team cohesion the coach-athlete match subjects (n = 29) scored higher, and c) determine if the PATS displayed concurrent validity with a parent test (Zeigler, 1989). MANOVA results indicated a significant main effect for philosophy match (Wilk\u27s Lambda = .44, F(4, 38) = 12.27, p \u3c .0001). Total structure coefficients for GEQ subscales were r = .99 (GI-T), r = .87 (GEQ Total), r = .71 (GI-S), r = .48 (ATG-T), and r = .45 (ATG-S), indicating that each aspect of team cohesion significantly differentiated athletes whose philosophy matched their coach from those whose philosophy did not match. Examination of the total structure coefficients indicated that while all GEQ subscales could significantly differentiate athletes that matched their head coach\u27s philosophy, Group Integration-Task (r = .99) and Group Integration-Social (r = .71) were especially meaningful in this relationship. Post hoc follow-up tests indicated that the Division II level college team produced the highest total cohesion mean (M = 140.30), compared to the Junior College (M= 113.23) and the Division I (major) (M = 110.90) teams. In turn, both of these teams measured significantly higher mean values than the Division I (mid-major) school (M= 91.80). The PATS showed no significant overall concurrent validity with the parent test (Zeigler, 1989), as evidenced by low overall correlations between the PATS results and their scores on the respective subscales of the parent test. Despite the lack of support for the validity of the PATS, there was a significant level of concurrent validity (r = .39, p \u3c .05) on the idealist scale, indicating if the subject was classified as an idealist on Zeigler\u27s survey (1989), then the subject would most likely be classified as an idealist on the PATS. Overall results provided high levels of support for the influence of coach-athlete philosophic match on team cohesion levels as perceived by the athletes. Results are discussed for the potential of the coach-athlete philosophic orientation in the study of sport philosophy based on the current findings and the importance of team cohesion in building success within athletic teams

    Daily movement patterns of Maja crispata Risso 1827(Brachyura, Majidae)

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    Daily movements in a population of the spider crab Maja crispata were studied in the northern Adriatic Sea. The sex ratio of males to females was 3:2, with males reaching a maximum carapace length of 91 mm and females a maximum of 74 mm. M. crispata was most abundant on the bottom of the boulder field than in any other habitat. The seven studied specimens had non-directional movements in unrestricted areas and stayed mostly on the rocky bottom at depths ranging 0.8-3.5 m. The maximum distance from the starting point, reached in 9 days, was 16 m

    Vana-Pärnu : üks ununenud Eesti linn

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    Digiteeritud Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi rahastusel, projekti "Eesti teadus- ja õppekirjandus" (2014-2020.12.03.21-0848) raames.https://www.ester.ee/record=b1308895*es

    The Secondary Blood Vessel System of Segmental Arteries and Dorsal Aorta in Blennius pavo and Zosterisessor ophiocephalus. Histology, Fine Structure and SEM of Vascular Corrosion Casts.

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    The secondary blood vessel system of the segmental arteries and of the dorsal aorta of the teleost fish Blennius pavo and Zosterisessor ophiocephalus are examined by light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and by scanning electron microscopy of appropriately processed tissue and of vascular corrosion casts. Dorsal, lateral and ventral segmental arteries and the caudal portions of the dorsal aorta have a secondary vessel system. The secondary vessels are formed by capillaries which arise from the proximal portions of the segmental arteries and from the caudal parts of the dorsal aorta. In Z. ophiocephalus these capillaries are strongly dilated at their origin, in B. pavo they are less dilated, but more intensively coiled. The secondary vessels establish veins which run parallel to the corresponding primary arteries. At the ultrastructural level the secondary vessels consist of a thin endothelium and a longitudinal and a transversal orientated layer of collagen fibres. Secondary veins lack a basal membrane. A possible function of the secondary vessel system of B. pavo and Z. ophiocephalus as a modified drainage system is discussed

    War Photojournalism and Violence in Worldwide Photojournalism Contests

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    This master's thesis researches how often and how worldwide photojournalism competitions award photographs that capture phenomena such as war conflicts, violence, and their consequences. The basis of this research is a hypothesis that shots capturing described phenomena dominate some of the contest categories. The theoretical part contains fundamental information related to the topic of the research - negativity as a news value and the concept of war frame in the journalism field. Peace journalism and solutions journalism have developed to answer to the high rate of negative content in the news, as they do not focus on the negative aspects of events, which presents a different approach to journalistic work. The relation between those two approaches and photojournalism is described in more detail, so is a brief overview of worldwide contests and their influence on the photojournalism field. The research part of the thesis combines content analysis with semiotic analysis and delves into the frequency of awarding described photographs and the content of the photographs, as well as the development in awarding such pictures in time. The research also includes the analysis of several photographs that can be considered a part of peace or solutions journalism. The semiotic analysis then explores such pictures in...Diplomová práce zkoumá jak často a jakým způsobem jsou ve fotožurnalistických soutěžích oceňovány jevy jako válečné konflikty, násilí a jejich následky. Základem pro práci je hypotéza, že snímky zachycující takové negativní jevy soutěžím v některých jejich kategoriích dominují. V teoretické části jsou popsány základní východiska související s předmětem výzkumu - negativita jako zpravodajská hodnota a koncepce válečného rámce ve fotografii. Jako odpověď na vysokou míru negativního obsahu ve zpravodajství se vyvinuly přístupy mírové a solutions žurnalistiky, jež se nesoustředí pouze na negativní aspekty událostí a nabízí odlišnou žurnalistickou praxi. Vztah těchto přístupů k fotožurnalistice je také podrobněji popsán v teoretické části, stejně jako stručný přehled světových soutěžích a jejich vlivu na oblast novinářské fotografie. Výzkumná část se na základě teoretických poznatků - prostřednictvím obsahové a sémiotické analýzy - zabývá tím, jak často jsou popsané jevy oceňovány, co je na fotografiích zachycováno, jak se ocenění proměňovalo v čase a do jaké míry se mezi oceněnými snímky objevují i snímky zařaditelné do směru mírové nebo solutions žurnalistiky. Sémiotická analýza se dále takovým snímkům věnuje detailněji a popisuje jejich základní charakteristiky. V závěru jsou sumarizovány výsledky získané z...Department of JournalismKatedra žurnalistikyFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Echtzeitanalyse des photoinduzierten Wachstums von Siliziumoxid mittels spektroskopischer Ellipsometrie und FTIR-Spektroskopie

