209 research outputs found

    An Unfinished Journey: The Evolution of Crime Measurement in the United States

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    This article traces the history of crime measurement in the United States beginning with the U.S. census in 1790 while exploring several key pieces of history that influenced how crime is measured today. After discussing the origins of the U.S. census and its contributions to measuring crime, the Chicago School of Sociology is observed for its monumental influence on early criminology in America. Next, the division of sociology and criminal justice into two distinct fields had major implications for measuring crime. How crime is measured is often attributed to the ideological differences between these academic fields. Then, the three primary methods of crime measurement used today: (1) the Uniform Crime Reports; (2) self-report surveys; and (3) victimization surveys are given a critical gaze. More importantly, the social, political, and historical influences that led to the adoption of these methods are discussed and their ramifications reviewed. Finally, a mixed method approach based on the history of crime measurement development is suggested for future criminologists and sociologists alike

    The Uncatchable Crook: Pursuing Effective State Crime Control

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    This article investigates an interesting conundrum of addressing crime when the state commits a crime itself, and most often is the primary apparatus of crime control. Even more difficult in pursuing state crime control, the state typically plays a major role in defining crime. Criminologists commonly suggest state sanctions to address crime, and states to sanctions other states for their crimes. However, such an approach struggles when faced with the punishment of a powerful state’s criminal actions such as the United States. After laying out the controversy at the heart of controlling state crimes, several criminological theories traditionally employed to deal with street crime (e.g., burglary, rape, murder) are applied to state crime in an attempt to develop novel ways of addressing state crime. A few critical crime approaches are also addressed. Finally, the article concludes by discussing a method for discovering which crime control techniques are most effective encouraging future researchers to employ such a technique to advance our limited knowledge on controlling state crimes


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    We used radiotelemetry during 2004 and 2005 to investigate seasonal movements and habitat use and to improve our understanding of how land management practices were affecting Western Massasauga (Sistrurus tergeminus) populations in Nebraska. We found Western Massasaugas to brumate in crayfish burrows 100% of the time, and spring emergence occurred during March - April. The longest movements occurred during May when snakes were moving away from brumation sites to summer habitat, after which movements decreased until a second peak in August. We did not find significant differences between male and female activity area, range length, total distance moved, daily movement, or distance from spring and fall brumation sites. However the core activity range of females was significantly less than that of males. During the active season, grassland habitat was used 75.6% of the time compared to habitats of grassland-shrubs (10.7%), hydrophilic vegetation (9.1%), woodlands (3.1%), and shrublands (1.5%). Identifying variations in a species spatial ecology is important for achieving long-term conservation goals because life history events, resource availability, and land management practices may have an effect on seasonal movements and habitat use. The results of our study demonstrate the need for, and some of the necessary data for, improved land management planning in order to meet conservation needs of the Western Massasauga in Nebraska

    Trends in immediate postmastectomy breast reconstruction in the United Kingdom

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    The study aimed to evaluate local and national trends in immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) using the national English administrative records, Hospital Episode Statistics. Our prediction was an increase in implant-only and free flap procedures and a decline in latissimus flap reconstructions.Data from an oncoplastic center were interrogated to derive numbers of implant-only, autologous latissimus dorsi (LD), LD-assisted, and autologous pedicled or free flap IBR procedures performed between 2004 and 2013. Similarly, Hospital Episode Statistics data were used to quantify national trends in these procedures from 1996 to 2012 using a curve fitting analysis.National data suggest an increase in LD procedures between 1996 (n = 250) and 2002 (n = 958), a gradual rise until 2008 (n = 1398) followed by a decline until 2012 (n = 1090). As a percentage of total IBR, trends in LD flap reconstruction better fit a quadratic (R(2) = 0.97) than a linear function (R(2) = 0.63), confirming a proportional recent decline in LD flap procedures. Conversely, autologous (non-LD) flap reconstructions have increased (1996 = 0.44%; 2012 = 2.76%), whereas implant-only reconstructions have declined (1996 = 95.42%; 2012 = 84.92%). Locally, 70 implant-assisted LD procedures were performed in 2003 -2004, but only 2 were performed in 2012 to 2013.Implants are the most common IBR technique; autologous free flap procedures have increased, and pedicled LD flap procedures are in decline

