443 research outputs found

    Application of the European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM) to assessing the eutrophication status in the OSPAR Maritime Area, with particular reference to nutrient discharges from Scottish salmonid aquaculture

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    Aquaculture production of salmonids in Scotland has grown over the last 15 years, exceeded 150,000 tonnes in 2001. There have been conflicting views as to the likely ecological impact of nutrient discharges from this activity. Whilst quantitative assessments of aquaculture nutrient discharges have been carried out, the debate regarding possible eutrophication impacts of these discharges has so far been largely speculative. In order to provide a quantitative basis for this discussion, a marine ecosystem model was used to simulate the consequences of a 50% reduction in aquaculture nutrient discharges, and the results are presented here

    Modelling the behaviour of nutrients in the coastal waters of Scotland

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    The overall goal of this project was to provide Scotland with a strategic ecosystem simulation tool for identifying maritime areas which could be at risk of eutrophication. The tool should provide spatially resolved output, and be capable of discriminating between different types and locations of nutrient inputs, so as to enable scenario analyses of different reduction options. The specific aims of the project were firstly to simulate the annual cycles of nutrients and ecological properties of Scottish waters and advise on areas which might suffer from eutrophication, and secondly, to determine the contribution of Scottish nutrient discharges to eutrophication in the OSPAR maritime area as a whole

    Modelling the behaviour of nutrients in the coastal waters of Scotland - an update on inputs from Scottish aquaculture and their impact on eutrophication status

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    A previous study estimated that salmon farming contributed approximately 6% of Scotland's nitrogen-nutrient input to coastal waters, and 13% of phosphorus (based on 2001 production figures). However, in some areas of the west of Scotland with small freshwater catchment areas and low levels of human habitation, aquaculture inputs represented greater than 80% of the total. In 2002, FRS published results from an ecosystem modelling study involving a collaboration with the Institute for Marine Research, University of Hamburg, and the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute in Aberdeen, to assess the eutrophication impact of various nutrient inputs to Scottish waters. The results suggested that a 50% reduction in aquaculture salmon production would have only a small impact on water quality which would be undetectable against the background of natural variability due to climate variations. Estimating aquaculture nutrient discharge is a difficult task. The 2002 study was based on data relating to the consented biomass of fish at farm sites in sea lochs. Since then, new data have become available on the actual harvest of fish at all sites in Scotland. In this report, we re-assess the salmon production in Scotland in 2001 and the consequent nutrient discharge, and repeat the ecosystem model runs to estimate the impact of reduction scenarios on eutrophication status. The new data indicate that the previous study had overestimated salmon production and nutrient discharge by approximately 18% Scotland wide. Production and discharge at Shetland and in the Southern Hebrides had been under-estimated, whilst that in the Minches had been over-estimated. New runs of the ecosystem model show that the original conclusions on eutrophication impact were sound. A scenario of 50% reduction in salmon production produced regional changes in water quality which were less than 25% of the natural variability due to climate. New runs simulating a cessation of aquaculture showed that even this extreme reduction scenario produced changes in water quality that were less than half the natural variability

    Heparan sulfate proteoglycan-dependent neutrophil chemotaxis toward PR-39 cathelicidin

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    Cathelicidins are mammalian proteins containing a C-terminal cationic antimicrobial domain. Porcine PR-39 cathelicidin affects leukocyte biology. Mechanisms of action may involve alteration of heparan sulfate proteoglycan-dependent functions in inflammatory cells. It was tested whether PR-39 affects human neutrophil migration and if such effects involve heparan sulphate proteoglycans. Neutrophils were from forearm venous blood of healthy donors. Migration was tested in modified Boyden chamber assays. Involvement of heparan sulfate proteoglycans was tested by their chemical modification and by the use of specific antibodies. PR-39 induced migration in neutrophils in a concentration dependent manner. Modification of heparan sulfate proteoglycans with sodium chlorate inhibited migration whereas chemotaxis toward the chemoattractant formyl-Met-Leu-Phe was not affected. Removal of heparan sulfates or chondroitin sulfates from the surface of neutrophils by heparinase or chondroitinase inhibited migration toward PR-39. In conclusion, antimicrobial PR-39 stimulates human neutrophil chemotaxis in a heparan sulfate proteoglycan-dependent manner. Involvment of syndecans is likely as both heparinase and chondroitinase were abrogating. Data suggest active participation of heparan sulfate proteoglycans of neutrophils in cathelicidin peptide-mediated regulation of the antimicrobial host defense

    Relation of C-reactive protein to body fat distribution and features of the metabolic syndrome in Europeans and South Asians.