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    Um die photochemisch induzierte Oxidation von Silizium zu untersuchen, wurde in dieser Arbeit eine Messapparatur für in situ und Echtzeit-Diagnose geplant und aufgebaut. Der Prozess wurde durch die direkte Bestrahlung der Probenoberfläche mit einem Fluorlaser oder einem ArF-Laser induziert. Durch die hohe Photonenenergie dieser UV-Laser von 7,9 eV Fluorlaser) bzw. 6,4 eV (ArF-Laser) wurden bei diesen Experimenten Moleküle in der Gasphase dissoziiert, wobei atomarer Sauerstoff erzeugt wurde. Dieser war für die Oberflächenoxidation verantwortlich. Es wurden Oxidationsatmosphären mit verschiedenen Konzentrationen an O2 oder N2O verwendet und die Probentemperatur wurde über einen großen Bereich variiert. In den Oxidationsexperimenten wurde das Wachstum ultradünner Oxidfilme (< 6 nm) auf H-terminierten Siliziumoberflächen untersucht. Dabei kamen amorphe Siliziumfilme, Si(100)-Einkristalle und Si(111)-Einkristalle zum Einsatz. Der Oxidationsprozess wurde mit FTIR-Spektroskopie und mit spektroskopischer Ellipsometrie in Echtzeit charakterisiert. Mittels FTIR-Spektroskopie konnte die Abnahme der H-Terminierung und das Wachstum der Oxidstruktur beobachtet werden. Für die Modellierung der ellipsometrischen Messungen wurde ein 3-Lagen-Modell entwickelt. Zwischen dem amorphen Siliziumdioxidfilm (a-SiO2) und dem Siliziumsubstrat enthält dieses Modell eine Grenzschicht. Diese setzt sich aus einer ultradünnen Lage aus dichtem, amorphem Silizium (a-Si) und aus einer Suboxidlage (SiOx, x = 0..2) zusammen. Der Aufbau der Oxidstruktur auf den drei verschiedenen Siliziumsubstraten wurde untersucht. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass die Oxidationsbedingungen wenig Einfluss auf die Oxidstruktur hatten. Vielmehr war der Aufbau des Oxids charakteristisch für das verwendete Substrat. Auf den amorphen Siliziumfilmen wuchs direkt ein a-SiO2-Film ohne die Ausbildung eine Grenzschicht. Im Gegensatz dazu bildete sich auf den Si(100)-Substraten eine Grenzschicht aus, die aus einer (0,1 ± 0,1) nm dicken dichten a-Si-Lage und aus einer (0,40 ± 0,15) nm dicken SiOx-Schicht (x = 0,15 ± 0,10) besteht. Die dickste Grenzschicht wurde auf den Si(111)-Oberflächen gemessen. Sie setzte sich aus einer (0,2 ± 0,1) nm dicken dichten a-Si-Lage und aus einer (0,85 ± 0,25) nm dicken SiOx-Schicht (x = 0,40 ± 0,15) zusammen. Es wurde der Schluss gezogen, dass die Aufgabe der Grenzschicht darin besteht, die geordnete, kristalline Struktur des Substrats mit der amorphen Struktur des Oxids zu verbinden und Spannungen bei diesem Übergang abzubauen. Es zeigte sich, dass sich die Grenzschicht in der ersten Oxidationsphase aufbaute und sich während des weiteren Oxidwachstums kaum mehr änderte. Die Kinetik des SiO2-Filmwachstums hängt von den Reaktionsbedingungen ab. Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass die Oxidation bei hohen Drücken (~ 1000 mbar) stark gehemmt war. Mit höheren Temperaturen (32 °C - 300°C) nahm die Wachstumsrate zu, was bei einem diffusionskontrollierten Prozess zu erwarten war. Der Wachstumsverlauf lässt sich mit dem klassischen Deal-Grove-Modell nicht beschreiben. Die Wachstumsrate ist im frühen Stadium des Oxidationsexperiments größer, und die Selbstlimitierung des Wachstums ist bei dickeren Filmen stärker. Unter Berücksichtigung der Rekombination von atomarem Sauerstoff während der Diffusion im Oxid konnte ein Wachstumsmodell erstellt werden, mit dem das Wachstumsverhalten sehr gut beschreibbar ist. Daraus konnte die Aktivierungsenergie für die Diffusion von Sauerstoffatomen in a-SiO2 bestimmt werden (ED = 0,15 eV). Dieser niedrige Wert erklärt, warum es mit atomarem Sauerstoff möglich ist, selbst bei geringen Konzentrationen und niedrigen Temperaturen SiO2-Filme zu erzeugen. Es wurden Versuche durchgeführt, in einer ozonhaltigen Atmosphäre die Oberflächenoxidation photochemisch zu induzieren. Aufgrund des hohen Drucks und der Rekombination von Sauerstoffatomen mit Ozon konnte jedoch kein photoinduziertes Oxidwachstum beobachtet werden