    Boeing 18-Inch Fan Rig Broadband Noise Test

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    The purposes of the subject test were to identify and quantify the mechanisms by which fan broadband noise is produced, and to assess the validity of such theoretical models of those mechanisms as may be available. The test was conducted with the Boeing 18-inch fan rig in the Boeing Low-Speed Aeroacoustic Facility (LSAF). The rig was designed to be particularly clean and geometrically simple to facilitate theoretical modeling and to minimize sources of interfering noise. The inlet is cylindrical and is equipped with a boundary layer suction system. The fan is typical of modern high-by-pass ratio designs but is capable of operating with or without fan exit guide vanes (stators), and there is only a single flow stream. Fan loading and tip clearance are adjustable. Instrumentation included measurements of fan performance, the unsteady flow field incident on the fan and stators, and far-field and in-duct acoustic fields. The acoustic results were manipulated to estimate the noise generated by different sources. Significant fan broadband noise was found to come from the rotor self-noise as measured with clean inflow and no boundary layer. The rotor tip clearance affected rotor self-noise somewhat. The interaction of the rotor with inlet boundary layer turbulence is also a significant source, and is strongly affected by rotor tip clearance. High level noise can be generated by a high-order nonuniform rotating at a fraction of the fan speed, at least when tip clearance and loading are both large. Stator-generated noise is the loudest of the significant sources, by a small margin, at least on this rig. Stator noise is significantly affected by propagation through the fan

    Ultracool Field Brown Dwarf Candidates Selected at 4.5 microns

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    We have identified a sample of cool field brown dwarf candidates using IRAC data from the Spitzer Deep, Wide-Field Survey (SDWFS). The candidates were selected from 400,000 SDWFS sources with [4.5] <= 18.5 mag and required to have [3.6]-[4.5] >= 1.5 and [4.5] - [8.0] <= 2.0 on the Vega system. The first color requirement selects objects redder than all but a handful of presently known brown dwarfs with spectral classes later than T7, while the second eliminates 14 probable reddened AGN. Optical detection of 4 of the remaining 18 sources implies they are likely also AGN, leaving 14 brown dwarf candidates. For two of the brightest candidates (SDWFS J143524.44+335334.6 and SDWFS J143222.82+323746.5), the spectral energy distributions including near-infrared detections suggest a spectral class of ~ T8. The proper motion is < 0.25 "/yr, consistent with expectations for a luminosity inferred distance of >70 pc. The reddest brown dwarf candidate (SDWFS J143356.62+351849.2) has [3.6] - [4.5]=2.24 and H - [4.5] > 5.7, redder than any published brown dwarf in these colors, and may be the first example of the elusive Y-dwarf spectral class. Models from Burrows et al. (2003) predict larger numbers of cool brown dwarfs should be found for a Chabrier (2003) mass function. Suppressing the model [4.5] flux by a factor of two, as indicated by previous work, brings the Burrows models and observations into reasonable agreement. The recently launched Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) will probe a volume ~40x larger and should find hundreds of brown dwarfs cooler than T7.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the June 2010 issue of The Astronomical Journa

    SCARF-1 promotes adhesion of CD4+ T cells to human hepatic sinusoidal endothelium under conditions of shear stress

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    Abstract Liver-resident cells are constantly exposed to gut-derived antigens via portal blood and, as a consequence, they express a unique repertoire of scavenger receptors. Whilst there is increasing evidence that the gut contributes to chronic inflammatory liver disease, the role of scavenger receptors in regulating liver inflammation remains limited. Here, we describe for the first time the expression of scavenger receptor class F, member 1 (SCARF-1) on hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells (HSEC). We report that SCARF-1 shows a highly localised expression pattern and co-localised with endothelial markers on sinusoidal endothelium. Analysis of chronically inflamed liver tissue demonstrated accumulation of SCARF-1 at sites of CD4+ T cell aggregation. We then studied the regulation and functional role of SCARF-1 in HSEC and showed that SCARF-1 expression by HSEC is regulated by proinflammatory cytokines and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Furthermore, SCARF-1 expression by HSEC, induced by proinflammatory and gut-derived factors acts as a novel adhesion molecule, present in adhesive cup structures, that specifically supports CD4+ T cells under conditions of physiological shear stress. In conclusion, we show that SCARF-1 contributes to lymphocyte subset adhesion to primary human HSEC and could play an important role in regulating the inflammatory response during chronic liver disease
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