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between circulating C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations and indices of body fat distribution and the insulin resistance syndrome in South Asians and Europeans. DESIGN: : Cross-sectional study. SUBJECTS: A total of 113 healthy South Asian and European men and women in West London (age 40-55 y, body mass index (BMI) 17-34 kg/m(2)). MEASUREMENTS: Fatness and fat distribution parameters (by anthropometry, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and abdominal CT scan); oral glucose tolerance test with insulin response; modified fat tolerance test; and CRP concentration by sensitive ELISA. RESULTS: Median CRP level in South Asian women was nearly double that in European women (1.35 vs 0.70 mg/1, P=0.05). Measures of obesity and CRP concentration were significantly associated in both ethnic groups. The correlation to CRP was especially strong among South Asians (P0.15). CONCLUSION: We suggest that adiposity and in particular visceral adipose tissue is a key promoter of low-grade chronic inflammation. This observation may in part account for the association of CRP with markers of the metabolic syndrome. Future studies should confirm whether CRP concentrations are elevated in South Asians and whether losing weight by exercise or diet, or reduction in visceral fat mass, is associated with reduction in plasma CRP concentrations

    Cross-Talk Between Interferon-γ and Hedgehog Signaling Regulates Adipogenesis

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    OBJECTIVE: T cells and level of the cytokine interferon-γ (IFN-γ) are increased in adipose tissue in obesity. Hedgehog (Hh) signaling has been shown to potently inhibit white adipocyte differentiation. In light of recent findings in neurons that IFN-γ and Hh signaling cross-talk, we examined their potential interaction in the context of adipogenesis. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We used Hh reporter cells, cell lines, and primary adipocyte differentiation models to explore costimulation of IFN-γ and Hh signaling. Genetic dissection using Ifngr1<sup>-/-</sup> and Stat1<sup>-/-</sup> mouse embryonic fibroblasts, and ultimately, anti-IFN-γ neutralization and expression profiling in obese mice and humans, respectively, were used to place the findings into the in vivo context. RESULTS: T-cell supernatants directly inhibited hedgehog signaling in reporter and 3T3-L1 cells. Intriguingly, using blocking antibodies, Ifngr1<sup>-/-</sup> and Stat1<sup>-/-</sup> cells, and simultaneous activation of Hh and IFN-γ signaling, we showed that IFN-γ directly suppresses Hh stimulation, thus rescuing adipogenesis. We confirmed our findings using primary mouse and primary human (pre)adipocytes. Importantly, robust opposing signals for Hh and T-cell pathways in obese human adipose expression profiles and IFN-γ depletion in mice identify the system as intact in adipose tissue in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: These results identify a novel antagonistic cross-talk between IFN-γ and Hh signaling in white adipose tissue and demonstrate IFN-γ as a potent inhibitor of Hh signaling

    Disturbance indicator values for European plants

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    Motivation Indicator values are numerical values used to characterize the ecological niches of species and to estimate their occurrence along gradients. Indicator values on climatic and edaphic niches of plant species have received considerable attention in ecological research, whereas data on the optimal positioning of species along disturbance gradients are less developed. Here, we present a new data set of disturbance indicator values identifying optima along gradients of natural and anthropogenic disturbance for 6382 vascular plant species based on the analysis of 736,366 European vegetation plots and using expert-based characterization of disturbance regimes in 236 habitat types. The indicator values presented here are crucial for integrating disturbance niche optima into large-scale vegetation analyses and macroecological studies. Main types of variables contained We set up five main continuous indicator values for European vascular plants: disturbance severity, disturbance frequency, mowing frequency, grazing pressure and soil disturbance. The first two indicators are provided separately for the whole community and for the herb layer. We calculated the values as the average of expert-based estimates of disturbance values in all habitat types where a species occurs, weighted by the number of plots in which the species occurs within a given habitat type. Spatial location and grain Europe. Vegetation plots ranging in size from 1 to 1000 m(2). Time period and grain Vegetation plots mostly sampled between 1956 and 2013 (= 5th and 95th quantiles of the sampling year, respectively). Major taxa and level of measurement Species-level indicator values for vascular plants. Software format csv file

    Osteocyte deficiency in hip fractures

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    Osteocytes play a central role in the regulation of bone remodeling. The aim of this study was to explore osteocyte function, and particularly the expression of SOST, a Wnt inhibitor, in patients with hip fractures. Serum sclerostin levels were measured by ELISA. The expression of several osteocytic genes was studied by quantitative PCR in trabecular samples of the femoral head of patients with hip fractures, hip osteoarthritis and control subjects. The presence of sclerostin protein and activated caspase 3 was revealed by immunostaining. There were no significant differences in serum sclerostin between the three groups. Patients with fractures have fewer lacunae occupied by osteocytes (60 ± 5% vs. 64 ± 6% in control subjects, P = 0.014) and higher numbers of osteocytes expressing activated caspase 3, a marker of apoptosis. The proportion of sclerostin-positive lacunae was lower in patients with fractures than in control subjects (34 ± 11% vs. 69 ± 10%, P = 2 × 10(-8)). The proportion of sclerostin-positive osteocytes was also lower in patients. RNA transcripts of SOST, FGF23 and PHEX were also less abundant in fractures than in control bones (P = 0.002, 5 × 10(-6), and 0.04, respectively). On the contrary, in patients with osteoarthritis, there was a decreased expression of SOST and FGF23, without differences in PHEX transcripts or osteocyte numbers. Osteocyte activity is altered in patients with hip fractures, with increased osteocyte apoptosis and reduced osteocyte numbers, as well as decreased transcription of osteocytic genes. Therefore, these results suggest that an osteocyte deficiency may play a role in the propensity to hip fractures

    The incidence of fractures in children under two years of age: a systematic review

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    Background Epidemiological research on fractures in children under the age of two is of great importance to help understand differences between accidental and abusive trauma. Objective This systematic review aimed to evaluate studies reporting on the incidence of fractures in children under two years of age, excluding birth injuries. Secondary outcome measures included fracture location, mechanisms of injury and fracture characteristics. Methods A systematic literature review (1946 to February 7th 2024), including prospective and retrospective cohort studies and cross-sectional cohort studies, was performed. Studies including children from other age groups were included if the actual measures for those aged 0–2 years could be extracted. We also included studies restricted to infants. Annual incidence rates of fractures were extracted and reported as the main result. Critical appraisal of was performed using the Appraisal tool for Cross-Sectional Studies. Results Twelve moderate to good quality studies met eligibility criteria, of which seven were based on data from medical records and five were registry studies. Studies investigated different aspects of fractures, making comprehensive synthesis challenging. There was an overall annual fracture incidence rate of 5.3 to 9.5 per 1,000 children from 0–2 years of age; with commonest sites being the radius/ulna (25.2–40.0%), followed by tibia/fibula (17.3–27.6%) and the clavicle (14.6–14.8%) (location based on 3 studies with a total of 407 patients). In infants, the reported incidence ranged between 0.7 to 4.6 per 1,000 (based on 3 studies), with involvement of the clavicle in 22.2% and the distal humerus in 22.2% of cases (based on 1 study). Only a single metaphyseal lesion was reported (proximal humerus of an 11-month-old infant). Fracture mechanisms were detailed in four studies, with fall from chair, bed, table, own height or fall following indoor activities causing 50–60% of fractures. Conclusions There is a paucity of good quality data on fracture incidence in children under the age of two. Larger, prospective and unbiased studies would be helpful in determining normal pattern of injuries, so that differences from abusive trauma may be better understood
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